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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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There's 3 words I think ya'll have a problem with that nobody has mentioned.




because we have new members but few welcomes. They're just not pretty enough anymore. New slang words have come in and taken over. :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Anyway, I do kinda miss when we used to laugh more at ourselves and the Clay humor was less barbed. And I think because of some of the things that have happened some feel there should be nothing directed at Clay. Take this whole flap issue for instance... which I'm not exactly sure I get...but anyway...like someone NEW said in check in..I think he's done that before...and it was endearing. Nobody was looking to hunt down TC and chastize them for making Clay look dorky and fat on national TV.

My pasty white boyfriend is living up to his name. Isn't it funny how you can separate Clayton from Clay? I admire Clayton a lot and think he's adorable. Clay Aiken though... he's hawt. I wonder if he slips into the pop star persona easy as a glove or if he gets whiplash. Or are the two much more integrated these days.

FRiday came quickly! YAY!

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There's 3 words I think ya'll have a problem with that nobody has mentioned.




because we have new members but few welcomes. They're just not pretty enough anymore. New slang words have come in and taken over. :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oooh, she put the 'ouch' in couchie!! :cryingwlaughter:

Sowwy!!!! WELCOME to all the newbies. :F_05BL17blowkiss: We love fresh meat ideas around here. Jump right in!

I know that I am sometimes guilty of not seeing the humor in something that really is funny. I guess it's the beaten dog syndrome somewhat - after a while you flinch, even when the expected blow turns out to be a loving pat on the head. So much of the teasing now comes across as mocking, the snark as barely-veiled contempt. Again, it comes down to the history of the person offering it - we don't post in a vacuum. But, Clay loves to laugh - at us, at his buddies, and most of all at himself. So when the funny is just that - I say bring it on!!!

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The back flap issue was brought up during the Wildcard Show; when he walked off stage you can see that he didn't clip the thread; of course everyone thought it was so adorable then.


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Well, I do complain about the complaints - see Clay can do 99.9 % of things right and .1% worng, but if you read some boards, you would find .1% celebration and 99.9% complaints. It isn't that people aren't happy and thrilled about everything, it is the proportions that kill me. There used to be a glow after an appearance that lasted days when everyone loved their boyfriend and that glow is about 10 minutes right now.

If Clay performed as the fans wanted him to

1) he would lipsync to make sure every note was done prefectly every single time.

2) he would lip sync so there are not different versions to be compared which always leads to the discussion of which performance was wanting, rather than which performance was so good.

3) he would wear a uniform so his ouotfits could not be compared and always found wanting by someone - you can't please everyone (tm Rick Nelson) and the person you don't please will complain endlessly, while the people who like it will watch video over and over and not say anything

4) he would wear a wig so his hair would look exactly the same each time

5) he would botox his face so it would look exactly the same emotionless each performance

6) he will stop giving interviews becasue nothing he says ever pleases everyone

7) he will stop giving meet and greets because he can't please everyone

8) he will never have contact with fans again and will wear a fan prophyllactic at all times in case they come near.


I was going to say he would become Barry manilow, but Barry is too nice and all that is not true about him, but it would have made a funny joke at the end, Sorry Barry, but the botox is too much.

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Well, I do complain about the complaints - see Clay can do 99.9 % of things right and .1% worng, but if you read some boards, you would find .1% celebration and 99.9% complaints. It isn't that people aren't happy and thrilled about everything, it is the proportions that kill me. There used to be a glow after an appearance that lasted days when everyone loved their boyfriend and that glow is about 10 minutes right now.

If Clay performed as the fans wanted him to

1) he would lipsync to make sure every note was done prefectly every single time.

2) he would lip sync so there are not different versions to be compared which always leads to the discussion of which performance was wanting, rather than which performance was so good.

