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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Sometimes I think that the reason Clay is keeping the details of his album to himself is that he doesn't want it to be judged before it is heard. And we already know that even something as simple as the name of his producer can send the fandom into paroxysms of panicked extrapolation.


I actually enjoy the mystery, right now. I don't need to to know all about the album, or hear about how it'll revolutionize the industry or doom him to oblivion, before I've listened to a note of it.

I'm also enjoying the mystery right now but I get a different vibe about the secrecy surrounding the identity of the producer. The tone I get from the blogs and interviews where he talks about the British producer is one of controlled excitement, like it's something that he knows will make the fandom v. v. happy and he's eager to tell us but will not release it until just the right moment.

(that entire last part was solely for Muski's & my enjoyment) :cryingwlaughter:

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I'm also enjoying the mystery right now but I get a different vibe about the secrecy surrounding the identity of the producer. The tone I get from the blogs and interviews where he talks about the British producer is one of controlled excitement, like it's something that he knows will make the fandom v. v. happy and he's eager to tell us but will not release it until just the right moment.

(that entire last part was solely for Muski's & my enjoyment) :cryingwlaughter:

A controlled release of Clay's excitement would make me very very happy, too.


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I think this is an old interview, and of course there's no Clay mention, since it's dated 11/06....

But it's an interesting interview with Hannah Waddingham on Broadway.com.

There are also some interesting interview videos linked, on the left side about halfway down.

For you Dr Who fans (if there are any) the guy who plays King Arthur in London is Peter Davison who used to be Dr Who!


I am in the "Wait and See" car when it comes to whatever project Clay has coming up next. So I know I'll love the next CD, I love pretty much everything Clay does. And if he says he is doing what he wants to do on this CD, I am anticipating more innovative sounds such as the example presented by "Broken Wings" - which I LOVE!! Not to mention "Lover All Alone".

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good Morning, for a while. I fell asleep without taking my contingent of pills, So I have to gear up for some more and then I can go to bed.

2. Maybe it'll bump up my street cred.

BWAH, now according to Taylor Made from I luv NY, no one says street cred anymore.

Noone was named on the board I saw, but when I went back later to capture the comments, the person had edited them away and they were gone forever, so I just pretended it did not happen. This is how stuff disappears.

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I made a few screencaps of the Fox clip from Atlanta tonight:

LOOK!!! IT'S CLAY IN SPAMALOT!!! :clap::hubbahubba:

in the interview - great shirt and sweater!! :cryingwlaughter:


the run away scene where they're running from the French


this looks like the All for One song


the bottle dance


in the finale


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ETA: I keep forgetting to tell you.... I got a thank you email from Telecharge. They were thanking me for going to see Spamalot and telling me this new guy - Clay Aiken - is now in it and will be until May 4th and encouraging me to go again!

I think I may have to just do that!

I think you will, being the well-brought-up lady that you are. You wouldn't want to cause these nice Telecharge people any offence would you?

{{{ CG}}}

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thanks so much for that clip, play! How great does he look up there? How natural? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Is it March yet?

Off to corporate training for me. Not sure if I'll have internet access at work or not for the next 6 days. Yikes.

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Artquest put up a better news clip with more sound and more video of Spam alot I put it in 4shared since it is not in the vault yet. here

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Bless your heart!

jj :thbighug-1: just cuz.

I finally slept last night. I've been taking Clariton D in addition to the Nasonex and, good lordy in the mornin' that stuff wires me up. No wonder they make you sign you life away at the drug store to get it. Sheesh. But other than that I am feeling better, bit by bit.

Is is Friday yet?

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Good Morning Everyone,

81 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

83-90 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Good Morning!

What a great thing to wake up to! Those FOX clips!

And our BF singing and DANCING and SHAKING HIS BOOTY!!!

I can barely wait til March!!!

(I'll be in NYC 3/12-3/16. Ticket only for the 13th right now.)

So - they're using the new season of AI to promo Clay's SPAM run! Yay!

It's silly, really. I can't stop grinning after seeing those clips a *few* times!!

I like his messy stage door hair much better, but - WHO CARES??!!


You can even hear him sing Idol of My Age in one of them! :clap:

Oh. Cotton folds hands back in lap all lady-like and whatnot. Have a nice day, everyone.

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Amen...although I suspect the publicist is Mary. We already know that she accompanied Clay at the new york interview.

