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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Good Morning Everyone,

8 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

21 Days until Spring!

64 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

66 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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So who is going to NY soon and can get one of those Playbills and the New York thingies.

I would so love one ! :whistling-1:

Cheerio Karen Eh! Safe travels! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

She called me yesterday from the Post Office wanting my address so she could mail me something! Talk about last minute...she leaves for Baku today! :cry4:

Ok I am buying myself a new laptop this weekend. Do I really need 15.4" with 3gb Memory and 250gb Hard Drive? Talk me down of the ledge guys!

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Good video card! Good video card! Good video card!

I ain't talking nobody outta nuttin' 'cause last night I bought Elvira's replacement - and you, merrieeee are gonna laugh your butt off when you hear it - and to be different - I've gone with a guy GPS!

looks slyly at claytonic...

Lack of adequate fathers, there could be an disagreement there - but in general I think you're right - but I am the last person to know all things about Clay trivia!

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So who is going to NY soon and can get one of those Playbills and the New York thingies.

I would so love one ! :whistling-1:

Cheerio Karen Eh! Safe travels! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

She called me yesterday from the Post Office wanting my address so she could mail me something! Talk about last minute...she leaves for Baku today! :cry4:

Ok I am buying myself a new laptop this weekend. Do I really need 15.4" with 3gb Memory and 250gb Hard Drive? Talk me down of the ledge guys!

Yeah, yeah, I want a new Playbill too ... and a New York thinkie, too. What's the old Queen song? ... I Want It All.

merrieeee, I've been too insane to return phone calls for the past couple of days, but THANK YOU for your voicemail with the great synopsis of the WRAL interviews. What would I do without you? I don't want to know! And to answer your question above, YES you do need the 250gb hard drive. GO FOR IT. JUMP!

Kareneh ... safe travels and good times to you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm looking forward to your posts from Baku. And the headlines: Kareneh single-handedly brings Clay Aiken to the Caspians and the women go wild!!! heh heh I can't wait for the WELCOME BACK sleepover partay. Whenzat?

KAndre, what's the new guy's name? Boris? Igor? Bela? Is he the bossy type?

I am now going to download CMH vids ... and from the suggestions, I may have to look at them all. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? Dark suit, white suit, vinagrettes and all! :cryingwlaughter:

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Ok I am buying myself a new laptop this weekend. Do I really need 15.4" with 3gb Memory and 250gb Hard Drive? Talk me down of the ledge guys!

No you don't need it. But can I suggest the 17 inch widescreen? heee

Ah Karen..safe travels. And please please you must share your experiences with us...and lots and lots of pictures.

Dang I want one of those guides to anyone going soon.. how long does each NYC guide last...a week or a month? Yep those get passed out like candy usually.

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Tiptoeing in to say (and I probably shouldn't) that having been around a few boards yesterday, I did not really see any hubbub over Ruben singing the going home song for AI. Most posters seemed happy that he had the opportunity, but some were sad that he was singing CMH. Reasons were that there are such fond memories of Clay singing that song and they felt Ruben should have been given an original song instead of a cover.

Anyway, all I saw was discussion.

Tiptoeing back out.

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See couchie I think a 17" is not practical for travelling and sleeping with. Besides how would that big one fit into the room with all of the other eHP's electronics? One does have to be considerate of others....yeah right!!!!

I ain't talking nobody outta nuttin' 'cause last night I bought Elvira's replacement - and you, merrieeee are gonna laugh your butt off when you hear it - and to be different - I've gone with a guy GPS!

Does he have a sexy English accent?

I'm looking at a Dell and it has a good video card!

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*crosses fingers that both the NYC Guide and the Playbill are still around when I hit NYC at the end of the month*

Kareneh, I hope you have safe travels, and I'd love to hear about your adventures as they unfold.

merrieeee, buy the biggest you can handle. *g*

YAY!!!! It's MARCH!!! I get to see Clay this month!!!!

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Has anyone ever flown air trans. I can get my "going" ticket for 150 - pretty good deal. Thanks annabear for bringing that over!

I have, lots, out of Buffalo...but I would disagree about the "good seats". IMO, hard as a rock~worst seats I've ever sat in on a plane. But I can put up with a lot for cheap flights, on-time record and no lost luggage! I'd go for it!

I'm looking at a Dell and it has a good video card!

