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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


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47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Hey, guys, where was the party after the show, gang? After having such a blast with you all, cha cha and i were soooo looking forward to seeing you all again!

So we went to the hotel to 1331 and left shortly thereafter.

And the secret ain't no big whoop!!!!

It was such a joy to see you all anyway!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good Morning Everyone,

19 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

22 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

35 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

46 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!!


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OK, here's the deal. If I were in a m&g with Clay, and he told us something and then said, but don't tell, it's a secret, I wouldn't tell. I also wouldn't come online and say "I know a secret and you don't". I just wouldn't tell at all. But I think what clayamour did was fine, it was her choice to tell. Now, the admin decisions to edit it out and make everyone scramble for back channel info....let's just say I vehemently disagree with. Some boards thrive on back channel info. I don't think we're one of them, at least we never have been up to this point.

So, paraphrased (cuz I left the cut and paste version on my home machine and I'm now at work), she said that he was asked if he would use a British accent in Spamalot, and he answered in a perfect British accent something like "of course, why wouldn't I?" and proceeded to speak like that for a few minutes. Hee, what a guy, I love him.

Mods, trout away if you must.

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OK, here's the deal. If I were in a m&g with Clay, and he told us something and then said, but don't tell, it's a secret, I wouldn't tell. I also wouldn't come online and say "I know a secret and you don't". I just wouldn't tell at all. But I think what clayamour did was fine, it was her choice to tell. Now, the admin decisions to edit it out and make everyone scramble for back channel info....let's just say I vehemently disagree with. Some boards thrive on back channel info. I don't think we're one of them, at least we never have been up to this point.

So, paraphrased (cuz I left the cut and paste version on my home machine and I'm now at work), she said that he was asked if he would use a British accent in Spamalot, and he answered in a perfect British accent something like "of course, why wouldn't I?" and proceeded to speak like that for a few minutes. Hee, what a guy, I love him.

Mods, trout away if you must.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: (and will the trout will be wearing stillettoes?)

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It doesn't surprise me one bit that he had the accent down beforehand. The guy is a natural born mimic.

And now I will go take a moment with the thought of him speaking to me that way.


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OK, here's the deal. If I were in a m&g with Clay, and he told us something and then said, but don't tell, it's a secret, I wouldn't tell. I also wouldn't come online and say "I know a secret and you don't". I just wouldn't tell at all. But I think what clayamour did was fine, it was her choice to tell. Now, the admin decisions to edit it out and make everyone scramble for back channel info....let's just say I vehemently disagree with. Some boards thrive on back channel info. I don't think we're one of them, at least we never have been up to this point.

So, paraphrased (cuz I left the cut and paste version on my home machine and I'm now at work), she said that he was asked if he would use a British accent in Spamalot, and he answered in a perfect British accent something like "of course, why wouldn't I?" and proceeded to speak like that for a few minutes. Hee, what a guy, I love him.

Mods, trout away if you must.

Thank you luckies, for finally letting the rest of us in on the 'earthshattering' secret. :cryingwlaughter: I was in a management workshop last week and one of the things we talked about was how even the smallest things can turn in to huge issues ,without communication. If a person feels like they're being left out deliberately, small issues take on monumental proportions. As is evidenced here. (edited: I don't just mean FCA, I mean Clayland in general) I pretty much doubt that Clay will be very upset if this 'secret' gets out. I mean, really, who cares? Like Couchie said, did anyone really expect him to not do a British accent? I'm more interested to know if he's going to use his own hair and grow it out, or if he'll wear a wig.

:wub: I love his long hair.

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Like Couchie said, did anyone really expect him to not do a British accent?

Heeee......I have read elewhere that a few don't think he is capable of it..also read that it would be a hoot if he didn't use an accent - hah! Ah'm Sir Robin! but that would really just make it the Clay Aiken show. He is a professional, and I don't see Mike Nichols accepting anything less.

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Thanks, Luckiest! I wouldn't tell a secret from a M&G, either, but once I hear that there is one, curiosity get the better of me, and I want to know.

I so enjoyed last night's concert and can't wait for Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday. What a voice! :clap: I'll write more later, after I have a chance to get my thoughts together. I was glad to meet Claygasm, muskifest, and KAndre. Nice to put faces to names.

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That's the secret?! whoopdedoo.gif

So, I survived Book week. It was the most amazing amount of fun imaginable...and exhausting. Best of all was meeting so many people that I have read or heard about for the past few years, many of them right here! If I had to take a test and match faces to names...I would fail miserably, but I would have fun trying.

My official wrap up is over at the OFC, here.... Wrap Up

However I wanted to bring this paragraph here...

