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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Guess nobody cares about my 3 clack moments. *sniff*

See treenuts - they do read your posts.

Carlson brought up the Washington Post gossip crap about Clay 'missing' committee meetings. *yawn* These guys so have the fandom's number.

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Three favorite pieces of clack:

1) Broadway Cares: Can you Feel the Love Tonight.

2) AI tour when he got the giggles while holding some of the panties that women had thrown on stage.

3) AI return to sing Solitaire.

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Guess nobody cares about my 3 clack moments. *sniff*

See treenuts - they do read your posts.

Carlson brought up the Washington Post gossip crap about Clay 'missing' committee meetings. *yawn* These guys so have the fandom's number.

What is all this about "3 clack moments" I keep seeing pop up anyway? Can I play? Do I need a signed permission slip? Can I ask any more questions?


Play, I would be most interested in what you find. Thanks.

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Warning: Detour Ahead

Not to change the subject......what was the subject? Oops sorry, ADD victim.

I wanted to ask a serious question if I may. No....REALLY.

I'm curious why we have not yet seen the WRAL interviews by Lynda Loveland picked-up by the usual "entertainment news shows". IIRC the last couple of times she did something like this they popped up on several within a week or two. So am I missing something here? Did I miss a piece already aired or perhaps they are waiting to show them closer to the drop date? And if so, then that might be too late to help Spam ticket sales. Anybody? Bueller?

ETA - Tucker Carlson sucks! Must be a slow newsday....grrrrr

Well, I think its obvious why. Clearly Clive is forcing all the shows to boycott all things Clay as part of his evil plan to destroy Clay! <snark>

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Warning: Detour Ahead

Not to change the subject......what was the subject? Oops sorry, ADD victim.

I wanted to ask a serious question if I may. No....REALLY.

I'm curious why we have not yet seen the WRAL interviews by Lynda Loveland picked-up by the usual "entertainment news shows". IIRC the last couple of times she did something like this they popped up on several within a week or two. So am I missing something here? Did I miss a piece already aired or perhaps they are waiting to show them closer to the drop date? And if so, then that might be too late to help Spam ticket sales. Anybody? Bueller?

ETA - Tucker Carlson sucks! Must be a slow newsday....grrrrr

Well, I think its obvious why. Clearly Clive is forcing all the shows to boycott all things Clay as part of his evil plan to destroy Clay! <snark>

What? No!

Would that be the same evil plan as the one conspiringly infamous Roger eeW. has been helping to carry out?



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...eeeeeeeeeee ok this is going to be fun. I love to watch clack but don't really have time to watch clack. So it's hard for me to keep up with the current stuff let alone go back and watch some of my old favorites. I loved the AI5 moment and everything surrounding it even the will he or won't he be there hoopla. . I know some thought they were out to make fun of Clay but I didn't because the voice would always trump everything. Plus, Clay didn't hardly look like his Atlanta self so they had to know he would look nothing like Sandecki... but I loved that Clay went for the extra scoop of gah.

Regarding IT Moam and Raleigh TITN, wow which I haven't heard in a long time -- I love genuine moments and hate attempts to re create those moment.s. These are two of the best.

Cindilu what's an ASF file..I couldn't get it to open.

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I don't have my three clips picked, basically two of the three aren't in YouTube yet. But....I can link to this one. It's an early one, and I don't know why exactly, but that "ooops" he did is just so freakin' cute to me.

Hula Hoops anyone?

OK, I found the second one. This is Banter from the 2006 Christmas show in Baltimore. Again, I don't know why, but this whole exchange just cracks my s**t up. So much so, that if you look at my location here, you'll see that I still think about one line he does there a lot!

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Cindilu, I loved all of the videos you selected, I just watched them all. I had not seen the AI2 Raleigh TITN, I think I had seen stills and and segments of that performance, wow what a crowd reaction. I chuckled when I read the first comment, it talked about how bad the video quality was. hahaha. So, do you think this is someone who has been spoiled by the quality of clack we now have?

Your other selections were great too. That MOAM is such a special memory.

I also love the roar of the crowds that we had from those early tours. The boards were always so full of fun and excitement.

Thanks for sharing those.

I don't know how to do links, but one of my favorite pieces of Clack is MGUCL from Christmas Day 2005 on GMA. That video has pulled me out of a funk more than once

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Three favorite pieces of clack:

1) Broadway Cares: Can you Feel the Love Tonight.

2) AI tour when he got the giggles while holding some of the panties that women had thrown on stage.

3) AI return to sing Solitaire.

Wandacleo.do you mean WB Invisible from AI tour? Cuz that's one of my top 3 but if that's one of your top 3...I get a do over... heee...

Here is Solitaire from AI3

love that smile at the end and damn if he don't look great in all black...

Can You Feel the Love Tonight = Broadway Cares -- this is one of my all time favorites too... and one of my favorite Clay duets ever.

Clay gets PANTIES during

...this entire video is great. This was going to be one of my favorites so I'll take it Wandacleo if you were talking about something else.