Oh Gawd, in my experience, don't even THINK about a Dell! Worst battery in the world (and isn't that kind of the point of a laptop?), and hard drives as often as oil changes in the car. If it has a good video card it must be the only good thing it has. I'm SO happy my Dell belongs to my company, not me!

Goldarngirl and I aren't going to NYC until Easter weekend, but if the guides and new Playbills are still available then, we can bring AMAP back to distribute.

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Clayaikenpix.com will be open for registration this morning at 10 AM Pacific time. We're accepting 300 more users. If you sign up and use a different name please pm so I know who it is. I'll approve you!

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I'm on my 3rd Dell laptop and my mother's on her second. I'd definitely buy another. Never had a battery problem at all. I had one hard drive go after several years of use, but it lasted long enough for me to copy everything over to an external. Not discounting your problem. Perhaps there are certain models that are problematic.

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So who is going to NY soon and can get one of those Playbills and the New York thingies.

I would so love one ! :whistling-1:

Cheerio Karen Eh! Safe travels! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

She called me yesterday from the Post Office wanting my address so she could mail me something! Talk about last minute...she leaves for Baku today! :cry4:

Ok I am buying myself a new laptop this weekend. Do I really need 15.4" with 3gb Memory and 250gb Hard Drive? Talk me down of the ledge guys!

YUP you do!!!!

The prices of laptops are so great now...my daughters just picked one up yesterday with almost identical configuration ans one I got last year and hubby paid half the price I did. Although after reading FromClaygary's post...I am a bit nervous because it is a Dell. Oh well...we just have to keep our fingers crossed.

Right now hubby is installing all kinds of games on their system....they won't be bored in our trip at this rate.

Karen eh...Bon Voyage!!!

keldanker...thanks for that report. glad to see that there were lots of positive reactions to Ruben's news.

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Have any of you figured it out yet? What is it about Clay? What draws you to him. Have you ever been this involved in another singer's career? Is it just the singing? What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. And was it the voting and the nature of Idol that invested you so much?

I was thinking last night and ya'll know how dangerous that can be. I'm amazed that five yearss later my interest hasn't even begun to wane. In fact I think it's even greater. Yes I am burned out on the fandom now, my life makes it harder for me to spend hours every night working on FCA and the other thinsg I used to do but that's not Clay.

His voice remains my first and foremost. I still get shivers sometimes when he pops up on my ipod and the excitement over every new song remains. I think for me his humor is my second favorite thing. And I think it what turned me from a fan who would just buy his albums and go see him when he hit town to something slightly more invested hee. I love everything about his humor..first of all he's QUICK. And really I don't think I discovered this about him on Idol. This came later when he hit the interview rounds after the show, the radio interviews during AI tour, his stage persona..the more he showed me the more I like it. I love the sarcastic part of it as well. And I can take it when it's aimed at a group but I really think he'd leave me a babbling idiot if I got into a snark off. I need time to think. I'd get him two days later cuz I've have thought of all the things I should have said.

My heart still gets full when something good happens for him. Still get a twinge when I want to kick someone's ass on his behalf. Yet I've had to learn, and that took awhile not to take on all of the slings and arrows aimed his way and to trust in his strength and support system that he has.

Although I was never a voter on Idol the ups and downs and will he stay or go probably did cement my con nec tion to him. And the heady aftermath was just a whirlwind of fun. And it's still fun for me in a vastly different way.

So while I haven't figured it all the way out, and stopped trying a long time ago...every now and then I do ponder it.

Oh and I'd love to hear about other, let's call them, strong intersts, and how they differ or compare to Clay.

About 10 years ago..I guess it is now I was really and totally hooked on One Life to Live..well I had always watched soaps my whole life but I think discovering the newsgroups and then the internet boom, it turned my little hobby into this whole interactive thing. You made friends, and discussed stories and met up in real life and all that jazz. And look how much things have changed..I remember one time when the soap got pre empted on the east coast for one of those episodes, you know..the climax of the story that had dragged on for 2 years LOL...and at that time there was no soap channel.. I remembering dubbing copies and sending them across the country. Nothing like our ripping WRAL 2 minutes after it's online LOL. I guess that lasted a good 5 or 6 years. Once I qut the soap the group slowly faded away. I still have a few friends from it, two of whom I'll see when I'm in NYC. WIth Clay, even though I have met so many people because of him, I really feel that they are true friends, not just people I talk about Clay with.

