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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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Can I just see how tacky and mean I think it is that so-called journalists are perusing the boards and publishing the posters' comments? It seems so lazy and cheap.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: To all.

I can't say I'm sure that I'm looking forward to the GMA piece this morning. I hope it wasn't too painful for Clay and his family.

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Ironically, the runner-up of Australian Idol Season#2 (2004) was also a sizzling hawt young guy who had screaming female fans running after him. At first, he denied that he was gay; but admitted it later.

Here's the Wikipedia entry for it

On March 27, 2007, after speculation and tabloid rumours dating back to his Idol appearances, Callea publicly acknowledged that he was gay by issuing a statement confirming his sexuality and thanking his fans and his then-partner, Paul.

"Yes, I am gay," Callea said. "I have no issue with my sexuality now, but it's taken time to become confident with who I am and happy with who I am. I'm comfortable enough to come clean now. It's a weight off my shoulders".[2]

Callea's confirmation of his sexuality came after his accidental on-air 'outing' by Sydney radio station Edge 96.1. In March 2007, breakfast traffic reporter Vic Larusso stated that he had met Callea and his partner at a party the previous weekend. Edge 96.1 later apologised, claiming that Larusso hadn't realised Callea's sexuality was not common knowledge to the Australian public. Callea had previously denied being gay and refused to discuss his private life, a denial for which he later expressed regret.[3]

On 30 March, 2007, Australian High Court judge Justice Michael Kirby described Callea as an "admirable Australian" for coming out. Justice Kirby added, "In terms of influencing popular culture and understanding of the reality of human sexual diversity, I would trade ten judges for one popular singer."[4]

Ironically, he also went on to much greater success than the actual winner of that season. His single (The Prayer) still holds the record as the fastest and highest selling single here. While it wasn't the best kept secret within the industry, the general public and his fans didn't know until he made the announcement, as mentioned above. It hasn't hurt his career, he's had some amazing 'gigs', including performing for visiting European royalty, touring with Diana Ross as her support act and will be supporting Celine Dion as a special guest when she tours this year.

Anthony was also appointed the official ambassador for Vision Australia.

We live in progressive times. Clay will be moving onwards and upwards.

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You know that guy Clay Aiken sure knows how to make life interesting. We have always said there is never a dull moment in the Clay Nation. I honestly would not miss this for the world.

I cannot wait to see the GMA show but I can't take the time off to watch it. I will have to sneak into the kitchen at work.

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Tomorrow he's going to talk about Jaymes and their decision to have Parker.

Speaking of, People.com now has an interview with Jaymes posted:

Jaymes Foster: Clay's a 'Natural' Dad

By David Caplan

Originally posted Thursday September 25, 2008 07:00 AM EDT

Clay's best friend – and the mother of their 7-week-old son Parker – music producer Jaymes Foster, 50, chatted with PEOPLE during the magazine's photo shoot at Aiken's home in North Carolina, where Foster is currently staying. While Aiken tended to Parker, who was conceived via in vitro fertilization, Foster dished about her pregnancy, being an older mom, and who's better at changing diapers:

What is it about Clay that makes him a great dad?

Jaymes: He's an incredible caregiver. As far as changing the diapers and seeing what's wrong with [Parker] and getting him to go sleep, Clay's a natural and he's really, really good with that. On a larger scale, he's the perfect person. He's been a school teacher, we have the same morals, family is very important to him and Parker means everything to us.

At age 50, do you feel ready to take on parenting for the first time?

Jaymes: I really think I was not ready to have children – well, I know I was not ready to have children, be a mother – in my 20s or 30s. I had the freedom then to travel the world and have a wonderful career. I believe at this point in my life it's the right time, and I think because it's the right time, I'll hopefully do a good job. If I don't, Clay will be all over me!

Was the pregnancy difficult?

Jaymes: I thought I'd be one of the lucky ones that didn't get the nausea, that I'd sail right through the pregnancy. But unfortunately I had it the whole time! I dealt with it on my own until I found out that there is a great new medication that helps eliminate the nausea, which I took the entire pregnancy. But other than that, it was really a breeze.

Do you support Clay's decision to publicly acknowledge he's gay?

Jaymes: I totally support him. It's his choice. It's a choice that he made. I love him and I'll support him in any choice that he makes, whether as an entertainer, or a father, human being, of course I support him.

Are there any baby-related chores that you or Clay shy away from?

Jaymes: It's funny because we were both very relaxed from the minute he was born. But the one thing I'm a little nervous about is clipping his hand nails because I think I might cut him, so Clay definitely has a handle on that and takes care of that. [Parker] doesn't like baths so much, so I tend to do the bathing because he kind of cries through that so I've taken that on as a job. Clay would be happy to do that, but I just figure, okay, if he does the nails, I'll do the bath.

