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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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GBB posted @ CH


Talking with artquest, spotlightlover & ncgurrl on the phone outside the stage door. I'll pass some of what they said and they can fill in the details when they get back online.

Spot wants to kill herself. Clay came over and was chatting with them and signing and she had his gorgeous face and messy hair just filling her viewscreen, so beautiful ... until he turned away and she realized she hadn't pushed "record." She made up for it with some ass shots.

They asked if he was exhausted today and he said no, he got a good night's sleep last night.

Smaller crowd for today's matinee, maybe 50-100 people.

A girl called out from the crowd, "Clay, can I take a picture with you?" and Clay said, "Darlin' you're too far back in the crowd." The girl then squeeed, "Oh! He called me darlin'!"

ncgurrl talked to a professional photographer who's been doing the stage door thing every show this weekend. He was part of the crush of photographers opening night who rushed the stage at the end. He saw the last 15 mins of the show and really liked it. He likes Clay because he comes out so fast from the stage door and chats with people and gives him lots of interesting shots. He said we should see some of his pics in magazines.

Mike Nichols took notes as he watched the show today.

I'm sure I forgot lots of details, but they'll fill in the blanks.

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Thanks for bringing that over, aikim. :)

Aww, I'm glad he got a good night's sleep and wasn't tired.

A girl called out from the crowd, "Clay, can I take a picture with you?" and Clay said, "Darlin' you're too far back in the crowd." The girl then squeeed, "Oh! He called me darlin'!"

:cryingwlaughter: I can relate! I've been in a crowd before when he called someone darlin'. It was so cute I squeeed and he wasn't even talking to me!

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I've got my fingers crossed that a Clay picture shows up on People.com, or even better, in the print edition. I'd love it to be a picture of Clay with Mike Nichols and Diane Sawyer almost more than of Clay and his castmates, just because of the stamp of approval that would represent. Just wishful thinking on my part so far, but a girl can dream...


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btw...did we decide on what color ink we should use???

Just not green. Please...please, anything but green. :praying:

How about pink? Pink is nice and happy and non-threatening.

When hasn't he blown the roof off any stage he's been on? Even if he screws up he gathers his coconuts close and delivers something even better than originally planned! So...nah. I ain't worried about this guy. He's got it.

And I DO mean the whole package, too! :clap:

Coconuts? We're calling them coconuts now? Are we sure they're that big? I want photographic evidence.

I'm loving all the reports of "never seen anything like this" from various people, whether they're merchandise people, photographers, security, cops, whatever. Gibby thanks for bringing over that post about where Clay stands during the different scenes. I just thought it was fun to read.

Cool to know that Diane was there today. :clap: I wonder what Mike thought, and just what he wrote down on his little notepad? It was interesting also to read that the critics will be invited in a few weeks. That seems fair. I, for one, will be interested to read what they have to say. I have no doubt that Clay is doing well, but, as much fun as it is to read everyone's recaps, I know that we aren't exactly the most unbiased group of folks out there. :)

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Third-hand gossip report from desertflower at CV

Just read over at the OFC, from a Poster who was talking with someone Friday Night...who happened to be the Press Agent for the show. He told her that they were waiting a couple of weeks, to let Clay settle into the role, before they invited the Critics to the Show.

My bolding - and hee! I love your third-hand attribution! Great sourcing to let us know where the info came from in this instance. I think it is often impossible to track down such specifics, but I got a kick out of your valiant effort.

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I guess Brett wasn't aware of the no clack policy or didn't tell his friends!

QUOTE(dksfriend @ Jan 20 2008, 04:25 PM)

The audience last night was great, and even though there were lots of Clay fans present there were also lots of "regular" people too. This kind of humor really does seem to appeal to men - every guy around us was laughing uproariously. Brett was there last night with two friends. At one point security came over to talk to them because one of Brett's friends had taken a picture during the show!!! (So much for Clay fans being the only source of clack!)

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When hasn't he blown the roof off any stage he's been on? Even if he screws up he gathers his coconuts close and delivers something even better than originally planned! So...nah. I ain't worried about this guy. He's got it.

And I DO mean the whole package, too! :clap:

Coconuts? We're calling them coconuts now? Are we sure they're that big? I want photographic evidence.

