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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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I never heard of either of these guys but I just picked 2 random songs on YouTube, from the two finalists on CI. All I have to say is "Who did Mitch McDonald sleep with to get that far?"

Oh and YouTube will be down later for maintenance!

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Just saw a tv report on Hurricane Ike....All you Houston people! They say Hurricane Ike is gathering strength and threatens Houston by Saturday morning!

You guys had better be careful... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

By the way, I'm hoping to be in Clayton before month's end... :whistling-1:

Heh...gonna try to get in a detour to visit a good buddy in that town with the interesting name during a business trip to Charlotte later...

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By the way, I'm hoping to be in Clayton before month's end... :whistling-1:

Heh...gonna try to get in a detour to visit a good buddy in that town with the interesting name during a business trip to Charlotte later...

And you if you do, please give her a HUGE hug from me!!!! And tell her I may actually email her one day soon like I said I would last May........

Well, my lurker friend and I finally got our first Spamalot tickets for October 4th. No problem getting GREAT seats for a Saturday night! What a difference a rerun makes! Not sure how many other times I'll go. I know I can't afford to go as many times as I did last time.

But I suspect I'll go more than once.......

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I never heard of either of these guys but I just picked 2 random songs on YouTube, from the two finalists on CI. All I have to say is "Who did Mitch McDonald sleep with to get that far?"

Oh and YouTube will be down later for maintenance!

Very good question, asking myself the same thing.

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Well, my lurker friend and I finally got our first Spamalot tickets for October 4th. No problem getting GREAT seats for a Saturday night! What a difference a rerun makes! Not sure how many other times I'll go. I know I can't afford to go as many times as I did last time.

But I suspect I'll go more than once.......

Where are your seats?

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And now for something completely different.....

imforunow on RHT found this article about the Scrubs finale link that contains this quote

For the death-defying comedy's likely series finale on ABC, which was shot last week for a probable spring airing, series creator Bill Lawrence gathered all of the significant guest stars from the past eight years for a jaw-dropping scene that'll rival the mass reunion in Seinfeld's sendoff. But two actors currently appearing on NBC programs -- Heroes' Masi Oka and Chuck's Sarah Lancaster -- weren't permitted to participate.
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Speculation about what colour his hair will be next and why? Fun fan 'job'. Speculation about his morals based on a photograph of two people from the neck up? Not so much. It's all about respect, in my opinion.

The definition of respect, in this instance, is highly subjective. I saw no one dissing his morals. I saw a lot of people speculating on what could have been going on – no disrespect.

But then, I see no “polarization” except maybe a few who seriously HATE the subject of the baby. I also see no people taking extreme positions on any subject regarding Clay here and really being adamant about them. I also see no one “inferring” or “assuming” anything at all. The words that get thrown around here really exaggerate the reality of this board, IMO. It’s kinda weird. Like some are taking this fandom thing way more seriously than others.

It's amazing how much one little picture can stir things up.

Heeeee......until I read that things were stirred up, I didn't KNOW things were stirred up.

Yeah, same here. Word choices, again, exaggerating reality. I thought we were having fun. I know I was. <g> That picture was just that good.

You Houston peeps better be careful - the path can change a lot in four days.

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My first reaction when I saw THE picture was that it was taken right at an 'in-between' moment---maybe a blink, maybe just a weird fraction of a moment...

...cuz you see.... uh...I don't especially LIKE how Clay looks in this picture. :cryingwlaughter: I think it's a 'cute' picture because of the pose of those two, mainly because from what I've seen and heard of both Hannah and Clay, I think they must have a helluva good time together! So the pic makes me smile and I'm glad they seem to truly enjoy each other.

But it doesn't make me :hubbahubba: much at all... :unsure:

For me, Clay's personal decisions (and I'd certainly include whom he dates, kisses, fondles, impregnates, is loyal to, is attracted to, flirts with, etc., etc., as 'personal') are totally his to make and then live with. I won't judge them, although I might need more time to process some than others. Ultimately, however, they belong to him.

