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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Well, the last two hours just totally SUCKED.

It must be something in the air 'cos I had two hours in the middle of the day that were not the best! I'm driving to meet my daughter for lunch and suddenly I get steam coming out of the engine of her Beetle! Well one tow truck, one good samaritan, one nosey cop and one rental car later all is well! I say that now because we don't know the cost yet!

Oh well it's only a car! But it kind of put a kink in the plans for the day!

Nothing better than to come home and watch some Clack!

I broke down and am trying to work on a Spam-A-Bear! Who knows how it will turn out.

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I have been told not to talk about going too many times because it makes others feel bad, but I do believe there is someone else at this board who has and will continue to surpass my show attendance.

I wasn't asking to 'start' anything. I know you live close enough to go as often as you like. And if it really bothered me, I probably wouldn't want to know the exact number anyway! :cryingwlaughter: I was just curious, it seems like you've gone several times already, but I might be confusing you with someone else. Or maybe combining you with someone else.

Anyway, I do enjoy hearing people reporting back, no matter how many times they see the show.

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OK, I have been 8 times so far. I have tickets for at least 2 more shows and would like to accompany the Luckiest group when they come, and my sister and her husband when they come and Couchie when she is here (I like absorb some of the enthusiasm when others see it for the first time, like when I took a new friend who lived her whole life in North Texas for her first snow fall or when I took her to see the ocean for the first time) and probably some day when I am bored and no one is around.... I really did enjoy SRO, I liked being able to dance to the music, thankfully there was no one standing next to me. I have one more magnet and two more Sir Robin Pins. If no one is interested, that is fine too. I just forget who can't get to go and who can.

If it is any comfort, I live in the most expensive county of the most expensive state for most things....all things in life balance out. With a very empowered dog that feels I need to play with her today, she was left alone too long. Excuse me while I fetch a ball......

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puts on a face mask and gives Clay a cyber hug...

I've made a decent dent in organizing my clack - I have narrowed it down to my favorite 4,671 files! I've actually taken 438 files off my hard drive and onto two separate back up DVDs!

Claytonic, hundreds a couple of dozen a few a completely reasonable number of DVDs will be heading your way come Monday! In the first shipment at least. Which should get you through 2003.

What?!?!? I'm just sending her the bare minimum, I swear!

I am indebted to you for life! Perhaps I will no longer feel so out of the loop about 2003.

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Heh - just 7 data dvds and 6 movies dvds - I only had 26 Gb of stuff on AI - and one 5 Gb of strictly Clay stuff - I've got 95 Gb of stuff for 2004 - I think I need to narrow it down a bit.

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That's what I meant when I said mine CUTE little bears are my poor woman's Sir BearRobin! I love them. And they are CUTE. But they are down and dirty representations.

I love your little Sir Robin teddies! Your put a lot of detail into them even thought they're small. I'm sure everyone who got one loved them, too!

Your bear is a marvelous recreation of the almost real thing!

Can't wait to see him when you're finished! How tall is he?

My little guys are only 8 inches tall (sitting). They are not articulated and don't stand.

But you made the bear, too, right?

I can imagine how many hours have gone into this.

Did you block print the squares? Is the chicken stitched?

Could I ask any more questions? :cryingwlaughter:

Thank you! :blush: Yes, I made the bear. He is articulated & is 18" tall, standing. I quit counting hours on such projects a long time ago! Yes, I block printed the squares. The chicken on his tunic is a rubber stamp I found. I was going to print out & iron on, but decided to make it a little different. The rubber chicken is actually a stress relief toy - it's filled with sand-like stuff and you can squish & squeeze him! The chicken, that is.........

Chain mail & armor took a back seat to cleaning today. I haven't been able to train the cats to vacuum and do laundry yet - damn. :glare:

Your recaps and the new details you bring back each time are cracking me up, Play! If I lived close by, I'd probably end up at the Shubert more often than not.

