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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


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47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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I saw a VH1 countdown on Cougars last week, and Demi Moore was the No. 1 Cougar. Of course there were Julianne Moore and Susan Sarandon and Goldie (even Drew Barrymore is a Cougar). Cougars are totally IN now -- so, for the most part, we're Clay's Cougars!

lightmyfire, I hear ya! I happen to like change myself. I know there are those who get something good and want to stick with it. I'm that way to an extent at my favorite restaurants, but when it comes to music and concerts, I like change -- in fact, without change nothing ever improves. Mr. Serious Take Charge Clay has a big place in my heart. He didn't banter, or even speak a word, on AI5 when I fell on my face -- just sang and smiled and shined those eyes. Hearing him talk and kid around is fun, but not a necessary component for me. In anticipation of this tour, I was watching clack from last Christmas and the banter was more of the show than the singing, IMO. This year, it's a whole new world, and I dig it, my sisters.

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I just listened to some of last nights songs and his voice is stronger and better than it's been in a while. I loved his hair and the absolute beauty, both face and form. He looks very well. I'm now really jellus of you who got to see that cute man. :ninja::ph34r:

Clay singing in a church is a slam dunk because that's probably where he's at his best, where he feels so much. Not to bitch or anything (well maybe) the orchestra was just too loud and drowned him out which is probably pretty hard to do with that strong voice.

I downloaded Deborah's mpg's to my IPOD so can't wait to hear the whole concert. Off to rake all of the neighbors leaves out of my yard! :cry4: It's sunny but crisp, great day to work in the yard.

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Back from taking my older son to the airport in Charlotte. And now there are two. :cry4: We had a great discussion last night about girlfriends- current, recent and long gone. He also said his friends were shocked that we didn't make him and his girlfriend sleep in separate rooms. Like it would matter if I did.

I didn't hear too much of the concert last night but what I heard was wonderful. Although I didn't agree with a lot of the tenent's of the church in which Clay performed last night, it was Clay's concert and not the church's. To me its only a building and has no power to change anything I think or do. But I do agree that anyone else is entitled to their own opinion about this venue. YMMV. Sorry if this is sacriligeous.

If no one has taken it, I would love to do MGUCL. It sounded so different from his previous version.

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Clay said it best himself, in last night's blog. We got silly, fun Clay during the summer, and will have a whole 'nuther round of that during his Spamalot run. What we're being treated to with this concert is, in my opinion, the heart and soul of the 'serious' side of Clay Aiken. Spiritual, a little bit corny (and I love me some corny men), grown-up Clay. And most of all, we're getting The Voice. I think he has terrific instincts, perpetual bitches not-withstanding. He's showing us yet one more facet of the precious diamond that he is. I don't know how to feel anything but incredibly lucky and blessed to be a part of it.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm baaaack! What a great trip! It was so much fun to meet Gibby and Reiki and watch Clack in their room. Sorry, Gibby, if we stayed too late. Like I said, I was finally warm, fed, watching Clack with friends and was the happiest person in the world.

JaMar is on her way back to Omaha right now. I got lost coming home (coudn't find that damn turnpike anywhere ! and wandered around the backroads of flat, Kansas farmland for a good 40 minutes. :(

I posted my recap in the Wichita thread, if anyone is interested.

I can't wait for the Omaha show! :laola0:

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I'm one who wouldn't go to that particular church concert only because it's that kind of church where hate is preached. It has nothing to do with my belief or disbelief in a higher power and those who believe that it does are wrong. It's just simply a hate based organization and therefore not where I would choose to go. I don't believe that all churches are hate based and it's not my intent to discuss churches, who's right and who's wrong because that's an acquired taste. But as we went thru this once before, I will accept you for what you believe and I would like you to accept me for what I believe.

I don't think that Clay accepts the hate but he is one of the faithful and that's where he is comfortable. That certainly doesn't bother me because I accept Clay for his talent and goodness. If that goodness comes from his godliness, more power to him and I'm the winner.

Have no idea why I chose this morning to say all of this but I guess we need to be a little more forgiving with each other for what we believe.

I also have to ask why you choose to go read the boards that you know will have negative opinions and then complain about the negativity? Maybe we should think about that when we start with the all the bitching about the bitching. Hey, JMO!

