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#35: You mean, it’s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?

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55 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • I know, I know
    • Clay?s the balm, dog.
    • He's Clay Aiken, the one and only, for God's sake!
    • He's got energy, he's got soul, he's got it all, that voice pours out of him.
    • What can I say, he's addictive.
    • I'm of the "don't die til the bullet hits you school."
    • He can turn my world on with his smile!
    • Daddy now or later or never, Clay is a gift and I'd love to unwrap it.
    • Clay Aiken: Promoting Friskiness Since 2003.
    • It ain't my life, just my passion!
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores.
    • CiSNOs from FCA who tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • The man has done so many songs that you never know when he will just pop into your mind as you go about your day.
    • The man has perfectly perfect pipes and a perfectly perfect profile presenting the perfect potion of masculine pulchritude!
    • What the man did with a minute and a half with a limited choice of material, a backing track and three idiots staring at him was nothing short of art.

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You know, I'm ok with no pictures if it means Clay had a more peaceful night. Just happy to know he's out and about, and got to see his Spam family again.

My dad wasn't exactly "hands on", but he was always there, every morning before work, and every evening after work. We didn't interact all that much, he left most of the child rearing stuff up to my mom, unless we needed discipline (was the typical "wait until your father gets home" household). Thankfully, I was the good child (heh) but my brother got more than a few spankings. But he was always there, reading the paper, watching a football game, cutting the grass, out on the patio having a beer with the neighbours. I guess I was v.v. lucky in that regard. For my own kids, I split with their dad when they were 13, 10 and 7, but they've probably seen more of him since then than they did when we were together. They would get up for school, he'd already be gone to work, and when they went to bed, he wouldn't be home yet. On the weekends, he never stayed home for a full day. He was a workaholic, and always put work before family. He actually thanked me, once, for forcing him to spend more time with his kids because of the scheduled visitations. So it can work both ways.

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Oh BTW,..sorry forgot who asked...Kizzy was Kunta Kinte's daughter in roots...in other words... I've been waiting on my mom hand and foot since the incident LOL.

Thanks for the Kizzy reference. Lord, I am terrible with names. My memory sucks in general! So although I saw Roots I didn't remember Kizzy.

So - it's kind of the opposite of my Mama's Tizzy! :cryingwlaughter:

I can remember Mama running around, red in the face, trying to get everything done for everybody else! Mama was 5 ft tall, like me, and it was almost as hard to keep up with her walking as it was to keep up with Daddy. (Daddy wasn't tall, by any stretch, just taller than us!)

Mama was a nurse, always wore her white uniform with white stockings, later pantyhose, and embedded in my memories of her is the sound of her quick stepping - that swish swish of her stockinged legs!

Funny what brings memories on, huh? All that cuz Couchie used a word that triggered another word entirely in my brain!

I'm glad the paparazzi reports were greatly exaggerated!!!

But - I still want a picture.


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Guess I'm glad I didn't stay up all night, waiting for a picture. I am very glad that he got to see Hannah and the rest of the cast last night, though. I simply love the way he can take a professional working situation, and develop great friendships out of it.

Well, I'm off in a few minutes for an MRI. Hopefully today I will find out exactly what is wrong with my knee. I'm getting very tired of limping around, not being able to walk correctly. Since the initial pain over three weeks ago, it really hasn't hurt that much, but I simply cannot straighten my left leg. Therefore, I'm not walking correctly and my back keeps going out!

And I'm not planning on going in to work after my MRI this morning....I need another mental health day!

ETA: from Cagney1950 at CV --

"On My Way Here" is at 113 spins at +18 from last week and with .285 audience impressions. Still at #27 but it is closing in at #26 held by Reo Speedwagon song that is losing spins. Love seeing this nice increase this morning as I was away since Friday where the spins were 100 I believe.


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Yay! for the Lakers! Except they sure should not have made the game such a squeaker.

