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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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Welcome gothedistance and all other lurkers...come out and play!

No ants in my kitchen; but I have my washer hooked up to my kitchen sink since hubby is re-doing my laundry room. It's been a trip. Can only wash in cold water and trying to dishes around the washer is lots of fun. He ran the garden hose through the kitchen window and hooked up my washer. Better than going to the laundromat though.

Looks like we are in for some rain...getting dark outside.


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Another one here who went looking for a happy place to hang out. I've been lurking and reading here for a couple of weeks and I sure do like the atmosphere here.

Dog walker seems appropriate for me too - I baby-sit my grandchildren several days a week (9-yr-old boy and 3-yr-old girl/boy twins - little boytwin has autism) - they just got a new puppy last week, so I get to tend to the puppy too, even though oldest GS is supposed to do it.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here - see a lot of names I recognize (people I most always agree with), so this looks to be the place for me! And I love the cutesingerguy to pieces.

Yikes, it's storming here - hope I don't have to shut down.

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TAY OMG it's good to see you here! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Welcome !!!!! Wow - talk about a name from the past!!!

I think we're still on SAU? Was watching the AOL Sessions and just wanted to mention that the man has the most beautiful cheekbones EVAH!!!!!! Oh, and he sings pretty good, too! Just saying.

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Welcome, gothedistance! :welcome22:

I've taken time off from the boards a couple of times, too, and it's been very good for me. It gave me a chance to re-evaluate my Clay fandom and how it fits into all of the other things in my life. I think that being successful in life is partly a matter of keeping the right balance between work, family, recreation, etc. So, I applaud your decision to step back for awhile to reevaluate your fandom! I hope you will be happy here.

And welcome to Tay, too!! :arg-dancing-welcome-whitebg-url

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TAY OMG it's good to see you here! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Welcome !!!!! Wow - talk about a name from the past!!!

Hi, Iseeme! Yeah, I kinda remember saying "ditto" a lot following your posts!

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Sorry about all the kitchen problems. Iseeme, have you tried ant motels. They work pretty well because the ants take the poison back to their nest and it kills them all. A suggestion for a temporary non-chemical sollution is peppermint mixed with water in a squirt bottle. Makes your kitchen smell good too. Ceyanne pepper also works if you put it where they come in, like a doorway. They don't like that stuff so they will turn around and go to someone else's kitchen! LOL

Speaking of kitchen's. I need to go clean mine!

BTW, I can't wait to hear if Clay was at Ruben's wedding!

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Heh, my BIG break from the boards was Hockey Gate. If I could survive that, I figure I can outlast everyone else.

We don't always agree around here, just don't take it too seriously hurt feelings are not a good thing (tm not Martha Stewart). Some times a disagreement is just that As long as Clay gets some respect, we all win.

I think Couchie should add a thing about what Dog Walker means to the acceptance e-mail. It seems to b the most confusing thing about this place, heh.

Newbies gifts bribes, whatever are welcome, we like pretty pictures, montages and blogs - hint hint. Not required, i don't think I ever brought anything, but a lot of newbies have been spoiling me lately though.:drugsneeded:

This is the official logo :lilredani: designed by Cindilu and representing Couchie

I probably have the worst attitude problem. :blinkies_114:,

there are lots of interesting people here - come set a while.

Well, that is it for me, I am out of here - I have actually eaten everything (for humans) at the beach and have to go food shopping! Back later.

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Welcome Tay and gothedistance!

Ooooh, body guard!! Oh YES!! (tm Sir Robin) He's not to leave the room until I come and get him. :whistling-1:


BTW, it's pushing 100 degrees here and I think I could really use a frozen daiquiri...PLEASE!

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Welcome Tay and Go!

I still feel a bit of a newbie, myself!

I only recently started posting more.

I met some of these gals in Vegas! I promise they don't bite!

We may bark now and then - :cryingwlaughter:



I'm on top!