Thank you to so many other boards who set up book threads to discuss this adventure and Clay fans who carried the information to their home boards. Thank you to the FCA for letting me bounce ideas off of them and giving me what I felt were balanced opinions. Thank you to all the librarians, teachers and book lovers who contributed book lists to help with our book selections.

....because I really did appreciate your help. My close friends were a bit put off, but I told them, they would tell me what they think I want to hear...I might as well ask the mirror. I knew from the way I had seen free thinking and opposing opinions tossed about here, I was more liable to get an honest feel for things. Thanks again.

It's going to be nice to slink back into lurkdom.....

The pace is a whole lot slower there!bubblesmiley.gif


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Got to clarify something first---jamar and Gibby, I wasn't trying to diss your Wichita experience at all. I was basing my comments about how much 'better' he was in DC on what I'd heard from Wichita clack and from a purely vocal performance standpoint, he seemed to have smoothed over some rough spots between the first concert and the one last night. Funny...when I was listening to the Wichita cellcert, I couldn't believe how wonderful his voice sounded. Then when I listened to the actual audio recordings of it, I could hear a number of cracks and whatnot....that's all I meant. I wasn't in the least meaning to suggest that your concert EXPERIENCE was any less than mine last night. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Secret? BWAH! As CG and I were talking about the big secret last night in our room, CG brought up an interesting tidbit to remember---supposedly Clay was voted "Biggest Gossip" in his high school.!!!!! :cryingwlaughter: So I guess that confirms what I've pretty much thought anyway----the whole "I've got a secret to tell you, so don't tell. It's just for you, etc...." is Clay being Clay---I bet he gets a charge out of seeing what gets shared and what doesn't. I mean, he is excellent at actually keeping many things private and secret when he wants/needs to, so he knows how.

Telling his fans anything is NOT the way. And he knows it.

The little shit. :hubbahubba:

Some added thoughts to last night's quickie post about the concert. I loved the experience. He's beautiful---truly---and his voice has never sounded better. I really enjoyed hearing Angela sing 'differently'---soft and gentle and sweet. Both women looked lovely and the dresses CMSU! Sorry, just thought they were very 1950's prom-like. I'm in awe of Jesse's talent. It was interesting reading from someon on CH who stopped by the lighting guy to thank him, etc. And he told her he doesn't take his own equipment, like he does when he works with rock band tours. So he has to use whatever the venue has---that explains why last night's light show wasn't anywhere near what I'd been reading about, I guess.

I did think the stories last night were too long and maudlin. Touching---yes, but they needed to be tightened up/shortened and I do NOT understand why there had to be such sadness in most of them. Everybody died. Yes, there was triumphant joy, etc. But sometimes sad stories are just that---sad stories. I couldn't help but think of people listening who perhaps were struggling with their own real-life matters of life and death and who might've just wanted to enjoy a night of beautiful music instead of feeling empathy to the point of such sadness. The main thing, though, is that I really did find my attention wandering (not that I didn't enjoy staring at Clay's scrumptious profile in silhouette.. :hubbahubba: ). I do appreciate the concept and the readers who shared. I just wanted to get out my English teacher's red edit pen and cut the length and wordiness out of them. Story 'theme'---excellent; story composition--not so much. Too long.

Anyhoo...all the while I was watching Clay holding himself back from jumping off that little square platform during DSIAFCD, I was thinking...."Hmmm....I have to go to Portland before the holidays for work....wonder how much airfare is between there and Merrilville...." :whistling-1:

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Anyhoo...all the while I was watching Clay holding himself back from jumping off that little square platform during DSIAFCD, I was thinking...."Hmmm....I have to go to Portland before the holidays for work....wonder how much airfare is between there and Merrilville...." :whistling-1:

Heeee, looks like I'm not the only one trying to fit in another concert! Just can't get enough of our fantastic singer man.

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You know... how can it be a secret when half of claynation knows about it. I'm not going to spend teh rest of the day sending secret little PMs. So Clay will have an English accent, big whoop. Every other secret he ever gave in m&g also hit the boards and he damn well knows it too. The shock for him is when it doesn't get out. Hell I think he is conducting some sort of secret research with those little shhhhh don't tell secrets. You can't put the damn horse back in the barn or whatever that damn saying is. It's just way too late for that and it does more harm than good to try at this point. The thing is I wasn't even interested in the story..the stress of needing more money for something else was way too high anyway :cryingwlaughter: Thank god it's only that.

OMG I would have to go back to last night's posts and edit? eeek that would give me more ink than the history of the board...at least 2 posts :cryingwlaughter:

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About the English accent.....

I had no doubts that he would/could do it........... he was in a play in HS?? and used an English accent then. I don’t have the vid, but someone posted it right after Spamalot was announced, so I don't remember what it was..... something about apples.

