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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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LOVE the banner!! Great job....ansa?

I'm feeling so positive today--ebullient almost.

Only good can come from this situation:

If it's NOT true, then the truth will come out and the maggot journalists will look like fools.

If it is true, somewhere out there is this perfect little soul that is part of Clay just waiting to be born. That just fills my heart with joy.


cagney, I know all about that ICG. Doing something that makes us get that silly grin simply has to be good for the body and soul! Sometimes I don't even realize I have that grin until it's been there awhile, and then I have to laugh at myself.

So true! That ICG has saved my life this last week!

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Hope your doctor's visit provides some relief for your back & knee, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Verra verra niiiice banner! :flirtysmile3:

Off to find coffee before my head hits the keyboard........

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So true! That ICG has saved my life this last week!

How are you doing? Hope the back is feeling a bit better.

Ahhhh, crappy, but thanks for askin'!! :lol: Started chiropractor visits yesterday~$80 a visit, and I have to go 3x a week to start with, which is going to do NOTHING for my Clay fund, that's for sure!

I'm probably dangerous driving, as it's my right leg that is affected and I can't properly brake or gas the sucker...so I'm trying to stay out of the car AMAP.

Can't walk properly, and can't sit for long..... :cryingwlaughter: ...other than that, I'm great!

Sure glad I have lots of Clay!

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Good morning, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I think I'm sorta over the shock and ok with not knowing the truth for a looonngg time, if ever. I love him and nothing else matters!

Watch... I'm all primed to kick butt this Sunday and my DIL won't say a word... :cryingwlaughter:

Hanging out with strong, loyal, intelligent women is good for the soul! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: FromClaygary... sending you white light and love! Wont' your insurance cover any of chiro? Mine does.

Love the banner, Ansa!!!

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My life has become a cycle of work and baseball. Maybe it will rain today. Heh, at least goldarngirl hopes it will. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: And as it turns out, it is raining! Guess I should have looked out the window.....LOL.

Well I'm torn, I walked to work SO do I do a rain dance and walk home in the rain???? hmmm I just might. You needed a break from all that running around anyway. :cryingwlaughter:

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(((Liney))) and others having people say nasty things.

I used to have problems with some family members, not saying things about Clay, but just dragging me into their dramas and trying to make me the cause of whatever "problem" they invented to angst over to liven up their boring day. It wasn't until I refused to be sucked in that I got any piece of mind. I saw something on Oprah along the lines of "It's only your problem if you take it on board and make it your problem". It took a long while but it must have sunk in somehow. One Christmas I invited someone over for Christmas lunch and was told "Nooooo, we are just taking our sandwiches to the park, by ourselves...." Normally this would have upset me and resulted in tears all round (which I think was the desired result by the other person) but I must have been feeling strong this day ( or grown up) and I just said " Oh that sounds lovely! So nice and quiet! You know it will be the usual madhouse at my place!" Nothing else was said but a few weeks later that same person asked me what salad to bring to Christmas lunch.

I actually surprised myself that day. I am not the sort of person that enjoys strife and Drama and I hate the roller coaster emotions of some people around me so I have decided not to get on the roller coaster but just to meet them in the middle when they are there.

When people who are not that close make inflammatory statements or tell blatant lies or boast unrelentingly I now put on my most gullible/admiring/bland look and agree. "Oh you're climbing Mt Everest? How Fantastic!" " Oh your child who is the same age as mine was just voted the Best Boy Ever In The History Of The Universe ? How Wonderful! You must be so thrilled!"

"Clay Aiken is Gay/the babbydaddy/insert latest rumour here? How do you find out all this stuff!! I'll sure have to come to you for my celebrity gossip in future!!

If you can keep a straight face (and hide the sarcasm) and if they actually believe that you believe or admire them then they go on their way as happy idiots and you can think what you like. The trick is not caring what this type say/think.

I know I have raved on a bit but I hope it helps someone having a hard day.

ausdon, this CMSU!! What a great way to handle people who say stupid or offensive things.

The banner is beautimous!

I'm off from work until Friday, and then I'll be working a bunch of days in a row so that my job-share partner can have surgery. I have a long list of things to try to get done while I'm off, but I'm not moving very quickly on it. It's so much more fun to goof off and play around on the computer!

I'm on a mission to de-junk my house this year, and I'm taking some things to a community garage sale this Saturday. My strategy so far is to play on the computer for awhile, take about fifteen minutes to find things for the garage sale pile, and then come back and play some more. Heeeee! :lol:

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I'm on a mission to de-junk my house this year, and I'm taking some things to a community garage sale this Saturday. My strategy so far is to play on the computer for awhile, take about fifteen minutes to find things for the garage sale pile, and then come back and play some more. Heeeee! :lol:

and what's wrong with that plan?

