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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Perma...you are soooo wicked!


gb....you're a bowler?! Yay! I haven't in years....I'm horrible at it.....throwing the ball interfers with my need to socialize.... :whistling-1:

Which lanes do you bowl at?

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O.M.G.... you guys are CMSU and I'm :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: my head off!

Perma... you're bringing out the worst best in everyone, myself included! Looks like we're set for eHPW. Only problem is, I don't take pictures or video. Can I just be the admiring one, willing to fawn over all clack gathers in an instant!

eta... I got my tote bag today and my chapstick with Clay's purdy picture on it and those microscopic pins. So, I guess that means I'm an O.FISH.AL Clay Aiken Fan Club Member in good standing... be still my heart!

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PermaSwooned wrote:

However, I'm sure skybar22 could give me some insights on how I seem to end up with pictures highlighting some of his other fine attributes, when I SWEAR I'm not trying.

I'm not going near that one, heh! However, it might have something to do with those close seats you score. After all, how could you help yourself when it is all there in your face? Am I smutting? I don't think I do it too well but if PermaSwooned is going to do this to us well......some of your pictures have corrupted me. You must be one of muski's favorite photographers.

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SmartyPantsSuz posted this at CV. Funny. Clay at the Stage door . . .

Smitten just IM'd me. When he got a quarter of the way over he said "By the time I get this far I dont know what im signing. I think im signing Josh Groban."


G'night all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clay's funny y'all!

The things I do for this man. On Saturday I will be schlepping around NYC in torrential rain and wind which will turn to cold to go see a play I have already seen twice and plan to see several more time and there probably won't even be a stage door experience!

Good thing Clay is so CUTE!

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Someone asked about a thread to put great websites you want to share .it's here: http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/i...p?showtopic=489 in the personal chit chat forum.

LAJeterfan -- Have fun!!

Two months. I gotta wait two WHOLE months for a new CD. Maaaaaan, that's so unfair! <totally unreasonable desires ahead> Clay's probably already heard it! Why does he get to hear it first??!?! Clay always gets the good stuff first! I bet he even got a lip balm and bag before me. WAHHHH! And that fishy Kipper person?!?!? Late to the freakin' fandom and even he gets to hear it before me? Who the hell does he think he is? He needs to make this up to me....hmmm. Is he rich? Could he buy us a tour bus maybe? We'll tell him we will forgive his extreme selfishness for bribes...

This cracked me up.

Thanks for bringing over the Hannah article. I love what she had to say about Clay. Will she still be in Spamalot in April. I would love to see her.

The last time I went bowling...a mandatory bowling outing at that... I fell on my ass with the first roll of the bowling ball.

Jamar..I don't follow college basketball during the season but am a sucker for bractology. Can't wait for march madness.

AIKim :F_05BL17blowkiss: keep taking care of yourself!!

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Some reports about last night's show from CV:

Patsy is out tonight...there is a sub.

The Patsy sub is pretty good but seemed to mess up the coconuts when he first came out.

The king messed up his line in the beginning...and paused....

In Camelot when the girls are swinging their "thingies" for want of the right word...Clay is off on the side with Chris and Clay was talking to Chris and kicked his leg up...and then turned to Chris and said "OW" like that hurt.

At the end when the girls are on top of the dice table...he helped one of the girls down and they held hands and they both shimmied together...and they kept doing it until God came down... (where is that shuttle?????)

Seems like there are a lot of people there from work or something...the people behind her all seem to know each other.

There is a lot of cheering for Clay the minute he comes out....more than when she went on Tuesday night. She thinks that there are a lot of fans there tonight.

It's pretty full.

Her camera died....rats!

During the Guard scene with Prince Herbert's father..it was really really funny.

Stage Door is really crowded...three rows deep. Wearing dark heans....blue button down shirt and black jacket

Some NC fans...yelled we are NC Clay fans...and Clay said...and you sound drunk... with a laugh in his voice.

