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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I'm another one up for a moment and pleasantly surprised. Yesterday I had a two hour dental procedure, and I woke up just now to get some more meds and catch up on the boards while I wait for the good stuff to kick in. KAndre, you would not want to be me. A root canal would be easy-peasy comparatively, and I did it all with just novacaine. (I've had lots and lots of experience.)

I'm on the way to the dentist myself, and draggin' my feet. I just needed a quick fix of Sir Robin, ummm, for courage, before I run out the door.

That ET gig has had some of the very best returns of all the stuff that he's done. Clay simply has IT. It can't be taught, bought or spun. He is freakishly memorable, no matter what he does, like that weird little article said the other day.

(my bolding)

I couldn't agree more, K'Andre! And I'm totally with that "lightning rod" stuff the reporter talked about too. hee. Is that smutting....? :whistling-1:

I keep trying to find a way to get to NYC tomorrow. Not going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she? :twinklewhore:

Try clicking your heels three times together while chanting "There's no place like Broadway, There's no place like Broadway..." :wizard:

zena starts clicking her heels madly.....


Travel safely, all you lucky Spam ladies in waiting..... :bye6:

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Don't misunderstand, I don't have problem with general discussion -0 I swear people are quoting lines on some boards and I just have to stop going to these places.I just wanted to remind people a little because I can see the enthusiasm grow and I can see where people want to discuss what they suppose Clay will do and not do. For that kind of detailed discuission =, I would preferthat to be in the spoilered thread for now. Really, it is barely more than 24 hours from now wehn Iwill be leaving my house to go to dinner.

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Simon--penis envy is so tacky.

merry.... :cryingwlaughter: so true... :cryingwlaughter:

Off to bring over those GFI pictures, if I can. I need to shake this headache first.

ldyj... looking forward to the pics... he was soooo gorgeous that day! :Thud:

I have a remedy for a bad headache. My dentist told me about it.

Take two aspirin/bufferin type products... two hours later take two Advil/ibuprofin type products... two hours later two more aspirin/bufferin... two hours later, two Advil/ibuprofin. You're not overdosing on anything, but this combo is equal to a pain pill and can be safely used as one for a time. I used this when I sprained an ankle once and it works well.

Clay has just been so at ease when he's been seen this last week or so, that either he's the best actor alive or he is doing fine in reheasals and he's gotten good feedback from the theatre folk. I believe he's gonna knock 'em dead.

My nerves have to do with the reviews more than anything else. I believe the Broadway critics will be fairly fair cause after how well Fantasia did, they believe an American Idol CAN do well on Broadway. Plus, he's just so dang funny and making people laugh never hurts anything, IMO. The serious critics will wait until he's had a couple of weeks under his belt before their review, I hope. I heard they did that with Fantasia. And, he's used to pressure. AI was a good school for that. EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!

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Oh yeah, I keep forgetting -- I want a bear too. That would be such a cool collectible.

muski, thanks for bringing to my attention the update to the Spamalot page. I'll add the write up to the Fast Forward news section here. And is this a new picture of Clay? Maybe it's on his Actors Equity card....


And....heh...I just noticed a bit of a fandom colliding here. I was a big fan of Doctor Who in the 1980's, specifically Doctor #5, Peter Davison (he was the blond cricket guy, not the guy with the scarf). Anyway....I just noticed that he's King Arthur in the London cast. Boy, he hasn't aged well, I'm afraid.

liney, thanks for your help on the headache. Unfortunately, I can't take aspirin and byproducts, due to stomach issues. So, I've been popping Tylenol on a regular basis, plus I've had an extra cup of coffee this morning. It's slowly but surely going away. I'm hoping that getting some exercise later today at the gym will help too.

And....since you were so nice to me....fro clayaikenpix.com:





They also have high-res versions of the other pictures we've seen before from that day.

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I am getting absolutley NOTHING done at work today! If I had the time, I'd take tomorrow off just 'cause - I can't imagine I'll be able to accomplish anything then, either. :lilredani:

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Play... you tried. I imagine you have to break the rules more than just once to get banned.

Clay looks so gorgeous with his hair like that... it is soooo him. I don't care what color it is, but I REALLY like the longer without bangs look. I was never a bangs lover, just a Clay lover... :cryingwlaughter:

I hope Clay has the biggest blast of his life with this play!!!!

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Broadway Bears 2008

Shoot, it looks like the Sir Robin bear is signed by David Hyde Pierce. Now, he's a fine actor and all, but I was really hoping that they'd get Clay to sign it. I'm sure some Clay fan with oodles of money would come through and buy the thing.

merryclay, thanks for the link to the Spamalot fanclub. I too joined, although I hated to lie and say "yes, I've seen the show." I mostly joined because I'm curious if they have exclusive video later...say, maybe, of a premiere? OTOH, I'm a bit...uncomfortable...at some of the posts at the message board there. I understand that Clay fans are excited about him being in the show ('cause I'm a Clay fan *g*), but I see EEEEEEing and SQUEEEEing (wihtout a bunch of other content) as something that should be done on the CA fan boards, not necessarily the Spamalot board. I guess I'm just having flashbacks to the Bing Crosby board thing from 2003.

I hope Clay has the biggest blast of his life with this play!!!!

Me too liney, me too.

Break a leg, big guy!

How old did you girlies say you were at the fanclub? Hee!!

I was honest -- but I'm at the top end of the scale too. *g*

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Wheeeeeeee! Just saw ET. Not as much as what is online, but also some different stuff, the interview parts about how he was misquoted by Newsweek, etc. A brief flashback to the Ripa stuff. A bit more piano. Just a different cut of the same footage, really. Nice that we got both versions!

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Wheeeeeeee! Just saw ET. Not as much as what is online, but also some different stuff, the interview parts about how he was misquoted by Newsweek, etc. A brief flashback to the Ripa stuff. A bit more piano. Just a different cut of the same footage, really. Nice that we got both versions!

I just saw screencaps over at CV...um...you left out the part about the scantily clad woman and what was Clay doing to her?


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