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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Check your Youtubes, disgusting sites are linkingto mine again.

How do you stop that?

You can either stop comments or delete offending ones. Just sign into your account and you'll be able to make a choice on the comments. Thanks Play, I will check mine out tonight. I have about 5 out there.

duh, you said linking to your videos..I see Play has answered that below.

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keepingfaith, it's so interesting that you wrote that paragraph about finding a group of women that is 'feeding' your soul, so to speak.

In that book I'm reading, "Sex and the Seasoned Woman" (Not really fond of that title, as so much of the book is not sex-centric.), there's a lot of info about that 'need' of middle aged and older women---to connect with a supportive network of women---and how it enriches their lives.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm sticking to my plan: I'll believe whatever Clay and/or Jaymes tells me. If they don't speak, then I'll treat all this as another media frenzy. As I wrote on CH, I won't trust a taped interview, even by a 'respected' and 'trusted' media rep (See Diane Sawyer/ABC interview); I won't trust a print publication (I'll never forget the betrayal I felt when Newsweek referenced tabloid sources as 'news') and I've given up on any online 'news' outlet, quite honetly.

So Clay or Jaymes will need to blog to me on the OFC or give a live interview--maybe with Linda Loveland--before I'll KNOW the truth. Until then, I'll just go along my merry way---not believing and not disbelieving.

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Sometimes I just delete the video or make it private if they are linking to me. If Jp links to you, you get bunches of links if an obscure place links, I let it go if there is only 1 viewing, it means they don't have traffic and I don't care. There is a statistics under the video which shows the links to you and the number of hits. I had a problem with a dahstrom video, so I turned of embedding and got a bunch of nasty cracks on that, which I deleted. Seems likethe vincent miscue brought all the pigs and liars out in force, but it is over now, too late to get rid of it and Clay looked good, so I let it go. it was probably during rewind.

One guy claims he videoed a romp wth Clay, - after looking at the stills, I can only say, in his dreams. I don't know who he slept with, but Clay was a blond during spamalot, jerk head.

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Muski, that's been my view from day one. My brain may be digesting it and going through the what ifs and understanding the media involvement but until we hear from Clay, we just won't know. Well we can strike the if she's even pregnant part off my list cuz she definitely looks pregnant to me. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: I've come up with a million scenarios in my head ranging from ranging from it's not true to one of these 100 scenarios is true and I find that I'm ok with any of them. So now I sit back and wait. I do keep thinking of Clay saying don't believe anything until you hear it from me. My brain won't allow me to stop the "what ifs" but I'm ok with that right now. If it's not true I can so see a statement from him that will just scorch the media without even using one four letter word...he's just that clever. Clay :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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One scenario that's run through my head is that someone at TMZ found out that Jaymes is pregnant, and they decided to make a story out of it and lied about Clay being the father.

Who knows? Mebbe it's actually true, and someone at a fertility clinic leaked the story for moolah. If so, it wouldn't be the first time medical information about a celebrity was illegally leaked. It's awful when that happens. We work so hard at our hospital at keeping private information private, but now that everything is on computers, it's more difficult than it was when everything was on paper.

But I'm not counting on the story being true or untrue. At this point the only real fact is that Jaymes is pregnant, and that she is his Producer. To me, everything else is speculation until Clay or one of the Fosters decides to talk about it. Which may not be for some time.

Regardless, I'm still his fan. I'm enjoying the heck out of his new album, and I won't be distracted from streaming OMWH on AOL and other sites.

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One scenario that's run through my head is that someone at TMZ found out that Jaymes is pregnant, and they decided to make a story out of it and lied about Clay being the father.

yep..theory number 84.

:cryingwlaughter: That's about what it boils down to, doesn't it? As kf said earlier today, who the fuck knows? There are so many different theories out there....I'm trying not to buy into any of them too much until we hear something more definitive. Whatever it ends up being (and that is if we ever know the details) I'll be 100% supportive. That's about all I know this afternoon. Well that, and I love Clay Aiken. And I think OMWH rawks. And so does ATDW, while I'm at it. Listened to it yesterday, too, driving back and forth to the ball diamond. :wub:

Sooooo, is it time to go home yet? Working for a living suck's, y'all.

