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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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OK, I know that Bo was sick every break in his finale and they suspected food poisoning, but it really wasn't. I know Clay had food poisoning during the Wildcard results. And he had mint poisoning on Billy Joel. But I did not hear about food poisoning on the finale. I heard exhaustion as they had to learn so many songs and so much choreography, never again repeated in a finale. (man, Clay and Ruben had it the roughest!, So unappreciated by the younger fans)

Gosh darn, I really have to reread LTS.

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I was thinking the same thing Play. I haven't read it since it came out. I think I'll start a little thread somewhere for those that want to re-read and chat about.

Hmm I never heard he was sick finale night either or at least I don't remember it.

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Didn't I tell you we needed to wrap you in Bubble Wrap???!!!!

Love the pictures of Clay and Sasha - especially her showing him how to lace his skates!!

His blog - I don't do sappy.

Oh, yeah. I forgot. I don't have a concert . . . :cry4:

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OK, I know that Bo was sick every break in his finale and they suspected food poisoning, but it really wasn't. I know Clay had food poisoning during the Wildcard results. And he had mint poisoning on Billy Joel. But I did not hear about food poisoning on the finale. I heard exhaustion as they had to learn so many songs and so much choreography, never again repeated in a finale. (man, Clay and Ruben had it the roughest!, So unappreciated by the younger fans)

Gosh darn, I really have to reread LTS.

Oops yeah it was wildcard...hee not reading properly...

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:cry4: I was able to get into the OFC and read Clay's newest blog, then went over to the media section to check out the new pictures. Was able to download the 1st one, then when I tried to go back to get the rest it kicked me out. Now when I try to sign in, it shows that I'm in, but no matter what I try to click on, it brings me back to another sign-in page. Any ideas about what I need to do to get back in? :cry4:
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:cry4: I was able to get into the OFC and read Clay's newest blog, then went over to the media section to check out the new pictures. Was able to download the 1st one, then when I tried to go back to get the rest it kicked me out. Now when I try to sign in, it shows that I'm in, but no matter what I try to click on, it brings me back to another sign-in page. Any ideas about what I need to do to get back in? :cry4:

I couldn't get in today and changed from Mozilla to Internet Explorer and then was able to, although someone said they were on Mozilla and didn't have any trouble, so I don't know. It let me log in as well but I couldn't go to the messageboard or blogs or anything.

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:cry4: I was able to get into the OFC and read Clay's newest blog, then went over to the media section to check out the new pictures. Was able to download the 1st one, then when I tried to go back to get the rest it kicked me out. Now when I try to sign in, it shows that I'm in, but no matter what I try to click on, it brings me back to another sign-in page. Any ideas about what I need to do to get back in? :cry4:

I had the same problem. I cleared cache and cookies and rebooted twice. Not sure what did the trick, but its working for me now. Hope you get it figured out.

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hmmmm....I could write him a story.... :whistling-1:

:devil: :thdom2: :lipstick::pinkhandcuffsf::XmasRed: :17f71c4d: B)

Oh - it's that classic and timeless Christmas tale of pursuit, seduction, bondage and hot monkey sex. Didn't Burl Ives narrate a TV version of that story back in the day? And wasn't it sponsored by the Gillette company with the flying razors and whatnot?

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:cry4: I was able to get into the OFC and read Clay's newest blog, then went over to the media section to check out the new pictures. Was able to download the 1st one, then when I tried to go back to get the rest it kicked me out. Now when I try to sign in, it shows that I'm in, but no matter what I try to click on, it brings me back to another sign-in page. Any ideas about what I need to do to get back in? :cry4:

I couldn't get in today and changed from Mozilla to Internet Explorer and then was able to, although someone said they were on Mozilla and didn't have any trouble, so I don't know. It let me log in as well but I couldn't go to the messageboard or blogs or anything.

I had the same problem. I cleared cache and cookies and rebooted twice. Not sure what did the trick, but its working for me now. Hope you get it figured out.

Thanks for the advice. I was able to get back in, but had to clear cookies each time I wanted to go to a new picture. (Jeez-has anyone mentioned lately how CUTE he is? And what big feet he has?) It seems ok now that I'm just checking out the blog. Wish I had a heartwarming or funny story to tell, but I can't imagine getting up on stage in front of all those people! I'll take my "up-close and personal" encounters with Clay without the audience, thankyouverymuch!

