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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Oooh...whichever Celebrate Me Home you watch, keepingfaith, you must also watch the Vancouver? Portland? one, too, because he wore the beautiful dark suit. After those first couple of shows he was wearing the white one.....

ah.....yeah...Love Clay's CMH...

Ruben? I'm with whoever said it's about time AI acknowledged his existence! I'm happy for him and I'm sure Clay is, too.

Hey, KAndre! Since you're doing pina coladas in Houston tonight and I'm doing beer here in my neck of the woods---both while watching a certain hawt red-haired/blonde/brunette Southern singer man---perhaps we should get satellite hookup and broadcast in simulcast! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Eh ... the only time I've ever heard Celebrate Me Home on the radio is at Christmas time. Guess I missed it when it was a hit.

I think they should make 'Had a Bad Day' the permanent kiss-off song. It was perfect!

keepingfaith, I didn't see anybody warn you that CMH from the JNT05 is stricken with a terrible case of Clayus Interruptus. There's a cold bucket of vinagrette thrown at you right when you're ready to..... Damn you, vinagrette!!!


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Clay is in the March 11 Issue of Soap Opera Digest, Page 86...It is a Flashback picture to when he was on GMA before the JBT and did a guest spot on All My Children. The picture is of him and Susan Lucci.


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keepingfaith, I didn't see anybody warn you that CMH from the JNT05 is stricken with a terrible case of Clayus Interruptus. There's a cold bucket of vinagrette thrown at you right when you're ready to..... Damn you, vinagrette!!!


Hee, I think the LA version I linked to has the vignette edited out. At least it does in the version on my iPod!

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I agree that interviewers like Linda, who have known him a long time and have never asked him tabloid questions, will naturally tend to get more relaxed and open interviews from Clay. Those, like the Newsweek interviewer, who choose less friendly topics, are likely to get a more wary and reserved response.

While I can believe that a covers album was not his first choice for a sophomore release, I do think that he was proud of it in his own way. I really don't think he would have chosen to sing so many of its songs on last summer's tour if his feelings toward it were as negative as some seem to suggest.

That said, I can also believe that he may be more excited about this album than he was about the last, because it does seem to be more about who he is. I know that not everyone believes that it's necessary for an artist to make a "personal" album, but I do think that it does add something when an artist feels an emotional connection to the music he sings. I love the fact that he wants his next album to be about where he is in his life now.

As for Ruben, I knew some fans would be upset that he would get the AI "good-bye" song. But with all of Clay's concert, Broadway, and sales success, it seems a bit petty, IMHO, to begrudge Ruben this one prize. It's as if fans of Brad Pitt were to be jealous that Jason Patrick got a role in a great film instead of him. Let Ruben have "Celebrate Me Home." Clay has plenty to celebrate on his own.

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claytonic, have a WONDERFUL time this weekend!

I'm thrilled for Ruben. Couldn't be better timing for him, after losing his recording contract and needing another one. I like Ruben's voice, but to me, Clay owns CMH. I love his growls and falsetto - it's gorgeous the way he sings it. Ruben will likely do a good job, but as a Clay fan I'll always love Clay's version the most! In fact, with all of this talk about CMH, Clay's version is earworming in my mind endlessly. And I don't mind a bit.

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Has anyone ever flown air trans. I can get my "going" ticket for 150 - pretty good deal. Thanks annabear for bringing that over!

I flew on Air Trans from Georgia to Florida, I believe. It seemed fine. It was on time and didn't lose our luggage, so that's a miracle in itself.

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Has anyone ever flown air trans. I can get my "going" ticket for 150 - pretty good deal. Thanks annabear for bringing that over!

I flew on Air Trans from Georgia to Florida, I believe. It seemed fine. It was on time and didn't lose our luggage, so that's a miracle in itself.

What more could you ask? Hee!

You're welcome, Couchie - hope it works out for you.

I'm thinking I flew on Air Tran the last time I went out to California, which was several years ago, and had absolutely no problems.

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I agree that interviewers like Linda, who have known him a long time and have never asked him tabloid questions, will naturally tend to get more relaxed and open interviews from Clay. Those, like the Newsweek interviewer, who choose less friendly topics, are likely to get a more wary and reserved response.