Ok quick recap. Clay was great again. There seemed to be a lot of business type people there a lot of guys in suits and women in suits. The people behind me seemed all to know each other but weren't Clay fans. And there was a woman and a man directly behind me that mentioned something about AI Extra but I had no idea what it was or what they specifically said. But they weren't there the second act. So maybe they were the ones who were going to interview him? I was in the Mezzanine row A right on the aisle. It was a great view though there was this pipe type thing on top of the railing and it sometimes blocked my view of the left side of stage.

The sub for Patsy was pretty good. He kind of messed up the coconuts in the beginning but he had a great singing voice. Clay got a lot of cheers when he first appeared and when he first appeared as Sir Robin and then throughout the show as well. At the end of the Camelot scene Clay was definitely shimmying a lot with this one chic. He helped her down from the Dice and then started to hold both her hands and they shimmied together for a good long time until God interrupted them During the Camelot song Clay was off to the side with Chris when the girls were twirling the balls with spikes. Clay kicked his one leg up and went "ow" and then turned to Chris and mouthed something like "that hurt" and Seiber just patted him on the shoulder and nodded.

The Knights of Niiiii's leader again changed the lines.. He started out with gibberish and then sang "my milk shakes bring all the boys to the yard... and they're like its better then yours.. damn right its better then yours.. I can teach you but I have to charge... I am Barack Obama and I approve this message" BWAH

Stage Door... So all my luck my camera died right when Clay came out! I guess it wasn't meant to be. But Clay went by really fast. Though he was standing in front of me for a good long time because he was signing people's autographs behind me. I just looked at him and basked in his gorgeousness. A guy passing yelled out something about Samuel L Jackson and I think he meant it as a diss like why do you want this guys autograph why not Samuel L Jackson? I dunno it was a weird comment. Then this young woman 2 people down for me yelled back "Your mom likes Clay Aiken!" And Clay looks at the woman and shakes his head and goes "was that really necessary?" but not in a serious tone. Then one woman who was in the back yelled" "NC Clay fans for Clay!" or something like that and Clay goes "and you guys are drunk!!" At the end he was scrambling to get people's autographs signed and Jerome was nudging him like it was time to go. He missed some people's playbills. So my advice would try to be to the left of the stage door as possible even if your in the back he usually gets to yours. I waited and Rick Holmes (Lancelot) and Tom Deckman came out. No one else though. After Rick Holmes (Lancelot) went back inside the security guy was like "ok that's it!" but then Rick came back out and went "Ladies and Gentleman.. the great Tom Deckman" and everyone screamed and then the security guy was like "ok that's really it!". I really wanted to get Chris Sieber's autograph but oh wells. It was a good night overall!

And from CH:

Hi guys! Driveby post from biz center, I'm here with suziebird, smitten from CV and her friend; we all saw the show tonight. Just read the post upthread, so you know about the Ni name change for the night, milkshake, then Obama approved this message.

Very enjoyable. Suziebird says it was one of the most fun things she's ever seen. We had front row center mezz scenes tonight. Theater seemed pretty full orchestra and mezz; it's impossible to see balcony from mezz so don't know about that.

I enjoyed not only Clay but was surprised at how impressed I was with both Hannah Waddingham and Tom Deckman, and also Jonathan Hadary. Chris Siebert as Prince Herbert's father was especially funny tonight. If only my recap were as funny as the show! David Hibbard, as you know was absent, but his substitute was actually pretty good. Since we'll be seeing more shows the next couple of days and there was a quiet period with Clay and Jerome standing near me at stage door, I asked Clay if he knew if David Hibbard would be back in the next couple of days, and he said that David would be back tomorrow.

After Clay went back in, Rick Holmes and Tom Deckman came out and I got to chat a little with each of them. Rick said he's been doing the show with Tom for 2 years, never fought, still enjoyed it. They were hilarious tonight as Lancelot and Prince Herbert, excellent zaniness and chemistry, and Tom's Not Dead Yet is crazy, wonderful fun.