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One scenario that's run through my head is that someone at TMZ found out that Jaymes is pregnant, and they decided to make a story out of it and lied about Clay being the father.

yep..theory number 84.

Number 57 on my list. ;)

Sooooo, is it time to go home yet? Working for a living suck's, y'all.

I'll drink to that! :bier:

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Iseeme tip toes back in, cautiously, looks around to see who's here, and wonders if there are any HDD numbers yet.

(trying to get back in to some kind of normal mode)

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Nothing so far, I don't think he is in the top 50 this week.

Anyone else streaming OMWH on AOL? It gives me a sense of satisfaction!

We didn't make 100K at Clay's my space yet, we are about 1500 short. SO, does anyone have any children with a myspace that might be willing to add Clay's OMWH? If they add it from Clay's myspace, everytime someone listens at another site, a spin gets added to Clay's list! SOrt of like when you hear a bell on the tree ring at CHristmas another angel has made it into heaven.

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muski, you asked earlier about my new puppy. It's a cairn terrier like ToTo from the Wizard of Oz. He is sooooo cute. We''ve never had small dogs, but this one really caught my hubby's eye. After about a week and a half of thinking it over, we decided to get him. My larger older dog is kind of jealous of him, but that seems to be getting better as each day passes. I forgot how much work a new puppy can be though.
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Iseeme I feel you pain. I wish you had been around when this first broke so I had some company! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I agree that by the nature of Clay's CHOSEN profession he has sacrificed some element of his personal life. May not be right, but it is the way it is. I also think IF this is all true he HAD to know what would happen when the news broke - and he had to know there was a good chance it wouldn't break the way he may want it to. The man has been the subject of all sorts of tabloid speculation so he KNOWS. I don't think he is naive. He had to know what a sensational - and easy to distort - story this would make for the tabloids. And he had to know the implications that would be be made about him. He had to. If he didn't, he didn't think things through or he is incredibly naive.

CG.... bolding mine. Yes, he had to know and he (maybe) did it anyway... titanium and a determination to live his life on his terms. He has always believed that God is responsible for putting him where he is and that God will determine when it is over. Hence, IMO, he is living a caring, giving, making a difference life with very little, if any, regard for the media.

I've had plenty of friends and many wonderful experiences in my life, yet somewhere in the back of my head was a little voice saying where are my people, where are my people. I'm sure that sounds completely batshit crazy, but I've never felt that I've been around people who think like me and I've compromised and understood and been patient with the people in my life, like forever. Anyway, I found my people -- and what do you know, turns out they are Clay Aiken fans. This is something I realized before I ever met even one of you in person. It has nothing to do with traveling or going to concerts or any social thing ... I just found a group of supportive and giving and open-minded people and the glue is Clay Aiken. I needed this moment of self-disclosure. You are my people.


kf... :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: I like you, I really like you... can I keep you???? :cryingwlaughter:

Nobody gives me shit about anything enough to upset me - you make me unhappy, I will make your life a living hell. I have to admit I don't understand why anyone would apparently feel the need someone they love, like or work for feel that bad...

As to the announcement of the pregnancy, maybe I'm just looking at this from my point of view, but as for some sort of official announcement, Clay owes us jack shit. You see women you think are pregnant everyday. You don't get to ask them who's it is or if they are just fat. You don't get to see their children's birth certificate. For all you know, Jaymes has decided to put down "Zeus" as the father - at least in Texas, the mother can put down what the hell she wants or nothing at all. Because no matter who the hell it is, it's nobody else's business. Hell, over the last year, I have spent probably a few grand here and there on Clay - over the last five years, a significant amount of money. It is NOT enough for Clay to live off of. No one in here has spent enough on Clay Aiken individually for him to live off - collectively, yes - but chicks, this ain't a damn collective. We don't get a vote. And the only say we get is whether we keep spending money. And even if by some credible stretch of the imagination, you did spend enough to support him, it wasn't a gift out of the kindness of your heart - you either got CDs or a concert or a Broadway show or what the hell ever. You individually did not give Clay Aiken a living. Therefore, you or the "public" (most of whom haven't given him a dime - why should they be informed of shit? Especially why should the people apparently tormenting Clay fans be owed an answer to anything?) are not entitled to even a piece of his life. As long as he and his children aren't being supported by everyone's tax dollars, no matter what anybody says, it's not even a PRETEND obligation. Oh, he can too carry on with his private life. All I have to do is look at Jodie Foster - who doesn't feel the need to explain shit to anybody - and frankly has had a much crazier life and fandom and the whole gay thing too.

