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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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hey, CG! What do you mean, the 'cheap train'? I'm looking for the Amtrak train schedule for hubby, who'll go from the 30th st station to NYC and I see $43 one way...is there something else?

Yup. From 30th Street he can take Septa to Trenton and then switch to NJ Transit to New York. The ROUNDTRIP fare is $37.50, so the one way should be about $18.75. I can give you all the details. PM or call me.

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Ya gotta give me somethin' honey

OMG, thread title? *swoon*

Uh.....yeah! Good heavens! :Thud: I do hope that turns up on video for her.....and all the rest of us, too.

Last night I heard the dirty words "extension" from John. Bad bad bad word.....usually followed by the bad bad bad sentence....."That means I won't be able to come back to Houston until....whenever." But his extension hasn't been granted and he's only asking for 48 hours....whew! So far anyway. I would be rather upset with myself for passing on last weeks trip to NYC to learn a week later that I was going to be sitting here with my boxes for another two weeks. I'm running out of ketchup! That'll teach me to think further ahead than three days. Well, always looking on the bright side, I was on the Spamalot and Continental sites looking to get hooked up for tomorrow......but, alas, the Continental spinning blue page was still spinning its little planes and beds and cars around when I learned there probably wasn't going to be any delays on my end. BUT if I find out next week that there is going to be.....anyone here going to be seeing Spam on the first?

At this rate I'll get over there and barely have to time to change clothes and I'll be on my way back.

So to keep on topic......I'll just contemplate using Clay's extension, dirty dirty words, spinning beds, and "Ya gotta give me somethin' honey, and that loverly picture ldyj put up, all in the same post.

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hey, CG! What do you mean, the 'cheap train'? I'm looking for the Amtrak train schedule for hubby, who'll go from the 30th st station to NYC and I see $43 one way...is there something else?

Yup. From 30th Street he can take Septa to Trenton and then switch to NJ Transit to New York. The ROUNDTRIP fare is $37.50, so the one way should be about $18.75. I can give you all the details. PM or call me.

Or, if you don't mind driving part way, but don't want to deal with NYC traffic, you can drive to the Hamilton Station in NJ (about 50 min. from Philadelphia) and take NJ Transit into NY Penn Station. I think it was $22 round trip when I went on a Saturday. At some times of day on the weekends, round trip is as low as $20.50. Parking is convenient and inexpensive, and the train station is very small and easy to manage. I go that way most of the time.

The length of the train ride on that route varies a lot, though, depending on the day of the week and time of day. The 10:37 on a Saturday morning takes 73 minutes.

This is probably the NJ Transit train into NJY you're talking about claygasm, just from the next station along the line in NJ. I've never tried taking SEPTA from Philadelphia to the NJ stations, though. I might try it.

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OK - I am in process of clayverting a friend on an email list. We've never met in person, but have been on the same email list for almost 10 years, she lives on the west coast and I live on the east.

Anyhow, she's just said she saw him on AI a couple of of times, and saw Clay on AYSTAFG and thought he was adorable, and she likes all kinds of music, and would like to investigate further.

I have sent her the JBT Elvis Medly youtube, and a LAA montage by nanjeane (the recording) - I almost sent SLC's LAA - but thought the cd recording would be a little better for first exposure.

Any nore suggestions of good stuff to send her that's on youtube? A Kimmel show for example?


Love all the recaps - can't wait to go again next week!!

claygasm - I was astounded when I added up my overnight trip to NYC!! Do you recommend driving to Philly (is that the 30th St station you speak of?) and training in from there?? The train fare from DC is around $200.

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Muski had better not loose her Spam funding

Can't lose what I never had... :cryingwlaughter: Oh, hubby and I will be there, Gibby. He won't be drooling (unless it's over LTOL and I couldn't blame him if he does)...have credit card, will travel. In fact, I just got hubby's one-way ticket to Philly. He's gonna take the train from Philly to NYC and meet me. I'll fly in on Mar. 25...then hubby leaves for home Friday and I don't know what I'm doing!

Dependin' on the kaaaahnness of strangers? :lilredani:

We need to change our thread title to "Ya gotta give me somethin', honey!"

Gawd, that makes me think of wonderful things.

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1 User(s) are browsing this forum (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users).....I'm all alone *sniff*

Scarlett... well, dear, look at the time you were here... :cryingwlaughter: Sorry you were all alone!

YSRN... I did use view new posts and hot-footed it over to the diet thread! Thanks!!!

I'm thinking that tax rebate we're supposed to be getting could pay for most of a trip to NYC, couldn't it? At least a good portion of it. And, that's poaring it back into the economy, too, like a good patriotic citizen! LOL I know it's not supposed to come until after his run is over, but I could do it on credit, then use the money to pay it when it comes. I'm trying to talk myself into it. LOL

I agree... thread title... Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey! GUH!!! Absolutely yes!!!