3) he would wear a uniform so his ouotfits could not be compared and always found wanting by someone - you can't please everyone (tm Rick Nelson) and the person you don't please will complain endlessly, while the people who like it will watch video over and over and not say anything

4) he would wear a wig so his hair would look exactly the same each time

5) he would botox his face so it would look exactly the same emotionless each performance

6) he will stop giving interviews becasue nothing he says ever pleases everyone

7) he will stop giving meet and greets because he can't please everyone

8) he will never have contact with fans again and will wear a fan prophyllactic at all times in case they come near.


I was going to say he would become Barry manilow, but Barry is too nice and all that is not true about him, but it would have made a funny joke at the end, Sorry Barry, but the botox is too much.

In other words, he would be a puppet on a string, which is what WOULD indeed make some folks happy. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


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and what the heck is Organic narrative...I thought i heard all the buzz words before...

Organic narrative.....I think it's a fancy word for bullshit.

Okay, I'm crawling back to the recliner in the living room. Santa brought me the flu for Christmas :cry4: and he took away my voice went he scooted back up the chimney. Today, I'm feeling a little bit better but the voice is still shot. Some people around here are quite enjoying that. That's all the energy I have for posting....back to your regularly scheduled entertainment, my blankie awaits.

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and what the heck is Organic narrative...I thought i heard all the buzz words before...

Organic narrative.....I think it's a fancy word for bullshit.

ahhhh :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kareneh! I've missed you. and LOL I hope you feel better soon.

When I went out and about and hither and yon a couple days ago I read from someone's appraisal of the show that all in all it helped Clay more than it hurt him. HUH? I find it sad that Clay is judged so harshly that some almost felt it might have better he had not done it at all.

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My, my, there were a lot of pages to catch up on this morning.

Let's see: I was at the taping in Vegas and had a great side view, soooo I knew about the back flap and the mic pack kind of ruining the line of his suit jacket. Big deal! Thought he looked great (not puffy) and sang great, just a little raspy a couple of times (not lip synching, heh). Plus he was really cute. :hubbahubba:

I'm going to try to follow the rules on these questions, but my answers could be different depending on when you asked and what time of day, mood, etc. So here goes:

Favorite Recorded Clay song: Lover All Alone

Favorite Live Performance: I Can't Make You Love Me/Indianapolis JBT

Favorite Tour: JBT

Well, that is just too hard because I can think of multiple answers for the first two questions. The favorite tour question was quite easy, but there are elements of all the tours I like and special memories like experiencing JNT05 in Raleigh.

The Unicef pictures of Clay with the kids are just wonderful. Its great that he is getting some press coverage. Hopefully, he will be able to do some of the morning news shows from NYC after his return.

I never really worry about whether or not I like his hair cut and color. He changes it so often that it does not really matter.

Couchie, I spend every day with multiple small children. Sometimes I never want to see one again. However, that picture of Clay with the little boy hugging his neck does do something to me.

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Gah couchie, - the arrogance, the temerity of some people is beyond belief. Who the fuck, exactly, do they think they are?? I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore, and yet somehow I always am. *shakes head* I swear some of those posts read like the (delusional) essay question on a (delusional) job application for (delusional) advisor to Clay. God save him from his caring fans.

KarenEh - hope you feel better soon!!

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Organic narrative.....I think it's a fancy word for bullshit.

Yes, I do think you're right. It would be a narrative fertilized with manure.

Hope you feel better, Kareneh. These are supremely good days for blankets, hot tea and chicken soup. Hmmmmm, that sounds so inviting, and I'm not even sick.

Okay so I've missed the flap flap. And since I've missed it all except for the general discussion that I've picked up here at FCA, I have a stupid question. Are we sure that coat had a back flap? Certainly not all of them do.

Maybe it was a fold.

ETA: Listing Clay favorites is completely impossible for me. There are a few songs I don't care for as much as others, and a few performances that I wouldn't be drawn to watch again -- the remainder of his recording and performing repertoire is my very, very favorite. The AI5 Finale has a special place since that's when Clay exploded in my heart and mind and I fell hopelessly in love with a singing star I'll never meet. For me, the totality of what he does is beyond categorizing.

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Okay so I've missed the flap flap. And since I've missed it all except for the general discussion that I've picked up here at FCA, I have a stupid question. Are we sure that coat had a back flap? Certainly not all of them do.

