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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Good Morning Everyone,

Tonights the night! It is going to be a very long day at work! Safe travels for all those leaving to head out to their concerts.

Love all the sightings already...I don't know why, but I am so happy Clay has his fur babies with him this time, it really bothered me that he had to leave them behind over the summer tour.

26 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

29 Days until The Skating Show starts!

42 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

53 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a good day!


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Happy 1st concert day to all!!!!

I was just looking at my calendar, and I realized that today starts a month of craziness for me - 3 live concerts, plus trying to catch as many cellcerts as I can for the rest, two hospital appts for my son, and 2 weeks of training at work starting next week, that may see me stuck in a room with no internet access all day. Or, if my boss is nice, it could also see me working from home for 2 weeks, which I would much prefer. ;) And, let's not forget Christmas itself, which I am hosting at my house again this year. Fun, fun, fun!

ETA this great Kalamazoo article:

Clay nation includes Kalamazoo


To most of us, Clay Aiken is that nice young man who placed second in the 2003 season of "American Idol."

But it seems Aiken has a cult following among middle-aged women, creating an unexpected boon for Miller Auditorium and Kalamazoo Public Schools.

Aiken will be in town Friday for a holiday concert with the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra at Miller Auditorium -- an event occurring on Aiken's 29th birthday.

To the delighted astonishment of Miller officials, they've sold tickets in 26 states for the concert, drawing hundreds of women from fan clubs with names such as Claynation and Claymates. About 50 Aiken fans were so determined to get front-and-center seats that they bought season subscriptions to Miller, costing those patrons an extra $100 each. (The fans donated tickets for the other events back to MIller, which is distributing them to area service clubs.)

"We've never had anything like this before," said Tracy Lawie, Miller's director of marketing. "We had no idea (Aiken) had this type of following. No clue whatsoever."

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Good morning all!

It's concert day!

I had a semi-bad dream last night....I had driven down to St. Louis for my show, and had gotten to the theater early enough that I could scope out particular seats (I know where this was coming from -- I was looking for upgrades last night). But then I realized that I didn't have my original tickets, I didn't have my clothes for that night....nothing. All I had was me, and I was paranoid that the theater management would figure out that I was in the theater without a ticket and toss me out! Fortunately, I woke up at that point. This dream made me compile my list this morning of all I need to take with me for tomorrow!

As I said before, I'm going to try and stay away from the cellcert and the boards for tonight. I might skim for a picture or two though....*g*

BTW, I pinned the concert thread for this evening; it's located here.

ETA: Kalamazoo Gazette: Clay Nation Includes Kalamazoo

Clay nation includes Kalamazoo

Posted by Julie Mack | Gazette November 26, 2007 08:14AM

Categories: Breaking News, Top Stories

To most of us, Clay Aiken is that nice young man who placed second in the 2003 season of "American Idol."

But it seems Aiken has a cult following among middle-aged women, creating an unexpected boon for Miller Auditorium and Kalamazoo Public Schools.

Aiken will be in town Friday for a holiday concert with the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra at Miller Auditorium -- an event occurring on Aiken's 29th birthday.

To the delighted astonishment of Miller officials, they've sold tickets in 26 states for the concert, drawing hundreds of women from fan clubs with names such as Claynation and Claymates. About 50 Aiken fans were so determined to get front-and-center seats that they bought season subscriptions to Miller, costing those patrons an extra $100 each. (The fans donated tickets for the other events back to MIller, which is distributing them to area service clubs.)

"We've never had anything like this before," said Tracy Lawie, Miller's director of marketing. "We had no idea (Aiken) had this type of following. No clue whatsoever."

Kent Buchanan, who handles group sales for Miller, said the concert isn't sold out, but it's expected to be an unusually large crowd for this type of event.

He added that it's by happenstance that Miller even booked Aiken.

"His name was on a list and we had a date available and it worked out," Buchanan said. "We figured he was a household name enough to sell some tickets, but we put it together not knowing the kind of response we would get."

One of the ticketholders is Karen Bellows, who lives in Davison near Flint.