While I can believe that a covers album was not his first choice for a sophomore release, I do think that he was proud of it in his own way. I really don't think he would have chosen to sing so many of its songs on last summer's tour if his feelings toward it were as negative as some seem to suggest.

That said, I can also believe that he may be more excited about this album than he was about the last, because it does seem to be more about who he is. I know that not everyone believes that it's necessary for an artist to make a "personal" album, but I do think that it does add something when an artist feels an emotional connection to the music he sings. I love the fact that he wants his next album to be about where he is in his life now.

As for Ruben, I knew some fans would be upset that he would get the AI "good-bye" song. But with all of Clay's concert, Broadway, and sales success, it seems a bit petty, IMHO, to begrudge Ruben this one prize. It's as if fans of Brad Pitt were to be jealous that Jason Patrick got a role in a great film instead of him. Let Ruben have "Celebrate Me Home." Clay has plenty to celebrate on his own.

Jenna, a big, fat sloopy WORD to this!

Has anyone ever flown air trans. I can get my "going" ticket for 150 - pretty good deal. Thanks annabear for bringing that over!

I have. They're pretty good. Nice seats. Good on time record. I never hesitate to fly them.

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I flew Air Trans last winter from Michigan to Tampa and had a good flight with no luggage problems.

I love all of the video from WRAL. I cannot get the line from Ashes out of my head.

I really needed those segments to help get through the last couple of days. The memorial service for our little guy was really nice. My son was able to fly up from Florida, and when I turned around by sister from Cincinatti and Kentucky were there. Everyone has been so supportive. My oldest son and wife are taken this hard, but they have many friends and relatives to help them. There was over 100 people at the service.

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As for Ruben, I knew some fans would be upset that he would get the AI "good-bye" song. But with all of Clay's concert, Broadway, and sales success, it seems a bit petty, IMHO, to begrudge Ruben this one prize


May I just inject here that so-called 'experts' on a subject often end up being someone who had the hutzpah (sp?) to declare themselves as such and then actually take steps to publicize themselves?

I just participated in a meetings industry 'webinar' about accepted best practices. I really thought I was going to get some useful, specific information about how to standardize information exchange between planners and hotels. Just a bunch of generalizations and statements of the obvious.

What a colossal waste of time. <_<:what_d_fuck:

I could've watched a Clay video instead! :imgtongue:

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WHEW finally caught up...the kids are home ...no school for leap year day...go figure, hee. We are knee deep in packing. I finished mine and caits..but Sam and Tay are doing their own packing ...I am just going in a giving some advice here and there.

So great discussions...

first, I am so happy that Ruben got to sing the AI goodbye song. Its about time AI featured him more. As much as I love Clay;s version of CMH...I'm sure Ruben will have a great version.

I really think this is the first time Clay has a recording project that was this well thought out from the beginning. If we remember the CD that never was seemed to be a hodge podge tooHe always seem to be unsure and he did say they were recording all kinds of styles and themes for it.The only time he talked about a possible theme for it was in the N&O article in December 2005. I think by that time...it probably was difficult to fit the songs they recorded to one theme and I imagine as a result there was no cohesive sound to that CD. It seems that even though they shelved that project...the idea of a theme, his 5 year journey, is still alive and he was able to work on it properly...with one producer which will put all of it together. I think his excitement comes from the fact that his vision is finally coming together. I think that was one of my frustrations about what he used to tell us about the abandoned project...it seems so vague and nebulous. Maybe thats why it didn't push through.

For me I thought he was always very upfront with ATDW. He told us from the very beginning that they were doing a CD of original but then Clive had this concept and had to go with it. We knew the choices of songs was between him, Jaymes and Clive. I think he seem less enthusiastic about that cos it was not his concept. But when he used to talk about how the songs came together...like Broken wing, and HYCA...I always thought he was more animated. See I don;t believe there was this huge fight and struggle, that Clay was devastated or angry at Clive. I'm sure he felt disappointment when the CD they were working on was not approved...but I also think he was not against cooperating with the label if he get to do his concept the next time and if he gets to put his own spin on the covers.

I really thought that he looked very happy during the ATDW promo. I did notice that he barely mentioned it during and after the Christmas tour. IMO, if his attitude about ATDW changed...it could possibly be because of the fans reaction to it and not because he resented doing it.

