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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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Couchie I hope your mom recuperates quickly. I'm so happy to hear that you will have some time for yourself. I'll bet your mom is too.

After my mom had a stroke she spent six weeks in rehab. She had aphasia, which was difficulty in speaking and finding the right words. It did wonders for her and she loved it.

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More from artquest:

Back from dinner.

I asked Mr. Artquest if he could describe exactly what the experience was like. He said it was a combination of laughing and hoping he didn't look like an ass. After all, he said, he didn't know what was going to happen. He couldn't see much past the second row - in fact, it was disorienting. He looked for me but couldn't find anyone. Not just a Clay fog. But it's not like he wasn't prepped.

At dinner last night, I explained that he might be pulled up on stage. He had firm instructions not to mention Clay, not to mention me, and not to mention my Clay fan friends, some of whom he met at intermission. I was serious. You have no idea what this man is capable of when it comes to teasing. Oy is right.

Anyway, when the D101 showed up, I whispered that he was heading for stage and to behave himself. He stood up when Patsy came by and started laughing when the grail appeared in his seat. They do this really smoothly. I was watching for it and still missed the move. Then they asked him on stage. "What's your name?" asked the King. "Paul," he said. "And your last name?" "I'm a Jew." Heh, The king stopped for a minute, but the crowd roared. Then he gave his last name and they gave him his award, sang to him, and sent him back to his seat, grinning. It was a great anniversary present!

People actually stopped him and asked for his autograph. Cracked him up. We waiting at the stage door for Clay (really cute and adorable and looks thinner than on stage), who signed the Polaroid and thanked hubby again for saving them tonight. *g* It was awesome.

Now he expects his name in lights . . .

Chilling out, listening to MCWL and doing some work on the company laptop. Managed to do most of the Christmas shopping without setting foot in the mall (the crowds are awful this time of year)! Now it's just a few stocking stuffers that I can pick up tomorrow. YAY!

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Good luck with getting things arranged for your mom, {{{Couchie}}}. Looks like jmh came up with some good links. I'm glad you'll still be able to make it to NYC, even if you do have to cut the trip a bit short.

Good job on getting your shopping done, luckiest. I didn't go near a mall today either. Went to one store looking for something for my mom, but couldn't find what I wanted. Ended up getting a really good deal on a purse for me, though! I have to get my cards done - yikes!!

Love the story of Mr. Artquest as the peasant. :)

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{{{{{{couchie and couchiemomma}}}}}}}

couchie... many hospitals have patient advocates that will help you get things set up. And, you have some nice links to visit from jmh... good luck!!!

From lurking, I have come to respect and appreciate Artquest over the years and am thrilled for them that Mr. Artquest was the peasant. Such fun!!!

I have one present left to buy, then my desert to make for Christmas Eve. Got my surfboard cover this afternoon (sh... don't tell my grandson). :cryingwlaughter: This has been the easiest Christmas ever, mostly cause so many people just wanted gift cards and I got them at CVS (to support them since Clay honored them at the Gala for the good work they do). E.A.S.Y.

I hope whoever thought of having those racks of gift cards at drug stores and grocery stores is comfortably rich, cause that was a great idea!!!

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Claytonic, to keep you company in the (US) wee hours, here's a Youtube for ya:

Oh, thanks. I just spent the last half hour watching cute kittens on You Tube. <g> Did you see the one with the kitten whose ears move when he drinks milk? Or the two kittens who are fighting – but they both stop and watch a third kitten walk up to them and puke. I had no idea there were so many kittens on You Tube – here I was watching it for the hot guys. <g>

I’m not really complaining about our weather – it would just be nice to have a serious snow once in a while. We haven’t had one in years. Now that I’ve said that, of course…

{{{couchie}}} Glad you’re still able to go on your trip for bit, but sorry about your mom.

From CH:

Mr. Artquest was the peasant tonight. He was hysterical. Details to follow after we eat.

I LOVE Mr. Artquest!!! I wish I could have seen that!! Artquest was right to give him instructions, fer sure. <g>

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{{Couchie}}, hugs, prayers, positive vibes and everything else I can think of are coming your way for your mom, and for you, too.

Selfishly, I am so glad you'll still be making your trip to NY as I am soooooo looking forward to seeing you again. I hope your mom makes a speedy and complete recovery.

I have one gift left to buy, everything else is wrapped and under the tree. This year, for the first time in years I tried to avoid buying gift cards. I wasn't entirely successful because my daughter specifically asked for a couple to specific stores (Victoria Secret), but for the most part people are going to be subjected to my idea of what they might want. :lol:

I suppose tomorrow I'll need to brave the cold and get my butt to the grocery store. Jeez, I hate winter! It's so effin' cold I just can't get warmed up, even in the house. I know I'm really lucky not to have had the ice and snow that some of the rest of y'all are dealing with, so I'll stop whining.