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

A report from WinkAtMe CV:

I can’t do a review right now of this weekend….not even sure I will be able to articulate it at all. Friday night was much the excitement I felt at my first AI2 concert....butterflies and all! But now, I love Clay even more and was wishing with all of my heart that his first Broadway show would be a success and that he would be proud of himself at the end of the show. It was all of that and so much more.

Claym8 and I did the weekend together and hopefully she will share a few of the bits that she found out in talking with the theater staff. What they had to say was beyond impressive….it was phenomenal! Clay has everyone standing at attention and his being on that stage is no small notice to anyone….he was being treated like the star of the show. At the end, when they did the closing number, the King gave Clay his due by stretching out his arm to recognize Clay. When there was a standing ovation at the end, the cast was beaming…the lead/King’s face was beet red and the grin was huge….what Clay brought to the cast and show was an audience who really loved the entire show all over again. I think they felt as though it was a ‘re-opening’ night for them all. It had become alive once more. The laughter was much bigger, more spontaneous and every line had its own special reaction. The cast fed off of us and our joy…it was obvious that they all ate up the applause and kudos at the end. I would say that they all went home happy…very happy…that Clay Aiken joined their show.

I saw Mike Nichols at intermission on Friday and he was talking to a number of important looking men and I had the sense that there were discussions and eye-openings and major notice being taken of our guy! Then, at the end, cameras rushed down both aisles swarming the foot of the stage, clicking away. It was certainly a moment! Clay is a star!!! Really a STAR! Not just to us, but he is also a Broadway star.

Recap from libra1014 at CV:

Matinee recap:

DH and I were in the city by 12:15 and had lunch at place called 44 southwest located at the southwest corner of 44th & 9th ave. For anyone going to a Sunday matinee I highly recommend this place. It is literally just about 1 block down from the Spam theatre. They have a Sunday brunch for $12.95 that includes a basket with fresh warm muffins (ours were blueberry), choice of coffee or tea, plus choice of bloody mary, screwdriver or mimosa, and choice from brunch menu. We had a warm grilled chicken and vegetable salads that were fantastic. The mimosa's were great and the waitress even brought both of us another one. These were served in large wine glasses filled to the brim. So we had 4 drinks, lunch and coffee for around $28. Across the street is the Westway diner that is supposed to be very good and I would imagine also reasonable on the wallet. I should add that at 44 sw they don't rush you out, infact it's better to go there if you have some time because the service is on the slower side. It was great for us because we had time to kill. The brunch menu had alot of breakfast dishes (omelets, eggs benedict etc)

We had front row balcony seats......boy is that balcony steep. It hangs just 2 rows further back than the mezz and if I counted right it is about 10 rows from the stage. We could see everything although the view was obviously from looking down. I have been reading recaps and enjoying everyone's comments and excitement, but I really wasn't up on the actual acts or the flow of the show. So it was new to me, unlike concerts that I could name the entire setlist before my first show. Clay fit in very well in his roles, so well that at first I almost didn't think it was him. He has the accents down pat and I was impressed with all that he had to do for for this show.

There was applause for him when he first appeared, during his numbers and he got alot of applause at the end as did herbert. His "got to have jews" song is really something to see. He held his own with a cast of professional broadway performers that are very good. It really is an ensemble cast and I'm glad that there were no I love you Claaaay comments or over the top fan behaviour.

The balcony was packed and the areas I could see from looking down were packed as well. Lots of teenagers, men and women. I sat next to DH and a man from Philly who brought his family. I didn't talk to anyone about Clay and I didn't hear anyone mention him specifically, but I think the play was very well received. People were laughing throughout the whole show.

The tree people mentioned the Patriot game (no score yet) and the audience laughed and applauded.

It was freezing outside, especially when we left so no stage door for us. Traffic was stopped on the westside heading to the GW bridge so it took a long time to get home.

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Hello FCA ,

Butting in

But as far as the report of Clay struggling? That's nothing to me. Of COURSE he was struggling, for crying out loud! :cryingwlaughter: He's made it a point of telling anybody who'd listen that he was struggling! All that dancing and singing and acting---all at the same time???!?!?!?!? :cryingwlaughter: But the man's a pro. And the proof's in the pudding. He's doing everything right, per reports, and I never really doubted he would.