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I guess my story about finding my new parakeet having his way with the plastic bird in his cage on Christmas morning is not the kind of teary eyed story he is looking for? My mother was in tears of laughter trying to explain to a five year old what exactly he was doing!!!

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hmmmm....I could write him a story.... :whistling-1:

:devil: :thdom2: :lipstick::pinkhandcuffsf::XmasRed: :17f71c4d: B)

Oh - it's that classic and timeless Christmas tale of pursuit, seduction, bondage and hot monkey sex. Didn't Burl Ives narrate a TV version of that story back in the day? And wasn't it sponsored by the Gillette company with the flying razors and whatnot?

And wasn't it in claymation as well?

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hmmmm....I could write him a story.... :whistling-1:

:devil: :thdom2: :lipstick::pinkhandcuffsf::XmasRed: :17f71c4d: B)

Oh - it's that classic and timeless Christmas tale of pursuit, seduction, bondage and hot monkey sex. Didn't Burl Ives narrate a TV version of that story back in the day? And wasn't it sponsored by the Gillette company with the flying razors and whatnot?


btw, I think the razors make it more S&M, but what do I know. :whistling-1:

bottlecap, here is a thumbnail of the pic I used for the banner. When I saw the tongue I thought of you. Trouble is that it's grainy, hence the reason for the 'artsy' banner, but you gotta' love that face. lol It was taken by 4omc.



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Well, to get it out of my system, I wrote my tear jerking story, but the down side is there is no happy ending or finding of faith. It ends up with me committing a crime or at least a moral crime. I like the Santa didn't wrap the gifts story better though. I still have one to submit tonight. I guess Santa wasn't mechanical, so I had to stay up late on Christmas since I was 13 to put my baby brother's toys together story isn't what Clay is looking for?


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I guess my story about finding my new parakeet having his way with the plastic bird in his cage on Christmas morning is not the kind of teary eyed story he is looking for? My mother was in tears of laughter trying to explain to a five year old what exactly he was doing!!!

Seems like that's the perfect lead-in to The Twelve Days of Christmas with the six geese a-laying and the four calling birds and the partridge in a pear tree and whatnot.

Thanks for the pic, laughn. Promptly saved as "Skating Tongue." :hubbahubba:

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I'm thinking it's getting more and more obvious that Clay dealt with young kids and special needs kids and not grown ups as a teacher. He should have written a few more vignettes and then just had a contest for "readers". Poor guy.

I heard a very funny speaker once say that when she was told that you couldn't fit a square peg in a round hole, she responded that you could if you PUSHED!! This situation sorta reminds me of that. :cryingwlaughter:

Darn. I wasn't paying much attention to the story contest, and then several people commented that the stories showing up on the OFC were mostly tragic. I thought I was doing Clay a favor by sending in a funny one. Oh well.

LOVE the banner and the new pics of Clay and Sasha.

It was tough for me to get any skating!Clay! pics, because I had the shutter speed so slow, so any I post are gonna be blurry. Still, he's just so darn cute it's hard to resist.


I'll bet you will not be completely surprised to know that he was approaching the TV camera when I took this pic. :D

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I'll bet you will not be completely surprised to know that he was approaching the TV camera when I took this pic. :D

The man is 100% Honeybaked. :cryingwlaughter:

The thing about the Christmas stories is, what one person laughs at another might think is sad or depressing. If I tell you that we were so poor we couldn't afford a Christmas tree (true) it might seem like a depressing story...but when you add in 4 drunk uncles waiting until midnight to claim the left over free trees at the area tree lots, unless you hate the drinking idea, you get a funny story about three kids waking up to see a freakin' pine forest sitting in their backyard Christmas morning.

Makes me wonder what Clay will consider sad or tear worthy actually.

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The female skaters are blurry, but Clay's face is pretty clear! Clay is such a ham. He cracks me up! And I love how vivid the colors are in this pic. You did a great job of editing it!

