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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Did y'all see the clip from this mornings WRAL promo?

Its up in Clackunlimited and the other vaults.

There is a short clip of another song with heavier quitar and drum beat...could be uptempo. I also think he had a bit more of the other song...and it did sound great.

I can;t wait or this CD!!!

EEEEEEEEE I love Sting...Dream of Blue Turtles is also my favorite sting album but Brand New Day is also very good...this is what Kipper produced and it won a Grammy for best album. That album does have a variety of sounds and styles. I am very optimistic with this collaboration.

eta: this is the problem with kids around...too much distraction ...I swear when I started this post they just put the clip up...sigh..

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I think the theater will lead people to believe Clay will appear until they have definite word he will not be appearing. - I am such a cynic.

Here is a 4shared link to hthe WRAL promo this morning forthose at work who can't download and can't watch youtube. Play or download, the clip is already at CU.

So it is not all ballads, but at least one midtempo angsty song.

I hate being in a place where too many people are around so you can't listen to anything you shouldn't be listening to........

I want to hear the midtempo angsty song! :cry4:

One word for you, CG :unsure:

earphones :ninja:

I'm playing it over and over and over....just four words of that VOX but they just slay me. The sound of that VOX never fails to reach right in there and


I don't even see a place to plug in headphones with these computers! No speakers - they are built into the monitor. They must have KNOWN something like this would happen!

CG, maybe someone could call you and play the clip to you over the phone? If I wasn't going to be in a meeting soon, I'd do it!!!

I've watched the clip a few times now....and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Very cool. It sounds like a neat song.

Yeah, someone could, except, how do I supress eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?

I guess I can wait, if I must...... ( I am not good at this waiting thing AT ALL!)

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How is it possible to get so excited from a 7 second snippet of a song we can't even really HEAR???????

I am entranced. Playing it over and over. Can't wait till tonight's 5:00 news to be capped and uploaded!!

OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo - I just got some of the lyrics from that noon clip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I still walked awaaaay.... turned around and....."


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For anyone who is interested, at my end of the world, we get your morning shows at 4am a day later. For example, right now it is 4am Thursday, and I've just switched on to watch GMA Wed morning your time!

OK, just so you know how much power Clay has in my life.... I used to ALWAYS watch NBC's morning show with Matt Lauer, which is on at the same time. That was until I watched Clay's interviews with Diane Sawyer on YouTube. When it became obvious to me that Diane is a Clay-struck as I am, I decided to ditch Matt on NBC for Diane on ABC, just so that I don't miss any snippets Diane may offer about Clay, especially since he is on HER hubby's show.

See how much control Clay has over my life?

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So merriieeee --- what kind of initiation rites do you have to go thru to be an eHP member????

Hey claytonic - in case you haven't used the "View New Posts" button lately - I added some random youtube links in your new thread!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

here are some srceen shots from the noon promo:





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I'm back from my meeting. My boss was there, totally supporting me, as I told her boss that I just don't want to be saddled with the administration duties here at the library. It wasn't what I was hired to do. However, my boss' boss feels there's got to be someone on staff who can do this. Shyeah, right. So ANOTHER meeting will be called soon, and I'll go over all this again, along with other colleagues who work with me. All I know is that I'm so tired.

EEEEEEEEEEE for new music from Clay. I'm looking forward to what Kipper and Clay can each bring to the party.

Kipper and Clay. Sounds like a cartoon.

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CG...if you can and want to, call me on my cell and I'll have Clay seranade you.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks to my darling friend muski, Clay spoke to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and sang to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on the phone!!!

From the 4 notes we heard, the mid-tempo angsty song sounded so good!

At least that should hold me for awhile. Thanks muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I see the CD Party planning board is back. Will there be a press release this time too? :lilredani:

I'm so torn on this stuff. I have no desire to go to another 'big' party (Raleigh, I'm sorry to say, was one of the biggest disappointments of my fandom). But I hate to think that anybody would look at lower attendances and believe it had one single thing to do with Clay. I just want to sit back and enjoy this go 'round orgasmically organically. What to do? What to do??

