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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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I think for some fans there is still the need to prove that AI and America got it wrong 5 years ago and that Clay is indeed the best and if he would only get radio play and accepted by the masses than they get their "I told you so" moment and maybe it is a way to validate their fandom to their families, friends, etc. who don't get it or don't understand.

For me; my kids don't get my Clay love and roll their eyes a lot at times, but they don't put him down in front of me and they know when they are in the car with me, we are listening to Clay and you know, sometimes I will hear them singing along to a song or tapping their fingers to the beat of the music. I think it may not be cool to admit you like Clay Aiken, but I think a lot of people do.

I sent a link for OMWH to my three sisters, one sister responded and said she liked it...the two others have never responded and that was three weeks ago...have to admit that really bothers me; even if they just sent a note and said, thanks, but no thanks, I would have appreciated a response.

My hubby may not like Clay's kind of music although he will listen to it in the car if I ask, he has been pretty tolerant of the fandom and for the IT show at the United Center in Chicago, actually drove me down there, waited in the parking lot for the show to be over for two hours and then drove me home. He doesn't mind me going to concerts, but I know not to push it. The farthest away from home I have ever traveled is 4 hours. I think he realizes that this fandom is more than about Clay, it is about friendships and I have two very good friends that I have met through the fandom that live quite close to me.

After 5 years in the fandom, I have accepted that Clay will probably never be on top 40 radio, that the music industry may never totally embrace him, but he is such a gifted entertainer that to limit himself to just a career as a "pop star" would be a waste of his talents. I am so thrilled that he took this role on Broadway, because I do believe that it will and has opened many doors for him and that the best is yet to come. I don't worry about Clay because I know he will be successful and will be remembered, long after the naysayers and critics have put down their pens and turned off their computers.


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He knows and appreciates that and has been trying to get out there that he is not cool and is ok with that and, JMHO, doesn't want to be cool cause he knows only cruelty from the cool people.

Not just yours... good point!

Cool is an inferiority complex, wrapped in jealousy, and covered with a phony icy mask. Cool melts in the warmth of anything real.


I've had this saved on my computer ... forever. Don't know where it come from or in what context. But I refer back to it now and again. I'm lucky that I never cared about being cool I guess. I remember the first time I ran across the word non-conformist as a tween and thought .... huh ... so there's a word for what I am? I also had kids who grew up the same way and never did things because everyone else was doing it or because it was the

"cool" thing to do. I think self-esteem trumps cool every day of the week.

That said ... I just don't see reviews as a big deal. Good or bad. I'm mostly affected by book reviews and long ago decided to stop reading any review for any book I may happen to want to read. I don't want someone else's junk cluttering up my thought process and toying with my enjoyment of what I choose to read. I got to that point with movies too. I may go back and read them after I've seen something but just out of curiosity.

In many ways I'm glad I was, apparently, born cyncial. No rude awakenings for me. Hee.


I managed to take Tuesday off from work too. It is E's birthday so we will go to lunch and I managed to schedule the dogs Vet appointments for that morning. As good an excuse for missing work as any. :whistling-1:


Hope everyone is having a BLAST! in NYC. Throw Clay and crew some kisses from those of us at home!

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Couple of more tidbits from the show last night. SusanDavis said they had all kinds of equipment problems but it was actually funny. The stage wasn't moving correctly when the Black Knight was trying to back up to the door and he backed into something else! Clay slipped on the piano and nearly fell (I'm surprised that hasn't happened more often) She said the striped socks are hilarious. They've all taken their bows at the curtain call and are backing up before the curtain comes down and Clay all of a sudden pulls up his pants leg and kind of indicates his socks!!!!

They're calling me after tonite's show.

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Clay owns that alley right now. And tonight he'll say good-bye to it. And that's the LEAST of it.

One of the last things I did in New York before we flew home a few of Sunday mornings ago was walk through a deserted Shubert Alley a final time. I certainly hope I'll make it back to NYC again in the future, and I may even walk through that alley again, but I imagine it will be all long time before it buzzes again with the kind electricity that Clay's stage door appearances brought.