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So....where the heck are the eHP reports? Aren't they having a party tonight? Have one for me, ladies!

We're playing "Dirty Minds" and this is one of the clues:

I had a hairy round orb in my palm. It felt hard when I squeezed it. After I used my mouth to suck out its milky liquid, I stuck its meat in later.


a coconut

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, my shopping mostly consisted of gift cards, too. And tomorrow I'll be hitting Shoppers Drug Mart for the stocking stuffers (we don't have CVS). I agree about the racks of gift cards - so convenient!

luckiest1 and liney

I love gift cards too. However, I watched a news-type show that said businesses LOVE selling gift cards because one third do NOT get redeemed. It's like free money for them.

The show said to watch out for gift cards at 'obscure' shops that are too specialized or far away. They showed an example of someone who wasn't able to easily redeem the gift card she was given because the shop was a long driving distance. When she finally got there, the card had expired. (It was in the fine print...)

The gift card I prefer are perhaps less cool, but they are the equivalent (I think) of a gift-card to say....Walmart, i.e. everyone lives close to it and the store has stuff everyone needs all the time. The gift-card of my choice can be used to buy groceries, toys, clothes, computer equipment etc etc. It may not look as cool as a gift card to an exclusive boutique but I am soooo not into throwing money away for the sake of being cool!!

I feel more than sure you are aware of all this but I thought I'd mention it in case anyone else is thinking of solving their Christmas shopping headache with gift-cards.

And while on the subject of coolness, here's an interesting blog which actually begs the question:

- who is cooler, Justin Timberlake or Clay Aiken? :glasses:

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From the CH, various news reports, pictures, and Spam recaps:

We were at the matinee today and weren't expecting to have a stage door, but waited just in case. No more than 15 minutes after the show, Jerome came out and about 2 minutes later, Clay came out! He was in the dark blue Carolina hoodie, but I don't know what else -- he went by too fast. He let me take a pic of him and my daughter (ClayinCt) and once she gets it on her computer I'll try to post it. Apparently without thinking, she went to put her arm around his back and he told her not to -- guess he doesn't like strangers touching him (cant' blame him!).

Anyhow, we were waiting at SD and Jerome came out an pulled the barricade into a triangle at the end so it touched the wall instead of being parallel with the wall. It was sort of narrow at that end. I was near this narrow end, right up at the barrier, but it was really hard to get pictures near the front because the heads hanging over the angled barrier. So I got only two shots of him before coming to me. When he got in front of me, he said "don't grab" -- there was someone to the left of me grabbing or trying to grab his cuff. I had been looking straight at his face so didn't see who or exactly what, but he wasn't happy that moment. He sort of skipped past and called out to the peasant "thanks for helping us out" or something like that and the peasant answered. Clay went on to the next and had skipped autographs in the area right in front of me but I did get to look at his face closely. I was a bit stunned by the grabbing part that I didn't try to say anything to him. I don't like fans overstepping boundaries when he is coming out in the cold to see us. I got two pics of him after he past me but his head was tilted to the side. He didn't look back in my area directly at all, I don't know if he was avoiding that person or just done with signing and ready to head in. It was bitter cold.





Ok, so here is my recap for the matinee show:

As the show was going on, into intermission, I was beginning to feel I had seen it so many times that there was nothing new to report on (even though I was enjoying it verra verra much), but I was wrong. The timing of the audience tonight was way different from the other times I saw it. I think there wasn't really so much laughter in the first act. Seems like different audience members were amused by different things. Surely, there was some bigger laughs, such as Robin's "someone swallowed it?" and actually Galahad's I guess so (answer to Robin's question about God-the-all-knowing really misplacing a cup), but it really came together in the coming out scene for Lancelot.

I was nearly shocked by the huge roar of laughter when they tore off his garment to reveal the bright orange/yellow flame top. It had been building during the Herbert/Guard scene. Clay (ears tucked in) played with the ribbons by running his hand along them absently and was really taking his time with the guard lines. The father was in sync, exasperated. And this got laughs. Herbert was really into it, but actually I don't think the laughs were really up to what Tom was giving. But, then with the Lancelot reveal it was like the whole audience got in sync. He got reaction for each part of this. Then the "I'm all alone" that followed also had roars practically after each Patsy expression. I was now sitting up straight, listening to the audience since it seemed like things had switched on. I would like to say it was Clay's song that did it tonight but it wasn't (that was fabulous and got a good reception but nowhere near many of the other nights I've been and I really think the king did not have the right timing with his well we better find some jews - that fell very flat, almost with silence). It was really Lancelot and after. When the King said to LOTL "I thought you were a fairy" and she said "no, that is Lancelot" it got another roar of laughter. Her wedding gown reveal also did -- it seems like all the end was so very well recieved. I do think LOTL got a larger response than our beloved at the curtain call, but she got very little response during her what ever happened to my part song, so something caught fire near the end.

