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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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So not caught up because I was busy finishing a ton of work so that I don't have to log in on Friday, v. sleepy, but just wanted to say Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! 2 more sleeps!

I haven't read why but y'all were hugging {{{{couchie & mom}}} so I am too!!!

I'm so behind on Clay I'm still stuck on the cute Amish guy. Did anything interesting happen today?

ps. Does anyone know the group that held the sale of Clay items at Waukegan? Pls. pm me? I completely forgot something.

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Great banner, 00lsee!


Did anything interesting happen today?

Nope. Not a thing.


Just this:


and this:


and this:

gerwhisp's screencap from the ET Promo for tomorrow's show:


To everyone traveling to NYC to give our very cute, very hawt knight some opening night love - Have fun, be safe, bring back lots of recaps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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The boards aren't imploding yet since Simon made a Clay reference (which I thought was rather funny.....)?

Ok, I must watch the ET clip and I must try and only see the look on his face in the banner pictures because I think he looks like a not too pretty girl in them......

He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin. He's dressed like a character. That isn't Clay. That's Sir Robin.

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because I think he looks like a not too pretty girl

CG...interesting.....'coss I didn't know girls COULD choke chickens.


Well.....at least their OWN chickens....heh.


I'm not in love with the look in those pics...but I bet he'll look great on that stage! So tall and broad shouldered...sigh...and long legged....and big...

voiced and haired....

and whatnot...

Oh, and re: the Simon comment? Good God, that man is OBSESSED with Clay, I swear. He's like these freakin' bloggers who put Clay's name in their blog titles just so it'll show up in Google alerts! Personally, I think Simon's either just doing his AI thing---stirring the turd for ratings---or is wrestling with OCD like the rest of us---We all know how that Obsessive Clay Disorder makes regular conversation withOUT mentioning Clay's name virtually impossible! :cryingwlaughter:

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The diss from simon showed who was always on his mind. In a weird way, it is a copmplement. too bad Simon is stuck in time. He is in the same job doing the same thing and being paid to be rude to people. Mayb e that is his problem. Heh. Clay sees all!

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Oh, and re: the Simon comment? Good God, that man is OBSESSED with Clay, I swear. He's like these freakin' bloggers who put Clay's name in their blog titles just so it'll show up in Google alerts! Personally, I think Simon's either just doing his AI thing---stirring the turd for ratings---or is wrestling with OCD like the rest of us---We all know how that Obsessive Clay Disorder makes regular conversation withOUT mentioning Clay's name virtually impossible! :cryingwlaughter:

I knew the second the guy sang there would be a Clay reference by someone - be it Simon or Randy or Paula - or even Ryan! It was tooooooo obvious! I think there will always be Clay references whenever someone looks vaguely like him and/or when someone nerdy looking actually has a nice voice.

Clay is a legend. I kind of like that actually!

Watched the ET thing and he does look better. I am still not in love with his hair that color and I do much prefer it to be falling on his face a bit more, but what the hell. I would still do him!

I can always mess up his hair myself!

ETA: I actually thought Simon was adorable tonight. He was in a pretty good mood, laughed a lot, smiled a lot (and I think he has a great smile) and was funny. So far, he has seemed much more mild mannered and happy this season. Don't think that will last, but its kind of fun. And I actually got a bit schmoopie last night with that girl who everyone walked out of the room. When she mentioned her 10 kittens he was genuinely interested. He seriously does love animals and does quite a bit of work with rescue organizations. That makes him ok in my book!

I have always liked Simon - not everything he says or does, mind you - but I have always liked him. There have been times I have thought for sure that would get me banned from this fandom.

But there you have it. My dirty little secret.

Can I still stay and play?

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My dirty little secret.

Which one, CG, which one?

BWAH! :lmaosmiley-1:

I swear I KNOW I'm going to want to do Clay in NYC in multiples! I just KNOW it! So I have to find a way to see at LEAST two shows....let's see....


I'd LOVE to go on the final night...May something or other....how the HELL can I do that?


Of course, even if I could figure out an excuse to go BACK to NYC in May, how would I find the money?





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Good Gawd--I have led a sheltered life. I never heard the term "chicken choker." Pretty much figured out what it means, however. Heck, until a few years ago I had also never heard of the term "package." One of my daughters who was then in high school explained that one to me.

It's no wonder I am not fit for anything except for walking the dogs!!

Yeah--Simon is obsessed alright. Plus, he's smart enough to know that a Clay mention will create buzz.

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But there you have it. My dirty little secret.

Can I still stay and play?

I knew that about you already Claygasm. I find your Simon love is not hard to take, even if I don't share it. I do think he has been humanized some this season. During the premiere show he was shown saying, in a very conversational, honest tone, that he didn't understand the concept of being happy for someone else's success. He was mystifed by that. Called it American, I think. Pfffft, Simon, it's a human thing. He's really missing some parts. Did anyone else see that?

So, CG, I won't be joining you in the Simon love but I don't hate him as much as some do either. I think he's a bit sad and pathetic somehow, but he can be charming, and his honesty is on some (but not all) occasions admirable. I do hate the way he disses Clay, but I honestly think he holds back on that. I think he actually dislikes Clay immensely. I think being Simon's nemesis gives Clay a certain amount of power, but Clay is at a disadvantage unless if he's given an audience that's equivalent.

I think Nigel LOVES Clay, and Nigel is the man on the spot making the shows happen. I want Clay to be on the show again--I can't help myself. Bring me more Clay, in person Clay, video of Clay, snippets of his achievements since Idol--if they want to raise their ratings back to what they were, that's all they would have to do to draw me in. Bring on Clay and other previous Idols. Bring Clay and Ruben onto the same show. Give them a lot of camera time and let them shine, don't cut them. Let them show what accomplished performers they have become.

