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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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    • I'm considering running for President!
    • Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!
    • The man's a joy magnet!

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New SpamaBlog:

2.18.08: Are you a Monty Python fan?

Until about three months ago, I thought Monty Python was a person. No Lie. It wasn’t until I first saw Spamalot that I was even exposed to Monty Python. But, in learning more about it and being exposed to the Python humor, I can totally see why people have been captivated by it for so many years. It really is a special sort of comedy all its own, but it really has stood the test of time. I know that people who laughed at Monty Python in the seventies are still laughing at it today. And, more importantly, a whole new generation has been able to experience it through this show, and they laugh just as hard!

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Youtube of Quiana's song last night.

from Notacanuck at CH:

"Just Move on" from BIG TENT, the Tammy Faye Bakker Musical


Could it be???



Murah at CV says this can't be Clay's profile that he was sitting in a different position!

Poo! Fun while it lasted, though!


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Youtube of Quiana's song last night.

from Notacanuck at CH:

"Just Move on" from BIG TENT, the Tammy Faye Bakker Musical


Could it be???


that was awesome! I didn't know Sean had written this musical! Who would have thought Tammy Faye Bakker would inspire a musical!

00lee - super banner!!! I love the color! :clap:

eta: what a surprise! That wasn't there when I quoted the post!!

and........... Maybe?????

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Has anyone seen this vid on YouTube, set to "One" from A Chorus Line? I love it, the lyrics are so appropriately applied to what's flashing on the screen!


I was hoping for flashing!!!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

No, seriously, that was great! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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the banner is dangerously beautiful !! His eyes are a thing of beauty. Can you just imagine a close up like this in a movie...sigh..... I would so love it !

that is some serious pretty on that banner there!!! I love it!!

And - if he ever has that closeup on a movie screen, color me dead!!! :Thud:

cha cha runs off to Best Buy for a super wide screen high definition TV!

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Unicef Field Notes: Coming Soon: Clay Aiken's Holiday Album!

It's been awhile in the making, but we've just put the final touches on Clay's album of photos from his holiday visit with kids at UNICEF programs in Mexico.

Everyone who donated $50 or more to Clay's appeal for Mexico will be getting a link to a PDF of the album this week via e-mail -- and signed copies for folks who were able to give $1,000 or more will be going out by postal mail shortly.

Keep your eyes open for yours, and let us know what you think!

Needless to say, I almost had a heart attack at "holiday album" but I knew in the context of a UNICEF posting....heh.

Be on the lookout!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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00lsee, beautiful banner!! Caught my breath when I opened the board this morning.

That sure does look like his profile to me and who is that woman in the front sneaking a peek at over her shoulder? Cotton, if it wasn't for an eyewitness, I'd swear that was him.

New luggage is a lovely thing to behold. I was just at Macy's on Sunday getting myself outfitted with a new wheelie laptop case, one that will hold the computer gear and a couple of cameras.

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Want to hear something weird? There was a time when I was hunting for file transfer material to provide clack to the general unvoaulted, one of the things Isettled on was 4shared. OK, a few months later, the CU vault comes along and I jut use hosting some clips until they get vualted, not a big deal. So I look at the latested clip I copied over and posted here and at the Ch - the first day there wee 30 downloads, and then it got vaulted. I looked the other day and found almost 800 downloads! What the?? I guess I should be glad saving the vaults so much money, but it is just weird, people are still downloading from thaat link. I never used to get that kind of volume, most people did send spaces over and over. and maybe 100 would use the 4 shared. But the last few things I uploaded....... So, I wonder if it has been linked to some unsavory site. I don't think CU links can be imbedded. Usually when I find some out rageous play on a you tube, I find it embedded at a certain swamp.I have to think this out. I might disable some of these links.

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I just love that picture in the UNICEF album of Clay sitting on the airport floor with his family looking bored and like every other stranded passenger.

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:cry4: I haven't gotten my album yet. :cry4: And I did give the $50! :cry4:

Watch, as soon as I post this I get the email....

Heh...didn't work...I want that email...

So I'll post this instead:


And Now for Something Completely Silly: Monty Python's Spamalot

Knights without horses prancing to the clip-clopping of coconut shells; an empty-headed King Arthur searching for the Holy Grail; a killer rabbit (and a giant wooden one that serves as a Trojan Horse for the Middle Ages); a nasty and flatulent French Taunter defending his castle against the Brits; and a gaggle of fearsome Knights who say "Ni!" - these are only some of the elements that ensure Monty Python's Spamalot status as Broadway's most slaphappy musical ever.

