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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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I hate that a confidence has been broken in Clay's circle of friends.

But since this person was "unnamed" -- do we even know how close in the circle of Clay's friend this insider is? It's probably the teacher of the son of the third cousin twice removed, or some such distant person. It's actually surprising to me that it's taken this long for Clay to have an "insider" (I've admired that almost everyone close to him has been fairly tight-lipped), but unfortunately, I suspected something like this would happen at some time.

I'm going to continue to take everything I read with a grain of salt, especially from magazines like OK or In Touch, but even from People. The media gets things wrong sometimes and is slack about sourcing things these days. I am happy that they're putting a positive spin on things, though. I'm not complaining.

I'm really not either. I do know that salt is still a vital part of my diet, but when it's positive -- to me, I'm a bit happier and like less salt.

Sorry to hear about your ticket problems wandacleo...

ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

I don't see the In Touch insider quotes as a negative at all. I don't think they were from someone outside the family circle actually. And, I believe it was In Touch that had the original story about Clay and Jaymes planning to have another child next year, so they're just quoting their own previous story on it. But I don't think a hospital worker would say, "Clay and Jaymes plan to raise the baby together. They're best friends, and in a way, soulmates." or "Parker can look forward to a happy family life."

Jaymes comes from a celebrity family, you know. The Fosters could have lots of connections to connections. But, it really sounds like good PR to me and it could be coming from Mary for all we know. It never entered my mind to think of it as anything but a huge plus.

I'm still happy.

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The Broads have the final round two battle up!

Invisible (from St. Paul) vs. Solitaire (AI2). I personally like the AI3 Solitaire better, so I'm going with Invisible on this one!

keepingfaith, was it you who pointed out the September 19 connection? I've always noticed that from Clay, because that's the day after my b-day. I love that he gives me good presents. *g*

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I had a friend who put off babies until she was older and more settled, then she went into menopause at 35, eep. And I had another that did not hit it until she was 60+, middle 50's sounds about right to me.

A lot of it is genetics, look to your family. I heard if you get your period earlier, you will have your menopause later. Don't know if it is true,so much accepted medical information is later proved wrong - like are eggs good or bad for you this wek. I swear that flip flops more than anything else, eggs good, eggs bad, eggs good, eggs bad.......

Are you a good egg or a bad one? Heh,

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The Broads have the final round two battle up!

Invisible (from St. Paul) vs. Solitaire (AI2). I personally like the AI3 Solitaire better, so I'm going with Invisible on this one!

keepingfaith, was it you who pointed out the September 19 connection? I've always noticed that from Clay, because that's the day after my b-day. I love that he gives me good presents. *g*

Yes, September 19th. He does give you good presents, LdyJ! It's my parents anniversary, their 65th coming up this year.

I'll be voting for St. Paul. Isn't that the "what's that move" video? Yeah, I like it a lot.

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Yeah, Couchie...I was laughing over the crucial and surprising 'insider' info in that article to! Clay was nervous? He was worried about things, considering her age?

D101, who wudda thunk? :lilredani:

Y'all are CMSU over all this female physiology talkin' goin' on! :hysterical:

NYC...sigh. wanda, that sucks a big one (ahem :whistling-1: ) about your tickets. Hope you can find a way to salvage things. Here I am at the opposite side of the continent from Sir Robin and I'm STILL (in my more delusional moments) staring at the calendar of September-January, looking for an excuse to be in the NYC vicinity for my work. Of course, it WOULD be the time that our events are doing a West Coast run... <_<

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Where the heck isthe ignore button? I have been looking for it? I haveto scrioll right now!

Click on the person's name. Go to their profile. Click on Options. Choose Ignore User.

Periods? Eeeep. Think I'll pass on that discussion. :cryingwlaughter:45 and still going strong.

I thought I was going to have a relaxing evening, enjoying my son's baseball game, but instead I found myself in a mad rush to get to the Toronto airport, driving through rain and thunderstorms. Poor luckiestdaughter missed her airport shuttle bus due to a confusion over the reservation times, and was left stranded at the pick up point. Thankfully, we made it in time for her to get the last window seat and she is on her way safely.