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Just to counteract all the brief happy notes about AirTran, Couchie, I give you an exerpt from my one and only flight on them (some of you from the CH may recall this trip):


Wednesday afternoon around 2 pm, I wave a cheerful goodbye to everyone at my office (after explaining to them they can't have me committed to going to North Dakota to see Clay in concert because I'm gonna give conservator power to people I've met over the internet because they like Clay too and if I'm committed, they'll never see their paychecks again - they quickly signaled for the guys in the white coats to back off).

I take my one carryout piece that has been packed since the 3rd (Olivia and the bling have to be appropriate secured). I go to have a spa manicure and pedicure (because I already shaved) and head for the airport. (Sane, you would be so impressed. I got there at 6 pm for a 7 pm flight. I had checked in online the night before. I was set. I began ready some elvish smut. Looked up and noticed it WAS 7 PM! Fuck! Ran to the gate. The gate attendent smiled at me and said "Bad weather over Atlanta. We will leave at 7:40 but you'll still have plenty of time to make your flight - the other flights are delayed as well" (I have marked AirTran down for some serious smiting after World Domination kicks in. Just sayin'.) We board the plane at 7:25. The "captain" has the utter audacity to be...cheery! He plays a harmonica for us. Badly. And appear to want applause. I give him a one-quarter sneer (because he still has to drive me to Atlanta [yes, I went through Atlanta. Isn't that the best way to get to Minneapolis?] and planned on saving the other three-quarters for landing. He eventually shut up and we took off.

We fly and fly and fly. And fly some more. We then see Atlanta from all angles as we proceed to circle it in between various lightening bolts. Because we can't land because of BAD WEATHER. I said, "Ya think?" in a very reasonable tone. Very reasonable. Which is why a stewardess came to be and repeated the freak of a harmonica-playing captain's lies that all flights were delayed and it was cool. The plane finally lands and since the people in first class weren't Clay fans, I climb over them to escape that flying tin-can refugee from Hee-Haw and run to the Spawn of AirTran (SOA) who's supposed to tell me where to make my connection. Oddly enough, as I approach her at a high rate of speed, she backs up a step and stammers out that I need to see Inez. I explain calmly and coolly (I studied James Bond films for this) that I don't want to see Inez unless she's in Minnesota. She whimpers at me, "Inez" and points a trembling finger around the corner. I give her the eye, go to see Inez. It is now 10:55. My flight is supposed to leave at 11:05. I approach Inez. She says, "Oh dear. I am taking care of you personally" I am being to think specific evil thoughts. She battles with ten people on the same flight behind me also going to MSP. They seem to be milding upset. I, again in my calm and rational manner, ask what the fuck was our connecting plane thinking in taking off and leaving our asses considering the entire fucking airport was supposed to be grounded because of goddam bad weather that you kept our asses flying around in circles over your stupid airport even though you all knew we didn't want to be in fucking Atlanta we want to be in Minneapolis not tomorrow but fucking tonight, because I have places to go to and it's not like your asses are gonna drive my ass to Grand Forks now, is it? She seemed to take this in the spirit that it was meant, and said let me clear these people (the non-Clay fans) out of the way and take care of you. The next flight out was at 8 am arriving at MSP at 10 am. She gave the others vouchers to the Holiday Inn and cheerfully told them to be here bright and early tomorrow morning. She then turned to me and said "ma'am, they put you on a flight to MSP two days from now" That's when I knew I was in a battle with The Powers That Be.

to be continued....

My Pilgrim's Progress (snark, people!)