Bellows goes on the Internet every day to chat with other Aiken fans. She's made close friendships with other Aiken devotees. For the Kalamazoo concert, she's meeting up with women coming from Minnesota, Indiana and Detroit.

Bellows also is spearheading a campaign for fans to mark the birthday by donating children's books to Kalamazoo Public Schools -- an appropriate tribute, she said, considering Aiken's charity work with children and his degree in special education.

After bouncing the idea off Kalamazoo Communities in Schools, which coordinates donations for KPS, Bellows posted an appeal for the book drive on an Aiken fan Web site that has 10,000 subscribers. Although she directed her message to Kalamazoo concert-goers, others quickly jumped on board.

Concert-goers offered to take books for other people. Others from around the country offered to send books directly to Bellows or KCIS. Fans from as far away as Tennessee are planning to bring their SUVs and vans to the concert to haul the books collected at Miller.

"We've had 100 books mailed in so far -- from Maine, Arizona, North California," Bellows said. "I've got people in California mailing books, people in Texas mailing books. It's just snowballed."

Coco Cook, a KCIS project director, said she received books Wednesday from three states. "And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was," Cook said.

Bellows, a wife and mother of three grown children who works as a cashier at a JCPenney store, said it's likely that Aiken is aware of the book campaign. But, she added, "If he knows about it, fine. If he doesn't, that's fine, too. It's in honor of his birthday, not about trying to get his attention."

She's just trying to honor Aiken's ideals, adding that she was first drawn to the pop star because of his voice.

"But it turns out he's a person with a heart and he loves kids," she said. "It's the heart and the voice."

As he's been working with fans who are coming to Kalamazoo, Buchanan said that he asked about the phenomenon.

She told him, Buchanan said, " 'Remember when you were a kid and the girl next door had a crush on Bobby Sherman or Shaun Cassidy? It's like that, only now we have credit cards.'"

Hmmmm....I think I know the woman they talked to...*g*

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ETA: Kalamazoo Gazette: Clay Nation Includes Kalamazoo

Clay nation includes Kalamazoo


Bellows also is spearheading a campaign for fans to mark the birthday by donating children's books to Kalamazoo Public Schools -- an appropriate tribute, she said, considering Aiken's charity work with children and his degree in special education.

Hmmmm....I think I know the woman they talked to...*g*

:nana: for rohdy! And what a terrific tribute to Clay!

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Merry Christmas in the Heartland, FCA!!


It's terrific that the article highlights the book donation (and congratulations, and THANK YOU! to rohdy).

Ehhh - edited my post. Must be Monday morning. LOL - Nebbermind.
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Oh I liked the article.. they didn't know anything about Clay..and now they do and they are happily suprrised and kinda in awe. And seems they are satisfied with whatever the attendance is as well. Great job Rhody! You don't good girl, with the idea and the interview.

Happy first concert everyone. I need to figure out how I'm going to deal with all these cellcerts. Do I take my graitifcation now and listen and not work..or do I work to make my money for live gratification later. heee. I'll definitely be listening tonight.

To everyone going to the show..have fun!! See the rest of ya'll later in the concert thread. whooo hoooo

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee they're leaving. Havie fun on the road!!

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Thank you eveyone! The article did come off much better then I had anticipated. Like everyone, I could have done without the middle aged comment....espeically after I stressed that the place I post at the most consists of 6 women my age (yeah, yeah..we're in the middle) and 6 young ladies 18-26. And that the entire board was extremely well mixed.....but she did so well with everything else...that I will forgive the 46 year old punk. :whistling-1:

As a quick kind of update, my idea of collecting maybe 50-400 books from fans in attendance has brought in roughly 231 books by mail and $350 in gift cards.

I am so excited to get the books stacked and take a few pictures Friday night!

Then I get to listen to Clay sing me Christmas songs....*sigh* All is well.............

Thanks again to everyone here for all of your support, letting me bounce ideas off of you all when I needed impartial feedback and for supporting this Birthday Books for Clay idea.



PS: I wish I knew who said:

She told him, Buchanan said, " 'Remember when you were a kid and the girl next door had a crush on Bobby Sherman or Shaun Cassidy? It's like that, only now we have credit cards.'"

