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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Cindilu - you've done it again!!! I bow to your ingeniousness.

hey claytonic - yes - for sure Clay knows about the Lecherous Broads! He has mentioned them in a couple of interviews! I don't have time to look it up right now, but one of them was very early on, down in Charlotte (I think?), when one of the Broads actually went to meet him at the station!

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Yes, TWOP Bayliss (Jacob) is still around. Maybe Miss Allie got a life.

If you were a fan of Constantine, that would be the contestant thread to avoid this year, they are tearing him apart, in the clay thread, there is the usual suspects, but mostly not much there.

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trust me when I say that I'm surprised to admit this--I totally enjoyed Clay Aiken's performance
It continues to amaze/irritate/humor me that most people feel that they MUST qualify any admiration for or appreciation of Clay Aiken. :rolleyes: Reminds me of that ET cover shot of Clay after AI and the headline "Guilty Pleasure" or something like that...

Well....I'll go along with the 'pleasure' part, fo' sho' :hubbahubba: , but I sure as hell don't feel guilty about it.... :imgtongue:

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Oooooooo - lovely banner, Cindilu! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm celebrating! Finally got our flight to NYC booked this morning! Got a better deal on a hotel this past weekend! I'm going to see that Clay Aiken guy everyone keeps raving about in some show called Spamalot! One month from today!!! :twinklewhore:

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Play if you can give me the sites you know I'm missing I'll add. Frankly, and I'm ashamed to say, I haven't updated the links area of FCA in a very long time. I think I'll start on that tonight.

The banner is fabulous! Love it Cindilu2!!

I don't know who your enabler is Lucky, although I can take a guess hee, I'm going to joing in the chant to come come come! And Play I'd love to have a last show meet up!

Bottle, honestly I don't know who is moderating the AI forums now. MissAllie, beyotch, came in Clay's forum as a poster to chat about the fact that he isn't big enough to have a serious article done about him..she seemed so ready to gloat about what she thought would be his complete and utter failure. Tried to parse every word into a negative..oh, yeah, that they changed some things for him well maybe cuz the original stuff was tooo complicated. heh. I noticed she hasn't been back..and there were a few other chomping at the bit ready to pounce people that haven't been back either. I did a giggle because I also saw her admit that she didn't see the power of the Aiken, didn't think he's last and she was wrong about that. Yeah someone told me I should run to NYC because the show might fold while Clay is in it...I think that was when the receipts fell that second week. Of course everything has steadied out and IMO he's done a more than respectable job filling seats. Fine enough, that I don't even think about that but concentrate on the more important parts of this gig - which is that he successfully pulled off singing and dancing often at the same time.

I think it's a surprise to people that Clay can pull of Monty Python... I don't think it's a bad thing to wonder if he could. Clay knew it was something so different that anything he has ever done. Hell "I" was wondering if he could do it and I know about every single talent he has. And when Fantasia got "the Color Purple" I though UH OH. I'm a huge fan of hers but after seeing her Lifetime movie I didn't think she has the acting chops to pull it off. So it's no insult to say..whow, she exceeded my wildest expectations cuz I didn't think she had it in her to do it. But I don't think that negated all the other talents she had. Now this guy may or may not have been thinking in that vein but the key to me is he walked out impressed which may be even more impressive as perhaps he had a mindset going in that he was not going to be any good.

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Sars, Wing Chun and Glark are out at TwoP: Announcement from the founders. The Bravo announcement makes it sound voluntary, the message from the founders not so much, especially when coupled with this blog linking to the announcement: So…that happened. (tm State And Main). Perhaps Miss Alli went (or was ushered out) with them? She is a frequent contributor to this blog, which seems to belong to Sars, maybe all of them: www.tomatonation.com.

Couchie, I remember that now. She was talking about the Newsweek article I think--the one that stunk so bad. I do think Miss Alli crossed the line with those posts in the Clay thread (not that most anything doesn't go at TwoP, but she was breaking TwoP rules by repeating the same points over and over and I do believe some complained about it), and she looks a fool now to boot, because, as you pointed out, everything she said turned out wrong.

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Ooohh!! What a striking banner, cindilu2!

The World Figure Skating Championships are happening this week, so between those and Easter preparations, I should hopefully be able to preoccupy myself for a few days. I'm dying to get back to NYC, I don't know yet if I'll be able to, but I'm starting to lean on the "yes" side (thanks to a rather insistant friend). :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks, lucky, I'm going to look for the skating on my newly installed cable TV! I have ENGLISH channels! And it wouldn't surprise me that figure skating would be broadcast over here, maybe not in English, but I know a triple loop when I see one. I'm on the fence about buying a ticket to get in the door on the 4th of May before there is nothing left. I should NOT be making a third trip back to New York in less than a month...definitely should not. And since I get back from my first trip on April 5th...going down for the CD release on the 6th (if it happens then) would technically and officially be the next month. Right? Uh huh.....

Heck, maybe I'll just buy one to have just in case.

Yeah, that's the thing to do.....a little hedge....just in case. Can't hurt and it won't be the first time I've done that. No. It won't be. I know once I see him again...TWO WEEKS FROM TONIGHT!!! I'll be wanting a ticket for closing so bad.

Thank you very much to whoever took those blessed shoulder exposing photos from the other day. How scrumptious were they?