For too many years the show has dissed more than kissed the kids from the past. It isn't just Clay. Most don't even get a mention! Clay's had more AI "moments" than probably any other past Idol, what with the season 3 appearances, defending Paula and being in the audience in season 4, the Finale moment in season 5. Yeah, they've pimped Kelly and Carrie, and been nice about them, and they've mostly dissed Clay, but they can't stop talking about him either. Really, there's been no new Idol with buzz like Clay's since that finale appearance (Taylor, Kat, Jordin, Blake). Who can really compete with him, live, if you give him an audience that large in that circumstance where what counts is your ability to capture your audience in seconds? Where seasoned performers like Michael Buble have faltered and admitted that they were just plain intimidated (he did come on with short notice). Clay is a force that cannot be denied when it comes to Idol, and there's no doubt that he has consistently "brought" it for the nearly five years since his season. I want to see the show celebrate that.

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Hey Gibby! I just realized that THAT is the color of Alex's hair now! :fca::cryingwlaughter:

BWAH! Really, it's not a bad color, at all!

The diss from simon showed who was always on his mind. In a weird way, it is a copmplement. too bad Simon is stuck in time. He is in the same job doing the same thing and being paid to be rude to people. Mayb e that is his problem. Heh. Clay sees all!

I have American Idol on tonight, and have been sort of half watching it while perusing the boards. I wasn't too surprised about the Clay comments. And I think it's a compliment that they have to mention him EVERY season. You're right, CG, it's like he's a legend! What other contestant do they mention every season?

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During the premiere show he was shown saying, in a very conversational, honest tone, that he didn't understand the concept of being happy for someone else's success. He was mystifed by that. Called it American, I think. Pfffft, Simon, it's a human thing. He's really missing some parts. Did anyone else see that?

I saw it, and I totally agree. Missing parts. I think the manipulation comes partly from the same place. I don't mind him, really. At times he makes the most sense. And he's an easy target at times.

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From stripedshirts at CV:

Check this out.....B'way's got a little something cute & special going on next month:

The Broadway "Teddy" Bears Auction 11 is February 17

Sunday, February 17, 2008 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill (237 W. 42nd St) those ursine thespians of The Great White Way will come out of hibernation for the eleventh annual BROADWAY BEARS auction, in support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

The fur will fly as lot by lot is presented by a parade of Broadway celebrities introducing 40 one-of-a-kind BROADWAY BEARS each dressed in original, handmade costumes representing some of the theater’s most legendary performers and/or performances will be put up for auction.

This year’s cast of bears will include autographed bears representing current shows like The Little Mermaid, Xanadu, Spring Awakening, Young Frankenstein and Curtains as well classic shows like West Side Story, The Music Man, Gypsy, Cats, and Dreamgirls.

"Missing out on this event will be something that you won’t want to bear! "

Check out their 2008 poster:


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OMG I want that bear!!!!

If they really want to raise a lot of money, they should have plenty of those bears for sale at every performance of "Spamalot"! To hell with the "one of a kind"! Chare way too much. We would buy! They would raise a fortune!

I want one too!!!!

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Dear Gawd, after being in a hotel for three days with internet that could only manage text, I'm so far behind I think I'm ahead.....it's SO good to be back! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now......HELP PLEASE.......

Stupid Canadian needs airport advice from New Yorkers or experts

I can get a good flight deal from Jet Blue....but they only fly into JFK....

US Airways is more expensive.....(about $70) but they fly into LGA......


Really appreciate any/all advice and assistance.

AND...is that another cindilu2 banner?? :hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

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Opinions about this "look" were bound to be varied...I mean, earlier, someone said he looked like Willy Wonka, to which I muttered, "Yeah, and I bet you'd like to wonk his willy, wouldn'tcha?"...

People are going to see what they want to see. Personally, I'm dying to see these photos in higher resolution...because the light and look in those eyes is killer, even pixelated.

EEEEEEEEEEEEE for my banner! Cool! :)

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Just this:


and this:


and this:

gerwhisp's screencap from the ET Promo for tomorrow's show:


To everyone traveling to NYC to give our very cute, very hawt knight some opening night love - Have fun, be safe, bring back lots of recaps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

*fans self furiously* annabear, you need to give some sort of warning before putting that out or at least add more whitespace here and there to allow for breathing, or give up and lay out an air mattress!!! Thanks for the links though! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I can now concentrate on Clay since tomorrow's mostly a boondoggle at Microsoft (Yay, Windows 2008!) Anyone want a detailed airport-cert? No? Any bets on who'll arrive last when merrieeee, KAndre and I are leaving on a 6am flight?

I ::hearts:: knights!!! :17f71c4d:

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I don;t hate Simon either. I don;t love him but I think he is the most interesting person in AI. I also often agree with his critique on the show...not always of course...specially in season two since I totally loved grease...

The Clay reference...I saw it a mile away. They have to mention him and really its just the old joke about the hair and the red jacket...more like teasing in the family. I really love it cos it just reminds people about one of the best stories that came from AI. And really simon usually forgets things contestants does...but he still has the red jacket in mind after all these years??? Heee ... Clay is truly memorable...

Just watched spamalot...thanks 00lsee!!!

It was just hilarious. I have the Broadway recording and I have been laughing along to it..but seeing the whole show was just something else...Clay will have so many parts...I think he is on stage the most other than arthur, and he has a lot of lines too. His big number is also on of the most complicated in the show. Lots of dancing parts and the piano playing...even DHP faked it ...hee

and OMG...

watch out for audience participation


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