Maybe it was a fold.


Hope you feel better *soon*, Kareneh. I'm just trying to get rid of a dang cold I caught in Merrillville and it's kicking my butt.

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It seems to me like some fans are embarrassed by negative statements. They don't want some un-named others to see those comments. They don't want Clay to see the negative. They don't want to see those comments themselves. However, I think that if a person has something they are not happy with, or something they are worried about, if they could just make their statement without others complaining about the complaint, then the whole business would be done. Their point would be duly noted, and we move on. Once others jump in to argue why they thought the complaint was wrong or explain how their thoughts are different, to me it's like beating the child.

Personally, I am not embarrassed at ALL, I just hate wading through tons of them because that is not why I am in the fandom. I don't see "complaining about the complaint" here so much as I see "complaining because other posters stated differing opinions" - which is perceived by some as complaining or saying the negative is "wrong".

I do get embarassed by harshness, but I would also be embarassed and unhappy about that at my dinner table. I guess I am also embararrassed by nastiness towards Clay's mother and his friends because those people are not really what is supposed to be Fair Game for sniping. It seems, well, tacky and pointless.

And Ron The God of Irony is finding it impossible to find enough time to smite all the fame-ho bitches who call other people fame-ho bitches.

:word: It's not the fact that someone makes a negative comment that bothers me, and it's certainly not embarrassment as described (although from the reactions on other boards I believe this is true for some). What does get to me is either:

1) a harshly phrased criticism in language I wouldn't use with my own friends or family--just totally rude language (and I think this is done deliberately to incite a reaction, or these are harpies who berate their own loved ones with similar venom, which is a scary thought and adds to my discomfort).

or 2) a pile-on, where on a particular day the tone is consistently negative, and post after post after post is filled with critical statements. When TwoP is more upbeat and complimentary about the skating show than a fan board, that's sad. I think the master narrative of some fan boards has gone far astray from the real Clay Aiken. He's a dorky silly cheesy guy, always has been, and IMO, you shouldn't fall in love with someone and then ask them to become a different person.

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Guess it's time to come over to this thread since I've already introduced myself in the newcomers' thread.

As I said in that thread--this whole unclipped jacket flap "flap" was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Have been reading this board for a few years--had to join to put in my two cents about the unclipped flap. How anyone could even notice a jacket flap when you've got those shoulders to stare it is beyond me!! (Maybe it just doesn't bother me because I am one who has occasionally been known to have a tag sticking out of the top of my sweater.)

Okay--now for the favorites--had to really think about this one and had to play a few songs again just to be sure--anything in the name of research.

1. Favorite song--IYDKMBN--It took me forever to find that song--no K-Mart near us--not able to use iTunes back then. A lovely fan that I met at the summer concert in NH sent it to me. So, after waiting a whole year, I finally had it. Well worth the wait. At 1:10 the way he sings "chilllren-uh" just gets me every time. I could go on, but you get the idea.

Favorite Christmas song (Oh, am I cheating by putting two songs--sorry): AIW--because everytime I hear that song, I think of Merrillville (in 2006) when the entire Claynation had our fingers crossed right along with him. I always say that I think he felt that support and nailed that sucker and he's been nailing it ever since. (Not even going to comment on how he nailed it in Merrillville 2007--I'm too much of a lady.)

2. Favorite live tv performance--GMA--July 29, 2005--Suspicious Minds--Because I knew that I was going to see THAT MAN that very night at Mohegan Sun.

3. Favorite Concert--JBT--Seeing Clay in a leather jacket on top of a piano and then channeling the spirit of Elvis--just doesn't get much better. Too bad that couldn't be made into a tv special. Don't think you'd have too many folks complaining about jacket flaps if they saw that!!

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1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song?