I've been assuming that the publicist is Mary also. She's been in NY and he really doesn't need a tour manager right now. I think she wears a few hats.

That Atlanta clip wrapped with the newscaster quoting Clay that being on AI was nothing compared to the hard work on Broadway, yet in the Broadway.com article he seemed to say that Idol was longer and harder work, and used that as a reason why Idol alums have had success on Broadway - and this is why I always swallow a big grain of salt with my news.

I watched AI last night and agree that the guy who sang Love the One You're With was outstanding. I don't know the names and faces so .... who sang Bohemian Rhapsody? I thought that was the best of the night.

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Long, catch-up post ahead. Scroll if you like....

I just want to buy some new music that Clay Aiken's voice renders.

But it's kinda sad, I think, that along with the excitement I feel about the new cd I also have trepidation. Not because of the actual music that Clay will present, but because of the inevitable fan wars over its 'worth'. God, I can hear it now---either declaration that it's the best.cd.of.all.time. or the deathknoll of a talented vocalist's career.


Some...er....'discussion' is, of course, natural and even fun...but history in THIS fandom has made me a bit paranoid, you know? :unsure:

This is me...just the little bit of angsting I saw today had me rolling my eyes and sitting on my hands to keep them away from the keyboard, lest I say something that would get me in trouble.

Pre-emptive worrying about something we have no control over just seems so pointless.


I feel the same way too. I'm sad that I feel the twinges of "oh dear, what is this fandom going to go through next?" when I think about the album. Having said that, I realized, as I was thinking that way, that I was worrying in advance about some other fan's reactions. It's that "endless circle" thing one more time. I'm going to try my best to let it all go, and just enjoy the album Clay releases.

*waves back at soulsista*

Man, I hadn't heard a few of those speculations regarding Vanessa, Clay's former manager, specifically the one about the leak of the TITN video. I guess I was out of the loop then.


Gibby, I hope everything works out well for you, both health wise, and also for your mental stability. I hate that when someone throws something at me at the last minute, so I feel your pain over that.

Thanks, ldyj. I think it's pretty rude to throw stuff at a musician at the last minute, but everything turned out okay. I play so much music these days that I've gotten pretty good sight-reading out of necessity!

I've had it happen to me in music too, but with my latest library job, I get the same kind of thing. "Can I bring my class to the library today and have you do an orientation?" Uh....only if I don't already have 5 other things going. I'm always appreciative of the faculty that schedule their orientations weeks in advance with me.

You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Jimmy Kimmel figure out a way to have Clay "on his show" on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of sad to let such a fun "tradition" pass by just because Clay is in Spamalot. Anyone else hoping for a taped interview or "bit"?

I thought of this the other day too. It will be kind of sad not having Clay on JK this year. Maybe Sarah Silverman will film a clip saying that she's dumped Matt Damon for Clay?

do they put out Broadway show DVDs? Anybody know. I think it's a farfetched proposition!! We're still waiting for our tour DVD.

I think they have in the past, but I'm not sure. I do hope so though -- that would make some money for them, surely. I know I'd buy at least 2 copies!

Sometimes I think that the reason Clay is keeping the details of his album to himself is that he doesn't want it to be judged before it is heard. And we already know that even something as simple as the name of his producer can send the fandom into paroxysms of panicked extrapolation.

Say that 5 times fast! Hee. I agree Jenna.

I also suspect that the publicist we hear about is actually the Spamalot publicist, not the RCA publicist (or his personal publicist), which may explain why he talks more about the show than the album.

I think I tend to agree with the others that said that this is probably Mary. She's a trusted part of his crew, and I think she's good with a stopwatch too. *g*

I actually enjoy the mystery, right now. I don't need to to know all about the album, or hear about how it'll revolutionize the industry or doom him to oblivion, before I've listened to a note of it.

Yep. It's all about the surprise for me, for the most part. I can at least wait until a press release!

Fantastic clips to wake up to this morning! He sounds so happy in the interview, and I loved seeing the clips of the show. Makes me totally excited to be seeing this live very soon!

OTOH...can I buy Clay some Granimals? Man, that shirt with that sweater. Ick. I like the sweater, but with that shirt? Geez.

luckiest1, good luck with your training!