Though I have read it somewhere before.

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And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was

Oh, I like THIS for a thread title.... :clap:

What a wonderful, wonderful article! Thank you, rohdy, for representin' Clay's fans so eloquently! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh, I have such a POSITIVE, HOPEFUL feeling about the upcoming year for Clay! :lilredani:

Hey, Bookwhore and jamar---Y'all be careful out there! And Gibby! And...who else is going from here? I want all the spoilers possible! I want to know EVERYTHING! Life's too short and uncertain to wait! Like the saying goes..."Life's short: Eat dessert first!" :imgtongue:


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Weeeee..... Have fun girls! And everyone who's going.... or not!!


Congrats rohdy... how exciting to watch an idea come to fruition in such a successful way! You done good!

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Congrats rohdy... how exciting to watch an idea come to fruition in such a successful way! You done good!

I so agree. Having wathced the whole thing play out it was fun to see everything turn out so well. And you just followed your heart and spoke from the heart and it turned out well. It's honest and refreshing. And one mention of middle aged is not enought to turn me off anything especially when there is no venom behind it.

Good job..what a way to kick off the show.

what ever happened to the kazoos..or should I ask

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what ever happened to the kazoos..or should I ask

I think they went here. I'd post the link, but it takes forever to load. This is from last year, but they are doing it again this year.

Kazoo in the New Year!

Date: Dec 31, 2006 (Sunday)

Time: 12:00 AM

Location: Main Street Bridge, Downtown Rochester

Contact: Laura Osborn 585-624-5555 losborn@campgooddays.org

Event Details:

Mayor Robert Duffy and the City of Rochester, along with Camp Good Days and Special Times' Chairman & Founder, Gary Mervis, have announced that they will invite the community to help them break the Guinness World Record for Largest Kazoo Ensemble, as they Kazoo in the New Year at the City of Rochester's New Year's Eve Celebration in Downtown Rochester.

Community members are invited and encouraged to attend this exciting and special New Year's Eve Celebration on Sunday, December 31, 2006 on Main Street where Mayor Robert Duffy will count down to midnight and the Guinness World Record attempt will take place, followed by a spectacular fireworks display. Kazoos will be available for purchase throughout the evening's events, for $1.00 each. All of the proceeds from the sale of the kazoos benefit the many programs and services provided by Camp Good Days for children and families in our community, whose lives have been touched by cancer and other life threatening challenges. As a special highlight, local resident, Barbara Stewart, author of The Complete How To Kazoo, will be on hand for the New Year's Eve Celebration.

More information about Kazoo in the New Year;and the Holiday Memories at Historic High Falls, is available by contacting the City of Rochester's Holiday Hotline at 585-428-6697 or online at www.cityofrochester.gov. Information is also available by contacting Camp Good Days at 585-624-5555 or 800-785-2135 or online at www.campgooddays.org.

Yup, here's the info on this year. Great fun at 15degrees and snowing! Just the thing! (only not).

Ring in the New Year with a Kazoo

by Virginia Butler

Published Nov 13, 2007

A tradition of ringing in the new year in Rochester with kazoos will continue this year.

Camp Good Days and Special Times is gearing up once again for the annual Joe Benet Memorial Kazoo Fest!

Last year 2,600 people participated in the New Years Eve event. It even broke the Guinness Book of World Records for largest kazoo ensemble.

They need a lot of help to keep their programs growing.

"We're very excited. It's hard to believe we're going into our 29th year and over the past 28 we've served more than 40,000 participants from 22 different states and 23 different countries,” said James McCauley, Camp Good Days and Special Times. “The only way we're able to continue doing this is through one of our major fundraisers which is the Kazoo Fest and we're very fortunate to collaborate with the City of Rochester and JCPenney to make these kazoos available to the community."

Kazoos in Rochester

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Great article Rohdy...thanks for speaking out and starting this whole idea. I think its perfect. Can;t wait to see a picture of all the books.

Have fun all first concert attendees!!!!

looking forward to your recaps...


cellcert reports and chat will be at the Wichita Thread Just come over at aroun 8 pm EST and join the festivities...Bring refreshments...

