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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Demmit. No purdy pitchurs yet on page 64. Did I mention that you people talk alot?

Right. I did.

Oh, I think she could save it for an appropriate time.......like when he lifts up his pant legs to show us his socks.


BWAH~ Omg...what a riot that would be! I bet Clay would guffaw! :cryingwlaughter: He pulls up his pants legs and someone yells, "Nice HOSE, dude!"



I am SOOOOO not getting work done today. :rolleyes:


Me either, lol.

canfly grabs the windex bottle that I never put away and cleans off the screen again.

Ah, canfly, mon chere chérie, a lagniappe is a little something extra, a little present, a little sweet...the chef winking at ya as he gives you the good dessert (and you wink back)...

Word of the day: lagniappe

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute...she just "mon chere cheried" me. Does that mean...




Rutrow. Luckiest1 has steam comin' out of her ears. I can tell.


I've just always wanted to use that emoticon. Now seemed like as good a time as any.

Feels good doesn't it?


Everybody repeat after me:



CRAP!!! Now I'm PAST the page with the purdy pitchurs!


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KAndre eyes jmh with excessive fondness...

Ya know, you have made some excellent suggestions....excellent.

Except for that "walking" thing. I've heard enough about it that I know I want to avoid it! Don't they rent horses or something?

Eyes cotton with even MORE fondness...

(in a serious Pepe LePew accent) And canfly, my petit chou, you can run, but you cannot hide! BWAH HA HA HA!

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Oh oh oh!!! That made me think of this....


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I found the purdy pitchurs!!! bliss2-1.gif

I found the purdy pitchurs!!! bliss2-1.gif

I found the purdy pitchurs!!! bliss2-1.gif

(in a serious Pepe LePew accent) And canfly, my petit chou, you can run, but you cannot hide! BWAH HA HA HA!


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Hee, Cotton! Someone pinch me Clay!


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Aww... love that smile... :wub:

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Clay looks so young in some of those pictures. Sometimes it seems so hard to believe that it has been five years but then I see those pictures and realize just how much he has grown up. What a chameleon he has always been. At times such a sweet, cutie patootie and at other times a gorgeous hunk of hawtness. On top of that, he is one fine person. Sure keeps me interested.

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KAndre eyes jmh with excessive fondness...

Ya know, you have made some excellent suggestions....excellent.

Except for that "walking" thing. I've heard enough about it that I know I want to avoid it! Don't they rent horses or something?

multiple modes of transportation in Hong Kong

I mostly rode the trams on Central - cheap and easy and they run frequently....and many are double-decker, which is cool.

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Hey muskifest(God I hope that's right...I lost my page...again)........I'm not even sure what page my post was on...I've never seen a board move so fast and the topics just keep floating in and out....... serious, humourous, smutty( have no fears, I've smutted with the worst :cryingwlaughter: )

This board reminds me of YouTube....I pop over just for a minute to see a video everyone is raving about and an hour later I'm still there and the night has vanished and my uniform is still wrinkled in the laundry basket. Ah well, the crumpled look is in.

I am just facinated by his hands, huge strong, gentle.....ok..so I'm easily entertained. That's a cute bum in annabear's picture.......I'm also easily wound up....too much info coming out here, maybe I should have had only one marguerita.LOL

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One more . . .


Reminds me of the best night of my Clay Aiken fandom ever. *waves at luckiest1*


I've never seen this one! And Iseeme, if you don't know, I love me some goofy Clay. LOVE.

More please...

Aw, I miss the rings...


Oh yes, I was just thinking about those rings earlier today. Gah -- they emphasized his hands and lovely long fingers sooooo well. *sigh*

Ahhh . . . . Greensboro. *sigh*


Don't forget to Clickety Clack!

I love the look on his face in that one -- not to ascribe anything to him, but he sure looks like he admires the heck out of Alison. Sweet.

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One more . . .


Reminds me of the best night of my Clay Aiken fandom ever. *waves at luckiest1*

Putting on my 'concert ho' hat once again to say, I was there, too! Awesome night... :wub:

Now going back a few more years again - -







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This board reminds me of YouTube....I pop over just for a minute to see a video everyone is raving about and an hour later I'm still there and the night has vanished and my uniform is still wrinkled in the laundry basket. Ah well, the crumpled look is in.

haha you can say that again!!!

But speaking of YouTube, did anyone actually see this YouTube (I posted in the YT thead)?

I still can't get over it.


Bulgarian Idol audition.

The song is Ken Lee, (also known as Mariah Carey's WITHOUT YOU),

It is sung in English, but if you have a problem with English, there are subtitles to help you!

Oh, and check out the Pawler Abdool clone judge!

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Eeeeeeee! I see manderly down there at the bottom of the screen! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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ETA: FromClaygary, Spikesmom & annabear, Thanks for your generous offers to help on the next Craft Sale - wow!!! I can't knit anywhere near as good as you (y'all) so I'm going to Knitters Connection on Saturday. Anyone up for a yarncert?

Not sure what a yarncert entails but it sounds interesting! I have a h.s. graduation party to go to though so might not be able to, but thanks for the offer!

Boy, all kinds of stuff going on today... not even sure where to start... lots of good conversation. I'll just WORD a whole bunch of you and leave it at that... you all have said it better than I probably could anyway.

I don't really want to think that hard right now... it was a long day and it ended with an exit interview for an employee who was surplused and pretty bitter that she didn't find anything else, so she's no longer employed... it wasn't much fun (not that any exit interview would be unless it was your choice and you're happy about leaving...). Some days I hate being a grown-up... I much prefer being 12... Off to find my bottle opener and have a little glass of wine... :wein:

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Jesus. The battle continues.

All I can say is this, if someone came up to me and told me that they'd love my daughter even if she were gay, I'd tell them not to bother because my daughter doesn't associate with bigots.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:Wanda, I could kiss you on the lips!

I'll do one better.........Wanda, will you marry me? It's legal here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Rutrow. Luckiest1 has steam comin' out of her ears. I can tell.

Heh. Whatever gave you that idea.

Clay looks so young in some of those pictures. Sometimes it seems so hard to believe that it has been five years but then I see those pictures and realize just how much he has grown up. What a chameleon he has always been. At times such a sweet, cutie patootie and at other times a gorgeous hunk of hawtness. On top of that, he is one fine person. Sure keeps me interested.

Welcome, deyabird! WORD!

But speaking of YouTube, did anyone actually see this YouTube (I posted in the YT thead)?

I still can't get over it.


Bulgarian Idol audition.

The song is Ken Lee, (also known as Mariah Carey's WITHOUT YOU),

It is sung in English, but if you have a problem with English, there are subtitles to help you!

Oh, and check out the Pawler Abdool clone judge!

I can't get it to work, can you post the link again?

*waves back at ldyj*. Yep, Merrillville was some night, wasn't it? And annabear, cool pictures! I think that was one concert you were at and I wasn't at! :imgtongue:

I'm having a blast revisiting the Sterling Heights DCAT/SRHP concert. I think this might even be one montage series that goldarngirl won't have to play slave driver........I may be finished reviewing the clack before she even starts working on it. :cryingwlaughter:

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