Farewall Sir Robin. You brought chivalry to a rude and churlish time.


Hello, Mr. PopStar. You've learned to fly...


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Following the bread crumbs left here, I ventured over to CV for the WaPo review, for those who want to read it. The scan doesn't have the full text, but it's worth seeing to get an idea of the tone. Elvis Costello got creamed, and I thought he was cool (but in the text he gets a B+) (editing because I figured out how to read the scan; it's all there. The creaming of Costello is the "what you won't love" segment):


Here's the link: Sunday Source You have to click on the name of the album at the end of the column to read the "review."

top of the page curse continues :imgtongue:

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It doesn't matter what critics say.

It doesn't matter what radio stations play.

Sales matter. That's all.

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Scarlett, YSRN, :F_05BL17blowkiss: wise women.

I have spent the better part of the last hour on the verge of tears. I'm not sure why. Whether it's the pissy reviews or the fact that this is his last day on Broadway, I'm not sure. Probably more of the later. I've grown accustomed to shitty reviews.

He said he's ready to move on, so I guess I will have to be happy with that and just sit back and see where this adventure leads me. I have no intention of going anywhere, except to follow to the next place he decides to go.

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I think for some fans there is still the need to prove that AI and America got it wrong 5 years ago and that Clay is indeed the best and if he would only get radio play and accepted by the masses than they get their "I told you so" moment and maybe it is a way to validate their fandom to their families, friends, etc. who don't get it or don't understand.

After 5 years in the fandom, I have accepted that Clay will probably never be on top 40 radio, that the music industry may never totally embrace him, but he is such a gifted entertainer that to limit himself to just a career as a "pop star" would be a waste of his talents. I am so thrilled that he took this role on Broadway, because I do believe that it will and has opened many doors for him and that the best is yet to come. I don't worry about Clay because I know he will be successful and will be remembered, long after the naysayers and critics have put down their pens and turned off their computers.


aikim... I totally agree with you about fan wanting him to succeed so they can tell all those who made fun of them, neener, neener. WORD to the paragraph about his future!

He knows and appreciates that and has been trying to get out there that he is not cool and is ok with that and, JMHO, doesn't want to be cool cause he knows only cruelty from the cool people.

Not just yours... good point!

Cool is an inferiority complex, wrapped in jealousy, and covered with a phony icy mask. Cool melts in the warmth of anything real.


I've had this saved on my computer ... forever. Don't know where it come from or in what context. But I refer back to it now and again. I'm lucky that I never cared about being cool I guess. I remember the first time I ran across the word non-conformist as a tween and thought .... huh ... so there's a word for what I am? I also had kids who grew up the same way and never did things because everyone else was doing it or because it was the

"cool" thing to do. I think self-esteem trumps cool every day of the week.

Hope everyone is having a BLAST! in NYC. Throw Clay and crew some kisses from those of us at home!

jamar... I LOVE that quote! Clay is real and that is what threatens so many who are not.

Couple of more tidbits from the show last night. SusanDavis said they had all kinds of equipment problems but it was actually funny. The stage wasn't moving correctly when the Black Knight was trying to back up to the door and he backed into something else! Clay slipped on the piano and nearly fell (I'm surprised that hasn't happened more often) She said the striped socks are hilarious. They've all taken their bows at the curtain call and are backing up before the curtain comes down and Clay all of a sudden pulls up his pants leg and kind of indicates his socks!!!!

They're calling me after tonite's show.

Iseeme... I think he is doing the striped socks thingy as a transition from Broadway Clay to Popstar Clay. He kept his salute all thru the run, but the striped socks are his signal to us that he hasn't changed and still loves us and our love for his striped socks is a con.nec.tion! I love that man, he is so CUTE!!!

bottle.... sniff... He has learned how to fly and that's why the confidence... not many can do that you know! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I think I'm going to cancel my Amazon order and order from Best Buy instead. Free shipping. They do charge tax but this price is amazing. I always order 10 that I donate to Toys for Tots at Christmas time.

