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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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How CUTE is he???? So very very CUTE !!!!

I love his easy camaraderie with eveybody. He really gets to know each person he works with even if they do the smallest jobs for him.

GAH...Broadway is not for the claustrophobic...that pit was TINY...

The wigs were lovely...

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Man....I am so NOT an interview person.

I find Clay interesting...but I, personally, simply don't care about the twists and turns and whys and wherefors of how the CD/songs got where they are...I'm really happy that he's happy though. What can I say? I'm musically shallow - I mainly need aural prettiness, and from what I can hear, he is providing that in SPADES.

I freakin' love all the sounds I'm hearing.

I'm also mean enough to snicker about that this is still not titled "Clay Aiken".

Ha - he loves him some Jaymes. He also loves love songs. A lot. Especially depressing love songs - could we say "angsty"? None of that surprises me. Especially the prettiness of the songs.

I am so looking forward to the CD and the tour and him eventually making love to me. By singing, people! Well, and any other way he likes, I ain't picky.

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Come on, K'Andre, isn't just a little of the appeal that he likes giving bling to the women around him? This would provide you with two great attributes in a male at one time!

Oolsee, I never trip over mine because I close the door in the room where it is working and go somewhere else, my house has too many stairs and I don't really care that it has a stair sensor, my luck and that would be the flaw. Yesterday, I vacuumeed the guest room for an hour and I wsn't even there. Today the kitchen will be vaccuumed followed by having the floor washed. That should take a couple of hours. While I can do something else. In truth,it does a better job than I do, I vaccuum and think it looks good, but not for an hour, there is probably a lot of dirt left, not to mention the dirt sensor will have it going around in circles until it picks up all the dirt.

No, I don't have a wooomba, but you never know.........

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Come on, K'Andre, isn't just a little of the appeal that he likes giving bling to the women around him? This would provide you with two great attributes in a male at one time!

Oolsee, I never trip over mine because I close the door in the room where it is working and go somewhere else, my house has too many stairs and I don't really care that it has a stair sensor, my luck and that would be the flaw. Yesterday, I vacuumeed the guest room for an hour and I wsn't even there. Today the kitchen will be vaccuumed followed by having the floor washed. That should take a couple of hours. While I can do something else. In truth,it does a better job than I do, I vaccuum and think it looks good, but not for an hour, there is probably a lot of dirt left, not to mention the dirt sensor will have it going around in circles until it picks up all the dirt.

No, I don't have a wooomba, but you never know.........

Bwah...wasn't that SNL thing horrible? Funny, but horrible.

Posted this link at the CH, but thought I'd also share it here:

It seemed appropriate to me to show Lynda Loveland a little appreciation for a job well done. I really enjoy their rapport.

I haven't smiled so much in ages. :)

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00lsee, I'm assuming you've seen the "need more room" clip now....

....and I'm waiting for muski to chime in here. As if we don't already know what she'll say. :cryingwlaughter:

He is simply adorable. Oh wait, that should be CUTE, shouldn't it?

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With apologies to KAndre for plagiarism......I've been surfing around, and I just have to vent. *g*

Man....I am so NOT a rip-in-the-crotch person.

I find Clay sexy...but I, personally, simply don't care about the twists and turns and whys and wherefors of how he ripped his costume in the crotchal area...I'm really happy that he seems proud of it, though. What can I say? I'm not shallow - I mainly need aural prettiness, and from what I can hear, he is providing that in SPADES.

I freakin' love all the sounds I'm hearing.

I'm also mean enough to snicker that the rip isn't really in the tights, it's in the tunic. :cryingwlaughter:

I am kind of squicked out by how many people are determined to prove that it really is in the tights, though.

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Looks like I'm going to have to rebuild my laptop. :cry4: It's being extremely funky, and I can barely make it work. It has no viruses, but the icons just won't show up.

Before you do, try Tweak UI. I had that problem, and it worked for me. It was a long time ago so I don't remember a lot of details, but it does other things, so I selected something from a menu and ran it. Worked instantly. I won't put a link because there are different versions for different OS, but it's free and made by Microsoft. You can find it by googling.

ETA: doing some searching, I think maybe I clicked "repair" ???

Check out the info on this link: Your Desktop is a Mess. Scroll down to "corrupt icons."

{{{Cotton}}}, I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt, but I'm glad you had her in your life.

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Well, someone is in a good mood!

waves to Cha Cha How many beats per second does a swallow need to stay aloft?

Me, I came close to being poisoned and will now do some research to see if they were indeed correct and sulfates are not sulfa. Damned allergies, get you when you are not looking. WHy do people expect you to multitask when you are trying to read instructions?

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I think 'migratory' might be my favorite word Clay says in the whole show. Makes me giggle every time I think of it. (For those who haven't seen it, he pronounces it my-GRATE-eree. FLOVE!)

Isn't the line 'African Swallows are non-migratory' though? :cryingwlaughter:

I love Clay Aiken and his adjustment needing crotchal area (even if he IS talking about his tunic).

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I think 'migratory' might be my favorite word Clay says in the whole show. Makes me giggle every time I think of it. (For those who haven't seen it, he pronounces it my-GRATE-eree. FLOVE!)

