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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Well, I just spent a couple of fruitless days and too many hours trying to revive a floundering relationship with another Board. All I got for my effort was an extra 50 points in my blood pressure that I didn't need and a headache from pounding my head against the keyboard.

Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???

I'll smooch you here because I witnessed your attempts and I loves ya! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just know it was most appreciated by moi!

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Waves to Perma, so she won't feel ignored. Sick people can't get sick over people talking past each other. Keep bringing the pretty!

You can stay, but no guarantees on blood pressure points. I am the champ of them going up. too bad you are on the west coast, no one wants to play AI7 with me anymore - K'Andre was bored and Ansa is away and I guess everyone else had a life but me and joined in later.

Congratulate me - my new dentist has informed me that my current teeth problems are caused by misshapen caps and I need to replace 2 immediately - I really need to talk to them some more about it, but I also need to come up with 2K in 2 wweeks, I guess I am starting my own 2 list, it will probably be longer than Clay's and somehow involve paying money - like my credit card bill this month was for 2K because ..... of many things including finally paying for the emergency room bill when I hurt my foot going to Las Vegas (stupid HMO does not cover emergency rooms! Even though my assigned doctor told me to go there), and a new expensive perscription, but a big chunk was buying Spamalot tickets! It could be worse, it could include hotel fees and plane tickets.

Cool thing to see that e-mail, Cotton, I have to go save mine after I find it. I am not sure which ofthe 15 or so e-mail ids I used.

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Three favorite pieces of clack? Didn't somebody a couple pages before try and go off with a couple of my hard drives? Yeah, that's the ticket!

Mend your ways, hell - corrupter of the (pseudo)innocent are our middle names!

You saw points in Clay's costume? Details, chick! We need details!

Better yet, make up NJU stories! We will give them the same praise.

Presents are always good.

And, just for you jealous heifers out there, MY boyfriend sent ME a present! (That frankly I thought was broken, as it was rattling.) But, OMG! !1!1!1!1! It has lip balm in it! Clearly it's some sort of secret message to moi to be puckered up at all times, just in case. And I'm gonna carry the bag around EVERYWHERE (it's a really nice bag, and I don't care about the logo, me.)

And my Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet and Henry V are here from Amazon! Yay!

Hey! I'll stop being bored with AI7 when they stop being boring! When a stripper dude can't even hold my attention, you know that's bad!

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Just running by to say hello.

I've been completely out of commission since the video showing Clay's black underwear and tights.

Just can't get that image out of my mind.


I need therapy.

Damn, Wanda! It's first thing in the morning here! It took me a coupla minutes to figure out he wasn't modelling them! :lmaosmiley-1: I can't take the stress until after my coffee.

Permaswooned, the above misunderstanding can't be doing your blood pressure any good, but camp away :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hell, until you posted the YouTube I couldn't remember which one he was - and admit, I'm not seeing the eye candy...and just don't care for him one way or another...

Though I think year the contestants are much more consolidated in their genres, and actually I think Clay was pretty well ruling as "ballad boy" from the getgo.

Yea, THAT! I'm not "gettin'" the vibe with this guy myself. I actually think if he didn't have the dreads he wouldn't be so speshul to look at (although he does put a nicely worn pair of jeans to good use....ifyouknowwhatImeanandIthinkthatyoudo) or listen to.

But that is JMHO and nuttin' more.

:bighug: To perma, play, her teeth and her "2 list". In no particular order.

perma, I love the pic in your avi. That is one very handsome young man if may say so! :wub:

May I also add, that being THIS sick does wonders for ones weight. I may never want to smell another cup of green tea again after this! *hacksupanotherlung*


And my Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet and Henry V are here from Amazon! Yay!

Gawd, Branaugh's Henry V was/is superb film making IMO. I must have been the only geeky girl I know who saw it 5 times in the theater!! Yea, that's a lot of "sitting and watching blood spew" time and Kenneth's spit spewing was pretty intense too....but I digress. Great flick!

And, if I'm not mistaken, that there "lipbalm" was meant for use ON the package weren't it? heh


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Oops - reality show junkie here - yes, I am seriously watching celebrity Rehab now and the end of Project Runway and anticipating the start up of top Chef and how they have a lovable grouch like the first year winner.


Me too play!!

Can't wait for the PR finale tonight! (or is it next week?)

Love Top Chef!

Beauty and the Geek starts up soon too!

:cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :lmaosmiley-1:

I got my OFC package - one of the buttons says



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Play, I hear you on the dentist stuff. I just paid mine $1K for a crown yesterday that was supposed to be $750. He just said that, by the way, I had to do some extra work. What am I supposed to do? Tell him to undo it?

What I spend on Clay seems measly in comparison and it's a lot more fun! Takes longer too! :cryingwlaughter:

I'll be at Spam Sat. night!!!! If I arrive through the ice storm we're having.