The pics with Sasha from the OFC are really cute. Gosh, that's one HUUUUGGGEE skate Clay's putting on! The angle of the pic makes his skate look really big, but still, that's a biiiig skate! I just wish that I could tie his laces for him. :naughtywag:

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Awww, so glad I checked in before bed or I would have missed the blog! I think he really has an idea of how he wants this portion of the show to go, and in order to achieve that, he needs a balance of different kinds of stories for each venue. I guess maybe some venues are skewing more towards only one type of story, so he's trying to nudge us the right direction.

Mine could probably be considered a kind of heart warming, renewed faith type of story. Maybe I have a shot after all? :clap:

Love the Clay & Sasha pictures! Cool that they are OFC exclusives.

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OK - I have to say this.....

(And with all due respect to anyone here who submitted a story and/or whose story might be chosen...)

I HATE this idea of Clay's and it is the one part of this tour I am NOT looking forward to. I hate "faith renewed" Christmas stories. I hate sappy Christmas stories. I hate Christmas for that matter. The last thing I want to listen to when I could be listening to Clay are a bunch of stories read by people who will - for the most part - probably read in a monotoned boring manner.

I have a feeling if I wrote this to Clay he would think it was the saddest story of all.

And that would make me sad.

I think he pities people like me - someone who doesn't believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of God. And I HATE that he would feel pity for me because I don't pity myself. I don't feel anything lacking from my life because of my beliefs (in other ways perhaps, but not from my beliefs). I respect his beliefs, but I have a feeling he wouldn't respect mine.

So this whole thing just reinforces the biggest difference between Clay and me, and the one thing about him which always has bothered me - this feeling that preaching the gospel in an effort to convert the heathens of this world - is so ingrained in him that he is not even aware of it.

Now, I KNOW this is a Christmas concert and it is a given there will be songs about Jesus and God and all that. But having people read stories of faith and faith renewed.......

I don't like it.

Besides the whole thing reminds me of a church/grade school Christmas pageantl.

But its Clay's show, not mine. And he has to do what makes him happy. Sometimes what makes him happy makes me happy too. Sometimes not.

Hmmmm. Sounds like real life to me!

I just hope his hair looks good and his pants fit tightly so I will have something to distract me from these stories.

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OK - I have to say this.....

(And with all due respect to anyone here who submitted a story and/or whose story might be chosen...)

I HATE this idea of Clay's and it is the one part of this tour I am NOT looking forward to. I hate "faith renewed" Christmas stories. I hate sappy Christmas stories. I hate Christmas for that matter. The last thing I want to listen to when I could be listening to Clay are a bunch of stories read by people who will - for the most part - probably read in a monotoned boring manner.

I have a feeling if I wrote this to Clay he would think it was the saddest story of all.

And that would make me sad.

I think he pities people like me - someone who doesn't believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of God. And I HATE that he would feel pity for me because I don't pity myself. I don't feel anything lacking from my life because of my beliefs (in other ways perhaps, but not from my beliefs). I respect his beliefs, but I have a feeling he wouldn't respect mine.

So this whole thing just reinforces the biggest difference between Clay and me, and the one thing about him which always has bothered me - this feeling that preaching the gospel in an effort to convert the heathens of this world - is so ingrained in him that he is not even aware of it.

Now, I KNOW this is a Christmas concert and it is a given there will be songs about Jesus and God and all that. But having people read stories of faith and faith renewed.......

I don't like it.

Besides the whole thing reminds me of a church/grade school Christmas pageantl.

But its Clay's show, not mine. And he has to do what makes him happy. Sometimes what makes him happy makes me happy too. Sometimes not.

Hmmmm. Sounds like real life to me!

I just hope his hair looks good and his pants fit tightly so I will have something to distract me from these stories.

So why are you going to a Christmas concert if you hate Christmas so much? And I am really not sure why Clay's faith bothers you so much...he has never denied it and it is part of who he is. And I think he is very aware of how much his faith is ingrained in him but I have never gotten the impression that he is trying to convert the "heathens of the world"...he is simply celebrating the season and encouraging good will towards men.

As far as understanding your beliefs, Clay addressed that in LTS...you might want to re-read it.

And as someone who does believe in God, I find your post rather intolerant.


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