He did a great job with the accent ..... and there is another video of him in the Santa suit (Home Town Connection) that shows him speaking with an accent that sounds like it could be German.

I think we have just seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his talent........

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In high school, he used a cockney accent, but last year he used a Nu Yawka accent and it was pretty darn good. I think too many fans think of Clay as a little boy who is very naive and needs help to know who his friends really are and how badly he is bienig screwed over in business and has to be kept thin so he doesn't look to manly and in charge of his life, but more like the young boy he was when they first saw him.

I see him as a quick study in life and probably does accents to tease people and joke around.

I don't think the waxing story made the rounds and inquiring minds want to know!

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Merchandise question for anyone who attended last night's show. Now, I've read that they sold out of scarves, and apparently said that there won't be any more for the tour? Well, in Kalamazoo, they sold out of RED scarves, but had quite a stack of the oatmeal coloured ones left as people were exiting the venue after the show. So did they only sell oatmeal scarves last night, or did more red ones appear? I am feeling really glad that I grabbed a red one before the concert.....I didn't buy a hat or a poster, because I figured I'd spread my merchandise purchases out over my 3 shows (and because I am broke until next pay day).

I hope they make some sort of tour merchandise available on the OFC, as they have suggested that they will, for those not able to attend.

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In the Spamalot press release, Mike Nichols said:

"Clay Aiken is amazing beyond that glorious voice. Turns out he is an excellent comic actor and a master of character. People will be surprised by his wide ranging talent, since the first impression is of great country charm and a singer to remember. This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more. We are lucky to get him for SPAMALOT."

Enough said!

Now the Russian dance... that could take some schooling. *g*

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Thanks rohdy for the idea and the good job. I must admit I didn't donate to this particular cause, but I was happy to hear that so many did. :clap:

I missed the cellcert last night. So happy to hear it was another great concert. The pictures are great and I hope to watch some of the videos tonight. Can't wait for my trip. I was listening to a cd of the JNT 05 while traveling yesterday, I loved the song Christmas Serenade and Celebrate me home. I can't even imagine his voice improving on that. I guess I'm one of the few people who enjoyed that show as did my friends. :8:

Ran into a NJU last night at our WFI at the mall. She went to two of the summer tours and was so sad at missing the Christmas concerts. One of the women wrapping was getting a cellcert so she let her listen in. After that she left a very generous donation. We don't initiate Clay talk but this particular young woman knew about the BAF and brought it up.

Hope you can go to a second concert Gibby, your clack was wonderful from the first. Hope everyone else who wants to go again gets the opportunity.

We have two plumbers and two electricians trying to finish up our kitchen today. I hope it's finally done. There is cooking to be done for my gym class annual Christmas party tomorrow. And I want my dishwasher back. :cry4: I'm getting dishpan hands. Spoiled as I am.

ETA: Just wanted to add that as a singer with a good ear it is not unusual to be able to mimic. I didn't realize that was even a question. I feel sure he can do what the part requires or that wouldn't have hired him. Or as cindilu said.

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Yeah, I tend to believe that Clay wouldn't tell fans anything he really wanted to be kept secret. His most recent disclosure is really just a fun, but minor tidbit. That said, I do find it off-putting for people to announce that "he told us a secret we can't tell you." Better to say nothing at all than to create an appetite for the so-called privileged information.

I think Clay can pull off the accent. He's had some exposure to the British (Simon, Nigel, Vanessa, etc.) and my suspicion is that he's worked very hard to get it right for this production. If it is convincing, I do think he can impress more than a few people out there.

Congratulations on the book drive's success, Rhody!

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In the Spamalot press release, Mike Nichols said:

"Clay Aiken is amazing beyond that glorious voice. Turns out he is an excellent comic actor and a master of character. People will be surprised by his wide ranging talent, since the first impression is of great country charm and a singer to remember. This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more. We are lucky to get him for SPAMALOT."

Enough said!

Now the Russian dance... that could take some schooling. *g*

I think Clay would have killed on those stilts last night had he been in "The Amazing Race"!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Hee, listening to deborah760's DC audio clack (fantastic quality, btw!) and I hear that Clay has gone back to the more traditional "shall come to thee" in OCOCE. I guess that answers my question about whether he goofed the words in Kalamazoo, and kept it up through all the verses for the sake of consistency. :)

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If this cuts down on the Please PM me the Secret posts elsewhere, I will have done my good deed for the day! :lol:

Here's clayamour's post... I know luckiest paraphrased, but here's the original:

From clayamour's M&G:

I just got back and it was really fun to finally meet Clay. OK, let's just get to the important thing-the secret. There were 5 of us tonight and Clay gave us a small tidbit, nothing major but as soon as he said it it was pretty clear that he hadn't intended to say it so he immediately said he didn't want to read about it and if he did he knew it was one of us and then he said each of our names. So I finally meet Clay and he asks me to do one thing, keep a little secret and I can't really do it. I can't keep secrets. Now my only dilemma is that if I tell then there will be those who will label me a "bad fan." Probably not here but certainly at other boards. I just read this from our own Berkeley.