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Perma, of course you can stay...but I must warn you that you may end up all alone over here if you recklessly slaughter your fellow posters with beautiful photos like that one.

*RIP 00lsee*

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Just running by to say hello.

I've been completely out of commission since the video showing Clay's black underwear and tights.

Just can't get that image out of my mind.


I need therapy.

wanda... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I kinda like that image in my mind, myself!

Well, I just spent a couple of fruitless days and too many hours trying to revive a floundering relationship with another Board. All I got for my effort was an extra 50 points in my blood pressure that I didn't need and a headache from pounding my head against the keyboard.

Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???

I wanna talk about 3 favorite pieces of clack (although I reserve the right to count clack that had to be divided up because of size as one piece).

I promise to mend my ways, honest.

How about if I promise not to discuss the finer points of Clay's Spam costume from seat A1??

How about if I pledge not to bring over any NJU stories???

How about if I bring a gift??


It features eyelashes and everything.

So can I stay??? Please?? Can I???

Anyone?? Bueller????

perma... Please stay!!! I love NJU stories. You can tell me about the view of Clay's costume from an A seat anytime! And, please don't not be yourself (if that makes sense). AND, your gift is gorgeous as are most every one of your gorgeous pictures! Now, take three deep breaths and lower those points immediately! Course if you're thinking about Clay while taking those deep breaths, those points might not come down! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

By the way, I live in OC. You're in LA, right?

May I also add, that being THIS sick does wonders for ones weight. I may never want to smell another cup of green tea again after this! *hacksupanotherlung*


And, if I'm not mistaken, that there "lipbalm" was meant for use ON the package weren't it? heh



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I wanna talk about 3 favorite pieces of clack (although I reserve the right to count clack that had to be divided up because of size as one piece).

I promise to mend my ways, honest.

How about if I promise not to discuss the finer points of Clay's Spam costume from seat A1??

How about if I pledge not to bring over any NJU stories???

How about if I bring a gift??


It features eyelashes and everything.

So can I stay??? Please?? Can I???

Anyone?? Bueller????

How about we get together in some kind of chat on April 3rd to discuss the finer points of Clay's Spam costume from Seat A 101? As someone who's sewn a costume or two in her lifetime, I'm anxiously awaiting my chance to observe said finer points on the night of April the 2nd from that very spot. I'm particularly interested in the lining of that tunic.

No holding back on the NJU stories! That is a Class 5 Misdemeanor, sorry no exceptions.

Of course you'd be asked to pay a fine...or with something fine......you know....like that which is up there ^^^^^^. Prettiest Get Out of Jail Free Card as I ever did see.

OH OH OH!! Perma, did you get the FZ18? And what settings did you use for the stage door shots? I have been meaning to ask that question for a while now.

Tomorrow, I'm going to dust of my blog so I can keep a journal of sorts about what this life of mine over here is like. I can tell already it's going to be different. Tomorrow I'm going to have my first lesson in Azeri (I soooooooooo need to learn to say something in the local language)! English isn't widely understood here and those that think they know it.....well....it's interesting. I do have one story from yesterday to tell if you're bored and have a spare pair of minutes.

John woke me up as he was leaving for work because the maid was coming at nine and I wanted to get my shower and dressed before she got there. I wasn't pretending to be someone who's up and dressed before nine every day because that is a total falsehood. BUT I was told she was nervous of dogs so I didn't want her walking into the house with the dog she's never met before guarding the bathroom door. So I get putzing around the house before I get in the shower...John calls to tell me that he called Lena, the maid, and she was just leaving to get the bus and would there in 20 minutes. I asked him if he had let the dog out that morning and he said, "No." So we end our conversation, I have to scoot from the 3rd floor down to the first to let the dog go pee. When I get there I discover that I'm locked in. There is a deadbolt I can see engaged but no way on the inside of the door to unlock it. I go to the garage...it's locked but there is no inside release on the garage door. But it does have a lovely series of deadbolts.

The dog is not impressed and me...less so. I have someone coming to the house in by this time 15 minutes on the most windy chilly God awful day ever and no way to let her in...she can't even get in a car and drive home since she came on the bus. AND will she understand me as I try to communicate in English through a steal door. Huff and puff up to the 3rd floor again...the home phone is not working for some reason. My Verizon cell doesn't work over here but John gave me a local cell phone the night before. I scramble for that and dammit.....it wants a PIN to open it. It's also set up in Azeri. Now what? I spied the Blackberry charging on an end table.....$3.00 a minute with roaming but this....this was an emergency.