Lawd Jesus! I have enough on my plate trying to live with my OWN decisions! :cryingwlaughter:

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waves to wandacleo

I'm smiling ear to ear cuz I spent the evening at my sister's house. My nephew turned nine. He cracked me up tonight cuz I finally gave him the present of all presents. The one that won't get tossed aside after he plays with it for a day. My presents are always more offbeat cuz his rich auntie buys him all the expensive electronics or large college fund donations. Thank god for her. So what was this all exciting gift to a 9 year old? A blue robe. heee. No kidding. That's what he wanted ..a blue robe. No superman or batman but a grown up dark blue robe. heee He was so proud of it..I think I'm still in shock.

And the other thing that tickled me tonight was that my lioness at the grand young age of 6 got her first love note. :cryingwlaughter: Seriously, a boy in her class put a note in her bag that told her he loved her and she was his friend. He loves her hair and pony tail. Bwah.

But school has been back in session for how long and they already are pusing their little catalogs for me to buy crap to support the school which means everybody at work with a kid will be putting them in my face too.


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Good Morning Everyone,

10 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!"


18 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


39 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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Hey I have just noticed TODAY that we now have The View and The Ellen Show (in direct competition with Dr Phil and Oprah - in that order) in Oz. I'm a big fan of both those shows but have only ever seen snippets of them on YouTube. (So much to record now ... although I can probably do without Dr Feelgud)

The View had Elizabeth at the Republican rally... hm interesting to note that Jon Voight supports McCain. I believe Angelina is a huge Obama supporter.

Ellen had Michelle Obama and the Jonas Bros. Have never seen them before although I keep hearing about the Jonas Bros a lot these days. Those guys are very cute, no wonder they are so popular and they are fab performers too!

OK, didn't mean to bring up political personalities in this thread, mainly wanted to say that we in Oz now get to watch all those high rating shows and maybe I will understand a little more of some of the things you guys talk about! Oprah is and always will be my #1 hero. That's until Clay AIken has his own TV show....

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And now for something completely different.....

imforunow on RHT found this article about the Scrubs finale link that contains this quote

For the death-defying comedy's likely series finale on ABC, which was shot last week for a probable spring airing, series creator Bill Lawrence gathered all of the significant guest stars from the past eight years for a jaw-dropping scene that'll rival the mass reunion in Seinfeld's sendoff. But two actors currently appearing on NBC programs -- Heroes' Masi Oka and Chuck's Sarah Lancaster -- weren't permitted to participate.

Hmmmm, vewwy intewwesting....

Took my car in to have the brakes looked at this morning. *bites nails* They have been squealing like crazy, so bad that pedestrians are starting to stare. :huh:

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Good morning.

Who woke Scarlett up on time???? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The words that get thrown around here really exaggerate the reality of this board
Yup - like "hating" babies!!! Sheesh. Or pulling quotes from a conversation that occurred 24 hours ago and is long past discussion......

Luckiest - good luck on the brakes thing. I loathe dealing with auto mechanics over anything!! They speak a totally different language! And it always adds up to $$$.

The picture! I'm with Muski. As I said before, I didn't think it was the best shot of Clay (who is usually soooooo photogenic) but it was a fun shot and those two are cute together. Hannah is one tall woman though......

Oh Couchie - a love note at the age of 6. That's adorable. How did she feel about it? When I was in the Bay Area last week I discovered that my g daughter (who was a serious tomboy the last time I saw her) is now shaving her legs and wearing a bra! Where does the time go?

By the way - did thie Broads finish their competition? I'm thinking it was over while I was gone this past weekend.

Ike is doing weird things.......saw the weather this morning and it doesn't look good!!! My Louisiana buddy is stocking up on water and food and getting their travel trailer packed - again!!! She's had electricity back for a couple of days and finally got everything cleaned up after Gustav!

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