Tie between Broken Wings/If You Don't Know Me By Now

2. What is your favorite Clay live performance?

Well, I don't remember if he sang that night or not but I loved his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel with the tattooed leg. That showed the funny side of Clay Aiken to a Tee. Loved it. Actually one of the first things that crossed my mind was the AMA Awards Show. I loved his outfit and I was sooooo proud he won the fans favorite award. He sang part of Invisible and then sang Jesus Is Love with Ruben. The song performances are not why I loved this as much as it is that he won his first award of significance. Well there was that double Platinum thingie too.

3. What is your favorite Clay tour?

Without a doubt for me it was his solo tour to promote MOAM. I went to see it at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. When the spaceship lifts up and he comes out singing Streets With No Name. Then they showed some pictures of Clay and the gang on the rides, up on the jumbotrons. Awww good times, good times.

I agree with you jamar about chalkboard words. I also don't like the NJU stories. I wonder sometimes if some people don't just make those up. Hee

I also don't like any of the marketing words, or the word VOX. (God I loathe that word) He's a gift or his voice is a gift to us, or he could sing the phone book, are things that make me roll my eyes. But I especially loathe the word negative or negativity. I think it is over used and misused quite a bit. Just because someone states that they didn't care for something in particular does not make them negative, it is just their opinion. I think some people spend far too much time worrying that bad fans are going to copy and paste negative posts to JP blog. There are far more important things in life to worry about, for me, instead of what some loser is saying about Clay on some stupid blog, that I shouldn't ever read, or even want to. Sure there are some fans who are continually disappointed in things Clay does or who come across as bashing him, and I wish they would leave the fandom. But really, IMO, they are just a few. Most people who say something about not liking something are fans who love Clay and want him to do well. They are not haters or trolls or normally negative people. I hate when these fans get lumped in with people like the "never likes his hair person" or the know it all marketeers and experts people. " If that made any sense. LOL

muski you reminded me of one of my most favorite pictures of Clay ever. Him on his knees dancing with the elderly lady who is sooo short. This picture, more than any to me, says a thousand words about Clay Aiken, the man.


This is another one of my favorites:


And these pictures says a 1000 words about Clay too: :whistling-1:









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I'm shocked that there's pile-on complaining at some of the fanboards -- about as much as Captain Renault was shocked about gambling at Rick's.

I watched the skating show with my extended family, including a couple who had not seen Clay since AI2. Here's the comments I remember -- from other than my sister and me:

I wouldn't have recognized him.

He looks so much better now that he's filled out.

That guy's got a voice.

Whatever happened to the big guy?

That's the best I've ever seen Todd Eldredge skate.

Clay has such a cute smile.

Anybody want a chocolate covered strawberry?

There was not one negative comment among the roomful of people. Apparently, those who didn't like it were Clay's dedicated fans. Man, that sucks.

My fortune cookie for the day: Microcriticism yields not happiness and serves no useful purpose.

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Well, I haven't ventured out to other boards, but I can imagine the same few players at OFC beating a dead horse. That seems to be their forte over there. State your opinion and move on, apparently is not. Some just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Now that is draining. I doubt I even have to go look to know who some of the constant complainers are.

Did someone mention broad shoulders?


I watched the skating special. I thought Clay looked great. For the most part he sang great. I think the first song he sang was very well sung. DSIAFCD was not his best and he sounded like his allergies were acting up, but not that he was sick. Nothing made me think it was a failure, or that he shouldn't have done it. I think this was a very appropriate gig for Clay and has the same kind of audience he attracts. It sold a few more MCWL didn't it? So there you go. Clay is never going to be a rocker dude. People need to get off that wagon.

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Good LORD, you people get wordy around here! Yes, I'm back -- did ya miss me? It's been a LONG few days without internet, although I did manage about 15 minutes at a Panera near my BIL's house. So, here's the Readers Digest version of my life these past few days:

Good God, Clay was fantastic in Merrillville. I was floored by MGUCL, but the whole concert, start to finish, was magical. I had great seats, 11th row, right on the aisle next to the center section. My husband really liked the show too -- his only disappointment was that Clay didn't sing WAYDNYE, which he thinks is classic.