The following conversation ensues as I call John for help......BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(that cost him a $75 steak dinner last night). I asked him to send Ali back to unlock the door. He tells me they're too busy right now and he's sorry but he didn't realize that the second lock wasn't able to be opened from the inside. (There are three deadbolts on this door). Finally he says okay, he'd send help......but he didn't...not right away, and Lena is buzzing at the gate and I'm looking like crap (seriously....tired, greasy,unwashed, and frazzled)....BUT finally my brain engaged (a miracle without coffee) and I thought "I'll drop my keys to her off the balcony." She didn't seem one bit concerned that we met with me hanging off the front of the house trying to toss her some keys.

I keep asking myself if the purpose of that lock really is to keep someone in....you know, like away from the mall (such as it is.) John's first secretary was the wife of the landlords friend....he wanted her to work so she wouldn't have time to shop. Poor thing got canned because she couldn't so much as send an email. At least I can do that. My suitcases and my butt will,with a little squishing fit out the ground floor windows come tour time. Yeah, I thought of the windows much much later.....no coffee you have to understand.

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Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???

How about if I bring a gift??


It features eyelashes and everything.

As far as I'm concerned, you get extra credit 'cause it's a profile shot, too. :Thud: Feel free to drop off more pretties anytime!

ETA: That pic is also a verra verra niiice way to start off a new page! :)

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: I love this place. That is all there is to it. Love every single quip, smutty thought, pretty picture, and off-topic story. :coolchicken:

Now I gotta go shovel the snow that didn't magically disappear from my driveway when I was at work. :freezing:

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no one wants to play AI7 with me anymore - K'Andre was bored and Ansa is away and I guess everyone else had a life but me and joined in later.

I'm giving Idol another shot tonight, Playbiller. Didn't see a second of it last night because I was doing the Texas Two-Step Caucus Mania. Our precinct had 28 people show up at the 2004 caucus -- and due to the voter increase this year they prepared for twice that many -- 60. So how many turned up at our little precinct in a tiny Lutheran church .... over 600. Needless to say I was late late late getting home. But it was such a blast. Everybody was so blown away by the turnout, and the comedians were out in full force!

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Please take with a huge barrel of salt (but nice to think about)

Posted by imsnoqueen at the CH:


This information would probably fall into the category of rumor.... I didn't seek it out. I was talking with a broker, who seems to specialize in Clay tickets. I bought some Spamalot tickets from him.

He volunteered that there's buzz out there, from venues and promoters, that Clay will do an amphitheatre tour this summer, starting in late July.

I'd rather leave the information here, as I don't claim to have any insider information. I'm a nobody (no one has ever texted me). The info came to me, quite unsolicited, but I did find it interesting and exciting.

I hope it's true.

Perma Camp out all you want as long as you keep bringing the pretty!


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Well, I just spent a couple of fruitless days and too many hours trying to revive a floundering relationship with another Board. All I got for my effort was an extra 50 points in my blood pressure that I didn't need and a headache from pounding my head against the keyboard.
Live and learn, babe....live and learn.

Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???
Set yore sweet picture-taking ass right down!

How about if I promise not to discuss the finer points of Clay's Spam costume from seat A1??
Wait! I thought you wanted to fit in here? Leave out the finer...uh, points....and you're banned fo' sho'!

How about if I pledge not to bring over any NJU stories???
Who told you we don't like NJU stories? Lemme at 'em!

How about if I bring a gift??
God, yes.


It features eyelashes and everything.
Oh, honey. Eyelashes ain't the half of it. What grabbed my attention right away is his Adam's apple. Honestly. I know it's just how he's holding his head, but.... :hubbahubba: ...such fantasies that began whirring in my smut-filled brain really can't be described. Let me just say they involved that protuberance and my mouth. (other protuberances, too, of course...but that really goes without saying, right?) The sideburns kept me thinking, too. As did the ear lobe. And that perfect nose--just want to trace it slowly with various body parts. I can't even begin to think about his mouth. Well, that's a lie---I can, but I really shouldn't here at work.

So can I stay??? Please?? Can I???
Just try to leave...HA!
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perma - no gift needed you just set yore lil ass butt down and grab a fan - Lawdy Lawdy!!!

(but THANK YOU for the goodie!!) :hubbahubba:

:cryingwlaughter:K'eh - that's quite a story!! (why on earth are the locks made that way? Is it a fluke or on purpose?????)

Can't wait to see your blog!

cindilu - beautiful banner!!! :flirtysmile3:

this is cool!!!

(from last night's video)


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Tomorrow, I'm going to dust of my blog so I can keep a journal of sorts about what this life of mine over here is like. I can tell already it's going to be different. Tomorrow I'm going to have my first lesson in Azeri (I soooooooooo need to learn to say something in the local language)! English isn't widely understood here and those that think they know it.....well....it's interesting. I do have one story from yesterday to tell if you're bored and have a spare pair of minutes.