I think I can add to Clay's first week's sales easily with this great price.

OMWH is on sale there for $7.99, and it's qualified for free shipping. The price on the Best Buy flyer posted earlier was $9.99, so looks like the $7.99 is for online purchase only.


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Hopefully this will make you laugh. From Fountaindawg at CH:

...I'll just have a word or two hundred about the so-called 'music critics' who are too cool for school. (And not meant for those who do give honest critiques of music ... not fandoms.)

And I did it myyyyyyy waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy ...


Overheard one chilly March day at rehearsal when Clay got his day job and night job confused.

KIPPER (with newspaper in hand): Do you know this "Critics’ Way?"

CLAY: Oh yes Kip...but we won't stand a chance

KIPPER: Well why not?

CLAY: Because...Critics' Way is a very special place,

Filled with many “special” people.

People who can’t sing or dance,

Or write about them worth a dime!

Many are a different people, a mocking-talented-people,

A people who want to lead people...and who are, in many ways,

The snootiest people in the world.

So I'm sorry Kip, but we won't stand a chance.

KIPPER: But why not?

CLAY: Well...let me put it like this.

In any CD adventure,

If you don’t want to lose,

Be sure it isn’t my name on the jacket that you use.

Yes, listen, KIPPER clearly, yes closely to this news:

We won't succeed with critics,

If my name is on what‘s new!

You may have the finest sets,

Film a video with vets,

You may have the loveliest costumes and best shoes.

I may dance and I may sing,

But I am sorry, KIPPER king,

You'll get no cheers,

Just lots and lots of boos.

You have top session folks by the score

(With anyone else they’d be adored),

You may even promote at every Morning Zoo,

Though you've stats and clips to vend

Without RCA backing at the end,

I must tell you, you are dead,

If my name is on what‘s new!

They won't care if the lyric’s witty,

Or that not *every* song sounds “pretty“,

They'll simply say it's shitty and confused .

Nobody will praise, sir,

It‘s likely been written for days, sir,

The CD wrapper may not have even moved!

Without shows in which men swear,

Or lots of girls in underwear,

I guess I’ll never get the greatest of reviews.

CRITIC: This sounds the same!

CLAY: Yeah, the critics just won't care, sir,

No matter what you dare, sir,

You won’t get the “Buy it!’ praise sir

KIPPER: If your name is on what‘s new.

You may have dramatic editing,

Or lots of touches exciting,

You may even have some ’Everything I Don’t Need’ blues!

Your studio musicians are the best?

That won‘t matter to the rest.

They‘ll say ‘His songs are all the same old hues.’

So, despite your late, late nights,

And fanciful musical flights,

And the most impressive interpretations you can use...

You may have Quiana sing soprano,

Play an out-of-tune piano,

But they will not give a damn-o

If my name is on what‘s new!

( Clay practises the 'Bottle Dance Stomp' on critics’ heads.


You may use cool guitar riffs,

Make songs anything but stiff,

You may even use blues licks and songs with kick!

But they won’t have a clue,

Or care a wit what you do

They‘ll just write the same old crap they always use!

There's a very small percentile,

Who can set aside their bias awhile,

I'm sad to be the one with this bad news!

So stop that wall head-beating,

It’s history repeating.

You just won't succeed with critics,

If my name is on what‘s new!

CLAY: RCA, can you hear me?

To get good reviews on Critics' Way,

Can’t be my songs the critics' play,

To hit the top on Critics' Way and not Grade Z,

I tell you, KIPPER king,

There is one essential thing ...

There simply can’t be

My name on what’s new.

There simply can’t be,

Kipper trust me,

Simply can’t be …


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Hee! I see David Hibbard (a Ohio State graduate) has finally gotten Hannah to ditch her U of M ballcap.



:F_05BL17blowkiss: To my buddy laughn.

OMG. Thank you for that bottle. My real first smile of the day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hee! I see David Hibbard (a Ohio State graduate) has finally gotten Hannah to ditch her U of M ballcap.