I tuned in, because I used to be a huge basketball fan (Orlando Magic), and it was WEIRD to see Sam Cassell casually toss Luke Walton to the floor. Weird, because I have watched Cassell play, years and years ago, and here he was, still playing, and then they show Walton's DAD, Bill Walton, looking on.

I miss going to basketball games, the energy and fun - and despair, too, I guess - make for a great evening. One of my favorite movies is the one where Whoopie is a super fan who gets to be coach for a day and ends up as the coach - the beginning of the movie, where she and a friend climb to their season-ticket seats in the nosebleeds all ready to have a blast - that's how I love basketball.

I missed parts of the Tonys because of switching back and forth - what I saw was excellent and fun - I missed Taylor, I guess, but my thought was it would have been odd to see him in that context, basically playing Taylor. How did he do?

Another Yay! for a Clay sighting - Play, I wish you had been able to go - and it was strange to read about both paparazzi and no cameras - make me think I shouldn't believe any stories unless I "know" the person.

Father's Day - mine was physically and verbally abusive, my mom didn't bother to make any contact whatsoever with us from when I was 5 until I was 28. And that was only because my sister found her, and it was, as I suspected it would be, a pretty blah reunion. Shrug.

My father is dead now; after I escaped moved out he got remarried and evidently was a swell dad to his second wife's kids, as they never tired of telling me when I could not avoid seeing them.

It was a chore every year finding a card that said Well, you certainly are my father! And it certainly is Father's Day! but did not allude to joyful memories or anything like that.

Because that would have been sarcastic, and he knew that.

Well, I'm off in a few minutes for an MRI. Hopefully today I will find out exactly what is wrong with my knee. I'm getting very tired of limping around, not being able to walk correctly. Since the initial pain over three weeks ago, it really hasn't hurt that much, but I simply cannot straighten my left leg. Therefore, I'm not walking correctly and my back keeps going out!

Good luck! I had a meniscus with a tiny tear in it, whenever I knelt or whatever, just right, it would get caught on something and I could not get it undone unless I relaxed (v. hard to do) and straightened out my leg just so. If I couldn't get it undone, I started getting muscle spasms and that was so painful I would have cheerfully said to take the leg if that was the only fix.

Eventually, I needed to be put out with a sedative drip so an orthopedic guy could maneuver the meniscus back in place. Once back in place, no pain at all!

Finally, though, it got stuck, I couldn't unstick it, and the guy in the emergency room decided it was just muscle cramps and I was just afraid to straighten it - so he pushed down with all his might, it tore quite a bit more, and I screamed. An MRI showed the tear, and it was fixed surgically, and never bothered me again (I was 48 at the time, this had been happening since I was 7, prolly from some childhood punishment) So anyway, hopefully the MRI shows something that can be fixed!

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Good morning. Felines are all atwitter because there's a small person sleeping in the bed they usually hang out on. Then some time during the night she moved to the couch. Now she's in my bed. This could be a long 4 days! :cryingwlaughter:

I play golf as many times a week as I can afford. I love the game. But I hatesssssssss watching it. Paint dries faster than that game moves sometimes. But when Tiger is playing there is an energy that doesn't exist otherwise. He's worked very, very hard to get his game to where it is and he's the ultimate gentleman and sportsman. It irritates me when people think records shouldn't be broken.....shouldn't people strive to get better all the time? I hope he breaks every record in the book! :F_05BL17blowkiss: (starting with beating Mediate today)

No pictures. :cry4: But no pictures means he had a chance for a good time without being bothered. That's good.

Not shipping anyone, but the sweetsingerman is ALWAYS with "cousin" Jamie! And just about every picture you see of them (NE, for example) she's gazing at him somewhat specially. But then on her MySpace she's sitting with some guy. That guy must be a teensy jealous of cousin Clay! Unless it's all a ruse.

And I think it's really neat what ldyj said:

I simply love the way he can take a professional working situation, and develop great friendships out of it.

As for idyllic families - I don't think many families are idyllic. But I don't think most families are dysfunctional either. That would be a sad testimony to our society, wouldn't it? I'll say it again because my words were really interpreted every which way yesterday - IIT, I hope Clay has alot of quality time with this child and is a driving force in his or her little life! Amen.

ldyj I hope your MRI finds something conclusive that can be fixed!!!

