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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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49 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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KAndre innocently looks up from packing for her Arctic explorations, and goes, "What?"

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to the FCA

Guess what? Even in my small frozen corner of the world I heard a rumour that FCA was that board who thought they were better than everyone else and just spent all their time criticizing other larger boards. I laughed and laughed. It's tough trying to just have fun isn't it?

we are better than everybody else :signs012: well we are..well I think we are...nope yeah we are..but then why didn't fake clay want to give us any scoop..cuz you we're the best. We deserved that insider. I'm pissed about this now. Cuz we're the damn best darnit.



HA! We don't THINK we're the best board....we KNOW we're the best board! Hey, I can be junior high school with the best of 'em! Somebody wants a scoop? I get yer catbox right here! Go for it!

Scarlett, you didn't tell us what the big bristly is for! Do we break it up and burn it, or what?

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Psssssst ..... just so ya know ...... the bangs are the bomb!

As the concerts go by and Clay remains in the glasses, I think there's a possibility that glasses lovers could be having a last hurrah .... because laser eye surgery could mean no contact lenses in his eyes for at least a couple of weeks in advance of the exam. Of course, Clay could be going through a period of soreness from wearing the contacts and figures the Christmas tour is a good time to give his eyes a break before Spamalot. As usual, I'm sure he'll surprise us.

Oh and I was watching some clack today and dayum..he's making love with us with those hands and fingers! It's erotic watching him move them up and down and along the microphone stand and then grasping the mic and then around and down...

Gawd. :hubbahubba:

And you're not going to identify that specific piece of clack because ......? I think it's high time, woman!

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Scarlett, you didn't tell us what the big bristly is for! Do we break it up and burn it, or what?
Oh, you have such a dirty mind! It was too big and too bristly. And there was a scrapey thing on the other end too. Apparently it's something that's in common use here, a snow brush. I'm keeping it because people assured me I'll need it today.

*waves to FromClaygary* Sorry to have missed you but I hope to see you tonight in Erie, assuming we both get there. What time are you leaving? Are you driving? Wish I could turn in my rental car and ride with you instead... (especially since my not knowing what a snow brush is might be a disadvantage to driving alone today) *looks around hopefully with puppy eyes*

And you're not going to identify that specific piece of clack because ......? I think it's high time, woman!
keepingfaith, oh, fingers were everywhere last night and everyone got them. Actually, I'm having a tough time packing (Solo called twice already. Psssst, don't tell her I'm still logged on) because the TV's in this place take external input (too bad it's AV not HDMI but good enough) and so was he. Watching fingers and more. I think we (jojo, canfly, etc) can upload as soon as we get out of here/ice lets up. SecretlyLovesClay drove out last night (lotsa hugs and good wishes for her) but she had a 7-hour drive -- she was on 2nd row so I'm looking forward to her close-ups because I.loved.the.hair.the.glasses.the.eyes.everything.
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I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.

I nominate this for a thread title.

Right now I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child. hee.

Scooby_Doo_-_Scooby.gif Ruh Roo! Scooby_Doo_-_Shaggy.gif

Note to bottlecap:...remain calm!!!111!!! It's not as bad as it looks outside...No! Don't look out!!...just trust me...All Is Well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

dome_snowman_md_wht.gif Hey, I've got no place to go before, say, 1:00pm tomorrow, so no worries! ;)

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Well luckiest1 and I are giving it 'til noon to decide to call it. Right now it doesn't look too promising. :cry4:

As long as we're speculating, I don't think the glasses are in preparation for LASIK - there is too much post-op time and care for that considering he's going to Mexico then starting Spamalot in a few weeks. I still feel like it's related to the flashes, or (more likely) he's just being Clay and decided he wanted to wear them.

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Winter travel is the pits...Scarlett...slow and steady is the way to go...I will give you all good vibes and warm thoughts to get through this. For those still deciding what to do....Please keep safe...

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oh, so sorry. I forgot to wish wandacleo and keldanker a very, very Happy Birthday!!!

{{{cindilu2 & luckiest}}} Still hoping to see you tonight! Just got a call from ficus who's already at Erie and she says the snow is starting to let up.

Thank you, Ansa!!! Leaving v. soon...

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I hatesssssssssss winter. :cry4:

Not making any final decisions 'til noon. But it's still snowing and blowing here. The roads are not supposed to be good. My biggest concern is the Buffalo area. It's apparently being hit the worst. Anyone here from there who can give us a first hand report?

ETA this picture of the QEW (main highway to Buffalo):


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keepingfaith, oh, fingers were everywhere last night and everyone got them.