I don't mind Clay telling secrets to M&F winners --- thinking about it, it's probably nothing really big anyway, and if it is everyone else will find out in the due course of time. I think it's a nice little perk.

I'm just really impressed that people are keeping the secrets. To me, that speaks well of them, that they give their word and keep it!

So I definitely have some reservations about spilling it, but hey, if he had said "Can you keep a secret?" I would have said "No, so don't tell me." But he didn't ask so here goes:

In the M&G this lovely 21 year old girl asked "Clay, are you going to use an English accent when you do Spamalot?" And he responded, Why wouldn't I do an English accent---in a perfect English accent!! I don't mean a stupid Orbit commercial accent or an overblown cockney accent, but a really good accent. And then he kept speaking like that for 5 minutes. Ladies, you don't know what sexy is until you hear Clay as a Brit. He went on in his adorable and terribly sexy accent to explain that the reason he had to meet Mike Nichols was because Nichols didn't think he could do it but he already had the accent down. So when we hear him once the show opens (and I guess he wanted the accent to be a surprise) know that he didn't work for months with an acting coach. He had it in him. So Clay spilled the accent to us. It was amazing.

OK, I had to tell you becasue I really hate when people come out of a M&G and say "I have a secret." I want to hurt those people, sorry if it is you. I can not be one of those people so if that makes me a bad fan I can live with that. I just know the frustration that it causes me personally and I am finally in a position to end it. We never did hear about the waxing this past summer and I stillwanna know why!!

And from claysiempre at CP last night re: the "dehairing": :lol

I know the waxing secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in the M&G when it was told. I don't get this whole "secret" obsession Clay has. It drives me crazy. I voiced this opinion shortly after my M&G, but I'll say it again. If Clay wants to create unity within the fandom having people running around with secrets that he has told is not a good way to go about it. It makes people act childish. The ones holding the secret and the ones that feel the need to know.


OH! Back to the summer secret. The fans had it figured out before the "secret" was told in the M&G. If you read my blog at the OFC you will get a recap of how it came up. I had no idea he was "hairless" so imagine my surprise when someone asked him what happened to the hair on his arms. :wtf

I had been offline quite a bit at the beginning of the tour due to computer problems and could only stay online for a few minutes at a time, so I was out of the loop. After my M&G I went back and found posts about how Clay didn't have hair on his arms after a few shows into the tour and fans guessed that he did it to get a spray tan. This was before my M&G.... people had guessed exactly why.

If your hairy the stuff doesn't work so well. Clay found out the hard way and had to dehair (is that a word?) and redo the tan to get it to look right and not splotchy. As far as why he felt the need to use tanning stuff...I don't remember him discussing that. I'm thinking it was purely cosmetic....he looks like a ghost sometimes in those bright lights. But then, I was in a bit of a fog after the person asked him. It kind of put a damper on the M&G for me. Sorry to the person who asked, but I thought it was an inappropriate question. And he was polite about it but I don't think he expected that question and that may be why he said it was a secret. It was a knee jerk reaction out of embarrassment.

I could see he was tan and not the usual pasty Clay we all know and love when he walked in the room but I didn't even think about his "fur" being missing. I guess I'm not as observant as others. As soon as he explained it made absolute sense. I'm kind of surprised people were making such a big deal of the secret when there really was no secret. I hinted about it in several places but people either ignored me or wanted it to be something more.

I'm going to bad fan hell now. :lol

don't quote me on this, because like I said I was in shock but I'm pretty sure he said he shaved. After he became all splotchy he had to and do a redo on the tanning stuff. Also, I'm not really sure it was a spray tan or that tanning lotion. His legs were hairless too. Either way I'm sure if you are as hairy as Clay it doesn't work well. He showed us a few remaining splotches.

He had on shorts so of course as he is answering the question I'm looking at his arms and legs. I was sitting about 3 feet from him. I looked up and Jamie was watching me...looking at him. We held eyes for a moment and then we both grinned. It was an odd moment. :lol

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Congratulations on the book drive's success, Rhody!

Yes!! And you don't have to slink back into lurkdom..peak out now and then.

I peak out every now and then myself. :imgtongue:

I'm at home again today. I am enjoying this semi-retirement--wish it was for real.

Rohdy, congratulations on the success of the book drive. It was fun to watch your idea take hold and turn into such an outpouring of support. I read your recap at OFC last night and was happy to see the KCIS ladies were so thrilled with the results.

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