Anyway, I think after the humor I think it's that he continues to surprise me. Constantly. Spamalot is a complete and utter suprise to me; that he conquered it. It just never gets old or boring.

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This is going to be quick, so forgive any typos. If John gets back from Walgreens and I haven't showered my ass is grass! In the Residence Inn on Eldridge, being picked up at noon for our 4PM flight. Dog, 6 pieces of luggage, expectations galore. The past week has been crazy trying to get all done and ready to go but I have burned the all nighter oil a couple of times to keep up with Clay. I can't believe I downloaded the WRAL interview and didn't watch it for almost a day! Which reminds me I need to download the mp4 and synch my iPOd.....crap!

Thanks for the well wishes. The house in Baku already has its wireless set up so I should hit the ground running.....well a nice two point soft landing first would be ideal. Bye for now......and who knows I might be able to log in from Frankfurt!

God, I'm hating to leave Texas, though. It feels very weird now that it's actually happening....but back to North America at least in April for some Spam.

I wonder if they sell that at Ramstore?

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KarenEh! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh, it must be so exciting and sad at the same time! Can't wait to see a post from you from across the globe!

merrieeee I'm SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you! That you left this out there for me:

how would that big one fit
....when you KNOW that I'd come back with something like....

"Not sure...but I'm quite willing to find out."

etc. :hubbahubba:

Couchie---I'm there with your righteous post. Most excellent. I woke up this morning and before I even got up I started thinking about Clay's 'journey' and how he keeps proving why I'm still 'there' for him. He just keeps getting better.

About the playbill. So is that the March one? With Clay on front and the article inside? 'Coss if it is, I DEFINITELY feel happy since I'll be there for multiple a March shows! :whistling-1:

Have a great Saturday, everybody! I'm doing dutiful daughter duty at the seniors' residence and then housecleaning duty and then dutiful mother duty with older daughter for an overnight in a hotel before a soccer tournament tomorrow and then tax preparer duty and...

You get my drift, I'm sure. <_<

But first.....let's go to Camelot! :lilredani:

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I'm on my 3rd Dell laptop and my mother's on her second. I'd definitely buy another. Never had a battery problem at all. I had one hard drive go after several years of use, but it lasted long enough for me to copy everything over to an external. Not discounting your problem. Perhaps there are certain models that are problematic.

Could very well be! Mine's a D610, it's less than 3 yrs old. It's had two batteries, still doesn't work properly~as soon as you take it out of the plug it dims so badly you can barely see it, and won't last 15 minutes on the battery. Everywhere I go I have to search for a plugin. PITA. It's had 3 hard drives and I had some problems with it this last week, so I think #3 is about done.

I'm not at all hard on stuff usually. My things generally last forever. I have toasters I've had for 15 years! :lol:

Kareneh, best of luck! What an adventure! Lots of pictures, please!

Ooops, forgot to add....couchie, I certainly am in the group that has NO idea what has held me here so long. I've never been a fan of anyone's before this~or, I guess I should say LIKE this. Really enjoy Amanda Marshall and have seen her in concert a few times. Enjoyed Neil Diamond and have seen him in concert lots of times (he puts on a wonderful show); ditto Bryan Adams. Have some of their albums, but not all. Lately I'm enjoying Christina Aguilera, and have gone back and purchased some of her older stuff. Their personal lives/loves/interests/shoe sizes/hair colours.... couldn't care less! :cryingwlaughter: And even with the newly (comparatively) accessible information on the Internet, going there with any of them hasn't even crossed my mind. Crossing the country to go to one of their concerts? Nope. My money is tied up with Clay.

What is it about the man? Much of what you've already described. For me, #1 was the music. I definitely still love the music, and thrill to each new piece he sings...but #1 is no longer the music. I guess, for me, it's the.....core of him is the only way I can describe it. His genuine, intelligent, humorous, generous, spiritual, strong, wise, empathetic, inner person. He says he's learned so much in the last years, and I can definitely say I've learned so much FROM him. All of which has helped me to live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Sorry for the sap, kind of sickening isn't it? :lol: But true.

So, #1 is now the respect I have for him. #2 is probably the music. #3 is the humour, and often #2 and #3 are interchangeable.

I don't see my mind changing anytime soon. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clayaikenpix.com will be open for registration this morning at 10 AM Pacific time. We're accepting 300 more users. If you sign up and use a different name please pm so I know who it is. I'll approve you!

Meesa, what's the link to register, please?