Now, The Powers That Be are legion, but I am ingenious. Inez seemed to be the first weak link in their nefarious plot against me, so I proceeded to recruit her to support me instead, by agreeing that all those not-Clay fans were terribly unreasonable in wanting to get to Minnesota as planned, but since I was going to a concert in North Dakota, let's treat me as the special person that I am. She called all the other airlines, carefully explaining to me that of course AirTran (or as they are now know, fucktards) will pay for everything. (I commented to myself mentally, oh yes, they will pay for everything in blood and tears, but that's for later). Nothing was available. NO-THING. My newest minion, seeing that this definitely wasn't pleasing me, immediately began working toward alternative pacification. I then call my cohorts in crime, sausi and cms, who are apparently beating on doors throughout the Denver airport, trying to terrorize the vendors into providing them sustenance. I explain what happened. They say, "WHAT?!?!?" I explain again. They ask, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Apparently they are under the weird notion I have a totally fucked up sense of humor. Once the details of my plight have sunk in, they exclaim, "Guess what? 14clay has been screwed over as well and won't arrive in MSP until 10! What shall we do?" Now, many of you other meers are probably saying to yourself, "Silly heifers. Leave those unlucky beyotches in their respective airports and haul ass to Grand Forks. Clay will be there. EEEEE!" However, this small division of my Legion of Doom likes to travel in style. I had arranged for us to pick up a Jaguar S-type to impress the natives and use to escape from any children of the corn we may have encountered. TPTB totally fucked that up for us. (I was originally blaming Clay for everything but since he is now my (almost) lover, I have turned the blame in a more appropriate direction). We decided that the forward element of our Legion of Doom (LoD) would scout out the way to Grand Forks, while the rear eschelon (me 'n 14clay) would follow this next morning when I arrived. Inez made an offer to me of a night in the Crowne Plaza at the fucktard's expense, and a voucher for SEVEN WHOLE DOLLARS for a meal at the Crowne Plaza. SEVEN WHOLE DOLLARS! I thought about splitting it up for dinner AND breakfast, and Inez apparently misheard me and thought I was talking about splitting her lengthways and roasting her halves separately over two different fires (BTW, thanks for the notes, Tsathy; you can't beat experience!) as she yammered about corporate policy and if there was any way possible she would personally carry me to Minneapolis on her back. Since her back looked fairly uncomfortable and she didn't appear to be particularly speedy, I declined.

I begin trudging my way to the hotel shuttle service, which of course is a like a billion miles away from the terminal? Did I mention by now it was midnight in Atlanta? A drone of TPTB directed me to the wrong train that apparently went to nowherem but eventually I was waiting at the hotel shuttle service bay, staring back at the non-Clay fans waiting for the Holiday Inn shuttle. Hey, if they were Clay fans, they would have been with me at the good hotel. One eventually skulked over to me and asked why wasn't I waiting for the Holiday Inn van with them in a tone of voice that told me he was an agent for TPTB. I gave him a three-quarters sneer and explained that I was special. He skuttled away. I should have made him talk to him longer, because apparently he managed to communicate with TPTB and arrange to have a van driver that they knew would piss me off. The van driver announces that he is going to "a" Crowne Plaza and the airport Holiday Inn. I ask him which Crowne Plaza. He says the one about 8 minutes away. I say, and that helps explain to me which HOW? He says maybe 5 minutes away. I ask, How many Crowne Plazas are they. He starts listing them individually. The non-Clay fans pile into the van. I interrupt this paragon of detail to inquire in my nicest tone of voice, Is this Crowne Plaza closest to this goddam airport. He takes a step back, blinks and says, I will take you there. And drop you off first. See, if he had just said that at the beginning how much simpler life would be? Spread the word. Obedience to me is a good thing. We get to the hotel (and it only takes three minutes, thank you very much. He was driving like a bat out of hell.) I check in and immediately head back to the bar. Which is closed. I show the desk clerk my SEVEN WHOLE DOLLAR voucher and he looks at me quizzically and says everything is closed. I am not surprise. I go to my room and call Hertz to change my reservation from the Jag (damn TPTB) to a Mustang convertible. I say I want red. They say they will work on it. I arrange for a 5:45 wake up call. I go to bed, grumbling. I vaguely remember being woken up by some bastard at 5:45 and go back to sleep. I then wake up at 6:45 and comment "Oh shit." Occasionally, I can be concise and to the point. Just not in this post. I go into the bathroom to shower and wash my hair. When everything is wet, I notice no shampoo. They given me a CD player. Aromatherapy. A night eye mask. Oatmeal body soap. Facial soap. Ear plugs. Towels in attractive shapes. But NO FUCKING SHAMPOO. Damn them. Shaniqua (the braids) go over the wet hair. I have spent 10 minutes I didn't have looking for shampoo that those bastards didn't provide. I didn't use my voucher for SEVEN WHOLE DOLLARS for breakfast either. Dammit. I catch the 7:20 shuttle to the airport. The driver apparently spoke to the paragon of detail last night and went straight to the airport and dropped me off. I check in. The flight is on time! Yay! I call the forward section of the LoD who announce they are in a screaming yellow Mustange convertible less than an hour out of Grand Forks. They mention numerous dead skunks, which seems a total non-sequetour but just wait. Oh yes, and lots of manure factories. I explained to csm that in Texas, we call them cows. She said, no, no, I didn't understand. I explained, that there was wasn't a huge profit margin in manufacturing shit since it was almost universally produced, and she said you're see. I said hmmmm. I board the plane.