"Not let's go to a hoedown and bring a banjo country music" BWAH!! Thanks for the explanation CUTE AI2 Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

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OK, I have been 8 times so far. I have tickets for at least 2 more shows and would like to accompany the Luckiest group when they come, and my sister and her husband when they come and Couchie when she is here (I like absorb some of the enthusiasm when others see it for the first time, like when I took a new friend who lived her whole life in North Texas for her first snow fall or when I took her to see the ocean for the first time) and probably some day when I am bored and no one is around.... I really did enjoy SRO, I liked being able to dance to the music, thankfully there was no one standing next to me. I have one more magnet and two more Sir Robin Pins. If no one is interested, that is fine too. I just forget who can't get to go and who can.

If it is any comfort, I live in the most expensive county of the most expensive state for most things....all things in life balance out. With a very empowered dog that feels I need to play with her today, she was left alone too long. Excuse me while I fetch a ball......

You only live once, play! Or so I'm told. Just keep giving us recaps!! k.

And glad you're feeling better too.

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Recap posted at the CB:



AUTOGRAPHS, BUT NOT CLAY. hmmmm.....British Guy? lol NJU ppl were all laughing, they talked to the ppl behind them, and they didn't know that Clay could act......Omg, he can do ANYTHINGGGGGGGGGGG....LOL

Coming out in line they were talking to a couple from NYC that go to a lot of shows....This is one of the best.....

GO CLAY, PPL ARE LOVING HIM..... 4 girls from some college, didn't get the name were next to them, they love Clay, and have been to 3 shows.....going back next weekend. ALL GOOD STUFF......

Discuss amongst yourselves.


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Play! I don't think 8 is bad at all!

Shoot, if I lived there, I'm sure I'd get SRO as often as possible if standing the first time didn't kill me! (Standing, that is!)

I wish I could make more than one trip to NYC, but I'm just happy that I'm getting that one! I feel very fortunate to be anticipating my March trip to the city and to SPAM and my BF!

Have the tv turned to the Oscars when DH is not watching the race.

I only saw 2 of the nominated songs performed, but the performances both seemed very Broadway! Anybody else get this feeling?

I saw the 2 from Enchanted. I love Kristen Chenowith!

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Play! I don't think 8 is bad at all!

Shoot, if I lived there, I'm sure I'd get SRO as often as possible if standing the first time didn't kill me! (Standing, that is!)

I wish I could make more than one trip to NYC, but I'm just happy that I'm getting that one! I feel very fortunate to be anticipating my March trip to the city and to SPAM and my BF!

Have the tv turned to the Oscars when DH is not watching the race.

I only saw 2 of the nominated songs performed, but the performances both seemed very Broadway! Anybody else get this feeling?

I saw the 2 from Enchanted. I love Kristen Chenowith!

That's exactly what my husband said. He hates Broadway. I took him to Spamalot and asked him what he thought. He said it had too much singing!!! He hated the Lady of the Lake and he adored the French taunting scene.

He also thought Clay was really good.

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play - good for you! If I lived close enough to go often, damn straight, I'd be there OFTEN!! :cryingwlaughter:

Just like many of the tour dates, sometimes you live in the golden land and sometimes you don't - I'm lucky enough to have been near many concerts that only require a drive... so for this, I don't live near Broadway gold... and bummer, but shit happens, such is life... I'm green with envy but I won't make you feel guilty that luck is shining on you this time... like I said, good for you!

I'm still not sure that I'll get there at all, it's probably no, but I'll keep that slim hope alive until May 5... :cryingwlaughter:

BUT, in the meantime, I love hearing all the recaps, keep 'em coming!! You and everyone else going are my lifeline to the show!

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I have been told not to talk about going too many times because it makes others feel bad, but I do believe there is someone else at this board who has and will continue to surpass my show attendance.

Play I did read a bit of another board where this issue came up and I couldn't believe it. I had assumed we were all adults. So I say shout it from the rooftops! I know that you wouldn't, but even say NA-NA-nana-NA if you want to!! Don't let others need to drag others down stop you from saying any-damn-thing you want!!! Otherwise those of us who can't go ( or only once) will miss the chance to live vicariously through you!

Well ...umm.... I spose thats' my little rant over....... carry on......

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I have been told not to talk about going too many times because it makes others feel bad, but I do believe there is someone else at this board who has and will continue to surpass my show attendance.
play, hee, I resemble that remark and I'm proud of it... so sorry we didn't see you today. we were holding B1 for you. hoping for a next time...