I obviously take the tabloids with a huge grain of salt (regardless if they are right once in a while) but I wouldn't be all that surprised if Clay & Jaymes have some frozen embryos waiting, just in case they decide to try again. Right now, I bet they've got their hands full! :wub:

{{wandacleo}} I hope you can work it out. I can't believe I didn't notice the dates when I read them earlier!

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ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

It was the Charlotte JNaT 006. I don't know who that photo belongs to - it wasn't tagged - so thank you to whomever captured the moment!

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I am happy that they're putting a positive spin on things, though. I'm not complaining.

I don't see the In Touch insider quotes as a negative at all.


I'm still happy.

So we agree on the happy, and the not seeing a negative. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well, after my initial hysteria, I've decided to just be calm and assume that at most we will miss two shows and we may just add a show on Tuesday night. This may force us to see another play, so we don't have to embarrass ourselves by admitting that we spent a week in NYC and saw Clay every day and nothing else.

At least I don't have to worry about periods.

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ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

It was the Charlotte JNaT 006. I don't know who that photo belongs to - it wasn't tagged - so thank you to whomever captured the moment!

I don't know whose picture it is either, but I did the Word of the Day booklet for Clay so I know the word was . . ."TACET"!


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th_Lenoraspberry.gif PPPFFTTHHHBBB!

Bottle, I love all of the tongue pics today! But I have to add a couple of animations, just for the heck of it:





Totally OT, but I wanted to show off our recent visitors!

Hummingbird Visitors

Oh, Cotton, those pics are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you so much for sharing them.

Here are a few I took this last weekend while we were in the mountains. The baby hummingbirds are so tame that they will sometimes land on a finger while feeding! The last pic is of my niece's hand when a hummingbird landed on her finger.




Just and FYI...I am going to be 51 next month and I am no where near menopausal...still every 28 days without fail...and after you are pregnant once; you have a better chance of getting pregnant again.

Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice...

I'm 48 and my period has not let up at all. I'm sure my eggs are all shriveled up, but my uterus is working just fine. Based on her age, I would not be surprised if they tried again next year. If she does get pregnant, I hope they can keep it quiet until she's as far along as she was this year. I hate that a confidence has been broken in Clay's circle of friends.

So I guess I'll jump into this conversation, too! I'm just shy of 50, almost in menopause, and loving it. I've had to deal with other medical problems throughout my life, so I'm very glad that I've had it fairly easy with this transition. I don't miss periods at all!!

Well, after my initial hysteria, I've decided to just be calm and assume that at most we will miss two shows and we may just add a show on Tuesday night. This may force us to see another play, so we don't have to embarrass ourselves by admitting that we spent a week in NYC and saw Clay every day and nothing else.

At least I don't have to worry about periods.

I'm glad you've found a way to deal with this in such a positive way! You'll probably be able to enjoy some fun shows that you might not have seen otherwise!

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ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

It was the Charlotte JNaT 006. I don't know who that photo belongs to - it wasn't tagged - so thank you to whomever captured the moment!

I don't know whose picture it is either, but I did the Word of the Day booklet for Clay so I know the word was . . ."TACET"!


Cotton... it was Tay-a-cet. Clay made fun of her trying to make fun of the southern way of saying Tacet. That whole show is one of my favorites. I LOVE the part where he tells about EW naming ATDW one of the Top 5 Worse Albums of 2006 and he says that's ok, he's medicated. BWAH!!!

Wanda... Good luck to making the trip memorable even with Clay gone Sat/Sun. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Gibby... I love that gif of Fantasy! Loved that performance! And, I LOVE hummingbirds!!! Your pics are fantastic! A friend gave me a nest and it is one of my prized possesions.

I'm finished with menopause after 10 years. It was actually not too bad. I got night "throw the covers off" and warm flashes... LOL Can't complain.

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Wow! Gibby those hummingbird pics are amazing!

I can't figure out how to get any better/closer/clearer pics because they fly away so fast!

Today, though, Sis called and I went on the deck to chat as DH was watching TV. The hummingbird came towards the feeder about 3 feet from me - his 'competition' came towards the feeder. The first guy chased the second guy off then zoomed back to the feeder again and gave me the stare down for a while before he finally went to 'dine'! He's really been guarding 'HIS' feeder!

