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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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TMZ site now has a photoshopped pic of Clay 'in labor' and this accompanying text:

We broke the bizzaro story in the first place -- that Clay Aiken is having a Claby -- and now we know the sex! No, not Clay's, the Claby!

He's having a boy! Multiple TMZ spies say when the kid takes his first bow in August, there will be gonads attached.

God, they even call themSELVES 'spies' as if that's a noble thing.

Unfucking real....know what else? The way TMZ titles the camera pushing clip? They say that Clay displays some masculinity....

Because to those needle-dicks, masculinity = a violent, tough guy, fuck-you attitude. Which is why, of course, Clay is not considered masculine. He has all those icky qualities, donchaknow---a sensitive nature, empathy, generosity, manners, respect for others, etc.....

Oh well, the more TMZ 'prints'---the more 'video' they show, the more this resembles the filthy frenzy of the tabloids two years ago and the less likely anything they say has any validity to me. Really, a photoshopped picture of Clay "in labor"? Makes me think of the various photoshops in the NE...

Someone elsewhere brought up the interesting timing of such negative press--when Clay's been riding a wave of popularity, getting a lot of positive publicity for achievements, etc., there does seem to be sudden flood of crappola or at least a presentation of outrageously WTF? info that gets the gerbil wheels spinning again....

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I would love to know all the answers to put my curiosity at rest, but I recall Clay saying early in his career that people have a right to be curious but not to know. He seems to live by that, and I completely respect his right to say or not say whatever the hell he chooses about his personal life.

I'm just hoping for Clack from tonight.

Yeah. What she said.

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Larry King would pee his pants to get Clay Aiken on right now.

They've got pills for that now. Just sayin'.

It is amazing what that little hit of Clack made me feel last night. Seeing him up there on that stage with the President of the United States (political leanings totally aside - I agree with whoever said it's an honor), looking proud, doing his thing, living his life and ignoring the *insert string of insults and obscenities here - too many to choose from* turd stirring media.....

Go Clay!!! :clap:

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Well since Clay has always been a popular guy I don't see any pattern to him reaching some peak and then shit happens. He's a celebrity and has been in the crosshairs of the tabloids since Idol. And I have to say that no one will believe a photoshopped Clay is actually having a baby - it's a mean spirited parody, not supposed evidence. Not saying it's not a tawdry thing to do but it's still just different to me.

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The way I see it, a lot of those who make fun of Clay are either the men who are afraid that women will actually start expecting me to have feelings and stuff like that, or women who have those pre-adolescent acting bullies for mates and can't stand that there are actually decent men out there. We really should pity them, but alas, I can't. Screm em is what I say.

And for anyone who thinks Clay should handle this or any other situation in his life a certain way, then all I got to say is that when you are in Clay's situation, you go right ahead and do it your way, but please stop telling him to to handle it. You really have no control over it, all you can control is how you behave. I'd like to hear from Clay too, if no more than to tell people to screw themselves, but he doesn't have to do a damn thing. He's a big boy now so treat him like one.

Now I'm going to try to catch up and then try to find some more pretty pictures.

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The People.com story "Clay Aiken is going to be a Dad" was their No. 1 Most Read story of the week.

OMWH's Mediabase spins are up 15 for a cumulative 93 spins for the week.

Ashes has almost 62,000 views at Sessions. Clay Aiken is "Most Viewed" at Sessions. He's second to Jewel in Highest Rated Session.

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Here are three pics from ClayAikenpix that show how happy Clay is, despite all of the controversy. The first two pics are before the event, and Faye is with him. The last pic is when he is just exiting the theatre, right before being accosted by the TMZ guy. He's got a really happy look on his face, so it was a great evening for him! The pics can be viewed enlarged on the site, but can only be copied in this size:




ETA: There are more pics - would ya'll like me to bring them over? I'm not sure who has access to ClayAikenpix and who doesn't.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the increased spins on mediabase!!!

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ETA: There are more pics - would ya'll like me to bring them over?

Yes, please and thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I'd like to see the pics too please. He looks so cute and I love to see him smiling. He has the best smile ever, at least for an adult. Usually you only see that much joy in children but he just lights up. Boy do I love that man.

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On a happier note....can't tell you how pleased I am to have been out of town and out of touch, visitng my youngest child in Philly for the past 4 days. It was a great anniversary present to ourselves and I am so happy to have missed the drama known as Clay's life.

Glad you're back, rohdy! And belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you & Mr. rohdy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Here they are, in no particular order. There are a couple more that are almost complete duplicates of what's here, so I didn't bother bringing them over.