How has your relationship with Clay changed since Parker's birth?

Jaymes: We love each other dearly and deeply as friends, but I think as parents now, there's an even greater bond, certainly for me. Our job is to remain best friends for the rest of our lives and that's the most important thing for Parker.

For the photos of Parker and more of Clay Aiken's candid interview about fatherhood, coming out, and his message for the Claymates, pick up the upcoming issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday

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GAH!!! RL is really tough on me this week....

The biggest thing that I'm facing is my driving test tomorrow...I flunked my first driving test 20 years agon and never drove since. This year I finally went out and paid for driving school and tomorrow I will take that test.....I believe I can do it, its just nerve wracking...so any positive vibes and prayers will be appreciated.

Then I had doctors appointments, vet appointments, had to go in and teach for two days...and I got more responsibilities on my on line job that took most of my precious online time the past two days...sigh

So I haven;t really been able to post or even read much about this new event...but I have to say...


so many wise women and I am so happy that for the members that are struggling...some were able to share their feelings. Its great to know that we still don't need to mod much even at times like this in the fandom.

Well I am off to school...won't be able to see GMA...won't be able to report on it...hope someone can.

So PROUD of CLAY...and he is sooooo CUTE and GORGEOUS!!!!

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Parker's Mom said about Clay:

I love him and I'll support him in any choice that he makes, whether as an entertainer, or a father, human being, of course I support him.

Thank you Jaymes. Simply thank you. This makes my heart so very glad.

I've read that the segment has already shown up on the East Coast feed of GMA. Did ANYONE here see it?!?!? Pweeze?!??!?!

Gibby, I'm thinking that maybe the ABC News website will have the clip up for streaming. I hope so, anyway.

CG, we've talked about this before...I am a Christian, and yet, I just can't feel it's my job to be judge (and JURY) toward anyone. I think that's the main problem, really -- I believe that everyone of us makes judgment calls about people we know, it's human nature IMO. But becoming judge and jury is NOT MY JOB. In my mind, that's God job, and since I don't know what God has up His sleeve (just like I've never know what Clay has up his sleeve *g*), I try my best to no make those kinds of decisions. I know people do things like that though, and I don't like it that it happens in the name of Christianity. The only "job" I have in this regard is to love ALL people.

Ansa, good luck on your test tomorrow!

I've got another busy day ahead of me -- three library orientations, plus a goodbye party for one of my coworkers. If I make it to the weekend, I'm good.

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I saw it. He's still the same Clay. Same smile, same giggle, same heart... :wub:

Oh yeah - same sitting on foot! :lol:

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Good Morning Everyone,

2 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! :yahoo:

23 Days until The BAF Gala!


29 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Being on the East Coast for a change, I actually got to watch the interview when it was first shown! Almost missed it, though, and ended up watching while wrapped in a towel after my shower that I'd JUST stepped out of.

He's on pretty soon after the first half hour (which is unusual, huh?)...Content was basically the People article, with elaboration re: his mom and grandmother. I think for me the only 'surprising' thing was his reaction/response to Diane's question around when he 'knew'. From the People article, I'd inferred that it was around college time (or actually, didn't he say '18'?)....but in the interview I got the feeling that he's pretty much always been aware of his sexual orientation--or at least he's been aware from the time it was an issue.

I found it interesting to see which pictures GMA chose to put on the screen as he was talking or as Diane narrated--pics of Clay as a child. I thought they accentuated the effeminate qualities, but that just might be my take.

Clay is Clay. I certainly don't expect anything different just because he's publicly 'settled the controversy'. I was confused a bit, though, at the beginning when he said something about him not really doing the interview to 'make a declaration'...hmmm....then why do the interview? :crazy: I think having your picture on the cover of People with the title "Yes, I'm Gay" is a pretty clear declaration. :cryingwlaughter: I'll have to watch the clip again to see if maybe I just missed something.

For some reason, I kept thinking of CLay in that....er interesting outfit long ago on Leno---remember the white belt and blue jacket with the stitching? I have no idea why that image kept coming to mind---he wasn't wearing anything like that in this interview...

Now I need to listen to the rest of GMA to find out "5 Things You Need to Know" to survive the money crisis. And I canNOT believe there will be no presidential debate tonight. I was really looking forward to it.

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What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

I originally hit that to quote because I was hoping against hope that it was NOT at the OFC. I see that it was~and that literally makes me sick to my stomach. Now I can only hope that neither Clay nor Jaymes saw it.

She's asking to have her membership deleted? Good riddance. Could I do it? I'd delete her membership all right.