About this weekend's shows and Jerome's announcement...


as far as Clay being sick -- I have worked stage shows where the leads have literally been throwing up and coughing their brains out backstage, but as soon as they're "on" they seem fine and the audience has no clue whatsoever -- adrenaline and "the show must go on" kicks in and you just do it ... I just hope Clay goes to bed and rests all day tomorrow thru' Tuesday and lets his body heal ...

While it's my opinion that the shows from this weekend were just as fun and energetic as they were last week, I'm not disputing anything announced by Jerome. We all know how beautifully Clay can still sing even with a terrible case of vertigo ( Long Island JNT05). I think it's a combination of adrenaline, professionalism, willpower and teamwork that made this weekend's shows as special as they were. It seemed to me that the rest of the cast seemed to be performing at a higher energy level. This afternoon, I noticed this in particular with King Arthur and Patsy and last night with Lancelot, Belvedere and Galahad. As for Clay, I don't know where he pulls the strength from but he's been kicking as high as ever and I'm absolutely positive I saw his eyes twinkling at some point on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He actually broke & laughed for a teeny bit this afternoon during the slo-mo horse because PerusingOne beside me was giggling so loudly at how much he had extended his tongue this time 'round.

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From RVz Lady at the CH:

During today's matinee, I thought Clay looked better than last night - but there was a part during his solo were he "missed" a line and a half. That is to say, he opened his mouth and sang the words - but nothing came out. He is a trooper how he keeps going like nothing happened, but I felt bad for him anyway. Everything else, as usual, was perfect.

Scarlett did you notice this?

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From RVz Lady at the CH:

During today's matinee, I thought Clay looked better than last night - but there was a part during his solo were he "missed" a line and a half. That is to say, he opened his mouth and sang the words - but nothing came out. He is a trooper how he keeps going like nothing happened, but I felt bad for him anyway. Everything else, as usual, was perfect.

Scarlett did you notice this?

Merrieeee, it wasn't that nothing came out -- chopped up and/or "different" syllables came up. I thought it was because of a mike issue. Solo and PerusingOne didn't even notice -- probably because it was that short (or long, hee!) and between us it was PerusingOne who was closest to Clay.

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OK, I will not demure again. That, too, is annoying. I do understand CG's problem - here is the rub, without work, money is even more limited. So you take your choices and prioritize.

I am still laughing over Kimberme on Ai2 rewind - guess America did not like her hair, delusional much?

Holly is sleeping now, I tired her out, this should last for an hour or so.

I didn't notice anuything remiss during the solo - I was probably dancing too much.

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Play, we come to the clay aiken boards to exchange information and share fan moments. Who's going to give those reports if those who do go will stop writing about their adventures, Clique? Life has ups and downs and different people can go at different times. 10 years ago I ran and devoted a lot of time to a Broadway board even though I never could see the shows I loved because of my circumstances then.
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play, we come to the clay aiken boards to exchange information and share fan moments. Who's going to give those reports if those who do go will stop writing about their adventures, Clique?

I hope you never stop. More power to those who can go many times.

What good does it do to try to make others feel guilty?

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He actually broke & laughed for a teeny bit this afternoon during the slo-mo horse because PerusingOne beside me was giggling so loudly at how much he had extended his tongue this time 'round.

Scarlett... tell PersusingOne that she did something the Knights of Ni have not been able to do... make Clay laugh! She should be in the Hall of Fame for this, cause he's very rarely even cracked a smile. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

ETA: play... I also agree with Scarlett and those who have said.... if people are so ... fill in the word... that they don't want those who have the good fortune to go often to talk about it, that is their problem not yours. Geesh! Fart in their general direction! :cryingwlaughter:

I probably am not going at all and I LOVE to hear every single recap and I don't care if you've been 87 times, as long as you keep bringing the info so I can live vicariously!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I had assumed we were all adults.

What? Are you new here?


Play go & tell. I would. I so would. I mean, it's not like you have to tell everyone. Just us.

P'weeeese? :lilredani:


Spent the day reading Spring Training blogs and I know some of ya'll think it's just ClayNation...but it ain't. I would never if I were a player or a players family member dare venture into the comments section on one of those things. Some sad sick people out there. And I don't believe they are all bitter 13 year olds either. Bitter 31 year olds maybe.

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