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djs111, despite the preshow wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "It's not fair to Clay!" and all that, Taylor wasn't actually included in the "Grease" musical number on the Tonys last night. And if he was, it might have helped, 'cause the number kinda sucked and some of the singers sounded off-key. :imgtongue:

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djs111, despite the preshow wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "It's not fair to Clay!" and all that, Taylor wasn't actually included in the "Grease" musical number on the Tonys last night. And if he was, it might have helped, 'cause the number kinda sucked and some of the singers sounded off-key. :imgtongue:


I found that especially true of the women!

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On the matter of the natural color of Clay's hair, surely the color shown here in his very first audition for AI is his natural color. And that's the color I like best. Slightly lighter is okay too but the bleached blond look does not look as good as the darker color, which seems to give his skin a healthier glow.

(At the end of the day, I'll take Clay any-which-way, but if I had a preference, the above is more pleasing to me visually. Everyone is different, I just wanted to point out that his NATURAL color - as shown in the YT audition clip - gets my vote!)

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I missed parts of the Tonys because of switching back and forth - what I saw was excellent and fun - I missed Taylor, I guess, but my thought was it would have been odd to see him in that context, basically playing Taylor. How did he do?

There was no Taylor. There was a number from Grease. I don't know how it got round the boards that he'd be performing (haha--rumors? Clay boards?? haha) but I didn't expect him to, and he didn't.

I'm previewing so I can't quote. Yeah, the number sucked, but Taylor would've sucked worse. Grease has proven that you can't pick your two leads on a TV show and send them right to Broadway. And Taylor has proven that not everyone from American Idol will be good on Broadway. :cryingwlaughter:

Not shipping anyone, but the sweetsingerman is ALWAYS with "cousin" Jamie! And just about every picture you see of them (NE, for example) she's gazing at him somewhat specially. But then on her MySpace she's sitting with some guy. That guy must be a teensy jealous of cousin Clay! Unless it's all a ruse.

Don't know if it's the same guy, but last year I saw her at least once per tour with a tall, nice looking guy heading into the audience after the show started.

I have a friend who was a OTT Jamie shipper--talked about how the way they interacted at the gala was proof! I say, proof! of a relationship. Of course others said the same thing about Jaymes at the same event. Clay's been shipped with so many women. Meh. Oh, BTW, I saw yellow sweater girl in a YouTube of David Cook performing on a morning show. I guess she works for RCA.

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Mornin', y'all!

claytonic, I THINK that first audition of Clay's (which makes me cringe, BTW) is not showing his 'natural' color. Pretty sure he said it had been colored...

Wonder if Clay is keeping his NYC apt.?

Ask me how glad I am that I'm not thirteen again. Go ahead. Ask me. :glare:

Hope Mr. Aiken is sleeping late and getting it up only if and when he wants to! :whistling-1:

Have a good one, peeps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oh, BTW, I saw yellow sweater girl in a YouTube of David Cook performing on a morning show. I guess she works for RCA.

Oh No! :scream: YSG is cheating on Clay!

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djs111, despite the preshow wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "It's not fair to Clay!" and all that, Taylor wasn't actually included in the "Grease" musical number on the Tonys last night. And if he was, it might have helped, 'cause the number kinda sucked and some of the singers sounded off-key. :imgtongue:

Thanks - I never cared about the appearance thing, Spamalot has been around for so long that it would have been kinda strange, and anyway, Spam did have a performance last night, so it would have also been kinda strange to have Clay appear on the Tonys, IMO. Be that as it may, I just couldn't imagine Taylor in the mix last night, because he would not be "playing a part", really, just (as he said), Taylorizing the Teen Angel thing. If that makes any sense.

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I could be wrong Claytonic but I remember him telling a story of going to a hairdresser in Raleigh to get the red covered up before he auditioned and it came out blue or something. I don't think that's his natural color in the audition.