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Clayaikenpix.com will be open for registration this morning at 10 AM Pacific time. We're accepting 300 more users. If you sign up and use a different name please pm so I know who it is. I'll approve you!

Meesa, what's the link to register, please?

Clay Aiken Pix

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Some of the things you said articulates how I feel about Clay. I love his humour, I admire the way he deals with negativity and adversity, he's really been a fine example. His compassion and sensitivity for human suffering are probably what totally clinched it for me. I want to know everything about what makes this extraordinary man tick.

I can't believe how fortunate I am to have found this forum, so appropriately named. The generosity of spirit of the members in this forum has blown me away. It is currently 3am Sunday here and I have spent something like 16 hours since Friday night soaking up the DVDs KAndre burned for me just because I happened to mention in this forum that I felt deprived as I never watched AI series 2 because it wasn't screened downunder here in Ausclaylia. Although I had seen all of Clay's solo performances from YouTube or Clack Unlimited, seeing them within the context of the show makes me appreciate them even more. I had also felt 'deprived' reading LTS because I didn't know who he was talking about when he mentioned some of his favourite people who shared the Idol stage with him.

Some other members of this forum have also been so gracious with answering my questions via email and sharing information with me, and I truly appreciate everything, Clay has some amazing supporters.

I want to add that although I have over the years liked other artists, I've never been so focussed on just one artist before. Not a day goes by now without playing Clay's music.

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What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.

What draws you to him. Once past the obvious lures of voice and eyes and lips and smile and cheekbones and priceless expressions, I think that we all find something in Clay's personality and demeanor that causes us to relate to him in a personal way. I think I get him. I'm sure everyone in this devoted fandom feels the same way, even if we're getting different facets of him. We empathize and celebrate and support him because ..... because ... hell, I don't know. It's a mystery. It's a mystery inside a riddle wrapped in an egigma. It's a jigsaw puzzle of beautiful humongous proportions. I did spend a concentrated amount of time in the past trying to isolate and define it all, but no more. It is what it is. I just accept.

Have you ever been this involved in another singer's career? No. Nowhere close. And I'm a music fanatic who loves a lot of artists and I own complete catalogues of my favorites' music. But nothing near to how I feel about Clay's career.

Is it just the singing? It's Singing Plus.

What is the other key trait that makes you get on a message board every day or download some clack. More than one. Charisma, his musical gifts, his magical looks, his intelligence, humor, human kindness, and humility. He's not slick and manufactured but complex with contrasting personal traits, in many ways a walking contradiction. He can be full of chutzpah and have a cheeky, cavalier attitude right on top of that "awwshucks" self- deprecating humor. I'm not going to use the *pissy* word (since I don't like it) but he seems to have a kick-the-can (or coke machine) temper and definite ideas of what's right and wrong for him and he uses his voice in so many ways. And, he has a passion for life and for accomplishing something meaningful with his. He's lovable, adorable, and a hug magnet. He has sweet eyes, and hawt, sexy eyes, and steely determined eyes -- and the eyes are the window to the soul. He smart, he uses the word "impetus" in his interviews. He's a news junkie and he's hip to politics and world affairs and you just know he can accomplish anything he sets out to do. And yet he always surprises. Clay Aiken is like that golden grab bag where you close you eyes, reach in, feel around, and pull out something wonderful -- it may be sweet, it may be cool, it may be controversial, it may be comfy and warm, it may be startling -- but it's wonderful. I come to the message board and download because I need to reach into that golden grab bag every single day.

And was it the voting and the nature of Idol that invested you so much? No. I invested during those too brief two minutes on AI5. Can I believe that in May that will be 2 years ago? Unreal. Yes it is because I'm still finding out things and discovering things ... just like I watched that Portland CMH this morning and it was fab-oh ... and the growl in LA took me by surprise. The tip-off didn't do it justice ... that was almost a lion's roar!

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merriieeee - I have always said, when it comes to computers, to get the biggest one you can afford. The advice varies slightly for a laptop. What you want in a laptop is PORTABILITY. If the screen is too big, it'll be harder to pack and easier to break. You want to cram in all the speed and memory you can afford, but think about the size and weight. Think about what you are willing to lug around!!

My advice is to go with a Hewlitt Packard (HP) or a Toshiba (or one similar).

Good Luck!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

8 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

8 days til the clock in my van is right again!!! :cryingwlaughter:

K'eh - Happy Trails to YOU!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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