And my favorite:


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I would love to know all the answers to put my curiosity at rest, but I recall Clay saying early in his career that people have a right to be curious but not to know. He seems to live by that, and I completely respect his right to say or not say whatever the hell he chooses about his personal life.

I've been thinking for a while now that Clay is not about to pull his figurative collar away from his throat, expose his vulnerable jugular, and say, "Oh, by the way, HERE'S where you can hurt me the most. Right here." Why should he? Should I expect that from anyone, particularly someone I claim to care about?

Under such extreme pressure, it might seem that a brief statement would alleviate the insane media scrutiny...but to me, sometimes, making a seemingly small concession like confirming/denying an intrusive rumor pushes the line of invasiveness a little farther the next time...and the next time...and the next. How far is too far? Is this? How about this?

Me? I want to know everything...but no matter what I may want, it seems reasonable that only Clay gets to decide what he will reveal about himself and those close to him. And how, and when. The media's persistence in usurping that boundary would seem an unacceptable violation, not something rightfully expected.

His life, his choices, his consequences, his triumphs. Whatever fall-out I may be feeling as a Clay Aiken fan, I try to remember that he endures it first. It's my hope that "all this" will one day seem worth it, for him and for 'us'...making some future day when he is not such a scapegoat (one that is the object of irrational hostility) that much sweeter.

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I had a whole post and decided not to post it. JustClay, what a rude thing to say to or about someone. I'm not even going to bother to refute your statement but just say that you obviously have only read a couple of my posts. My other negative rant was about where Clay tours! I'm not the only one that feels that way - do you consider them negative as well? Last night I was trying to work through something that all of you had 4 days to get used to. I was totally blindsided by it. I thought I could come on this board and express my feelings and thoughts without getting completely lambasted. Guess I was wrong.

Someone else this morning commented on how I post my point of view.....ummmm....isn't that what the rest of you do as well? Isn't that allowed on this board?

Moving on - but ALOT less reluctant to EVER again be honest and open here. Apparently if I don't fall into the mainstream of the current thought than there is something wrong with ME.

Clay's pictures from last night are really very handsome. He does look good in a tux.

And good morning to everyone. Have a nice day.

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Aww, I see Mary was there last night, too. And is that Jennifer??? Paging laughn..... :)

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I sure wish I saw a glimpse of Jerome in those pictures, or at least Barry the publicist running some interference. I wonder if Team Clay thought this appearance would be completely under the media radar until after it was over. I guess not...

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His life, his choices, his consequences, his triumphs. Whatever fall-out I may be feeling as a Clay Aiken fan, I try to remember that he endures it first. It's my hope that "all this" will one day seem worth it, for him and for 'us'...making some future day when he is not such a scapegoat (one that is the object of irrational hostility) that much sweeter.

Amen and hallelujah, 00lsee. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

P.S. I wanna know everything, too.... heh. :hubbahubba::wub:

And yeah, KAndre....that CMSU too--gonads? :cryingwlaughter: Well, maybe they're unclear about gonads because they've never experienced any.

Oh, BTW---yesterday's outing at softball proved to be revealing for our team. It's the first year we've been a team with 'new' players. Five of our team went on to different leagues this year so we have six new players from neighboring cities. We've only practiced a few times as a team and yesterday was a friendly scrimmage set up just for getting our feet wet as we prepare for our tournament season. We happened to play two very tough teams, one who'd been playing together all year since last summer's round of tournaments and who'd just won a tourney last weekend. We lost 5-1. Carrie was our starting pitcher and right before the game she came up to me and said, "Mom, I'm really nervous." She looked terrified on the mound and never really got her groove in those first two innings. She missed two fly balls when she played center field and struck out twice at the plate, too. I could FEEL her uncertainty.

Second game, she was better...team won 7-3, but I still didn't see the Carrie we've come to expect. And the team showed their lack of playing time together as a unit. But the girls are great, the chemistry seems to be good and we're just getting started.

On a Clay note...I showed my buddy the Leno interview on my iPod while we were sitting in the bleachers. She cackled! Later I had "Falling" playing and was bopping to the music during a pause in softball play and she asked me what I was listening to. I told her and she said, "Oh, I LOVE that one! So I let her listen to one of the ear pieces and we got jiggywiddit sitting down! BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: Somebody said, "There they go again---must be listening to Clay Aiken."

BWAH! Good times, good times... (unless, of course, you ask our daughters in the dugout... heh)

ETA: Oh, and when you see the large version of those pics, you can tell that it looks as though Clay IS grooming a beard to be! It's not just stubble--there's a definite "beard" line along his jaw where he shaved...hmmmm....

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I apologize for my post. I was going to delete it but it's already been copied and commented on. I knew I should have gone to take my nap before I started posting.

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