Okay, so my latte is on the wall now. WTF!!!!!???? :cryingwlaughter:

Down, muski, down girl.

I'd say that 'innocent' little statement is wide open for interpretation! And BWAH to your eHP conversations, Scarlett!

Safe travels to everyone going to the concert tonight. Drive carefully, okay?


:00003653: :04: :00003653:

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I feel for you guys driving today. I am looking outside this am in Micigan and we have a blizzard. We are suppose to get a foot of snow and the winds are at 35 miles/hr. I am so glad at this time that my concert was earlier. I hate driving in a lot of snow. I am now baking and wrapping presents today. My hubby had ski patrol today. I wonder how much he will actually get out of the patrol building. The winds have to be terrible, and it is not fun to be on those chairs when they sway.

Have not posted in about two weeks but have been reading everyday. I guess I am so not with it, I did not know all this scam stuff was going on. I had read one time about something, but just blew it off. I guess I just do not know how people can be so gullable. I can not believe how much this must hurt Clay, I am not sure of my feelings for those who were dupped, I as many believe things only if they actually come from Clay.

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I just got done with my first round of chocolate peanut butter fudge and candied nuts. Have one more batch of each than on to wrapping. I think I have made 10 different cookies in the last two weeks and froze them. After today I am done. I am running out of room in my freezer. Shopping is almost done, just two to go and I know what I want to get.

My concert buddy called yesterday to invite us for Christmas Eve, its her Birthday so we will go over for some dessert and drinks. We are not seeing my children to Christmas day. I have ski patrol during the day on Christmas Eve. I am hoping to leave early so we can go to Mass. Our service is so packed that they have it in the main church with one priest then have the big hall open in the school for another Mass at the same time. Our church is not small, it can hold I think about 2500 people.

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I nominate this for a thread title.

Right now I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child. hee.


Lucky and Cindilu :F_05BL17blowkiss: I hope things work out for you and good luck and safe travels to everyone.

OK rhia might be a little off the chart - but does anyone know what snow, and freezing cold wether does to black hair. I simply don't have time to sit still for 6 hours today to get my hair braided and I'm wondering if I should go with normal nappy or try to get a perm.

Even though info is king in the fandom I do think having that connection to Clay is probably what drove all this. Apprantly this has been going on for 4 years and for ClayNation i think it was held pretty close to the vest. And fake Clay was indeed bemoaning how he hates RCA and wants to go elsewhere but they won't let him loose and he was so depressed about it. Well I can certainly see then why even a slightly different opinion was not acceptable to say. Ya'll know Ansa..she's not extreme yet she was basically told to shut up as she was hurting Clay for offering alternate views. It's all just very odd. I would just never believe that Clay was emailing and texting and pming me. I'd go..ok if this is you..you need to add the word garana to your concert banter tomorrow heh. But I'd just have a hard time getting past the portrayal - it goes against everything I know of the man and that would be hypocritical territory for me and I'd have been long gone. And in all this time did not any supposed PM or communication conflict with Clay's schedule. We learn quite a few things after the fact when it comes to some things.

Happy Birthday to Wandacleo and Keldanker.

Bottle is bring out the fabu emoticons this morning...Oh Play where are ya. heee

waves to gbmifan -- stay warm.

ETA: any bankers in here? I made a small deposit of 29 at an ATM machine. My bank sent me a notice that I inserted an empty envelop. Now, I'm spacey but I ain't that spacey. I made a special stop on my way to da club and I distictly remember making this deposit, not money flying out of my hand. So I emailed the person whose check it was..(it was for pins) and she said the check cleared her bank. So before I kill BofA tomorrow...what do I need to do..just try to get a copy of the front and back of check and present that to them? Anyything else?

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There will always be another Clay Aiken concert and as much as you love him it is not worth the risk!! I hope everyone out there stays safe!

The eHP begged me to go with them this weekend but you know I lived in Cleveland, Detroit and Buffalo....nuff said!!! Oh and it is going to be 56 here today and sunny.

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Luckiest 1 - I am so sorry you can not go. I know if I was in your position I would probably do the same thing. It does not take the sting away. I can only get to one concert every tour and I would be devestated if it happened. When I went to Kalamazoo this year my husband kept teasing me a storm was coming. Of course he was one day off. It is a hard decision but your safety comes first.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY...Keldanker and Wandacleo

luckiest/cindilu... I'm sooo sorry you can't go. That's the problem with Christmas shows in December in the east. He needs to start in the north/northeast, then finish in the WEST/south. LOL

GOOD LUCK for Merriville!!!!

Scarlett... that convo was hysterical! Thanks for sharing!!!

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