Out of puter time. Loooking forward to meeting up with all the other meers coming tomorrow and Sat night!

P.S. First time in NY and enjoyiing it, we saw Central Park and did a lot of subwaying today. I am very impressed not only with the size of the rats in the subway, but how they kind of loiter around with no fear at all!

And from the CB:

Back from another amazing night at the Shubert!!

I got a standing room ticket tonight, which is always an interesting way to watch the show. I was disappointed to get there and see that David Hibbard (Patsy) wasn't going to be there. Since I knew Tom came back I was looking forward to seeing the regular cast all back together, but there's always next time!

While I was waiting in the lobby for the door to open two guys came in and asked if there were any Clay fans there who wanted to be interviewed for Idol Extra. About 10-15 people rushed up to him with excitement. He asked people's ages and how many times they'd seen the show and picked 7 to be interviewed and I was one of them! We had to sign waivers and were taken outside to be asked questions on camera. The two guys were apparently at the show the night before and said that they interviewed Clay earlier today. They said they didn't know what to expect, and were surprised by how much he talked! They said that he just kept going. That's our guy!

I think the first scene was thrown off a little without David because King Arthur messed up a couple of his lines and then that cause Clay to flub a bit on his "air speed velocity" line, but they all covered perfectly and the only ones who would know that something was wrong is if you'd seen the show a bunch of times. The understudy for Patsy was actually the same guy who replaced Tom last week.

The audience was really full and there were a lot of Claymates there for a weekday, or maybe they were just a little more enthusiastic than usual because he got a lot of cheers and applause throughout the night!

It continues to amaze me how Clay can keep getting better and better, even when I thought he had the parts down perfectly to being with. He just lights up the stage and has so much energy and enthusiasm that it is just fun to watch. The drunken guard and Brother Maynard scenes are hysterical and the audience is gasping for breath because they are laughing so hard. The show is never the same twice and I love getting to see how everyone changes things up.

There was a big crowd at the stage door tonight and Clay seemed to be in a really happy mood. And he was wearing a coat! (Keep any sickness far far away!) He went through the crowd signing as much as possible and I think he got to just about everyone. At one point he commented on not even knowing what he was writing anymore and then a few more people down he said "I think I just signed that Josh Groban." It was sooo funny! I had a ATDW cover for him to sign tonight and at first he didn't see it because I wasn't shoving it in his face like some people around me were with their things, so I just held it out there and figured if I didn't get it signed tonight it wasn't a big deal. Then he glanced back and saw that he'd skipped me and said "Sorry, hun," and signed it. I just about died!! He called me hun!!! EEEEEE!!!! It was totally worth him almost skipping me!!! haha

That's all I can think of for now! I'm still on cloud 9.

I can't believe he's almost half-way done with his run! Spamalot is just so special! It's such an amazing time to be a Clay fan!

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Rohdy - I bowl at Galaxy Lanes, with a small women's league. We have bowled together there for about 20 years. We are just a fun leagued who just enjoy having fun and drink lots of coffee. I still bowl with a ball that is 35 years old and can still maintain a half way descent average. I usually get one 200 game a year, but have not had one this year. When I hit 198 this week everyone teased me that I choked, I only needed 8 pins on the final ball and got 6. I also got stuck with the banquet this year(the team who had it quiet mid season), so I am thinking of having at the French Laundry in Fenton. Next week planning will start.

Those pictures from the last two nights are just great. He is looking so great, I think he looks thinner in his face, might just be the angle they were taking at, but I love the color of his hair. I liked the dark hair but for some reason I really like the blonde.

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YAY! People are starting to get up! It definitely gets lonesome while y'all are tucked in your beds dreaming of your boyfriend. I've been up all day/night admiring those cheekbones of his. The angularity is certainly coming back into his face. Can't wait to get out there and check it out through the lens this summer.