Very scrumptious indeed.

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Couchie, I think there are Idol contestants every year that inspire rabid fanbases that the TWoP mods just.do.not.get. Per Jacob: "Jason Castro is the new Clay Aiken, and David Cook is the new Elliott, fans-wise." Whatevs, dude. Just be glad all those fan hits are fueling the advertising that pays your salaries, whether they agree with your personal preferences or not.
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I'm here!!!!


My girlfriend went to see the the touring show of the Rat Pack in Houston on Sunday. This morning she brought me the Playbill, from the show because as she says "My guy is in it". Well page four has the "It takes Two" article about Clay on Broadway. What a nice surprise (and a nice friend)!

Yeah! So I am surprised to find that this article is in other Playbills and not just Spams. How COOL is that!!

from a blog

Saturday was my second trip to the musical Grease in NYC. I'd already seen it (and enjoyed it very much), so my friend Pat and I decided to see Spamalot instead. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the completely silly humor of Monty Python and--trust me when I say that I'm surprised to admit this--I totally enjoyed Clay Aiken's performance! The guy was really GOOD! Actually, everybody was really good. See it, see it, see it!!

Why? How is it that this always seems like pulling teeth for people to admit to?

Although, I do prefer it to the alternative.

I also wanted to add my kudos to the new banner....IT'S FABOO!!

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I have violin students coming shortly, but first have to hop on the "Fabulous Banner" bandwagon! Awesome. Cindilu2! :clap:

Great reading your posts, Kareneh! Hope all continues to go well for you.

My grandson celebrated his six-month birthday on St. Patrick's Day and endured the requisite round of shots. I think he's in a much more celebratory mood today. :lol:

Thnx to those who stop by the blogs. I'm still there about every three days. The new format at the OFC is a pain, but I have hopes that the journals will look the way we want them to. Guess I'm fortunate to have the Carolina On My Mind option.

Have a great day, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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Had to come out of lurkerdom to say that banner is soooo COOL!!! Thanks cindilu :thankyou:

And as long as I'm here, thanks so much to all of you who share pictures, video, etc. It is greatly appreciated. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Special hello to annabear - can't wait to see your finished Sir Robin bear. :bighug:

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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I love him. I love to hear him talk. I love the sincerity of him. I love the HAIR (hee!). He looks and sound fabulous, and it makes me squeeeeeeeeeeee to hear him say how much fun he's having with Spam.

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the nice banner-love, ladies. I do appreciate it! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope it doesn't give anybody seizures! LOLOL!

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Banner change time! Thank you to cindilu2 for the filmstrip this week. Gah.

ldyj... I so agree... GAH!!

cindilu... AWESOME banner... you may have to put me on the cart... :cryingwlaughter:

This whole Spamalot thing is just so wonderful for him and us. Who would have thought during the mess of '06 that in 2008 Clay would triumph in a play on Broadway, much less Spamalot? That's why I don't worry about what's next for him, cause he and his management done good this time, so I'm sure they will again.

LOVED the Tap video.

Muski... they both do have big feet... :cryingwlaughter:

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Jason Castro is the new Clay Aiken
? :huh: Who knew? Heh....funny thing is I've been drawn to Jason from the beginning....maybe there's something to this silly statement. :cryingwlaughter:

Lord no, because I can't stand the boy (especially the dreads)....

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Clay on Tap

Clay on Entertainment discussing the UNICEF Tap Project

I still can't get over how broad those shoulders are. Gah :hubbahubba:

And he definitley makes "water" sound SEXSAY!

Thanks for the link! It's so wonderful to hear Clay talk. Yes, he does make water sound SEXAY! And he says that he's still enjoying Spamalot, and that it's exciting and new and fresh every night. Yes!!! :nanadance3:

Cindilu, the banner is fabulous!

Just got back from rehearsals, and today is 110% better than yesterday. The director said that changes in the barometric pressure make it much more difficult for singers to sing. That must have been true, because yesterday was awful. Today the sun is shining here, and wow, the choirs were soooo much better. I think I might make it through hell week! Tomorrow I go to a different school to rehearse - hopefully they'll do just as well.

I wonder if Clay struggles when the barometric pressure changes? If so, he doesn't really show it. Of course, he makes singing seem effortless!

BTW, who writes the code for emoticons here? There's a really cute one I've wanted to use, but the code is wrong. It's the one toward the bottom where Clay is saying, "I saw what ya'll wrote on the message boards. Stop taking pictures of my pants!" The code is : POP : , which posts a picture of popcorn instead of Clay talking.

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Why? How is it that this always seems like pulling teeth for people to admit to?

See, I always think of it like this: there are certain artists out there that I originally hated. Bon Jovi is a perfect example for me -- back in the 80's I simply HATED them. Epitome of the hair band, blech. But now, after all these years, I really like them. They are survivors, and actually, I really like much of their music now. The point is, so much of our taste is subjective. There are some people that will never ever GET Clay. And then there are those people, like this blogger, who will eventually understand and possibly even like Clay.

Although, I do prefer it to the alternative.

I do too, and I'm always looking for that. Try to avoid looking for the bad in what they say, always looking for the bright side of life. (See siggy....)

Love, LOVE, LOVE the new video with that CUTE UNICEF ambassador. I love the sweater too. This sounds like a very cool project as well.

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