In regards to self-described reports of Clay struggling, there is the often used political strategy of "lowering expectations". Often used because it works and it makes the final result seem even more remarkable than it already is. Maybe Clay isn't self-deprecating as much as a "lowering expectations" practitioner? Interesting spin, anyway!

I didn't mind the report. I try to take any first, second, or third hand reports with a grain of salt. I think it is quite the compliment to Clay if this rehearsal watcher thought he was struggling and then amazed at the actual performance.

Jazzgirl, that is how I took it too. he is always doing this. And the result is almost always brilliant. He spins and lowers expcetations and I am glad he does this instead of saying " I nailed it period". :whistling-1:

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Just FYI for whoever needs it or knows someone else who does, here is the megaupload of the combined spam video (huge file, people).

And here are the links for it in two large pieces (each half fits nicely on a DVD):

Part One

Part Two

I do recommend the five part links I posted before, as such small "bites" seems to be faster and easier for people to manage, especially on dial-up.

Clay-fan kid and I watched the video today and when it was over, she went upstairs with a kind of dance in her step and said, "I feel like dancing now!" heh We think the parts Clay is playing are great...and she liked the musical much better than the Monty Python movie (not surprising, really).

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I just want to say that I enjoy all different opinions and relish the freedom on this board. Thanks for sharing yours Ivy. It is my choice to agree or disagree. I have no problem with what has been shared in reports even the ones I roll my eyes at. "We" are made up of all kinds of people doing all kinds of snooping that I find icky. Some people love to invade Clay's private life and bring every tidbit they find to their board. Now that is wrong and I have seen it with my own eyes. This particular situation was somewhere between private and public since it involved work where others were present. It wasn't negative at all, IMO. If Clay did not struggle to learn this part I would have been amazed since anyone would have to work hard, ie struggle, to learn this part, especially if dancing were not one's forte. I'm just thrilled Clay has done it. There is nothing wrong with hard work and a little struggling.

I have a view of Clay's career that comes from my own world view. I see AI as a door that opened and was meant to open for Clay. I believe that people who make it to stardom are following their destiny and this was Clay's path. I don't believe he was ever going to maintain it without hard lessons because that is not who he is. From my perspective, Clay is a man who has always had to work hard for his accomplishments and when he does the work, he succeeds. I'm not sure I know anyone, great or common, who does not have to learn the hard lessons of life but Clay has a strong character, a deep faith in his God and a strong foundation with his friends and family coupled with outstanding talent, charisma and light so I would expect he would attract the darkness. That is, IMO, how it works on a cosmic level.

It's the darkness that I hope would be overcome/overwhelmed by the bright light that is Clay.

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Just a quick note to thank you 00lsee for the downloads. I had seen the movie many years ago, when I was just a youngster :cryingwlaughter: , and LOVED it! It was nice to see the play and to jog my memory, remembering bits and pieces that were also in the movie. I watched the whole thing today, and just CRIED, I was laughing so much! I won't be going to see Clay until March, but I wanted an idea of where to look for him in all of his many guises. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

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From the CH



Damn, this is all going so fast. Everyone is ON tonight, Clay especially. There's a brief bit when the Knights of the Round Table gallop along in their search for the Grail as signs for various seasons appear. This time, in Summer he sweats, in Winter he shivers. This is new tonight, I think. Maybe he got some notes from the director this afternoon. Spot and I think he's just adorable.

There's a family of four in front of us: Mom, Dad, and two teenage sons. The mom wasn't completely thrilled with the fart jokes, but her menfolk are having a ball.

So am I.

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Also...I haven't seen this pic on FCA and it's a keeper...


I think that's a crop of the one I posted early this morning. I didn't think those pictures were to be cropped?

muskifest: Yikes! I just copied this pic from a post of dreamlarge on CH!

eta: because it helps to add the part that refers to what the hell I'm talking about. :rolleyes:

I am doing a high speed scroll through this thread and I saw your post. I don’t know where I got the picture...I have right click and saved so much stuff I just don't remember. But this is the way I saved the picture. By that I mean this is how I found it. I did not crop the picture. I just wanted you to know that. I take requests made by clack gatherers very seriously. I would never deliberately ignore a specific request.