I cleared my photobucket out a few months ago and deleted some of the earlier pictures of Clay but there was his high school graduation picture (bangs low on forehead) and pictures of Hometown Connection, etc. I always thought his natural color was kind of like it was for the JBT or lighter. I think he has reddish-blonde hair but like alot of people it's darkened as he got older. I've never been a fan of the extreme - the dark hair of AI5 finale looks fake with his coloring and freckles and the Spam blonde looked even faker to me. I really liked his hair at the golf tournament - layered, fluffy looking, healthy, good color with his coloring. But with Clay - like he says - it changes every 30 minutes. I do have to say I'm glad the bleached blonde is gone though.....did not care for the hair much lately. It looked to me like it had been bleached one too many times and was dry and straw-like. I think it just propagated some of the stereotypes that plague him.

But he always makes you wonder what he'll come up with next!!

I keep checking Paula Deen's website but so far no mention of Clay's appearance. I think that's going to be a hoot - especially if she goes all fangirly on him like she does with most of her male guests. She's such a cutie. I really enjoy her show!!!

Taylorizing the Teen Angel thing
Don't know why, but this comment made me laugh!
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What??? No pictures this morning??? :o Although I do miss him & would love to see him, I'm actually kinda glad. :wub:

Well, I'm off in a few minutes for an MRI. Hopefully today I will find out exactly what is wrong with my knee. I'm getting very tired of limping around, not being able to walk correctly. Since the initial pain over three weeks ago, it really hasn't hurt that much, but I simply cannot straighten my left leg. Therefore, I'm not walking correctly and my back keeps going out!

And I'm not planning on going in to work after my MRI this morning....I need another mental health day!

ETA: from Cagney1950 at CV --

"On My Way Here" is at 113 spins at +18 from last week and with .285 audience impressions. Still at #27 but it is closing in at #26 held by Reo Speedwagon song that is losing spins. Love seeing this nice increase this morning as I was away since Friday where the spins were 100 I believe.


Good luck, ldyj! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I don't blame you a bit for taking a mental health day - now that I'm here at work, I'm kinda wishing I had taken one myself today... :wacko:

I'll second your WOOHOO!!!!! for the chart news! I think it can! I think it can! :00000441:

djs111, despite the preshow wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "It's not fair to Clay!" and all that, Taylor wasn't actually included in the "Grease" musical number on the Tonys last night. And if he was, it might have helped, 'cause the number kinda sucked and some of the singers sounded off-key. :imgtongue:

Good. So it wasn't just me thinking that about that particular number. Other than that, I enjoyed the show last night. First time in quite a while that I've payed much attention to it.

Ask me how glad I am that I'm not thirteen again. Go ahead. Ask me. :glare:

Hee! I wouldn't go back and relive that time in my life for ANYTHING! Hope things settle down *soon* for you, muski. :friends:

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Well, I'm shattered!!

LOL I would have bet London to a brick that his hair BAI (yep, I just made up my own acronym) was 'virgin'! I know so little about Clay!! :cry4:

heee from the various pictues we've seen of Clay pre idol, he is no stranger to changing up the hair style frequently.

Happy Monday everyone.

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Just want to mention to Taylor fans that I do know that the Teen Angel role is pretty much stunt casting and here is what Taylor said about it:

everything alabama interview

"It's a cool song," Hicks said. "I can see myself being able to Taylorize it. Who knows? Maybe I'll do the Elvis meets Aretha Franklin meets Joe Cocker version of 'Beauty School Dropout.' I don't think anybody's taken that approach yet. I'll get with the producers and sink my teeth into the role."

Hicks said he's never seen a theater production of "Grease," but has watched the 1978 movie version, which starred John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John as lovelorn 1950s high-schoolers. In the film, Frankie Avalon played the Teen Angel.

On stage, the character has been portrayed by singers ranging from Chubby Checker to Al Jarreau to Jennifer Holliday.

Made me shudder. But then, I don't think Frankie Avalon's version can be equaled, just an opinion!