We did have one scary moment earlier today. DH called me outside and I discovered DH trying to rescue a hummer caught in the pergola 'tent' that's on the end of the deck. His wings were humming SO LOUD! It was unreal. I managed to reach up with my hand and guide him toward the zipper opening DH was holding back and he flew off! I think he was getting quiet frightened!

Amazing creatures to watch!

We've been thinking there must be a nest nearby. We've seen at least three different ones (we think) zooming around! But boy do they move fast!


Olympic nail-biters tonight! Yikes! I'm up way too late!

(I ain't giving nuttin away!)


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And yet again people on the east coast forget that the west coast has not seen the Olympics yet.

Do y'all not know how to spoiler????

I didn't see any spoilers above, but does the west coast not get the live feed on the Olympics?

ETA: what Christmas show is the picture from the banner? I need to watch that clack again, and I can't remember which venue that is....

It was the Charlotte JNaT 006. I don't know who that photo belongs to - it wasn't tagged - so thank you to whomever captured the moment!

Here's some of the screenshots I captured from the clack of the Charlotte Word of the Day. Tie-a-cette.







I like this clickable practice a lot.

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Wow! Gibby those hummingbird pics are amazing!

I can't figure out how to get any better/closer/clearer pics because they fly away so fast!

Today, though, Sis called and I went on the deck to chat as DH was watching TV. The hummingbird came towards the feeder about 3 feet from me - his 'competition' came towards the feeder. The first guy chased the second guy off then zoomed back to the feeder again and gave me the stare down for a while before he finally went to 'dine'! He's really been guarding 'HIS' feeder!

We did have one scary moment earlier today. DH called me outside and I discovered DH trying to rescue a hummer caught in the pergola 'tent' that's on the end of the deck. His wings were humming SO LOUD! It was unreal. I managed to reach up with my hand and guide him toward the zipper opening DH was holding back and he flew off! I think he was getting quiet frightened!

Amazing creatures to watch!

We've been thinking there must be a nest nearby. We've seen at least three different ones (we think) zooming around! But boy do they move fast!

Cotton, we have dominant hummers that try to monopolize the feeders, too. They really buzz loudly when they are fighting over the nectar!

Wow, it's good you were able to get the little hummer out of the tent.

I think my camera is pretty ideal for taking this kind of pic because it has a great zoom and a fast shutter speed.

I'm so happy that Clay will be in Spamalot again! I think it's a great move right now, and I'm thrilled that the publicity for his return to Broadway has been so positive.


I'm looking forward to seeing more pics like this, with Clay surrounded by adoring fans:




ETA: KF, those screenshots are great!

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It was the Charlotte JNaT 006. I don't know who that photo belongs to - it wasn't tagged - so thank you to whomever captured the moment!

Here's some of the screenshots I captured from the clack of the Charlotte Word of the Day.







I like this clickable practice a lot.

keepingfaith, thank you so much for these pics!!! I've not seen ANY of them before... this was all before I started Finding Clay Aiken...

What is meant by "Here's some of the screenshots I captured from the clack of the Charlotte Word of the Day"? Why was Jaymes on stage with Clay?

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Haven't you seen any JNaT 06 video, claytonic? The Word of The Day was a running bit throughout the concert series. Clay teasing about not being musically literate - not knowing all the 'big' words the musicians used. It evolved to Jamie bringing the word-of-the-day out on a sign during the bit. This concert, Jaymes got the job.

ETA: You really need to get downloading some of the Word banter if you haven't seen it - some of the funniest Clay moments evah!

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Haven't you seen any JNaT 06 video, claytonic? The Word of The Day was a running bit throughout the concert series. Clay teasing about not being musically literate - not knowing all the 'big' words the musicians used. It evolved to Jamie bringing the word-of-the-day out on a sign during the bit. This concert, Jaymes got the job.

ETA: You really need to get downloading some of the Word banter if you haven't seen it - some of the funniest Clay moments evah!

Yes, just use a Download Manager. That way, even if your connection gets broken / is slow it will retry and eventually bring the files in. Try the small wmv's and mp4's first. You can just bundle up a handful of files (not too many the first time) and let it run overnight.

ETAA: Gibby, thanks for the beautiful hummingbird pictures. Been missing you lately!!! :thankyou: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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