That's really not a good thing for someone my age!

If you don't believe it - and you're past 50, lean over (like you were on top) and look in a mirror!

That's some scary shit right there!

I'm watching Ghost Busters! What a blast from the past!

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It's like ten minutes to four in the morning and I haven't read more than this last page since Thursday (went out to the country for a couple of days) but I figured I should post a little note to let the eHP know when I am going to be in Houston. I'm getting in around 10:30 on Thursday night, July 10th, with my daughter, and will be in town Friday and Saturday, on Sunday I'm taking my car and heading up to Canada via Little Rock, Roanoke and Tewkesbury, Mass. So I'm around Friday and Saturday but Saturday night would be the best time for me to get together with everybody. I have a bunch of errands to do in the daytime both days. How does dinner and beyond on Saturday night the 12th sound?

Time for me to go to bed. But I wanted to let you know I am alive.....this coming week is going to be nuts so if you don't hear from me for awhile, just look down at the bottom of the page. I've often got the window open while I'm on the computer. Wave at me or something. :flirtysmile3:

It all has to do with Clay's "service staff!"

Yep, and he has a very nice one. I can think of a few people who'd love to be on it. :D

Like I said.......it's four o'clock...in the morning.

:goodnight: .

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Oooh, one for me please! :cocktail:

Kareneh! Can't wait to see you. Have a safe trip!!!

And welcome, newbies!!! :welcome23:

(gothedistance, do I know you?)

ETA: go, I thought it was at a concert too. Thanks for reminding me it was Pala. Good to see you here!!!

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Thanks for the welcome everyone! It was funny, after searching out where to hang my hat (a cheerful place that wouldn't mind a fan that really just wanted this fandom to be on the periphery and to add absolutely no angst to my life), I filled out my registration. I hit submit and then thought "oh my gawd, what if they say no.... what will I do?... maybe I can get hold of couch and plead my case... worry, worry, worry" . Sheesh, apparently, I can find angst in anything.

Well, Scarlett, not sure if we can say we actually know each other but I did come up to you at Pala (I think) to thank you for all the great pics and vids you've brought to the fandom. But, if you think I'm someone else, as long as it's someone you liked, hey, I'll be that person!!!!

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eeeeeeee the 12th works for me! Hubby will be home for the 4th and go back to OKC after that!

Partay, Partay, Partay!!!!!!

So come one come all..............the pools open!

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ETA: Quite a few people have said they have stepped away for a bit lately. Honestly, that's a good thing (although honestly the closest I've come to stepping away is just cutting down)..sorta like how I diet.

:cryingwlaughter: This is me- in both instances.

There were so many great posts I read yesterday that I agreed with about the state of "the boards" and the fandom in general. By the time I got finished clicking on all of them, however, my post would have taken up about 2 whole pages, so I just chucked the whole thing and nodded knowingly.

WELCOME :F_05BL17blowkiss: to all the newbies. I've made my way through a lot of boards (never realized I was such a slut :cryingwlaughter: ) but this is the one that seems the most "sane" to me- in a slightly crazy kind of way! :laugh2: Hope you all enjoy it too!

SAU- Since I am just about the "chick-iest" chick who ever hatched, I just LOVE this song. I'm a sucker for the old-fashioned, romantic feel of it. It makes me think of a couple all alone, in a penthouse apartment with a beautiful view, dressed in their finery, slow dancing together, looking into each other's eyes- intense, loving. I am just a hopeless (hopeful?) romantic at heart, so this song speaks to me.

Our new kitten is sitting here in the computer room with me, enjoying all of the lovely pictures. He finally has a name! He went from RJ to Munchkin (which I loved, but my son hated!) to Bullet (which my son loved, but I hated!), to Fuzz, to Enzo, to........ BAILEY! He's the sweetest little thing, but my camera is MIA, so I haven't been able to take a picture. Not even Clay would be able to resist him as he sits here purring away, happily watching me type.