An aside here: since I totally missed it live (and would have been a bit embarrassed admitting it in front of my husband anyway *g*), which is the best AIW to fully appreciate the religious experience?

Before the show, I had a fantastic time with couchie and the eHP, plus other cool people (like xxx4Clay). After the show, I had a great time with aikim, FromClaygary, cindilu2, disneykid, crimsonice and luckiest1. There was one other person there too -- was that momof3boys?

Next morning, wake up, and the temperature dropped 30 degrees overnight. Hubby and I left Merrillville for Minneapolis, MN. Yep, right into the middle of a major snow storm. Instead of taking us 7.5 hours, it took us 12 (by the time we added stops in along the way). It was kind of fun to watch all the SUV's in the ditches though -- they think they are invincible. Heh. Anyway, we did make it.

The next few days were spent with my husband's family, including visiting the gravesite of his Mother and Dad. It was sad, but beautiful in its own way -- his Dad was in the military, so they are both buried at Fort Snelling. All those white gravestones, in the middle of a bunch of snow, and it was quite touching.

Yesterday we drove back. Fortunately, the weather was good for our return home. Last night I spent trying to catch up! Good Lord!

Another aside -- is there TWO behind the scenes of the skating special? I've only seen the one (which was adorable -- talk about flirtatious!). If there is another, could someone point me in the general direction?

I'm behind on my {{{{{{hugs}}}}} to people who need them, and way behind on wishing Jamar a happy birthday! Also, welcome to the newbies around here.

aikim and spikesmom, I haven't seen the skating special in its entirety either. I did manage to see the last half hour on the day it aired, and was enchanted. Also, I was actually surprised that they interviewed Clay. I've watched more than a few of these Christmas specials, and I never remembered before them interviewing the musical guest. Anyway, I'll watch the entire thing later today, and try my best to form my own opinions -- which will actually be kind of hard at this point, now that I've read about the "flap flap" among other things. *eyeroll*

The blond hair is taking some getting used to from me, but I think I can deal with it better because of the cut. But is that really important? Not really, although I have to admit it's fun to talk about. What's important? Being with friends and family. Helping those in need. I love that about Clay Aiken -- he seems to have his priorities straight, with this holiday trip to Mexico. Good for him.

I am with CG though in that I'd practice and practice and practice making a baby with him, but no kids for me, thank you very much.

After reading the past 25 pages or so, I've just got to say that I love all you people here. For the most part, we deal with our posting on a fan board as an ADULT. We may have childish moments from time to time, but that happens to all of us. I really think this board is a good one for learning to gain a thicker skin regarding our fandom, and our opinions. And as for our opinions of Clay -- well golly, he's human, so I love that we can express a variety of feelings and thoughts for the man. But I do love that we seem to celebrate, and for the most part try to find the GOOD before the bad in what he does.

laughn and Perma, I loved both your rants.

OK, I think I'm almost done now, except for the game....

Favorite recorded song: It varies between WAYDNYE, HYCA, and AIW.

Favorite live moment: I'm breaking this down into one's I've actually seen live, and those only via clack. My live one, hands down, is Merrillville AIW, 2006. My God, that was amazing to have been in that room that night. Not live for me: DSIAFCD Long Island 2006 -- that piece of clack, with him singing the last line without amplification, and knowing he had vertigo, amazes me. Runner-up there is W-B MOAM, IT 2004.

Favorite tour: I simply cannot answer this question. I've loved every single one of his tours, for totally different reasons. I love his humor, so I loved last Christmas and the DCAT. I love it when he tries to do different things -- hence the Christmas 2005 and 2007. I loved the entertainment value of the JBT. So much to love.

OK, gotta run again. Car appointment today, and then hubby and I go visit my Mom for the weekend.

But first, I must catch up on clack. I've seen some pieces, but need to find all the rest of them!

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I have noticed for years that Clay has a large number of skating fans among his fan groups, probably a bit more than average. If nothing else it made for a lot of enjoyment. See Fear - she loved skating since she was a teen and this was her first big time professional show - combining two favorites made the show more worth the trip for her.