I was overjoyed to find out that this captain didn't plan on "entertaining" us with a solo harmonica redition. We pulled away from the gate. And sit our asses on the goddam runway for twenty minutes. I kid you not. There will be an ACCOUNTING! We finally take off. We fly over lots of land. We land in MSP. Again, as there are no Clay fans in first class, I leap over them to make a mad dash to the car rently counter. I run out of the terminal and into the Gold counter. I rejoice as there is only one person walking up to the counter before me. And that's where I went wrong. Instead of going with my first instinct which was to take her out so I had an unobstructed rental experience, I was nice and didn't kick her out of the way. Stupid me. She prances up to the counter and say something that fills my heart with dread. She says, "I didn't know I had to come inside when you do your first Gold rental." I greet 14clay who is patiently waiting. Such a good minion. She pulls out her reservation and says by the way, I want to get these additional discounts. I didn't put them in my original reservations and I don't have the coupons and I don't have the coupon numbers but I think I saw them on the Internet. Her name immediately went on the list to be eaten by fire ants feet first as she is required to write 17,897 times "I will not try to con Hertz into addition discounts that I am not intitled to when I see I am fucking holding up reasonable people in line) immediately after the name of the counter clerk who fell for this crap and with his amazing two fingered hunt and peck typing style begin to try and find these non-existant discounts. I think I will let the fire ants start with his head as it is clear he wasn't using it for anything. He actually calls out another counter clerk to help him with this bitch instead of serving the other customers in line (me first, but by that time about five other people had shown up). I kindly explain that I need to get my car as I need to be in Grand Forks by 4 pm and it was already 10:45! TPTB picked an excellent obstacle in him, oh yes they did. He finally finishes with her and gives me the wrong part of the contract which I don't notice at the time since we have a little over 300 miles to cover. I know I heard him mumbling to the other counter clerk about my car and when I asked him what was wrong with it, he said nothing, and he wasn't speaking to me. Yes, he will pay for that too. We see the Mustang. It is white, but a nice Mustang convertible. But what catches the corner of my eye? A RED Mustang convertible. You know that TPTB bastard did it on purpose. Grrrrr. 14clay is forcibly moving us toward the white Mustang. She says it is fine. And she's right, it is. but Ah'll Be Back.

We get the top down and hit the road. The weather is gorgeous. And so are we, as we are tooling down the road in Aiken's Angel (we can name our car too!) A little congestion at first but we make up for it. Then we are hit in the face with eau de dead Pepe LePeu. About every 50 fuckin' miles. Our scouts provided excellent info. Going by odor, Minnesota also apparently does have a number of mature factories as well. The forward eschelon calls and wants to know if we wanna upgrade. We say yes, and put the pedal to the metal. We get there around 3:30 pm as I feel speed limits are more on the order of strong worded suggestions.

We find the hotel. 14clay and I split up to get dressed and ready for the concert. sausi comes into our room and says "guess what?" I say, if you managed to catch Clay and drag him into a closet with you, give me a minute and you can tell me all the details; and she says no, we got tickets right next to the catwalk, and I squeal in total joy.

I put on Olivia, a light spackle of make-up, a top that frames my tastefuly bling-enhance cleavage, and we headed for The Ralph.

In other words, for me, NEVER AGAIN!

People, keep in mind this recap was from back in the days when I didn't do any editing. Wait, I still don't do any editing. Never mind.

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"turn around and see, what love's done to me" looping in her head over and over and over and over and over ...?

Nope, you're not alone, kf. Both of those songs they preview have become earworms for me now!

I really thought that he looked very happy during the ATDW promo. I did notice that he barely mentioned it during and after the Christmas tour. IMO, if his attitude about ATDW changed...it could possibly be because of the fans reaction to it and not because he resented doing it.

I think this is how I saw it too. I think he was proud of his participation in the productionh of that CD, such as it was, and he learned a lot from it technically I believe. I happen to love ATDW and will always be glad he did it. But yea, I think between the fans and critics reaction, it just took the wind out of his sails for that project.