ETA: Muski, just think of it like this...at least it's not your laptop this time :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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luckiest---sounds like your son is becoming that 'most valued player' on a team---a "utility player". I'm a fan of utility players---the guy or gal who gives it everything, no matter what position the coach uses him/her. Carrie used to be that person before she fell in love with pitching. She still plays center field, second and third base at times, but her focus is on the mound now. To me, 'utility' players are what a 'team' is all about.

Hugs to all those dealing with life's aches and pains. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Getting older is a bitch but better than the alternative, fo' sho'! ;)

I'm continuing in whatever stage of whatever process is necessary for this latest Clay Aiken adventure park ride. I sometimes move back and retrace a step or two, but right now I'm at a place where I'm taking Sir Paul's advice to 'Let It Be'. It's exhausting and disturbingly weird to me right now that this young man's personal life is such a controversial newsbite, and I'm deciding to sorta hang out in the top balcony of this particular show instead of jockeying for those front row seats.

Can I hear an "OHHHHMMMMMMMM"? :closedeyes:

Anyhoo....my day has started out with a hint of a bad cloud. Got off the bus this morning near work and went to my fave coffee shop. Reached in to my tote bag to get my money---from my purse which happened to be absent from said tote bag. So of course I start to mentally retrace my steps---and mind you, for me to MENTALLY be required to do anything of import lately is really farfetched---in order to remember where I might have left it. Tune in later to see if hubby finds it on the floor of my parked van where I caught the bus. :rolleyes:...

Have a good one, folks! :)

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luckiest---sounds like your son is becoming that 'most valued player' on a team---a "utility player". I'm a fan of utility players---the guy or gal who gives it everything, no matter what position the coach uses him/her. Carrie used to be that person before she fell in love with pitching. She still plays center field, second and third base at times, but her focus is on the mound now. To me, 'utility' players are what a 'team' is all about.

Yep, this is him in a nutshell. Last night the game seemed like the 'Ian' show. LOL. He was stealing every base he could, diving headfirst into the bag to make the play safely. He was filthy before the 1st inning was over, but with a grin on his face. He hasn't had this much fun playing baseball in a few years, that's for sure. He loves being the centre of attention, the MVP, as you put it, on this house league team. Big difference from just being one of the guys who shared an outfield position with some other guys on the competitive team, and occasionally warmed the bench. Not that he doesn't enjoy that as well, of course. I think he'd be happy if he could play baseball every night. Personally, I think I need a night off soon. ;)

{{{FromClaygary}}} Feel better soon.

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Hope you're feeling better *soon*, FromClaygary, and good luck with the purse search, muski. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hee, muski, glad you found your purse. I lost my wallet the other day. Had to mentally retrace my steps. Guess where I found it?

In the freezer, with the frozen bread. Yep, I'd been grocery shopping, and had thought I'd throw it in the bag so I wouldn't forget it in the car. :P

BTW, my latest resolution is that I will forgo that daily Starbuck's latte and instead put that $20 a week into a savings account for the BAF gala in October. Check back with me tomorrow to see if I've managed to stay strong. :cryingwlaughter:

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I am pages behind, but would like to respond/comment on the gay issue.

I used to get angry, well, actually, I still do sometimes as it depends on who says it and how.

At this point in my fandom, when someone brings is up, I TRY to just have a discussion about it with them. I TRY not to get angry and just talk about it. I have found that this has helped me more than anything and hopefully made the other person stop and think about where they are coming from.

I do know that those who I have discussed it with no longer make snide remarks to me.... I may not have changed their mind, but at least I don’t have to listen to ridicule and hurtful comments.

There is one man though, that really pushes my buttons and he knows it and loves to see me get angry. I have had to walk away from him a time or 2, but when you are sitting at the same dinner table with him, that makes it difficult. (And, I really cannot argue with him anymore due to his heart/health issues.)

He finally saw Clay on TV for the FIRST time, (the last Leno show) and could not wait to tell me that he thought Clay was very charming and sang good too. (the gay issues was not mentioned, but the man’s attitude changed completely) I had no idea that he had never actually seen Clay...... so IMO, it appears that all the tabloids and late night comics are doing their job well and the general public is believing all the crap.

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Oh, muski, that's an unpleasant feeling, for sure. Glad purse is found!!!

And gaaaaahhhh...that guy in the banner looks like he could conquer the world, doesn't he? LOVE the banner...LOVE that Clay Aiken.

{{{FromClaygary}}} Well, and ldyj said she was gimping around, too, didn't ya?


...he had never actually seen Clay.
Isn't that amazing? I think that's true for a lot of people who slam Clay. I hope this changed the man's mind for good.

Me? Well, in spite of sensible, but apparently unreliable safeguards, (kicks Norton), I managed to get infected (well, not me, personally...my computer) with a trojan yesterday...Ugh!!! And also ARGGHH!!! Maaannn...so I'm getting to do all kinds of risky stuff with my registry today. What a time-consuming chore. Hatesss...

Ah, well. As I said, that guy in the banner...mmm-MMMMM!!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Be happy, my people (tm keepingfaith). Seriously, (((HUGS))), y'all.

