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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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He is talking about auditioning in Atlanta and sleeping on the street for two days and how everyone was walking around singing and he wasn't going to show his cards and sing for anyone. And he giggles at the end.


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Ok - Clay said that "back in the day" he had to wait in line for 2 days and sleep on the sidewalk and the people whoaudition now don't seem to do that anymore. Then he talked about all the people introducing themselves and singing to him and asking him to sing back to them and he didn't want to do that!.

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I can't get it to play, no matter what I do...... :(

ETA: Thanks, ansa, but I'm using IE - it's just weird, I click and it acts like it's going to play, but nothing ever happens. It's all OK though, I just downloaded from the vault - - -

He's sooooooooo CUTE!!! :flirtysmile3:

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You can leave a comment after the blurb that is written by Vicky. You have to register, but it is quick.

You can tell my comment because it is a double post!! I always seem to do that. At least on this board I can go back and edit when that happpens, but on CB I can't. CRAP--I always feel so DUMB when that happens.

Loved the little video. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!

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I can't get it to play, no matter what I do...... :(

what browser are you using? maybe if you change To IE if you were using mozilla it will work.

What I loved is when he said he realized that most of the people that made it far in the competition didn;t like to just sing to others either. He said it seem like the ones that always sang around him were off key and it used to make him feel better.

That video sure makes up for that picture they are using of him...its like two different people.

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The interview is up ar CU.


I'm getting way too excited about Spamalot and I am not even going to get to see it. All I really NEED to see is the big number about Jews since I am one but alas, I agree with the no clack policy.

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OMG. He is such a cutie pie!!!!

I get to see him on Friday. I get to see him on Friday. I get to see him on Friday!!!

Do you think I am excited? Well maybe a tad!

I don't think I will ever figure out why he just makes me so giddy! Just the thought of seeing him again...well I cannot describe it!

I have NO qualms that he will not do good on Friday. After all it is Clay and under pressure he always brings it. I used to be really nervous but when I read that people like Mike Nichols have such confidence in him, I just know he will be fine.

As for Clay and the Full Monty...I'll stick with my imagination thank you very much!

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Clay was adorable during that interview. He is looking very nice these days!!!!!!

I did not mind the sweater. I saw my 28 year old son in one of those a few weeks ago. Did a double take. He looked nice, but I dared not comment or I would not see it again.

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From the AI website. One of the best interview/articles with Clay I've read. Respectful, informative, apparently fact-filled.


Our Exclusive Interview with Clay Aiken

Even with a grueling rehearsal schedule for his upcoming role in the Broadway show SPAMALOT, Clay Aiken conveyed nothing but high energy and endless enthusiasm during his interview with americanidol.com. This certainly isn't due to him getting a lot of rest these days, however. As Clay so bluntly put it, the rigors of Broadway are "kickin' my butt!" With the debut of SPAMALOT on Friday, his schedule will only get busier. The show will run once a day from Tuesday to Friday and then twice on Saturdays and Sundays! As Clay relayed, having to put together all the acts of singing, dancing, playing piano, and speaking in an accent is more than he ever expected!

This is not to say that Clay isn't enjoying the whole process. On the contrary, he is completely fulfilled by the experience and constantly amazed by those around him who do this on a regular basis. According to the popular singer, once you do Broadway, you can do pretty much anything. Clay is also astounded by the level of talent that has surrounded him during rehearsals. By the end of the day, they have filled his head with so much information that he has trouble remembering his own name! Clay admits that he was warned about the challenges he would face by another "Idol" alumnus, Fantasia Barrino. Thankfully, he is nothing but pleased with the result. He says that the show is "atypical of a musical," calling it a performance that's filled with "silly nonsense," which is what makes it so hilarious. Clay feels that he has really spread his wings by taking part in this, as the show doesn't even involve that much true singing. In fact, he admits that the one "big song" he performs is actually "talked sung."

Despite his participation in this farcical play and some guest stints on shows such as "Scrubs" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live!," Clay is reluctant to tout his comic abilities. As he joked to us, the only thing comical about him is that he is "funny looking." All kidding aside, Clay was quick to say that he doesn't think of himself as the complete marketing package, like Carrie Underwood or Chris Daughtry might be. Explaining further, he said that he knows he's "not this hip, cool radio guy," but he embraces the strengths he does have and enjoys pursuing things that will play up these qualities. In fact, one thing he thinks he would really excel at is hosting his own daytime talk show. While he doesn't want to pursue this to the point of missing out on other great opportunities, he did admit that this certainly something at the forefront of his mind. However, he realizes that this could be a long process and, as he said, sometimes it's best to "let go and let God."

Clay also discussed two things that are very close to his heart-his charities and his fans. What's interesting is the fact that the two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, his fans have helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for organizations in which Clay is involved. The Bubel/Aiken foundation, formed by Clay, helps to include kids with disabilities in things like summer camp and sporting events. He also works closely with UNICEF to raise awareness about poverty stricken areas around the world. As Clay mentioned, his fans were the ones that helped raise over $100,000 in the ten days he spent in Mexico recently, helping those who were devastated by floods. They also helped to raise approximately $250,000 during his time in Afghanistan last year.

"Claymates," as his fans are often called, can expect something huge in return for their loyalty-a new album by Clay! While his last album was something that was desired by others, Clay says that this album contains music that is definitely desired by him. It is also the first time he is having one producer help him to put out the entire album. The result, he says, will be an album of original material that is consistent in its sound and its message to his fans-look for it to hopefully be released this May.

Check out this photo of Clay really belting out a tune during season two!

Can't find a thing to mock in there either. Go figure! (I'm sure I'm prolly wrong about that though)

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I was just going to bring that over...loving all the publicity Clay is getting and a CD in May!


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Y'all do realize, don't you, that by Friday, I will have riled myself into a perfect frenzy?

Okay, maybe a little of this, too.


00lsee, I want to thank you so much for putting up those Spamalot clips. :thankyou:

What a hilarious show. :laught31:

Although I won't be seeing it myself, I can't help catching a bit of the euphoric angst that is going around here before this FRIDAY.

I think know Clay will be awesome!

And I'm wondering if Sir Robin's line near the end of the show will be prophetic for this Broadway run. You know the one where he comes on stage for the wedding all dressed in white, tails and all, claiming he's found HIS Grail in tyty.gif "musical theatre".

And please,please, please, :flirtysmile3: those of you who are going to opening night,

have a BLAST and when you get home, use lots and lots of adjectives and adverbs in writing such long recaps that your posts will be at the top of the page AND the bottom of the page.

(small voice) if that's not too much to ask, that is.


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Woohooo! It's great to come home to new video clack, with Mr. Aiken looking soooo handsome and cute!! And an great interview by AI, too! Wow!!!!

I'm getting so excited for opening night on Friday. I'm not going, but I can't wait to hear reports back from everyone. What an exciting week!

:laola0: :ura: :laola0:

ETA: I perked right up about the piano playing in this line:

As Clay relayed, having to put together all the acts of singing, dancing, playing piano, and speaking in an accent is more than he ever expected!

Yay! So he will be playing piano in his big number. Cooool!

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<snip> Clay says that this album contains music that is definitely desired by him. It is also the first time he is having one producer help him to put out the entire album. The result, he says, will be an album of original material that is consistent in its sound and its message to his fans-look for it to hopefully be released this May.

EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! From Spamalot to summer tour?!?! :club0:

I think I need another job.....

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