So, where is all the hubbub taking place over Ruben's CMH gig on AI7?

You know what....never mind. I don't really want to know. I prefer being "out of the loop" in that way.

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I really needed those segments to help get through the last couple of days. The memorial service for our little guy was really nice. My son was able to fly up from Florida, and when I turned around by sister from Cincinatti and Kentucky were there. Everyone has been so supportive. My oldest son and wife are taken this hard, but they have many friends and relatives to help them. There was over 100 people at the service.

{{{{{gbm, gbmson and dil}}}}}

I love I Survived You with the heat of 1000 suns!!! My first time to see Clay in concert was the IT Vegas. I was on the glare side and I had my binoculars on him and when he glared, he looked right into my binoculars and I swear on a stack of bibles that I felt that glare physically to the bottom of my toes! GAH!!!

I'm thrilled for Ruben and disappointed that anyone begrudges his luck. He'll do it well.

KAndre... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Have I mentioned that I LOVE your recaps? :cryingwlaughter:

I keep watching the clips... Yahoo, then WRAL, then AOL, then Yahoo... gotta givem lots of hits!!!

Sooo much info... so much handsome Clay!

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KAndre's Clack-Pack is in my Ausclaylian house!!!!! :nana:

Got home an hour ago, it is now just after 8.30pm and there is nothing else I need to do that can't wait until tomorrow ... It is Friday night here... guess what I am doing this weekend? Housework? Guess again... but no prizes..., sorry!

Thanks SO MUCH KAndre! :da_best::openflower3:

p.s. Ausdon, I will burn a copy for you ASAP so that your :family1: can find out what all the fuss is about and be :yahoo::yess: for Spamalot!

Thanks Claytonic! Haven't time to catch up completely now due to younger son playing in his baseball semi final -under 12s little league so cute!- but I have that dancing nanas feeling to carry me through a long hot day! :nanarow::nanaonacid:

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Whoa! Look at these ticket prices for a Keith Urban/Carrie Underwood concert in San Jose! This is from a site where ticket holders can put up their tix for sale

Buy Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood Tickets

Section Row Seat(s) Tickets CurrentPrice/

227 15 13 - 17 5 US $101.00 Buy Tickets

128 23 20 1 US $119.60 Buy Tickets

207 12 17 - 18 2 US $125.00 Buy Tickets

113 22 6 - 7 2 US $125.00 Buy Tickets

127 18 16 1 US $132.20 Buy Tickets

112 8 7 1 US $155.00 Buy Tickets

127 22 9 - 10 2 US $161.00 Buy Tickets

102 24 2 1 US $167.00 Buy Tickets

127 24 8 - 11 4 US $167.00 Buy Tickets

FLR 1 13 1 - 2 2 US $965.00 Buy Tickets

Interesting. I never even think of other performers' ticket prices, you know? These two performers are big deals in the country music scene...interesting.

Ah...the weekend is here! :04: :09: :voll: :nana:

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Can I ask a question of those who know NY better than I - and can judge distances better than I?

How far is the Grand Central station area from the Shubert Theater? Is it walkable? It doesn't look all that far on a map, but who knows!

Just curious, you know, in case I find myself in NY soon and then want to see some play at the Shubert Theater. :whistling-1:

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I think it is very difficult to determine how Clay felt about ATDW because he had been dealing with some very intense stuff during that whole process. The LKL interview put everything in perspective for me and I have watched it numerous times because Clay was open and honest about everything. He seemed hesitant for a while to me because he had to deal with all the crap that they threw at him. He discussed the need for anti anxiety meds and how the tabloids impacted him. As time went on Clay seemed so much happier. His Christmas tour in 2006 was, for me, a huge sigh of relief. He had weathered his own storm and he was shining again, making fun of it all. The summer tour of 2007 also showed me that he was in charge of his life again. I don't think he hated ATDW but I think he was doing that CD while going through some pretty trying times. I don't know anything for sure but I think this next CD will be much more creative and personal because he went through those hard times. I am one who believes challenging experiences happen for a reason and how we deal with those challenges determines much of our future. I watch the process with Clay and I am in awe of how this relatively young man has handled his public life over the last 5 years. Titanium indeed!

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