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From hosaa at CV:

A few little tidbits from one of my non-CV Clay friends in Wichita who spotted the man! I will spoiler her notes

He was wearing a black down hooded jacket that he wore at LAX one time. His hair was blowing in the wind. He was smiling.


It looks like Clay might wear a mustard gold shirt with a dark suit. It was on the garment rack that Jerome loaded. Jerome appears to have lost a lot of weight. He let Raleigh off the bus for a potty break and they took Raleigh with them.

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From hosaa at CV:

A few little tidbits from one of my non-CV Clay friends in Wichita who spotted the man! I will spoiler her notes

He was wearing a black down hooded jacket that he wore at LAX one time. His hair was blowing in the wind. He was smiling.


It looks like Clay might wear a mustard gold shirt with a dark suit. It was on the garment rack that Jerome loaded. Jerome appears to have lost a lot of weight. He let Raleigh off the bus for a potty break and they took Raleigh with them.

This CMSU! I LOVE all these "field" reports! :cryingwlaughter:

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This is just sooooooo waaaaaay cool... :lilredani:

A friend of mine wrote Lisa Sokolowski who authored the timesleader.com article and received a nice reply back:

Hey -

When I spoke to Clay, he seemed like such a good, warm-hearted person. I really got the feeling that his did philanthropic things because he wanted to, not because someone forced him to seem passionate about a cause. It made me like him even more! I'm glad you liked my article. That's always nice to hear.

Enjoy your day,


here's the article again if anyone missed it:


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:xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a:


OMG - I'm so excited!! THIS IS THE NIGHT!!!


AND EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!111!!!!!!!!! some more!!

Tho it's a bit late I've finally finished the CITH Tour Page with the schedule and venue links.

I hope to continue working on it and get pix of the venues and addresses and directions... all in due time!! RL has been getting in the way of my web site upkeep!!

Here it is:


:xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a:

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We're here in beautiful not-so-downtown Wichita. I think part of Team Clay is staying at our hotel and part of them are staying at the hotel across the street. It's really weird. We could see one of the buses in the hotel parking lot across the street, and I was so excited I stood in the parking lot blowing kisses at the bus, then I heard JaMar behind me say "There's Jerome". Sure enough, there was Jerome crossing the street right in front of me (ask me how stupid I felt), he came into our hotel and went straight to someone's room. Then later one of the buses was in the parking lot at our hotel. All I can think of is that they've split up and staying in both places.

We found the venue, which JaMar reminded me is not a venue, it's a church. When I saw the entrance labeled 'worship center' I immediately thought "Yeah, baby!!!", then remembered the worshiping wasn't intended to be for Clay. If God doesn't strike me down dead for a blasphemer and blow up the venu church, I'll try to get back on later and tell you about how thudly and hott reverent and worshipful he looked. :)

Only 4 hours!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I just realized..I managed to stay a concert virgin for this tour!!! I'm so proud of myself!!!!

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We're here in beautiful not-so-downtown Wichita. I think part of Team Clay is staying at our hotel and part of them are staying at the hotel across the street. It's really weird. We could see one of the buses in the hotel parking lot across the street, and I was so excited I stood in the parking lot blowing kisses at the bus, then I heard JaMar behind me say "There's Jerome". Sure enough, there was Jerome crossing the street right in front of me (ask me how stupid I felt), he came into our hotel and went straight to someone's room. Then later one of the buses was in the parking lot at our hotel. All I can think of is that they've split up and staying in both places.

We found the venue, which JaMar reminded me is not a venue, it's a church. When I saw the entrance labeled 'worship center' I immediately thought "Yeah, baby!!!", then remembered the worshiping wasn't intended to be for Clay. If God doesn't strike me down dead for a blasphemer and blow up the venu church, I'll try to get back on later and tell you about how thudly and hott reverent and worshipful he looked. :)

Only 4 hours!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thanks for the reports!!!!keep em coming.

oh and FCA Mains CITH christmas pages. Thanks to Cindilu for the great Christmas banner...

Each page will be updated with recaps, pictures, special memories....and you tube videos as they come in so visit often to check out the pages and relive each cocnert.

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