"Tell Clay to wear dance thong with the white pants."
muskifest, I must admit, when he put my eye out Friday night I was pretty surprised that someone hadn't noticed the package situation in rehearsal. I mean it was really on display. heh Alas.
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From CV - double click at your own risk.... :imgtongue:

Pic from today's matinee stage door:


More later at the source.

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I swear, this Packers/Giants game is going to be the death of me...what a nailbiter!


ETA: Well crap! (still love Brett, but what a crappy game!)

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Also...I haven't seen this pic on FCA and it's a keeper...


I think that's a crop of the one I posted early this morning. I didn't think those pictures were to be cropped?

muskifest: Yikes! I just copied this pic from a post of dreamlarge on CH!

eta: because it helps to add the part that refers to what the hell I'm talking about. :rolleyes:

I am doing a high speed scroll through this thread and I saw your post. I don’t know where I got the picture...I have right click and saved so much stuff I just don't remember. But this is the way I saved the picture. By that I mean this is how I found it. I did not crop the picture. I just wanted you to know that. I take requests made by clack gatherers very seriously. I would never deliberately ignore a specific request.

S'OK, dreamlarge. I only noticed because I caught Clay's look in the high-res version.

I swear, this Packers/Giants game is going to be the death of me...what a nailbiter!


AAAGH! I know. Plus, it's messing with me watching AI Rewind. And now, the Packers have lost. Sigh.

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Third-hand gossip report from desertflower at CV

Just read over at the OFC, from a Poster who was talking with someone Friday Night...who happened to be the Press Agent for the show. He told her that they were waiting a couple of weeks, to let Clay settle into the role, before they invited the Critics to the Show.

You want attrition? OFC Scroll down to a Post by Meowls.

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Excerpt from Claym8 at CV:

Anyway. Wink mentioned my encounters with people at the theater. I had 2. dksfriend already mentioned what I heard about the sound guy -- he actually said he had never had to do that sound adjusting in his entire career in the theater!

Friday night at the end of the show I asked an usher what she thought of the audience, and she said that in her 3 years ushering this show she had NEVER seen or heard an audience like that one. She said that the audience laughed at things that people never usually laugh at. No wonder the cast was so appreciative!

Then on Saturday afternoon a group of us were chatting up the concessions guy (Stripedshirts already mentioned him but I didn't read her details). He said that in his EIGHT years doing consession work in all different theaters he too had NEVER heard reactions like he did that night. And he thought Clay was fantastic. And that Saturday morning he had run into a cast member (can't remember who) who made a similar comment. Oh. He also mentioned that there were TSHIRTS on order but they didn't come in on time and that they say something like "Aiken for Spamalot" EEEEEEEEEEEEE

The other thing I keep thinking about is Clay's concerts and how he keeps getting better and better with each show. He was sooooo good this weekend (and IMO he was better Saturday than he was on Friday -- more "into" the role) I can't imagine how much better he will become as he gets more and more comfortable with the cast and the part and gets over the aches and pains. Wow. Wow. Sell your furniture to get to this show, people!

I haven't seen this mentioned: Clay actually has THREE accents: His cockney peasant accent, his upper-class british accent, and the Brother accent. Flawless! I didn't hear any slips although others did.

I didn't see anyone mention this from the stage door on Saturday afternoon. After he had finished signing, he went back inside and then came back out about a minute later. In totalClayMode. He had a gorgeous blonde by the arm and he said "This is Pam" and somethingsomethingsomething which I couldn't hear. Some said it was "and we're engaged" and others said "and she's my date" and someone else said something about "......dance". Later on I was studying the playbill (which I have never done before) and saw that one of the dance captains is Pamela Remler. So I think what he said was, "This is Pam and she taught me how to dance." (Pam didn't seem to appreciate it, though, based on the look on her face)

Full post here.

From Corabeth at CH:


Arthur and Lancelot forgot some lines. Clay did not. Arthur totally forgot them.

Everyone loved the piano part. Bottle dance is getting very smooth.