Oooo! Clay is turning into Sean Penn!

KAndre... :clap::clap::clap:

My goodness we are certainly claiming a lot of rights for ourselves, aren't we? Up to and including the infringement of Clay's right to privacy concerning a child that may or may not be his.

Haven't we all been here at least for the last couple of years as Clay made it plain that people can believe what they want to believe about him, and he doesn't care because the people that MATTER in this life, his family and friends, know the truth and that's all that matters to him. I'm sure he loves his fans, and he appreciates the fact that we support his singing career, but he does give something in return, entertainment and gratitude. But do we inform his personal, private decisions based on gay ridicule? Not no, but hell no. I can't imagine being disappointed in Clay because a homophobe thought less of me for liking him. That would just be one less tittilated homophobe that I have to deal with. I can live with that. I'm really sorry that rude people in the media make life difficult for a sensitive Clay fan. Am I upset that Clay doesn't dance to their tune? Nooooo. Personally, I recommend staying away from the low energy centers of the universe. I have no expectations or assumptions about his personal life at all. I don't argue that he is or isn't anything, other than a really outstanding human being. I didn't start liking him because of his moral fiber or his charitable works or his hard-headed personal integrity, or his personal magnetism, but I did come to appreciate and respond to all these things upon eventual discovery. I love him dearly because he is so open and generous to his fans. Seems he only draws the line around his heart.

Maybe one day we'll know everything, maybe there's a revelatory moment at hand. Maybe we'll wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Whatever, it's none of my business. I'm JUST a fan.

keeping... can I take you with me to my next family party (this Sunday)??? I will put you in my pocket, if you don't mind, to give myself courage to finally stand up for myself and not take any crap from my family. I have always been one to not make waves, but I have finally come to realize that letting them give me crap is not only teaching them it's ok to do so, but is also disrespectful of them toward me and that hurts, so I have tried to ignore it. No more! If he can have titanium, so can I! :cryingwlaughter:

I truly don't understand anyone letting someone give them a hard time over Clay or feeling bad about it.

NO ONE gives me a hard time about anything unless they're already running.

You only get shit in life if you're willing to take it.

wanda... :clap::clap: Can I put you in my other pocket??? I'm gonna do this, ya'll!

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liney, I can relate. Many in my family act the same way so I finally gave up and stopped being around them. I started going to a therapist years ago because of a medical condition and he's seen me through my divorce. When I told them about the way my family treated me, with the disrespect, he asked me how they were any different from my ex, and I realized that it wasn't my issue but theirs. Thanks in large part to Clay, I'm changing my life for the better, and I'm actually happy, which really threatens those who are stuck. Since I have no intent of being pulled back down, it was best for me to move on. I know, too much info, but good luck and maybe one day we can reach Wandacleo's or KAndre's status where we can scare people who try to pick on them.
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liney, I can relate. Many in my family act the same way so I finally gave up and stopped being around them. I started going to a therapist years ago because of a medical condition and he's seen me through my divorce. When I told them about the way my family treated me, with the disrespect, he asked me how they were any different from my ex, and I realized that it wasn't my issue but theirs. Thanks in large part to Clay, I'm changing my life for the better, and I'm actually happy, which really threatens those who are stuck. Since I have no intent of being pulled back down, it was best for me to move on. I know, too much info, but good luck and maybe one day we can reach Wandacleo's or KAndre's status where we can scare people who try to pick on them.

Magical words!!!!

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Congrats Liney..hey step one is realizing you need to do something. I was scared of my own shadow until I was in my mid twenties. Hell I actually had one of those embarassing breakdown moments in class...and then I took control of my life. I haven't taken any kind of shit since. Sometimes that meant just being honest with people and sometimes it meant putting somebody out of your life and I have done both.

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Never mind it is someone else we never heard of, my mistake

Bwah, play! How gossip gets started..... :cryingwlaughter:

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