:F_05BL17blowkiss: To my buddy laughn.

OMG. Thank you for that bottle. My real first smile of the day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

WOOHOO, me too!!

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From Rainlover at CV:




I have learned not to read reviews. Period. And I hate reviewers. All of them, or at least all but two or three. Life is much simpler ignoring reviews and the nasty people who write them. Critics should find meaningful work. - John Grisham

I always think I'm the Tom Cruise of music - a lot of success and fans, but no critic's darling. - Jon Bon Jovi

How desperate some in the print media are to smear Fox News. In the words of Teresa Heinz Kerry, the newspaper critics can shove it. - Bill O'Reilly

The critics - how come you never see any of them on TV? - Willard Scott

Critics have their purposes, and they're supposed to do what they do, but sometimes they get a little carried away with what they think someone should have done, rather than concerning themselves with what they did. - Duke Ellington

We are not trying to entertain the critics. I'll take my chances with the public. - Walt Disney

The biggest critics of my books are people who never read them. - Jackie Collins

There are many critics who have an idealised version of where my strengths lie. - Elvis Costello

Critics don't buy records. They get 'em free. - Nat King Cole

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. - Dale Carnegie

To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. - Elbert Hubbard

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. - David Brinkley

Having the critics praise you is like have the hangman say you've got a pretty neck. - Eli Wallach



I think my favorite is the one that I highlighted- although I also like the Dale Carnegie one, cuz I'm a nasty bitch! :cryingwlaughter:

I think that the Brinkley quote highlights exactly what Clay has been doing his whole life- and exactly what this CD is all about, thematically- taking all of your life's experiences, and using them to grow, and learn, and become a stronger, smarter, more evolved human being. This is what he was telling the young fan at Tyra- that she will be a more sensitive and human being than any of those who spend their time picking her apart for sport.

I agree that that is why being "cool" holds such little significance to him- and why he is perfectly happy to announce to the world that he is not cool- and probably never will be!

I kind of like him! :wub:

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I'm tired of all the... what to call it... downplaying Clay's chances for good numbers next week. I'm sure many are doing it so they will not be disappointed, but do they not know that what you expect is what you get way too many times to fully discount?

I believe those who saw Spamalot and/or work on Broadway and heard about him are going to make up for fans who left when ATDW was a covers cd. I'm being optimistic about his chances for good numbers and for continuing good numbers on this one, as I believe the label is going to put an uptempo track out for his second single to radio and actually give it some support this time.

Fountaindawg is very creative, but that's just too pessimistic for me. I truely believe that slowly but surely Clay is going to make his place in the entertainment world. As someone said, as long as he can make cds and do tours and be happy, I'm happy.

I am absolutely sure that Clay will accomplish what he wants to accomplish. He may not want superstardom... just enough stardom to do his philanthrophy and live a life where he only needs one bodyguard... LOL

I LOVE those quotes about critics! Thanks laljeter for bringing it over!

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from CB starfishy2000


News Flash!!

Jerome says that there will be NO stagedoor this evening. He may come out and say hello, but there will be no signing of autographs. ClaysGroomer just called from intermission. I have no other information as this is her first show, and she's in the "Aiken Fog"!!!


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I'm tired of all the... what to call it... downplaying Clay's chances for good numbers next week. I'm sure many are doing it so they will not be disappointed, but do they not know that what you expect is what you get way too many times to fully discount?

I simply can't feel guarded about this album, y'all.

That's all for now. heh

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I didn't read FDawg's skit as pessimistic, myself. I just thought of it as a mocking of all the reviews that have come out this weekend. Not to say you're wrong, you're obviously entitled to see it differently, but I wanted to clarify my own view, since I posted it. I don't take the original as a serious statement about Broadway, although there's some truth to it, and I reacted to her skit in the same way.

At any rate, I'm not feeling at all pessimistic about his career at the moment. I wasn't psyched up for huge sales in the first week. I didn't expect instant cred for Clay. As long as the album is good, I'm happy, and I have no doubt of that based on the snippets. It'll take years for the Spamalot high to wear off, for me.