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Clay Aiken said:

"Ya gotta give me somethin' honey."





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There is stagedoor video from last night courtesy of Claymelia that is a must see...lots of close-ups of Clay's beautiful face (combine that with him uttering "You've got to give me something, honey" and the result is much thudding and drooling!). It is in the vault at CV!


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There is stagedoor video from last night courtesy of Claymelia that is a must see...lots of close-ups of Clay's beautiful face (combine that with him uttering "You've got to give me something, honey" and the result is much thudding and drooling!). It is in the vault at CV!


AAAGH! The CH vault doesn't have it yet, and I don't have a key at CV! AAAAGH!

Anybody got a sendspace?!?!?!?!? Or a YouTube?

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hey, CG! What do you mean, the 'cheap train'? I'm looking for the Amtrak train schedule for hubby, who'll go from the 30th st station to NYC and I see $43 one way...is there something else?

Yup. From 30th Street he can take Septa to Trenton and then switch to NJ Transit to New York. The ROUNDTRIP fare is $37.50, so the one way should be about $18.75. I can give you all the details. PM or call me.

Or, if you don't mind driving part way, but don't want to deal with NYC traffic, you can drive to the Hamilton Station in NJ (about 50 min. from Philadelphia) and take NJ Transit into NY Penn Station. I think it was $22 round trip when I went on a Saturday. At some times of day on the weekends, round trip is as low as $20.50. Parking is convenient and inexpensive, and the train station is very small and easy to manage. I go that way most of the time.

The length of the train ride on that route varies a lot, though, depending on the day of the week and time of day. The 10:37 on a Saturday morning takes 73 minutes.

This is probably the NJ Transit train into NJY you're talking about claygasm, just from the next station along the line in NJ. I've never tried taking SEPTA from Philadelphia to the NJ stations, though. I might try it.

Its easy, duckyvee. I live way out so by the time I drove to NJ what I spent in gas would add up to more that the difference in train fare! Although it might be something to consider if the alternative is to park at 30th Street. It ain't cheap!

claygasm - I was astounded when I added up my overnight trip to NYC!! Do you recommend driving to Philly (is that the 30th St station you speak of?) and training in from there?? The train fare from DC is around $200.

The trick for you would be parking. Parking at 30th Street is expensive, but depending on how long you would be leaving your car, it might not be as expensive as the difference in train fare. Can't beat $37.50 RT, but they stop every 5 feet so it takes awhile. If you want more particulars, PM me.

I wish I were getting on that train tomorrow! Alas, for now, I have to wait until March 30th......

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There is stagedoor video from last night courtesy of Claymelia that is a must see...lots of close-ups of Clay's beautiful face (combine that with him uttering "You've got to give me something, honey" and the result is much thudding and drooling!). It is in the vault at CV!


AAAGH! The CH vault doesn't have it yet, and I don't have a key at CV! AAAAGH!

Anybody got a sendspace?!?!?!?!? Or a YouTube?

I made one for you -- 'cause I love ya!


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There is stagedoor video from last night courtesy of Claymelia that is a must see...lots of close-ups of Clay's beautiful face (combine that with him uttering "You've got to give me something, honey" and the result is much thudding and drooling!). It is in the vault at CV!


AAAGH! The CH vault doesn't have it yet, and I don't have a key at CV! AAAAGH!

Anybody got a sendspace?!?!?!?!? Or a YouTube?

I made one for you -- 'cause I love ya!


THANK YOU - how gorgeous is he???? :Thud:

But I was listening for the "You've got to give me something, honey," and didn't hear it - is it in this video??? Thanks!!

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I just watched that wonderful, wonderful afternoon of Clay on Tyra's show. Wow. You guys who were in the audience must've been going crazy 'coss I could feel the energy and the excitement and the buzz in that studio from my living room via a freakin' laptop screen! :hubbahubba: Their faces must've been hurting from being in a constant state of goofy grin for so long. And every time the camera panned to the audience members, they were doing the same thing. :cryingwlaughter:

It's so cool to watch that now, knowing that later he sent her flowers and then they became friends---that they've had a 'date' at least twice that we know of, even if it's only get-togethers to just shoot the shit and nothing more---that Tyra's been to see him in concert in LA and on Broadway in NYC! :clap: And

This week's Entertainment Weekly has her on the cover, the article being about her business savvy and her very formidable empire she's building. I think those two must have lots to....


talk about, you know? :whistling-1:

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Am I cursed?