The interesting thing to me is that Clay never seems to do teh same thing twice on TV - he did the AI Christmas special the one that got ratings. he did ACAC, he did a bunch of other things, but not repeated. (we know that he would have repeated R&K if not for a certain unfixed pooch)

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When I went out and about and hither and yon a couple days ago I read from someone's appraisal of the show that all in all it helped Clay more than it hurt him. HUH? I find it sad that Clay is judged so harshly that some almost felt it might have better he had not done it at all.

I saw that comment too (or one similar). Blows my mind. I mean, what great exposure it was, on a major network, on Christmas Day! Probably many figure skating fans had no idea what had become of Clay Aiken, and now they do. I bet he impressed more than a few. So, because he might have been a bit scratchy on a note or two (out of hundreds) and because some didn't like the fit of his jacket, it hurt him? In what universe? I mean, that is such a stretch, it's ridiculous.

My all time most overused word in the fandom is mandate, followed closely by marketing. Oh wait, there is also fat. Because in no way does it apply to the Clay Aiken I know. I watched some DCAT video last night, the one where he stretched his shirt across his body (Canandaigua). Heh, fat, my ass. Oh wait......... :cryingwlaughter:

I'm loving the audio from the CITH tour. Finally heard one of mime_fan's DC files this morning - wonderful. If I manage to stay home this weekend, I hope to catch up on some video clack as well. That remains to be seen.....might have to make an emergency run up north to deliver some prescription meds to my son, depending how cooperative the doctor & pharmacy are this afternoon.

Welcome back, ldyj!

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Well, I have nothing to say about the flap-flap because I didn't even notice the flap-flap thing...I remember thinking his mic pack was bulky but that was the end of his suit thought for me.

You will be happy to hear that the craziness is alive and well and harassing me with PMs at the OFC. WTH? This woman is in serious need of an intervention. Wow.

I rarely go over there because...well...I'd rather pull out my fingernails...I went over last night and lo and behold...a PM from HF. And the beat goes on.

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lucky how could I have forgot? MANDATE, add conspiracy against Clay to the list too. :tantrum: Couldn't find the hair pulling emoticon. LOL....

Welcome back ldyjocelyn. I was worried about your husband having to drive back. Poor guy what a hell of day that had to of been for him. Glad you are both safe, and had a good time. couchie I am glad your mom is home too.

I took my tree down yesterday. It took all day long. Now I need to take up the outside stuff and Christmas will be officially over for me. Insert Happy Feet dance here. :cryingwlaughter:

Hooray for the UNICEF Drive on Clay's behalf. Getting closer to the goal of $100,000. WooHoo!

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Welcome back ldyj, it was so nice meeting you!

I just went to watch The Holiday Ice Special and my tape ran out and I missed the last half hour. But what I saw was fabulous. Flap flak? I honestly don't know how people focus on the stuff...I never notice details like that and even with the rear shots of him, I couldn't tell there was anything wrong, except his mic pack was obvious in the back.

It seems to me take out some of the enjoyment of watching Clay if you have to nit-pick everything and I am all about just enjoying.


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you shouldn't fall in love with someone and then ask them to become a different person.
(crap...now I've forgotten who said this)...anyhoo, this to me is one of the MAJOR ways to keep a relationship---a marriage or a life-long friendship---alive over time and through inevitable twists and turns.

A crush? Infatuation? Obsession? Not so much.

And luckiest, this CMFAU! (cracked my fat ass up..heh)

Heh, fat, my ass. Oh wait......... :cryingwlaughter:

Welcome back, ldyj! and welcome to the newbies! And hey, babe! to KarenEh...I've been wondering about you and wishing you were here! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Speaking of fat asses, mine has been married to our living room sofa for days now. Hubby has gone early each morning to the gym while I've slept in. That's right. You heard me. Similarly, the daughters have holed themselves in the den upstairs with new dvds, xbox games and such. Someone might have to do an intervention in our house soon.

I think I'll actually move now. Go to Starbucks and read. :cryingwlaughter:

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