John woke me up as he was leaving for work because the maid was coming at nine and I wanted to get my shower and dressed before she got there. I wasn't pretending to be someone who's up and dressed before nine every day because that is a total falsehood. BUT I was told she was nervous of dogs so I didn't want her walking into the house with the dog she's never met before guarding the bathroom door. So I get putzing around the house before I get in the shower...John calls to tell me that he called Lena, the maid, and she was just leaving to get the bus and would there in 20 minutes. I asked him if he had let the dog out that morning and he said, "No." So we end our conversation, I have to scoot from the 3rd floor down to the first to let the dog go pee. When I get there I discover that I'm locked in. There is a deadbolt I can see engaged but no way on the inside of the door to unlock it. I go to the garage...it's locked but there is no inside release on the garage door. But it does have a lovely series of deadbolts.

The dog is not impressed and me...less so. I have someone coming to the house in by this time 15 minutes on the most windy chilly God awful day ever and no way to let her in...she can't even get in a car and drive home since she came on the bus. AND will she understand me as I try to communicate in English through a steal door. Huff and puff up to the 3rd floor again...the home phone is not working for some reason. My Verizon cell doesn't work over here but John gave me a local cell phone the night before. I scramble for that and dammit.....it wants a PIN to open it. It's also set up in Azeri. Now what? I spied the Blackberry charging on an end table.....$3.00 a minute with roaming but this....this was an emergency.

The following conversation ensues as I call John for help......BWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(that cost him a $75 steak dinner last night). I asked him to send Ali back to unlock the door. He tells me they're too busy right now and he's sorry but he didn't realize that the second lock wasn't able to be opened from the inside. (There are three deadbolts on this door). Finally he says okay, he'd send help......but he didn't...not right away, and Lena is buzzing at the gate and I'm looking like crap (seriously....tired, greasy,unwashed, and frazzled)....BUT finally my brain engaged (a miracle without coffee) and I thought "I'll drop my keys to her off the balcony." She didn't seem one bit concerned that we met with me hanging off the front of the house trying to toss her some keys.

I keep asking myself if the purpose of that lock really is to keep someone in....you know, like away from the mall (such as it is.) John's first secretary was the wife of the landlords friend....he wanted her to work so she wouldn't have time to shop. Poor thing got canned because she couldn't so much as send an email. At least I can do that. My suitcases and my butt will,with a little squishing fit out the ground floor windows come tour time. Yeah, I thought of the windows much much later.....no coffee you have to understand.

Kareneh... I am :lmaosmiley-1: over your story. A blog sounds like a great idea if your stay is gonna continue to have funny stories like this one. Is that an area of the world that had seraglios (sp)?

I'm glad someone brought over that rumor. I have been dying to discuss it. What is the average size of an amphitheatre? Were some of last year's concert in amphitheatres? Are we talking 3-5,000? I would think if this is true that Clay must be pretty confident that this cd will be supported "good enough" to bring in those numbers.

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Does an outdoor pavilion count as an Amphitheatre? I hope so 'cos I live 5 minutes from one!!!! It is big and holds a lot of people if you count the lawn!

Hey perma stay. We love people who bring prezzies!!!

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thank you for posting this information. I ordered one. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yes, me too! For once, procrastination worked in my favor!! Usually it just causes me grief...

Can I camp out here, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze???

YES!!! Yes, please... and details would be nice... :whistling-1:

And good grief, I need a shower after Muski's post... what a lovely visual you create... :hubbahubba:

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Man, I hate twelve frickin' hours at the office!

Especially doing "fun" (and yes, I'm doing the finger quote thing at my boss, because if y'all think I'm sarcastic on the boards, my RL would scare ya) work.

Bah. Humbug.

I wanna Clay tour to go with my Clay buttons.

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Man, I hate twelve frickin' hours at the office!

Especially doing "fun" (and yes, I'm doing the finger quote thing at my office, because if y'all think I'm sarcastic on the boards, my RL would scare ya) work.

Bah. Humbug.

I wanna Clay tour to go with my Clay buttons.

Oh trust me she is not kidding!!!

I cannot believe I have to wait until the end of April to see HIM again!!! Maybe my infatuation will be gone by then! Maybe I won't love him anymore! Maybe the package will no longer hold me in thrall! Maybe I will be tired of his voice!

OMG I think Ineed some chocolate!!!!!

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merrieeee occasionally exaggerates to gull people into sympathy. She is now giggling mischieviously at the thought that someone, somewhere who has never seen any of her squee-ing post might believe her. She just wants chocolate. And Clay, but will settle for chocolate now.
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merrieeee occasionally exaggerates to gull people into sympathy. She is now giggling mischieviously at the thought that someone, somewhere who has never seen any of her squee-ing post might believe her. She just wants chocolate. And Clay, but will settle for chocolate now.


Curses foiled again...........where is the twirling moustache emoticon when you need it?

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