OK, off to try and work with a head cold. I don't feel like I'm going to die, but my head is definitely stuffed up. *sigh*

*hugs to jamar*

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I think they have in the past, but I'm not sure. I do hope so though -- that would make some money for them, surely. I know I'd buy at least 2 copies!

Don't you know you are suppose to buy 7?

Oh and that shirt with the sweater is a very European look! Very in right now. The more patterns clash the better...well it's not for everyone but Clay is on the cutting edge of fashion!

Bwah ha ha, just writing that makes me want to laugh!!!

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I've had it happen to me in music too, but with my latest library job, I get the same kind of thing. "Can I bring my class to the library today and have you do an orientation?" Uh....only if I don't already have 5 other things going. I'm always appreciative of the faculty that schedule their orientations weeks in advance with me.


You mean you don't just hang out in the library reading the newspaper all day?!!

At their beck and call?

You actually - like - WORK and stuff??!!!


Yeah. I worked as an elementary school librarian. On a FIXED schedule!

Saw all 800 students for class every week!!

I didn't have time to PEE, much less - work in an imprompto class!

I hear ya!

Can I just say - I laugh my arse off every time Clay shakes his booty and slaps his butt!!!



One month from today! March 13th! Me doing Clay on Broadway!!! :)

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I think they have in the past, but I'm not sure. I do hope so though -- that would make some money for them, surely. I know I'd buy at least 2 copies!

Don't you know you are suppose to buy 7?

DOH! [tm Homer Simpson] Where the heck is my fan card? I need to burn it, I guess -- I'm a bad fan. *g*

Oh and that shirt with the sweater is a very European look! Very in right now. The more patterns clash the better...well it's not for everyone but Clay is on the cutting edge of fashion!

Oh, well no wonder. This Midwesterner took FOREVER to "get" those kinds of European looks. Don't mind me, I'll probably love it in a few days. (I did that with the first AMA look -- the long tuxedo coat made me swoon, but the contrasting stripes on the shirt and tie made me see, well, stripes, for a few days....)

Bwah ha ha, just writing that makes me want to laugh!!!

Me too! HA HA!

Just a note -- I read that Uno, the beagle that won the Westminster Dog show last night (and he's a cutie!) will be having a steak dinner tonight at Sardi's in Manhattan. For those going to see Clay -- you may also see another celebrity! Hee.

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Mary is always with him at professional events. I suspect she's really a management representative (similar to what Vanessa was) who handles the logistical details of his career. Personally, I think that there is another person, a Spamalot publicist, who arranges these interviews and who may be present, but just is not visibly recognisable to the fandom. Spamalot is a multi-million dollar enterprise. It makes sense to me that they'd have a professional publicist to manage their press. But it's anyone's guess, I suppose.

I never heard that Vanessa leaked the TITN video, only that someone from the place that edited or mixed the video let it out. Why was she supposed to have leaked it? To ruin or embarrass him? Sorry, I don't buy that. I think people just said that because they were angry with 19 and assumed that she (as an employee of 19) must have done it, because someone had "violated his trust." However, we really don't know all the people he's worked with. We, as fans, tend to just pick from those we see.

The thing is, we really only see a tiny fraction of Clay's life. We really only know the people who are around him in public places. Because we focus on him so intently, there is a danger in believing that we know more than we do. It's like how some fans think that when we don't hear news about his CD, it's because he's not working on it. We're not with him 24/7. There is much we don't know--about his career and his relationships. That's why it kind of bugs me when fans feel they can say with authority things like "Kelly is not a true friend." Um...how much time have you spent with them together? Don't you think Clay would have a better understanding of her than fans who haven't spent five minutes with her?

There was a time when fans seemed to know more than Clay did. I still recall that fan who told him the songs that were going to be on MOAM. I also recall the irritation he seemed to express that she would know something about his career that he did not. I think that had an impact on him, and that since then, he's wanted to be as in control and aware of his life as he can be. And that he's less willing to leak information until he feels it ready.

But sorry, I didn't mean for this to come across as a rant.

BTW -- I love that little beagle that won the Westminster Dog Show!

I love Clay Aiken, too!

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Artquest put up a better news clip with more sound and more video of Spam alot I put it in 4shared since it is not in the vault yet. here

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Thank you! If that's the appetizer for my full-course meal in April, I'm starving!!! :onhishead:

Am I the only one hoping for the movie, Spamalot ...the Musical ?

Featuring Clay Aiken as Sir Robin?


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