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I know you all aren't into following his single on radio. However, these stations are playing Clay for anyone who lives in these areas, and are interested. Mainly overnight, in some, but a couple are doing afternoon spins. I don't know if any of these stations stream or not.

I had a great early birthdy lunch today. Given by one of my best friends. We had huge split crab legs, sweet corn on the cob, an avocado salad, with Rum cake and ice cream for desert. I got nice presents and a bunch of starters of different plants etc for my yard. Vinca, and Ajuga, and red cannas. I think I might of also got tipsy on Pinot Grigio. :cryingwlaughter: Life is wonderful today.

KUMU-FM Honolulu

WHUD-FM Newburgh, NY

WFMK-FM Lansing

WTVR-FM Richmond

KWAV-FM Monterey-Salinas

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Thanks YSRN.............. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

What a groundswell of support for Clay on his last weekend. I'm sooooo proud of him. I want him to have all the finer things in life so much. He is so CUTE................ :hubbahubba:

I need a nap..................... :lmaosmiley-1:

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Wheeeee, those green hoody pics are gorgeous! All I could see was the top of his head, heh.

The matinee was awesome. It was just jam packed and had such a high energy. Kevin Covert was back in. In the first half, Clay was just having the time of his life, the expressions on his face, his dancing, everything. During the Camelot scene, when the nun and friar guy dance, the nun walked over to Clay and seemed to have little conversation, it was soooo cute, it was like he was trying to say things to make "her" feel better. Usually she goes over to Lancelot. Clay leaned over to look up the girl's skirt. He shimmied and he shook. Gah, I can't remember details, but I watched his face in the binocs from row R in some scenes. Hannah sang a line from Invisible instead of The Lion Sleeps Tonight and the audience went berserk! In the second half, during the scene with Lancelot and Concord, Lancelot had trouble getting his sword out, and the scene just went on and on. Concord was hilarious, the laughter was so loud, and Lancelot just played off it. Hee, I loved it. And then after that, it was almost as though someone told them that they had to speed things up, because the Knights of Ni was quite quick, Rick sang "Larry, Curly, Mo, Stella!" which was funny, but the King went right into his lines. During Clay's solo, I had binocs up to my eyes, but when he backed up to get in line there was a loud bang and I wasn't sure what was going on, it almost sounded as though maybe something got kicked over? But others think it was just some weird thing going on with the mics. Whatever it was, it was quite loud, but Clay never missed a beat, the solo was awesome. His tongue moving back and forth and his eyes raised and crossed are HILARIOUS through binocs. During the guard scene, there was no ad libbing, Clay did not play with his ribbons, everything was just done quite straight. It was still funny, of course, but I do wonder if there was some sort of a time constraint. No sung amen during the Brother Maynard scene, but I love the way he pauses and pretends to search the scriptures for words, and ends up saying "to three" (as if it might have been some other number). The peasant was a man, didn't seem to be a fan, Clay was really cute when he didn't get the handshake again. At the end, Clay did a little John Travolta Staying Alive type dance while pointing one finger up and down, it was CUTE! And he acknowledged the huge ovation and the applause and screaming that went on and on and on. He pulled up his pants to show his socks. Someone threw flowers on the stage and one of the girls (dancers) picked them up and handed them to him. He saluted us. God, he was awesome. I can't believe tonight is the last show. I think I will probably cry.

Shubert Alley was insane. Being in Row R on the right, we exited quite quickly, but there were already hundreds of people out there. I took some pictures of the crowd but that's it.

Earlier today we wandered around Times Square, went in the M&M store, and had lunch at TGIF's with a view of the Naked Cowboy doing his thing on the street. Hee, that was fun. Good times, good people, this is a wonderful weekend. I am so glad I came. Can't remember everyone who I've said hello to or met but I hope to see more people tonight at O'Lunney's!

Off to the final show in a few minutes, if we can tear couchie away from the basketball game. :P The weather here has turned sunny and quite warm, YAY!

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