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Glad you found your purse, Muski!

I'm sending healing vibes to Claygary and ldyj.

Hee, muski, glad you found your purse. I lost my wallet the other day. Had to mentally retrace my steps. Guess where I found it?

In the freezer, with the frozen bread. Yep, I'd been grocery shopping, and had thought I'd throw it in the bag so I wouldn't forget it in the car. :P

BTW, my latest resolution is that I will forgo that daily Starbuck's latte and instead put that $20 a week into a savings account for the BAF gala in October. Check back with me tomorrow to see if I've managed to stay strong. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH!!! And good luck with your resolution. Is there something you can substitute for the latte? I've found that I'm more successful if I find something to replace whatever it is I'm taking away. Perhaps you could make your own latte at work, or something like that.

From Corabeth at the CH:

Just got an email from RMD and he's going to keep an eye out for the airdate of the Ford Theater benefit and let me know.

clackclackclackclack. I NEEDS it! :waiting:


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BWAH!!! And good luck with your resolution. Is there something you can substitute for the latte? I've found that I'm more successful if I find something to replace whatever it is I'm taking away. Perhaps you could make your own latte at work, or something like that.

Bingo! That's what I'm doing. I used to do it every day but I got lazy recently. :lol: But it's much cheaper!

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The View is on right now. In the beginning segment Whoopee announced that the AP had breaking news that Hilary was going to concede to Obama tonight. They discussed it at length, each one giving their view. Barbara was there. Before the segment ended, Whoopee clarified that this breaking story said that Hilary would concede after tonights primary results if Obama had the necessary delegates. They went to commercial and in the next segment Whoopee announced that they had more breaking news. Hilary's people had just called the View and said that the AP story was not true and Hillary was not conceding tonight to which Barbara commented, "The AP story is not true?" This was the Associated Press breaking out this RUMOR that turned out to be untrue. How in the heck can we even believe TMZ? Scary that a lot of people do.

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Lost articles -- a couple years ago mrchach "lost his wallet" - he tore the house apart looking for it, looked in all the cars, went over to the gas station to ask them if he'd left it there, called the hardware store. Finally gave up and reported all the cards lost. (what a nightmare that is!)

That night he found it in his shoe that he had carried in from the car. :cryingwlaughter:

Glad muski, you and lucky found yours a little more expediently!!

I went to a movie and dinner with a long-time friend (I almost said 'old' and stopped myself!) last night, we saw SATC. I didn't bring up Clay until I took out my new portable digital photo album (ordered from QVC) and showed her some pictures. I had some shots from a Spamalot trip, plus my fundraiser photo with Clay. She didn't say anything about Clay except to ask me if I had a good time, and stuff like that. I guess she hadn't heard the recent stuff, so I didn't bring it up either!!

liney - I think that is exactly the kind of article that should get hits. I have been wondering why that story in particular, which was mentioned a few days ago, had kind of fallen through the cracks. I found it at the Calgary Herald http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/index.html - this links to the main page (you can copy/paste if you want) and type Clay Aiken or B.J. Cook into the search window to find the article.

Here's part of the article:

Aiken may not be father

'I can guarantee it is not Clay Aiken's baby'

Tom McMillan, Canwest News Service

Published: Sunday, June 01, 2008

The sister of record mogul David Foster is certainly pregnant -- but pop crooner Clay Aiken may or may not be the father.

Celebrity gossip website TMZ reported Thursday that Victoria resident Jaymes Foster is due in August with the former American Idol star's baby. But Foster's former sister-in-law says the rumour is "ridiculous."

"Jaymes is definitely pregnant, that much is true," said B.J. Cook, the ex-wife of David Foster. "I can guarantee that it's not Clay Aiken's baby."

So how do you make your own latte? I just make coffee and add either or both chocolate and vanilla soy milk. YUM!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Great banner ansa!! I wish there were some better pictures from the Ford Theatre thing.

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Haha! If you search for Clay Aiken, this article comes up, but so does a more recent one that flatly says Clay is the dad. Don't have a feeling if it is true or not, but I would not take the word of anyone but Clay or Jaymes. I don't see how an ex-wife of a brother can "guarantee" something.

Great banner - Clay looks so handsome and relaxed and happy.

The only thing that gives me any sort of unpleasant vibe from this whole thing is the feeling that some Clay fans may having been skulking around Santa Monica like, well, greasy TMZ reporters. Ewwwwwwwww.

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Barbara commented, "The AP story is not true?" This was the Associated Press breaking out this RUMOR that turned out to be untrue


Scary world we live in, folks. :unsure:

And then it wouldn't be surprising, either, to hear later that AP INSISTS that they confirmed their story with 'multiple, reputable' sources before printing.

And the wheels on the bus....

tra la la :icon_smile_lastweek:


I don't see how an ex-wife of a brother can "guarantee" something.
Agreed. Similarly, I don't see how a scumpond like TMZ can, either, through its 'multiple sources' and 'many spies'. :cocktail:
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