Merrieee got to talk to him and she said "I love your accent" and he replied in his british accent "Thank you very much"

Two young girls walking out behind her said "I always thought Clay Aiken sucked but he was pretty good!"

They had a hottie waiter and he said "oh God, Claymates" but they turned him around.

Back to Clay stuff.

He's improving every single time. Pretty opposite not a lot of Clay fans. Lots of families because of the holiday tomorrow. Family near her came not knowing he was in it and they loved it.

At the curtain call, he called one of the back guards and pulled him up front to take a bow. They were all laughing.

A few blinkie lights, they were waiving them at the end of the show at curtain call. They say Clay and they were waiving them around even before Clay's bow.


Blinkie light people at stage door. About 100 people. Freezing out here!

Lancelot just came out at stage door and screams for him too.

Merrieeee said it is bitterly cold now.

Clay is outside now. He's not wearing a hat.

He's putting more movements into the dancing. He's getting more sure of himself. Taking bigger steps than he did Friday.

Post here.

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no worries, dreamlarge---I was just telling what I knew! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


So I just finished replacing the battery in older daughter's iPod mini. Printed out the instructions; had the right battery kit with the little teeny tiny screwdrivers, etc. Followed directions...

well...until I got to the part where it said to use the tool to disconnect the motherboard. Uh...right. Motherboard. All righty, then. So I did. But...well.....the band totally broke, rather than just folded back....heh.

I got everything else done right, everything reassembled....except, of course, that I couldn't put the motherboard ribbon back together, could I?

Crap. I'm beginning to think I was---in my wily subconscious---waiting for one of the girls' minis to die...That way I could give her my nano and I'd have to buy a video iPod with more gigabytes....You see, lately I've had to move things OFF my iTunes library in order to put new stuff in it and then onto my iPod.


crap. Haven't told the daughter yet....


ETA: This is sooooo cool from HotMomof5 on CH:

on the train from New Haven to NYC, starting at Bridgeport and all the way in, there were ads at the stations for Spamalot-the poster that is 'What A Difference A Clay Makes'.
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from artquest:

Permaswooned had a corner seat and thus a view up Clay's tunic. Seems there's a tear in the inseam. High in the crotch. Right in the middle. Along with attendant bunchiness. She declines to elaborate further. However, during the curtain call, Mr Happy made a furtive appearance. I would have missed this entirely as my attention happened to be focused on the King and the Lady. Happily my seatmade whacked me on the arm to draw my attention to its proper focus. I love my friends.

and I love Mr. Happy

But I will have to chat with Perma about this business of her declining to elaborate further.... :naughtywag:

Oh...and fuck the blinkies and shame on those who took them! :ruserious::abuser: :281: :asking02: :onsoapbox:

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from artquest:

Permaswooned had a corner seat and thus a view up Clay's tunic. Seems there's a tear in the inseam. High in the crotch. Right in the middle. Along with attendant bunchiness. She declines to elaborate further. However, during the curtain call, Mr Happy made a furtive appearance. I would have missed this entirely as my attention happened to be focused on the King and the Lady. Happily my seatmade whacked me on the arm to draw my attention to its proper focus. I love my friends.

and I love Mr. Happy

But I will have to chat with Perma about this business of her declining to elaborate further.... :naughtywag:

Oh...and fuck the blinkies and shame on those who took them! :ruserious::abuser: :281: :asking02: :onsoapbox:

A tear?? In the crotch of his tunic?? :flirtysmile3: There IS a God!!!

Can you find out exactly what seat she was sitting in? I haven't bought my ticket yet.

Oh, and would it be a bad thing if I was to slap the shit out of anyone with a blinkie light with Clay's name?

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Just FYI for whoever needs it or knows someone else who does, here is the megaupload of the combined spam video (huge file, people).

And here are the links for it in two large pieces (each half fits nicely on a DVD):

Part One

Part Two

I do recommend the five part links I posted before, as such small "bites" seems to be faster and easier for people to manage, especially on dial-up.

Clay-fan kid and I watched the video today and when it was over, she went upstairs with a kind of dance in her step and said, "I feel like dancing now!" heh We think the parts Clay is playing are great...and she liked the musical much better than the Monty Python movie (not surprising, really).

00lsee, the link that says part two is a repeat of part one.

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