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I see the CD Party planning board is back. Will there be a press release this time too? :lilredani:

I'm so torn on this stuff. I have no desire to go to another 'big' party (Raleigh, I'm sorry to say, was one of the biggest disappointments of my fandom). But I hate to think that anybody would look at lower attendances and believe it had one single thing to do with Clay. I just want to sit back and enjoy this go 'round orgasmically organically. What to do? What to do??

Cindilu, you know you didn't really want to cross out orgasmically!

I have never attended a CD release party. Not sure I really want to. I suppose if a bunch of friends were going I might, but I want Clay seduce me while we are all alone, just the two of us.

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The day of the release of ATDW, alspazz and I met up in the large city near both of us, bought ATDW at HMV, listened to it and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ed in the car on the way to Goldarngirl's office where we met up with other local fans (Luckiest and others), had lunch and listened to ATDW. For me it was a perfect way to hear the new cd the first time.

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I see the CD Party planning board is back. Will there be a press release this time too? :lilredani:

I'm so torn on this stuff. I have no desire to go to another 'big' party (Raleigh, I'm sorry to say, was one of the biggest disappointments of my fandom). But I hate to think that anybody would look at lower attendances and believe it had one single thing to do with Clay. I just want to sit back and enjoy this go 'round orgasmically organically. What to do? What to do??

This is why I am so against these parties for anything else than just friends getting together. There is sooo much expectations that it never does fulfill. It does not help Clay in any way at all anymore because it just puts focus on the fans and their antics again....It reinforces the notion that the fans are carrying his career....which is totally unfair to Clay and his talent.

PUHLEEEZE no more press releases!!!

Cindi...I have given up on worrying about negative spins on attendance. It will happen and the reality is...he is not as popular as before. Its the truth...so what. This does not in any way diminish the quality of his work. I say let the CD speak for itself.

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The day of the release of ATDW, alspazz and I met up in the large city near both of us, bought ATDW at HMV, listened to it and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ed in the car on the way to Goldarngirl's office where we met up with other local fans (Luckiest and others), had lunch and listened to ATDW. For me it was a perfect way to hear the new cd the first time.

IMO...this is the only reason for a party ...for fans to get together and EEEEEEEEEEEEE together and just have fun. No need to make a big PR deal about it.

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For anyone who is interested, at my end of the world, we get your morning shows at 4am a day later. For example, right now it is 4am Thursday, and I've just switched on to watch GMA Wed morning your time!

OK, just so you know how much power Clay has in my life.... I used to ALWAYS watch NBC's morning show with Matt Lauer, which is on at the same time. That was until I watched Clay's interviews with Diane Sawyer on YouTube. When it became obvious to me that Diane is a Clay-struck as I am, I decided to ditch Matt on NBC for Diane on ABC, just so that I don't miss any snippets Diane may offer about Clay, especially since he is on HER hubby's show.

See how much control Clay has over my life?

Yay Claytonic! Yay KAndre! Yay Linda Loveland! Yay new cd! Yay Clay! Yay exclamation points!

Hows this for coincidence- turns out that Claytonic and I live probably an hour away from each other!

Anyway must run ,Clay has made me late for work,again.

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The day of the release of ATDW, alspazz and I met up in the large city near both of us, bought ATDW at HMV, listened to it and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ed in the car on the way to Goldarngirl's office where we met up with other local fans (Luckiest and others), had lunch and listened to ATDW. For me it was a perfect way to hear the new cd the first time.

IMO...this is the only reason for a party ...for fans to get together and EEEEEEEEEEEEE together and just have fun. No need to make a big PR deal about it.

Gosh if only I had a few friends to come over my house and party with!!!

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! A possible R&B song!!! And he wants to include "Lover All Alone"!!!

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