Isn't the line 'African Swallows are non-migratory' though? :cryingwlaughter:

I love Clay Aiken and his adjustment needing crotchal area (even if he IS talking about his tunic).

You could be right but can't change it now!!!

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Finally was able to watch the "crotch" video; cracks me up how open his about his attributes, when 5 years ago the man couldn't pull his shirt down far enough and made sure to adjust that tie oh so perfectly when he sat on a stool!


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Finally was able to watch the "crotch" video; cracks me up how open his about his attributes, when 5 years ago the man couldn't pull his shirt down far enough and made sure to adjust that tie oh so perfectly when he sat on a stool!


You know, Kim, I'd LOVE to think this is true...but I think he's just funning with us....I know it seems weird that I of all people would hesitate to agree that he DOES indeed proudly acknowledge and flaunt his...er....prominent...er....physical assets. But I don't think he's saying or doing anything that's meant to insinuate that he does. I mean....for the most part, I think he's just making reference to his wild dancing style that causes him to need more space to...er....work.

Regardless, it makes for fine fantasy fodder to think that your assessment is true. :hubbahubba:

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Finally was able to watch the "crotch" video; cracks me up how open his about his attributes, when 5 years ago the man couldn't pull his shirt down far enough and made sure to adjust that tie oh so perfectly when he sat on a stool!


You know, Kim, I'd LOVE to think this is true...but I think he's just funning with us....I know it seems weird that I of all people would hesitate to agree that he DOES indeed proudly acknowledge and flaunt his...er....prominent...er....physical assets. But I don't think he's saying or doing anything that's meant to insinuate that he does. I mean....for the most part, I think he's just making reference to his wild dancing style that causes him to need more space to...er....work.

Regardless, it makes for fine fantasy fodder to think that your assessment is true. :hubbahubba:

Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


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Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


:cryingwlaughter: probably close to the truth...

cha cha...thanks for the caps quotes...made me smile big time.

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Finally was able to watch the "crotch" video; cracks me up how open his about his attributes, when 5 years ago the man couldn't pull his shirt down far enough and made sure to adjust that tie oh so perfectly when he sat on a stool!


You know, Kim, I'd LOVE to think this is true...but I think he's just funning with us....I know it seems weird that I of all people would hesitate to agree that he DOES indeed proudly acknowledge and flaunt his...er....prominent...er....physical assets. But I don't think he's saying or doing anything that's meant to insinuate that he does. I mean....for the most part, I think he's just making reference to his wild dancing style that causes him to need more space to...er....work.

Regardless, it makes for fine fantasy fodder to think that your assessment is true. :hubbahubba:

This is even more true when you know that he's talking about the tunic - that it rips in the split in the front (since he mentioned it specifically about his dancing, I'd wager it's from him kicking those longggggg legs). Lynda had herself some fun in the editing room. The vixen!!!!

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Finally was able to watch the "crotch" video; cracks me up how open his about his attributes, when 5 years ago the man couldn't pull his shirt down far enough and made sure to adjust that tie oh so perfectly when he sat on a stool!


aikim... BWAH! I agree that he used to be more modest than he is now!

You know, Kim, I'd LOVE to think this is true...but I think he's just funning with us....I know it seems weird that I of all people would hesitate to agree that he DOES indeed proudly acknowledge and flaunt his...er....prominent...er....physical assets. But I don't think he's saying or doing anything that's meant to insinuate that he does. I mean....for the most part, I think he's just making reference to his wild dancing style that causes him to need more space to...er....work.

Regardless, it makes for fine fantasy fodder to think that your assessment is true. :hubbahubba:

muski... I am shocked, I tell ya', shocked that you actually are coming down on the side of circumspection... no, not circumcision... and, sigh, I'm sure you wish you were coming down on him... :cryingwlaughter:

Need I remind you of a certain jeans picture from this summer that left nothing to the imagination; I can't imagine him going out on stage in those 5 years ago...course, it could also mean that he was just being stubborn and didn't want to go out and spend money on new jeans.


aikim... DROOL, thinking of that picture...


And, another thing he would not have done 5 years ago... Those shoulders... :hubbahubba:


My opinion... he meant more room for moving around... primarily, but knew more room for his attributes would occur to many of his fans and that was ok to him. JMHO! :cryingwlaughter:

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Question: is there a rip of the WRAL "behind the scenes of Spamalot" available for download? I've watched many times today, but was wondering if there was one available yet.....

CV has it in their vault.


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Love, love, love the WRAL videos!! Anyone know who the CUTE guy in the pink sweater is?????

Today a friend of mine came into the office with a gift for me, She just got back from Vegas and had a backstage tour of Spamalot! They gave her the ugliest looking plastic chalice as a souvenir! Guess what? It was sitting on my desk! I finally found my grail!!!

I thought that it was nice of her. Her hubby wanted to throw it out before they came home but she said she knew someone who would love it!! And she was right.

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aikim, I don't have a key to the CV vault, only the CH. I guess I'll just have to wait patiently. Thanks for your help though.

merrieee, that's very cool. You now have a grail of your very own!

nevermind - I misread the question. *g*

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