:bighug: to all who are suffering from aches, pains and other ailments. I'm diabetic, and have had 3 instances of low blood sugar over the past 4 days- one at work yesterday just as we were getting out of the world's dullest 2+ hour meeting. I had everyone and their mother scrounging for candy for me- and it wasn't even GOOD candy :cryingwlaughter: .Hope you're all feeling better soon! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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eeeeeeee the 12th works for me! Hubby will be home for the 4th and go back to OKC after that!

Partay, Partay, Partay!!!!!!

So come one come all..............the pools open!

Eeeeeee!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thx, merrieeee!!!!

Ok, since we're partying here (ALAWH?) how about picking words or syllables that are deadly when sung by the cute guy? I think a few of us GOG-devotees are completely in love with "I know, I know!" *swoons just thinking of it*

Any others???!! I think I know what Solo would pick...

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Wow claytonic, you have been very busy. I will be exploring that glossary. This is a good time to explore all things Clay.

HAHA I am the one who needs this Glossary the most since I am utterly hopeless at remembering anagrams!

I actually created my own which I was secretly referring to until someone here thankfully showed signs of having my anagram-challenged brain! That was all I needed to bring out and expose my stash of anagram definitions!

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It all has to do with Clay's "service staff!"

Yep, and he has a very nice one. I can think of a few people who'd love to be on it.

:hubbahubba: Indeed, Ms. BakuBabe...Indeed. :sleezy: It's quite handy to have such a large staff; there are so many more things you can do with it, you know? :lilredani:

Got back from the art and wine fair. Didn't buy any art or drink any wine. Did have two beers, however. And bought myself a couple pairs of cool, crafty-kinda earrings, a cool crafty-kinda gift thingy and a very cool shirt made from hemp---a dark salmon color---for hubby's birthday! It was a beautiful day and we had a good time.

Now...cooking some tri tip, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and a salad....

Care to join us later? :lilredani:

Welcome to gothedistance and Tay! Hey, gothedistance, didn't you used to read my stories and post? Your name is familiar to me.

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I feel very new myself. I have been here for quite awhile but you can tell by my post count that I don't say alot. I am thinking that I will still be walking the dogs when you newbies are guarding Clays body!! Now that isn't fair! :cry4:

I am feeling sort of bad. I just made a dash over to Target to get the MusicPass. It took me awhile to find Clays name but there was someone else in his spot. I saw they were sort of mixed up so I went through all of them and no Clay. I found a clerk and asked and what do you know, they had a bag of them that hadn't been put out. I have no way of knowing if this is a second batch and maybe the others had sold out, nice thought, but I didn't like seeing them behind the counter, not everyone would ask, some people would just assume they were out and leave without getting one. I guess if anyone is planning to get one tonight or tomorrow don't give up without asking if you can't find them.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone! It was funny, after searching out where to hang my hat (a cheerful place that wouldn't mind a fan that really just wanted this fandom to be on the periphery and to add absolutely no angst to my life), I filled out my registration. I hit submit and then thought "oh my gawd, what if they say no.... what will I do?... maybe I can get hold of couch and plead my case... worry, worry, worry" . Sheesh, apparently, I can find angst in anything.

Girl, we'll try to get you out of that angsty state in no time. If you can answer yes to this question, you're in! Do you like Clay Aiken?

I've been stuck on perfectly perfect love lately Scarlett...

and for some reason stop the music, play the song hee.

I'm easily influenced.

Where the heck is K..I've been trying to figure out which chick flick she would admit to liking... While You Were Sleeping? A Walk to Remember (yes I liked that one, what of it hee)

Yay for KarenEh heading back to the states.

Lajeterfan..take care of yourself!!

Ooooh, body guard!! Oh YES!! (tm Sir Robin) He's not to leave the room until I come and get him. :whistling-1:


bwah..my favorite scene from spam

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