Well alrighty then, guess I pissed off more than my share of people off, but then WTF! :sickyet: :15:

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Toots, I feel ya, dear.

So... go watch IBHFC... it's incredibly beautiful. Clay's singing aside (yum!), Jesse is a friggin' genius! And Gibby has some talents of her own there. ::bows:: Hoooolllyyyy Crap! I can't even get past 1:30 - 1:40... I'm savoring it frame by frame, note by note.


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I also have to ask why you choose to go read the boards that you know will have negative opinions and then complain about the negativity? Maybe we should think about that when we start with the all the bitching about the bitching. Hey, JMO!

I can only answer for me, but I try my hardest to stay away from them, I really do. Problem is that they used to be my home, and I still go back to participate in some of the off topic threads that I have a history in, and to check my PMs and keep up with a few friends who don't frequent FCA. And of course, to keep an eye on clack updates. Sometimes I click to see what the discussion is, and then I get angry or annoyed or just sad, and perhaps come back here to vent. Actually, this board was a refuge last year for a number of us, for just that reason, so I guess old habits die hard.

My complaint last night was more about some of the disrespectful things said on a cellstream than anything posted on any board. I can avoid certain boards if I have the mind to, but I don't want to feel the need to turn off my cellstream because of it, too.

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I think the smartest thing I ever heard regarding a negative-based church was when two partners of a big firm were talking and one was trying to get the other to visit his mega-church. Said the second gentleman: Does your church have females in leadership roles? Answer: No, because we believe blah de blah. Then: Does your church accept all worshippers regardless of race, sexual orientation, financial situation? Answer: No, because we believe blah de blah. This Q&A went on for a few minutes regarding male dominance of the church, an outreach ministry for the poor, and finally the person being recruited said ... "Sorry, but I'm not interested in a church that I'd have to lower my moral standards to attend." It was a powerful moment that I've never forgotten.

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Downloading the videos from last night and cannot believe how gorgeous he looked and sounded unbelievable. I know there were a few cracks in his voice now and then but overall It was really great. My concert buddy does not read any of the boards so when I talked to her this am I just told her it was different from last year. I will let her make her mind up without influence. From what I saw I know that I will love it. I love the banter, but it isn't necessary every tour. I love listening to the voice.

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I also have to ask why you choose to go read the boards that you know will have negative opinions and then complain about the negativity? Maybe we should think about that when we start with the all the bitching about the bitching. Hey, JMO!

You really don't have to go too far to find negativity....it happens at all the boards. I suppose I could not read anywhere the day before or after a concert but that sort of takes the fun out of all the excitement.

I'm not sure how to avoid it, to be quite honest. I guess the old "scroll is your best friend" is the route to take.

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I guess I'm obtuse cuz I haven't seen anyone get stomped on for what they believe about that church. I must have missed it.

I don't mind a good bitch session as it ususally blows over fast.

As FCA came late in the day and most folks belong to multiple boards or visit OFC, Clay's home board...that's just how it is. I particularly love being kept up to date at OFC because I don't go there at all other than to read his blog. But I'm always curious to know what he's responding to.

I like that keepingfaith.

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My concert buddy does not read any of the boards so when I talked to her this am I just told her it was different from last year. I will let her make her mind up without influence. From what I saw I know that I will love it. I love the banter, but it isn't necessary every tour. I love listening to the voice.

I am taking my cousin to Erie with me. The only other Clay concert she has attended was the Toronto JBT. She respects my fandom, but I wouldn't call her a "fan". She thinks Clay is very talented. I can't wait for her to see thsi show! I am not going to tell her a thing about it. I want to see her reaction for myself when she witnesses it. I think she will be blown away.

I can't wait to get home and be able to post without having to log in three times. Plus then I can see the purty pictures. And d/l clack. Oops not supposed to do that. Hee.

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Tomorrrow I have to work and our computers filter everything. One day I was caught up and just went on cnn and tried to get into the entertainment section and it would not let me. It use to allow us to go on Mlife which has all the Michigan newspapers on line. Can't do that now, so I do not even try to get on here.

