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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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The thing that frustrates me is our slogan...sometimes shrinking the print to maximize face room makes the letters scrunchy and unattractive...but making them large enough to look good makes them too big. If someone has a tip for me there, I'd love to hear it. *sigh* But isn't he dreamy?

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The thing that frustrates me is our slogan...sometimes shrinking the print to maximize face room makes the letters scrunchy and unattractive...but making them large enough to look good makes them too big. If someone has a tip for me there, I'd love to hear it. *sigh* But isn't he dreamy?

Beautiful job!!!! *applause*

As for the writing - some fonts just don't translate to very small writing. I generally try not to use a script type for the smaller print. One thing I learned - make sure you make the font the size you want it right off the start - don't make it large and then resize it - that almost always makes it look scraggly. I don't know which program you use, but if it's PSP, also try using 'smooth' for the anti-alias (not 'sharp'). PM me if you do use PSP and want some help. I don't know anything about other programs though, sorry!

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Takes me forever to catch up when I get home from work, but I am loving all the articles, pictures, recaps and did I say pictures :hubbahubba:

I got my Playbill in the mail yesterday; wish I could have gotten it from actually going to the show, but I guess I will have to live vicariously through all of you. (yeah, feeling a little sorry for myself right now)


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OK, Fear and I are representing again tonight.

Hee, play, I know if I lived there nothing would keep me out of that theatre every night. Probably a good thing I'm 8 - 10 hours away.

Freaking love that article, and those pictures? Just YUM.

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OK, Fear and I are representing again tonight.

Hee, play, I know if I lived there nothing would keep me out of that theatre every night. Probably a good thing I'm 8 - 10 hours away.

I'm a good 12 hours out and I'm fighting the urge. The man is like the tides. You can fight it, but the pull is always there.

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Just wanted to see this gorgeous, cinema-worthy face again on this page.

Thanks for your suggestions, cindilu. I use Microsoft Picture It, but we have other programs. I was trying to figure out how to make a banner that blinks and sparkles like yours did! lol I'll be bugging you about that later, I'm sure. :)

Did I mention...ahem...that I'm going to New York? Just thought I'd throw that out there, seeing as how I bought tickets this morning to a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday show in April. Rejoice with me, my friends! I decided the regret wasn't worth the ill-timed self-denial.

I love reading an article that paints a picture of Clay that actually resembles the man I see in that banner up there. May it continue. He deserves it.

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Just testing to see if my avi shows up. I thought ldyj and I had chosen the same one at first.

nope its more like you and me...mine is more close up though...

BWAH...Simon has mentionitis....he had to bring up Clay;s name again...there was someone who sang with a good tone but sooo over the top in his actions and really over powered ICMYLM...simon goes you remind me of Clay Aiken. The guy asked is that good or bad...Simon, answered, not great. HEE No the guy didn;t make it through cos he was just too much. Does not bother me anymore cos its obvious to all that Simon has a thing against Clay., he is obsesseded. Anyway if you guys see Simon getting a lot of hate in other boards y'all know why.

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I wish I could figure out the secrets of Avi uploading on this boad. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Oh well, I'll just have to enjoy everyone else's purdy new avis. Those are the best pics I've seen of Clay in ages! Put that next to the Jenna Bush-thingy pictures and it doesn't even look like the same guy.

:hubbahubba: <---- that's about as eloquent as I can get at the moment.

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The kid started the Clay Aiken thing before Simon. Before he went into the room he said he was the black Clay Aiken then he said it again in the room when they asked him. After that Simon made the comment about the over the top stuff.

I still cringe every time I hear his name come out of the zero trios' mouths.

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But isn't he dreamy?

Yes he is!

And I think your banner looks smashing!!!

I agree! With both statements!!

Is it April yet?

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The kid started the Clay Aiken thing before Simon. Before he went into the room he said he was the black Clay Aiken then he said it again in the room when they asked him. After that Simon made the comment about the over the top stuff.

I still cringe every time I hear his name come out of the zero trios' mouths.

hee I guess I missed a lot when I am half asleep. Thanks for filling in the blanks.

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I don't care about Simon... what a great day. That article was fabulous..not one bit of snark anywhere. Not to say he hasn't had stuff this good, he has, but this is just extra special. I must go read that again. Lokoed like he had a new phoito shoot..maybe for the OFC? Don't care why...loving this...and to think we just be getting all kinds of goodies for the next few months. So tomorrow is Mike and Juliet right?

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exactly... on Taylor's thread at twop they are pissed because AI seems like they are trying to forget he exists. For better or worst, that will NEVER happen with Clay. I just can't get worked up about it. Things are to good for this to become the talk of the nation. I hope that doesn't happen. Hmmmm wonder if Clay will go on to push Spamalot..or I heard they were doing where are they nows this year. Have they done that yet?

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