This was pretty much the first and last time I felt angst over fan reponse... people were so upset that panties were thrown during invisible and a cry went out to all the boards to stop doing that...you know there was an appropriate time to throw panties..and that wasn't it. I got so upset too..and then I saw the video and it brought me such joy..it's hysterical and it's still a favorite after all these times. Last time I took anybody elses' response as my own. I always have to see for myself.

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I don't know how to do links, but one of my favorite pieces of Clack is MGUCL from Christmas Day 2005 on GMA. That video has pulled me out of a funk more than once

My Grownup Christmas List - GMA

To do a link..you hightlight something, then press the icon to the right of the smilie face...then enter the URL of the linked site and press enter.

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Couchie That's the video!!!!! Invisible giggles!! I love that so much!!! Honestly, I just totally fell in love with him.

OMG, were there some kind of RULES about our 3 choices? Are we not supposed to duplicate?

Jesus. I'm not good at rules.

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Couchie That's the video!!!!! Invisible giggles!! I love that so much!!! Honestly, I just totally fell in love with him.

OMG, were there some kind of RULES about our 3 choices? Are we not supposed to duplicate?

Jesus. I'm not good at rules.

no there are no rules... but I'm having such a hard time choosing..that you helped to narrow the field by listing one of my all time favorites!! Isn't it the best..SO funny..he was so tickled. I love those moments where he goes "off script."

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I am sort of caught up, but I had to skim ALOT! Sorry, but I have notes on some topics which may have been passed already.....

K'eh - I will stay up past 4 am for a slightly used camera - say 2-3 times a week!?!?!?! :lilredani:

Re: 9/27/07 - Would that be the day the OFC was "closed" because of Clay's aunt's passing?

I AM ALSO A BOWLER!! I have my own ball and everything, but don't go very often. Not enough to post an average anyhooo!

Re: Dancing, particularly dancing withhis mom at the Christmas concert. Some fans were squicked out because he seemed so intimate with her during the dance. My feeling was that he was giving her a dose of his whiskers that he was growing out in prep for his trip to Afghanistan, and she was prob givinghim grief about not shaving, and so he decided to torture her by rubbing his bewhiskered cheek against hers! JMO of course!!

RE Eateries near the Shubert: I like an Irish pub called O'Lunney's on 45th St across B'way from the theatre. Great beer on tap!

I'll be back later with my 3 (3????? really only 3?????) pieces of desert island clack. (thinking about what was in the UPS package on Cast Away now, the box he never opened? The producer said it was a satellite solar global phone, we'll be needing one of those that plays vids!)

Someone asked for this??????


oh, one more thing........ READ THIS POST!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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My first chance to do "show and tell" at the FCA.

I watched all the clips so far and loved them all.

I have too many favorites so I'm going to hold back a bit and see what others come up with, so I can maybe suggest some that haven't been suggested by others.

In the meantime, I'm going to comment on some of the ones that have been submitted already.

I think the fans singing MOAM to Clay in WB and his reaction is one of the standout landmark moments of the whole Clay fan experience. He was so obviously touched, and later when he recalled that moment in Learning To Sing, it was wonderful to hear him describe how overwhelming it had been for him. I wasn't there, but I loved experiencing it through recaps and clack. Wow.

I'm not going to count this as one of my favorites ('cause I'm new and should get special dispensation), but if you haven't seen it, this is a wonderful montage of that moment by hosaa called "Sing It". The first part is a photo montage over Clay's audio description of that moment from the CD version of "Learning To Sing", and then the entire acoustic set from Wilkes-Barre including him talking to the crowd before they start the set. It's incredible to hear that huge crowd screaming and then all singing together. Really, really worth downloading. It's not on youtube, unfortunately, so I made a SendSpace for it. Check it out.


Oooooh the Hula Hoop file is so CUUUUUUUUUUUTE!! That was from the Nickelodeon Let's Play thingy. I watched an UNBELIEVABLE number of hours of SpongeBob Squarepants and other weird cartoons to see Clay.

That was filmed in L.A., so of course all the fans here wanted to go. However, you could only get tickets if you had an actual CHILD to bring. SO unfair. One of our local Clay friends did indeed have a child that fit the right age demographic and got 4 tickets. Everyone else had kids who were too old. Finally, another local fan was able to steal....er....borrow a child from a neighbor and get in on zakaroni's 4 tickets. It's lucky she remembered to bring him home!! Hillary Duff was there and lip synched in front of a band that did not bother to turn on the amps of their instruments, but hey, they looked good. Clay was out there all by himself, singing live, to back-up tracks. Should we blame that on Clive??? Just checking.

Clay signed autographs afterwards. My friend had a clingle for him to sign. She handed it to him still in the plastic wrap with all the super-sticky security tape. He handed it back to her and told her "you have to unwrap it, honey". Sa-woooooon!!! Hey, what did we know in those early days???? :cryingwlaughter:

I want to comment on the AI3 Solitaire clack. I WAS there for that one. A dear friend that I didn't know too well at the time contacted me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go to AI to see him that night on her extra ticket. She had requested tickets during AI2 and never got them, but then she got an email offering tickets for the final 12 results show, and by then we knew Clay would be there. O.M.G, did I want to go??? Was she serious????