I had previously shown my friend clack from last years show. She had only gone to this summer concerts with me. She loves his voice and I know she will not be disappointed. We had to laugh at her nine year old daughter. She wants to see Hanna Montanna really bad and my friend tried. She joined the fan club for pre-sale, she went and stood in line at Macy's the morning they went on sale( she was the 21st person in line, and they only sold 32 tickets), she had three people had home trying to buy tickets at the same time. She got nothing, so three days later we were on line for the Miller Auditorium(it took three hours to get tickets) and her daughter kept saying that we would spend all that time for Clay but not for her tickets. I reminded her nicely that her Mom tried really hard. She told her that she will not pay broker prices for tickets. She quiter now but did remind us the other day that someone in her class is going and that Mom paid $800 a ticket. Her Mom informed her there are limits to her fiances and that if she had to pay that much for Clay's she would not be going. I do not know if that satisfy her but she has not mentioned going lately. I sure come Dec. 5th when Hanna will be here she will bring it up again.

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hee you know what... of all the crappy kid's tv that I have to watch thanks to my neice and nephew..I really like Hannah Mantana. She's feisty and not so annoyingly cloying or sweet as some of those kid stars. No chance tickets will just turn up the day before the concert? We've learned a few things being a Clay fan.

eeeeeeeeeee finally turned on deb's clack. sigh.

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There is always a chance that tickets may show up. She is going to keep trying, also may take a ride that afternoon after school to the venue, since it is only about 20 minutes away, and see if anything come up. She decided not to tell her daughter anything until that day.

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Can I have "Christmas Waltz"? If not, I'll take Emmanuel.

Man, is he looking good! I hope he doesn't lose any more weight, he's just perfect IMO! LOVE that coat!!!

I think once people get adjusted to the new format, they will come around to love it. So many have said that they sold the show to their friends/etc on the basis of him being soooo funny and now he's not being. I understand, but that is once again focusing on what is not instead of what is... and what this is is a beautiful concert of beautiful music by a beautiful man! :clap:

I admire him so much and find him absolutely fascinating! :Thud:

Gibby... thanks so much for the clack... you done good! No, GREAT!!!

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Well, I have decided that since my first show is Sunday I am not going to listen to any cellcerts or any clack. I have a feeling this concert may be best appreciated in person. I mean the great voice is a given, but the overall effect I think needs to be seen - and notjust in clack - to be fully appreciated.

I really cannot pass judgement on this show without seeing it. I was never a fan of the idea of the fan stories and sad stories I don't need, but maybe it works in the whole. Of course, the quality of the stories, the effectiveness of the reader will influence how well it works and that will vary from venue to venue.

So for now, I will drool over the pictures of CUTE Clay (just for KAndre.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) and look forward to hearing him sing his religious songs to heathen meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on Sunday.

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I saw a VH1 countdown on Cougars last week, and Demi Moore was the No. 1 Cougar. Of course there were Julianne Moore and Susan Sarandon and Goldie (even Drew Barrymore is a Cougar). Cougars are totally IN now -- so, for the most part, we're Clay's Cougars!

lightmyfire, I hear ya! I happen to like change myself. I know there are those who get something good and want to stick with it. I'm that way to an extent at my favorite restaurants, but when it comes to music and concerts, I like change -- in fact, without change nothing ever improves. Mr. Serious Take Charge Clay has a big place in my heart. He didn't banter, or even speak a word, on AI5 when I fell on my face -- just sang and smiled and shined those eyes. Hearing him talk and kid around is fun, but not a necessary component for me. In anticipation of this tour, I was watching clack from last Christmas and the banter was more of the show than the singing, IMO. This year, it's a whole new world, and I dig it, my sisters.

I am digging it too, now I am praying for that CC album so Clay can snag Grammy and now I am running for the hills before you put a hating on me.... :cryingwlaughter:

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CG, enjoy the Sunday concert :cryingwlaughter:

I heard the stories on my IPod and was impressed by the stories and the women who read them so well. The stories were very entertaining and the tellers didn't seem nervous. That would have been hard to accomplish.

Gibby, I just watched your video and a big shout out to you, good job. You are a Scarlett in training!

lightmyfire, I would love to hear Clay's album of gospel music.

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