In light of the diss given to casting non-broadway people for Broadway roles, given by Mr. Letts, who ungraciously won a Tony for best screenplay, I am just as happy Clay was not connected in any way with the show last night. Or Taylor, really, as I don't think he "represents" AI alumni all that well, sometimes.

I admit it was odd to see Mario Lopez; I am just used to seeing him as I flip past Crazy Pet Tricks or whatever.

Yes I know he can dance!

Didn't Clay keep his hair in a frizzy perm for a year?

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I'm sensing that tonight's picture posting theme at FCA will be Clay's hair through the years - get your Photobuckets ready!

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Yup - I think he did have the frizzy perm......whew! Hope he leaves that one in the past.

I never did "get" Taylor Hicks. Kind of thinking that was the weakest AI year yet. Has anybody actually seen or heard him in Grease? I can't even remember anything he sang on AI during the show.

Well - I don't think he was messing with his hair at this age and it looks kind of reddish-blonde to me.....still want to poke that fat tummy and make him squeal.


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Isn't Grease the show that has stunt casting for the leads... they had a reality show to find the leads? The reality show barbs were flying fast and furious at the Broadway cares event I attended.... and the Grease cast tried to make light of it when it was their turn to participate.

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YES - I do remember that show where they were looking for the leads. Was it for Broadway or a touring cast? I saw Grease at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta while I was on a business trip about 5 years ago. The movie was so well-cast IMO that the stage play just didn't quite cut it. How can you have anyone erase the memory of John Travolta?

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I think only Clay (and some damned lucky female!) knows the color of his hair!

I always look at his very red, wiry sideburns as a clue. Although the sideburns and top of the head hair rarely match exactly, they are usually at least, related! :cryingwlaughter:

My DS had very blond hair as a toddler. Now his hair and beard are v. nearly BLACK! (except where there is the dreaded gray!) He is pretty close to Clay's age, 33. I really can not get over how dark DS's hair is. But I still think Clay's natural color is not nearly as dark as AIW hair.

And it's so funny the way we see things. I felt like the dark hair washes him out! Makes him look too pale in contrast. I did not prefer his look on AIR at all. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the blond hair!

But - like the weather down here on the Coast - if you don't like it - just wait 15 minutes! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

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The Grease reality show was for the public to choose the leads in the Broadway cast, not the touring company. There's now one on MTV where they're picking the next Elle Woods for Legally Blonde on Broadway, but it's not the public voting. There are 3 producer/casting type people making the decisions - so far anyway.

still want to poke that fat tummy and make him squeal.


He was such a CUTE litte guy! Can't you just hear the giggle?!

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I still want to poke that fat tummy and make him squeal.

Let's approach this superficially innocent sentence with a "MadLib" mentaility (no stretch for moi, of course... :whistling-1: ) (Thanks for the set-up, Iseeme! ^_^ )

I still want to VERB that fat NOUN and make him squeal.

I still want to poke that ADJECTIVE NOUN and make him VERB.

Now let's all try it, shall we? :lilredani:

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I think only Clay (and some damned lucky female!) knows the color of his hair!

I always look at his very red, wiry sideburns as a clue. Although the sideburns and top of the head hair rarely match exactly, they are usually at least, related! :cryingwlaughter:

My DS had very blond hair as a toddler. Now his hair and beard are v. nearly BLACK! (except where there is the dreaded gray!) He is pretty close to Clay's age, 33. I really can not get over how dark DS's hair is. But I still think Clay's natural color is not nearly as dark as AIW hair.

And it's so funny the way we see things. I felt like the dark hair washes him out! Makes him look too pale in contrast. I did not prefer his look on AIR at all. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the blond hair!

But - like the weather down here on the Coast - if you don't like it - just wait 15 minutes! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Yes, I've...er...noticed the crinkly sideburns. Just noticed, mind you. Doesn't mean my thoughts immediately slid elsewhere. Not even to his impudent curly nape hairs, which are so wickedly suggestive. Or maybe I"m the wicked one.


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