I forget who asked but I meant to answer in a previous post about this being a place where they would have once had seraglios, and the answer to that question is, yes, as a matter of fact it was. But this is a brand new house, dang it!

I got the blogger thing out and typed something up. It's long but it isn't all that much....as with all things short, long, or otherwise, you have to know what to do with it. Practice makes perfect, so I'm working on another one. You'll find it here if you're so inclined. Sally Rand McNally

Now, I just have to remember to put my camera in my purse, I think I overused the ones I took in October already....but then again, who's going to remember? :D

You know what? I think John should be flogged for signing the house up for an internet speed of 256 kbps....serioiusly. I'm amazed I can stream anything from You Tube but I can. With the aid of Google and some Turkish online dictionaries, I've been able to piece together somewhat of an interpretation of this rate schedule for internet I found laying around. I think I'm due for a boost up to the 1024....does anyone who knows about this kind of thing know if that's overkill?

Time to go get my recap fix. Thanks, luckiest1, for bringing them over.

Oh, and I'd kill for some cuticle cream right now.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Still feel like crap, but have to go to the grocery store; the family still needs to eat even if Mom is sick.

2 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

15 Days until Spring and 14 Days until Spicey's trip across the pond!

58 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

60 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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KarenEh If you want to study his cheekbones more, I suggest you check out the CH banner :hubbahubba:


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KarenEh If you want to study his cheekbones more, I suggest you check out the CH banner :hubbahubba:


Can someone PLEEEEESE find the original of that picture for me? I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it badly.

Used to bowl in a league, about 6 years ago. I think my average was 145. Camethisclose to a 200 game one time. I think I choked too. *g* Now, I just bowl with the Wii. Love that. Wii's are the best video game systems ever.

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KarenEh If you want to study his cheekbones more, I suggest you check out the CH banner :hubbahubba:


Can someone PLEEEEESE find the original of that picture for me? I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it badly.

Used to bowl in a league, about 6 years ago. I think my average was 145. Camethisclose to a 200 game one time. I think I choked too. *g* Now, I just bowl with the Wii. Love that. Wii's are the best video game systems ever.

It is at the OFC, the Spamalot Discussion thread, post #4888.


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Does anyone know when is Chris's last night in the show?

March 23rd.

The weather is sounding worser and worser this weekend. Of course, we picked this weekend to stay over. Of course, this time we aren't staying that close to the theater and cabs disappear when it rains in NY. If it holds, there will probably be no stage door.

But I bet Clay will still be CUTE so all will be well.


KarenEh If you want to study his cheekbones more, I suggest you check out the CH banner :hubbahubba:


Can someone PLEEEEESE find the original of that picture for me? I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it badly.

Used to bowl in a league, about 6 years ago. I think my average was 145. Camethisclose to a 200 game one time. I think I choked too. *g* Now, I just bowl with the Wii. Love that. Wii's are the best video game systems ever.

It is at the OFC, the Spamalot Discussion thread, post #4888.


Can some kind soul pleeeeeease bring it over????

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My youngest son and finance are hooked on bowling on Wii's. When her parents had their engagnement part last fall, her mom put up a sign that said "no Wii till three". They abided and did not play it till 3am. I was long gone by then and in my own bed.

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I'm bummed that I'm going to miss Chris S. too. I've heard so much about the good camaraderie (sp?) between him and Clay on stage. *sigh*

Thank you kf for bringing that picture over! Good Lord, is that man cute. And his smile lights up a thousand Broadways. But damn kf for stealing that picture as an avi. I still love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh well, I just changed mine a few days ago anyway...

CG, sorry to hear about the crappy weather forecast. But I'm sure Clay will still be cute, and that's got to count for something, right?

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Good Lord, is that man cute. And his smile lights up a thousand Broadways. But damn kf for stealing that picture as an avi.

LdyJ, you are welcome to take it if you want it as I remain in your debt -- long, long time. I'm sure I can find another picture JUST AS CUTE! He has a tendency to photograph CUTE !!!


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