BIG thanks to ldyj, couchie, and others that have posted the articles they've seen all over the place. I really, really appreciate it while I'm not able to follow links to this stuff.

Clay on GMA? :wub: :wub: Diane? :wub:ldyj, yes, I saw it....what did you want to know?

....and Jaymes?.....just solidified my already present opinion of her as exactly who Clay needs in his life. I'm so delighted he has her.

ETA: muskifest, I'm so glad it's not me that's gonna get crapped upon by the left-coasters! :hysterical:

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I saw him, too. It was great to hear him talk, and he was his usual self - articulate, charming, endearing.

You go, Clay! :clap:

I'm feeling a need to go to NY once Clay starts doing the stage door again. I want him to give him a big, supportive smile.


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duckyvee, I so agree! To me, that's the ultimate secret to dealing with anything around Clay~just to hear him talk about it to me. If there was anything I wish about this fandom, I DO wish he'd do that more often, even though I know it must be tough.

He was wonderful. He looked great, there were a couple of lovely Parker/Clay pictures, and he spoke honestly and directly.

Love him to pieces. :wub:

and still :013085001176249046:

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Well silly me - who does not function well in the morning anyway - was so convinced it would air in the second hour, I used the first hour getting ready for work - except for quickly jumping in the shower which I have to do now.

Oh well. I am confident there will be clack.

I woke up this morning feeling annoyed. Not annoyed at Clay but annoyed that every stereotypical "gay" quality about him that all the asshats and late night comedians have been ragging on him about since day one and all the asshats calling him gay for the last 5 years were right! I hate that! And I hate that because they were right, those stereotypical images will become more ingrained in people's minds.

I hate it when people like that are right. I just do!

Clay is Clay. I certainly don't expect anything different just because he's publicly 'settled the controversy'. I was confused a bit, though, at the beginning when he said something about him not really doing the interview to 'make a declaration'...hmmm....then why do the interview? I think having your picture on the cover of People with the title "Yes, I'm Gay" is a pretty clear declaration. :cryingwlaughter: I'll have to watch the clip again to see if maybe I just missed something.

This cracks me up! Clay has always been a little confusing. This most certainly was a declaration! Silly boy! :cryingwlaughter:

You know, I was thinking. IF nothing had leaked before the GMA interview I think the reactions may have been worse than they are. I just think there were some people who were so sure of what Clay would have said, and this is soooooooo the opposite....

And I really wish Clay would take off those damn glasses!

Off to the shower and then work. Guess the clack will be up when I get home.

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Now I need to listen to the rest of GMA to find out "5 Things You Need to Know" to survive the money crisis. And I canNOT believe there will be no presidential debate tonight. I was really looking forward to it.

Surviving the money crisis? I heard Colbert say that we should diversify: Bury your money in the backyard AND stuff some in the mattress.

The debate is tomorrow night. McCain said he was suspending his campaign and wants to postpone the debate. Obama said that the president must be able to handle more than one thing at at a time, that this is the perfect time to discuss the issues, and that he will be at Ole Miss tomorrow night ready to debate. The "inside baseball" buzz is that the McCain campaign is trying to postpone this debate because the rescheduling in a very tight timeframe for the scheduled debates would necessitate canceling the VP debate. I think the bottom line here is that the McCain campaign realizes that Palin is not ready for prime time and this is a tactic to move that trainwreck off the table. I heard one of the political analysts on TV this morning say that he thinks there's a 70% chance the foreign policy debate will happen tomorrow night.

Just saw Clay on GMA. The part that caught me was when he mentioned how stubborn he is and that he's always believed he can handle anything. And I think he probably can! But WTF is up with E? I saw a promo yesterday with Ryan and his cohort on their gossip show and they said they will have an interview with Clay Aiken's former lover today. Again, WTF is that? That swamp thing?

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I loved that PrimeTime redux moment when Diane said she didn't believe him, and Clay laughed and said 'you never believe me."

About the 'no declaration' comment, maybe Clay means that the focus for him is being a father with no secrets, and coming out as a gay man is just a part of that process, rather than a grand announcement of sexual orientation that stands alone. In other words, that without Parker, Clay may never have gone public with this. That's all I can think of. But I loved the interview. He has a great relationship with Diane.

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I saw it. He's still the same Clay. Same smile, same giggle, same heart... :wub:

Oh yeah - same sitting on foot! :lol:

Hee, yep, still the same Clay! LOL. It's funny, when it's really only our perception of him that is changing because he has revealed more of himself to us. It's like when you wake up in the morning after something big has happened in your RL and you think....was that real? That's kind of how I'm feeling, I wake up and am lying there thinking of all the things I need to do today, etc, and then it hits me that yep, Clay's gay. Just a shift in perception. Still the same man!

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