This quasi-faithful adaptation of the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail has been cross-pollinated with a quest to mount a Broadway show and leavened with "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," an ode to joy originally sung by the Pythons on crucifixes in the group's follow-up film, Life of Brian.

"If life is jolly rotten," Arthur and company sing, "there's something you've forgotten. And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing."

The book for Spamalot is by Eric Idle, an original member of the Python troupe, who also wrote the lyrics and co-wrote the music with John Du Prez. Another Python, John Cleese, is the peeved voice of God, who memorably advises Arthur: "Just find the grail, O.K., the people don't have all night."

The production won the 2005 Tony Award for best musical under the direction of Mike Nichols, who also won a Tony. Sara Ramirez, the original Lady of the Lake - now played by the London company's original Lady, Hannah Waddingham - got the Tony for best featured actress in a musical.

Most of the cast members play multiple parts. Christopher Sieber, for instance, the long-haired blond who embodies Sir Dennis Galahad, is also The Black Knight (who fights on despite having his arms and legs chopped off). Brad Oscar, the original Franz Liebkind in The Producers, plays Dennis's mother, Sir Bedevere, and Concorde.

Jonathan Hadary portrays Arthur, and only Arthur, and he deftly channels Tim Curry, the first Broadway Arthur, with his idiotic air of Grail-seeking imperturbability.

Although audience members with degrees in Pythonology can anticipate the gags lifted whole from the "Holy Grail" film, the musical stands on its own as a loony howl.

"You can totally love it without knowing Python," said Waddingham, whose Lady presents the much shorter Arthur with his legendary Excalibur sword. "It's so ludicrous and silly that I defy anyone not to laugh." She, herself, is a Python scholar. As a teenager she and her friend giggled while swapping lines from "Life of Brian."

She added: "I was a real Python geek."

The Lady of the Lake is a central part of Spamalot's parody of showbiz (take note of the large nods to Fiddler on the Roof, Peter Allen, Vegas floor shows, and Phantom of the Opera), with her diva-like behavior and solo number whining about being offstage too long.

"Whatever happened to my show?" she sings, summoning the mock anger that Nichols encouraged her to discover. "I was a hit, now I don't know. I'm with a bunch of British knights, prancing 'round in woolly tights."

One of those woolly-tighted knights is being played through May 4 by Clay Aiken, the runner-up in 2003's "American Idol," whose various parts include the neurotic and cowardly Sir Robin. Aiken has drawn his own largely female fans - the "Claymates" - who are besotted by whatever he does onstage at the Shubert.

"It's hilarious," said Waddingham. "He's so sweet about them backstage. He says, 'Ah'm sorry, they're embarrassing me, y'all.'" She went on to add, "He's taller than I thought he was and he's also quite strapping. I expected him to be 5' 6" and quite puny."

Aiken, who sang the inspiring "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on the "American Idol" finale (losing to his arch-rival Ruben Studdard, who has yet to make his Broadway debut), sings far less-moving lyrics as Sir Robin. "You can sing, you can dance, and you won't soil your pants, in your white tie and tail," he tells his non-voting Shubert audience. "Find your Grail... Find your Grail."


Sadly, I've done some reading around already about this article, and most seem to be focusing on the fact that Clay, once again, says "we're" embarrassing him. I don't know, I just don't take it all the personally, ya know? Besides, I think that he's trying his best to not have all the Clay fans focusing on HIM, but rather the cast as a whole. To me, that's understandable. I'm sorry for the people who take it personally when he says stuff like that, but it's just not me. *shrug*

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do I need a new bag??

Yes. No matter where you're going or what you're doing, the answer to this is always "Yes". And shoes to match.

Ah, but Stacie and Clinton say matching your shoes and bag is not required.

Cha Cha, actually that's not required *g-

If you wish to be fashionable then "matching" is a good thing (tm Martha Stewart) But if you want to be "stylish" then no need. I say go with STYLE...it's cheaper! :0)

floating off to LICK pretty banner and the saucy nape w/curls of the man's neck...slurpslurp

00lsee, thank you so much!!! :ilovemypc:

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do I need a new bag??

Yes. No matter where you're going or what you're doing, the answer to this is always "Yes". And shoes to match.

Ah, but Stacie and Clinton say matching your shoes and bag is not required.

Not sure who Stacie & Clinton are...but it doesn't matter. As long as I get new shoes. :) And besides...what do I use as an excuse? What do I say to DH? "HOney, I must go shopping for a new pair of shoes because I don't have any that don't match this bag?" I'm pretty sure he'd lock me up. :cryingwlaughter:

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