My laptop is dead. Son #1 came home for the weekend and left me his laptop tonight while he went out. I noticed that his AVG virus scanner wasn't up to date, so I updated it and ran it and it found a whack of viruses! So then it said it healed them, and asked if I wanted to reboot, so I said ok. Now it won't boot up again. OMG. Seriously, this is not good. How can I kill 2 laptops in 2 days?

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{{{{{{luckiest1}}}}} That so sucks.

OMG, that clip of Clay. OMG. HewassocloseIthoughtIcouldkisshim.

Actually, I may have attempted to kiss my monitor at one point. Fortunately, hubby was not around. Also fortunately, I don't wear lipstick, just Burt's Bees Lip Balm.

What a gorgeous man.

Bringing this over from the CV:

cindydoe wrote:
Not sure if this has been posted, perhaps it has. But, I was reading up on the touring company of Spamalot, as it's coming to Raleigh in April. I found this blog from James Beaman that plays Sir Robin. Scroll to the very botton, Jan. 20th entry, he talks about Clay. I enjoyed it.


The actual blog entry:

Okay, so how, you may ask, do I feel about Clay Aiken playing the role of Sir Robin on Broadway? First, let me say that there is a definite buzz about it around the theatre here for sure, and mixed reports of all kinds coming in from the Broadway company. But the major report is that Clay's fans are flooding the Shubert theatre and tearing the house down with enthusiasm for what Clay is doing. He got a standing ovation after the "Jew Song" Friday night on the scale of a rock concert. Now, is this appropriate for this funny comedy piece? One might better ask, what isn't appropriate at "Spamalot?!" It's a good time show. It's also a profit making business. If Clay brings a whole new audience to the show who may never have seen live theatre or Broadway, then I say fantastic.

One might be inclined to grumble that a performer like Clay, with little or no acting experience, can just step right into a leading role on Broadway while others struggle and work for years to achieve that kind of break. But Clay is an accomplished young man. He was a special education teacher before "American Idol," he beat out thousands of people to get into that competition, and with the support of the American public, finished second and emerged with his first single at #1 on the Billboard charts. He has sold 6 million albums and has established a foundation for special needs kids. While it surely has not been lost on the producers of our show that Clay will be good for business during the slow months of this, the third year of the Broadway run, I also know the creative team are people with integrity and very high standards. I am sure that Clay had a very strenuous rehearsal process and that every aspect of his performance was worked on and guided by expert hands. Reading the interviews with Clay, and hearing about his aching muscles and exhaustion, all I could think was, brother, I feel you!! And of course, add to the pressure on Aiken that there are plenty of people out there who want to see a success like he is fall on his face in the "legit" world--next to creating superstars, there is nothing Americans love more than seeing them fall.

The only thing I am perhaps jealous of is that Clay got wonderful photos of himself in Sir Robin gear by Joan Marcus. I'd love to have a few official images of me in the show. Am I concerned that now Sir Robin will be a "celebrity only" part on Broadway? Well, I have no doubt that there will be other big names coming through the show in various roles as the run continues. But these roles are not easy to cast and require real acting chops, dialect skills, etc. I think the creative team knows this and there will still be opportunities for fine actors to play these parts in all the "Spamalot" companies. I am very grateful to be doing the tour and tickled that I am playing the same role simultaneously with Clay Aiken. I wish him much luck! He is about to experience what an eight show week feels like, and I am sure, will come to appreciate and respect the hard work that this truly is.

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This was posted by cindydoe at CV

Not sure if this has been posted, perhaps it has. But, I was reading up on the touring company of Spamalot, as it's coming to Raleigh in April. I found this blog from James Beaman that plays Sir Robin. Scroll to the very botton, Jan. 20th entry, he talks about Clay. I enjoyed it.

James Beaman's blog

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I just watched that wonderful, wonderful afternoon of Clay on Tyra's show. Wow. You guys who were in the audience must've been going crazy 'coss I could feel the energy and the excitement and the buzz in that studio from my living room via a freakin' laptop screen! :hubbahubba: Their faces must've been hurting from being in a constant state of goofy grin for so long. And every time the camera panned to the audience members, they were doing the same thing. :cryingwlaughter:

It's so cool to watch that now, knowing that later he sent her flowers and then they became friends---that they've had a 'date' at least twice that we know of, even if it's only get-togethers to just shoot the shit and nothing more---that Tyra's been to see him in concert in LA and on Broadway in NYC! :clap: And

This week's Entertainment Weekly has her on the cover, the article being about her business savvy and her very formidable empire she's building. I think those two must have lots to....


talk about, you know? :whistling-1:

muski... I wasn't there, but I agree with you about the chemistry. I am currently re-reading Southern Nights... whew!!!

I had not heard she went to his LA concert. Give with the deets, woman! :cryingwlaughter:

Wonder what that other Sir Robin means by mixed reports of all kinds. hmmm!

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