I was there by 6:30 a.m. to get in line. And I was there about 15 hours all-together. I still have my ticket. I remember sitting in the audience between lala52 and poshpenny. We were SO nervous for him. Then he came out in that gorgeous black suit looking absolutely every inch the STAH!! We all turned blue because we couldn't even breathe while he was singing. The studio is "miked" for the TV audience, not the studio audience, so everyone...including the 12 finalists singing their group song...sounded kinda muffled. But when Clay started singing...O.M.G....his voice just FILLED that studio. Everyone there was just blown away. poshpenny was holding on to my arm so hard I had bruises for a week, but I didn't feel it at the time. I'll never forget it. That's a wonderful piece of clack.

Geez I wish I was more succinct! I'm still at the office!!

liney23 I'll answer your PM as soon as I get home!!!!

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Permaswooned OH, I love that schmoopie face Clay got when the audience was singing to him.

So many precious moments......

So many VISA charges.

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I want to comment on the AI3 Solitaire clack. I WAS there for that one. A dear friend that I didn't know too well at the time contacted me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go to AI to see him that night on her extra ticket. She had requested tickets during AI2 and never got them, but then she got an email offering tickets for the final 12 results show, and by then we knew Clay would be there. O.M.G, did I want to go??? Was she serious????

My choice is easy.... I watched the AI2 series in 2008 (thanks to KAndre) not 2003, and my first glimpse of Clay was Solitaire on AI3, 2004. This was my moment, and despite some other incredible Clack in existence, nothing can possibly surpass the moment I sat up and pledged allegiance to ClayNation, without even knowing the extent to which it existed.

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OK, I have been out, I am not caught up, and I forgot all about the 3 favourite pieces of clack until just now, but I want to claim one before someone else does. I will come back with you tube links and my other 2 later (or early tomorrow morning, hee).

I have never lost my love for what I fondly call the St Louis Air Drums clip, from the AI2 tour. Even way back then, he danced. It's the one piece of AI2 tour clack that I always keep on my hard drive (the rest is burned off and stored safely on DVDs until I need it). I've always loved watching him when he is in the shadows (because, until more recently, he didn't seem to realize that he was being watched, and he made some cute faces and did some cute things). :wub:


ETA: If anyone can find a youtube link for this, I'd be grateful. I can't.

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I'm totally enjoying this game and watching all the goodies. I don't know what 3 favorites I have because there are so many. I'll try to come up with 3 at some point. I know one of my favorites is when he sang to flat Clay at The Pala. I don't have time to find it right now. Now that I think of it, I also adored when he sang to his Papa, Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. That makes me cry every time. Okay my number 3 is when he nailed the note at the end of AIW the night after he messed it up. The look on his face was priceless but really and truly, I love so many of his moments. I could watch him forever, over and over...wait...I already do. I promise I will come back when I have the time and energy to give you all the links to the above 3. hee, this is fun.

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OK I have found my #2. I am not sure why, but I could watch the David Foster gala clack over and over forever and never tire of it. I think part of it is how badly I wanted to attend, but couldn't, with it being on the other coast and all. Even though it was in Canada, which gave it a certain significance to me. And of course, there is my continuing love affair with Clay's version of Right Here Waiting. So my #2 pick is Scarlett's RHW from the Foster gala. It still gives me chills. I love David Foster's introduction, I love the way Clay uses his head and his shoulders in time with the instruments in the background. Hee, I just love it alot.


I think I'm going to have to sleep on #3, because I have quite a few rolling round in my head, but I am having a hard time making up my mind! See y'all in the morning.

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Now that I think of it, I also adored when he sang to his Papa, Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. That makes me cry every time

Oh yay!! I knew if I waited someone else would pick this one.

The other hosaa montage that I adore was her version of this tender moment. Again, she used pictures of Clay...some with his grandfather...over him reading the part of "Learning to Sing" talking about his Grandpa's Alzheimers, and how he would listen to Clay's CDs instead of the Grand Old Opry. Then it has a montage of all the best clips of that song. Just really, really powerful. Love it.

It is not on youtube OR in Clack Unlimited, so here's a SendSpace for THAT one. Take a look.


Oh, BTW, for anyone who hasn't watched the WB MOAM SendSpace yet, she has the date of that concert in her montage.

March 7, 2004.

Gave me goosebumps when I saw that.

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I've been thinking about 3 favorite pieces of Clack and am having a wee bit of trouble narrowing it down, but Clay singing to his Papa is definitely one of them.....

YouTube - Beautiful Star of Bethlehem Raleigh JNT '05


And I see skybar beat me to it!!

Ok, another favorite:

YouTube - Clay Takes Clack Ft Myers Aug '07

And another - I may have to have another 3.... :cryingwlaughter:

YouTube - Quiana Sits on Clay's Lap WLTGD

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Awww, too busy this last week to play along, at least I don't have links to share, but I would like to mention a favorite...

Singing WY with the little girl during the NAT in Raleigh. (sorry, if someone else mentioned this already) Completely melted my heart.

ldyj :F_05BL17blowkiss: thank you!

OMG...I LOVE it!

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