Details for Clay lovers:

For the people who need people and in many ways are the luckiest people, he closed his eyes for a while. I think my heart skipped a beat.

In the bottle dance scene he puts that cup on his hat and at the end, took it off holding it upside down so you could see the cup is stuck on there and that got a big laugh. He did the bottle dance with tongue going side to side and funny eyes looking up, very comical and in time with the dance.

French lady had extended skirt ruffling all the way up to Clay's head. He did like a little dizzy look when she finished.

He did try to look up the skirts of the camelot ladies and did smack one on the bottom. He put out his hand and one girl touched it and he mouthed to Galahad "she touched me" and tried this with LOTL by holding his hand out. She swatted at it and he withdrew (no actual slap). Galahad neatly caught the LOTL armor arm. Robin held out his hands but was not even close.

Bro Maynard did sing an amen. Not very long, sort of middle lenght but pretty to hear. Knights then mimicked.

Finale in the magnificant white tux: our dear didn't get his roar of applause but man he was so strong in his vocal. Held the longer note so effortlessly and loudly as he dance steps over to the right of stage. On the right he shook a bit, but it didn't seem so long! On the left he did do a hip thrust but it got no audience fangirly oo, something else was getting audience noise (don't ask me what I was fixed on him!). Two of the actors, Hibbard and another had tamborines and they shook them then held them out for Clay to strike one with each of his hands.

finale sock report: gray socks with brown stripes. really. I am sure. And both matched.

Rick report:

Knights of Ni. He said they said Ni and NiWoWoWo (3 stooges style) although when they left they exclaimed Ni and Ni How.

French Taunter: he made as to take off his shoes and he said "I throw my shoes at yu" and got a big laugh

Peasant report: Was D101, the peasant was a hubby to a claymate. He said he was Jewish and got big response and huge grin from the King who said we should be alright then or something. He gave Clay a big hand shake when offered. And Clay then pointed to him and did hand shake motion as if to say "I shook his hand!".

From OFC via CV (Evening show):

He did SD!!!! Dark blue carolina hoodie, track pants, sneakers. April got an autograph. He came out then went right back in to change pens. He only took 2 pix with people. Jax was going to take April's pix with Clay but he was only out one minute. The snow was coning down and I was amazed he came out at all. What a guy.

Sean came out first. Talked to us for a minute. Bright orange jacket.

I let 3 people in front of me to get autographs. One of them was a lady who handed him an Equus playbill to sign. He didn't sign it and said I wasn't in this show. Here I was trying to be nice so people could get up front too!!!

More from show...

tunic flip at piano really great but no reaction from crowd

he messed up piano - made a face - and re played it right!

rick and tom slow dance during the ALOTBSOF

while Clay was doing full frontal thrusts

Clay also did a lot of chasing of the girls and seemed to be really into it all night

This was April's first Broadway show. She loved it and couldn't believe she got to meet Clay at the SD...it was not on her radar to do that but we figured it was not a big SD crowd, so why not?

Ok that's it...

ETA: Oh he didn't sing the amen - just short and sweet

peasant was D101 - a nice man who was totally surprised...he shook everyone's hand when he went to sit down.

Hello from Georgia! I had fun re-counting my Spamalot shows with AAIT...although it does read like I spent a lot of time looking up Clay's skirt! Well, it was JUST there!!! The peril of front row seats....I'll take it!

Will try to do a recap tomorrow, am in a serious time crunch now! But here are the only three decent pictures I got from Wed Dec 17th.




WRAL.com: Top entertainment stories of the year

The top three are discussed in a video. Clay is selected as #2.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Solo I am guessing "coconut" and I didn't look at the spoiler!

Wind was howling all night and we got a dusting of snow; looks like the sun may be coming out so that will be nice...have to look on the bright side somehow.

14 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


36 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!


Everyone have a great day!


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Solo... I guessed coconut and was right.... wonders never cease! :cryingwlaughter: Sounds like a fun game.

WRAL.com: Top entertainment stories of the year

The top three are discussed in a video. Clay is selected as #2.

ldyj... I LOVE WRAL. Not only do the support Clay, but they hire newspeople who are not the most beautiful people... not the guy... he was beautiful, but the girl was not your typical gorgeous newsperson and I really respect them for that!

claytonic... add to that warning about stores about to go out of business, but I knew all that and chose Nordstrom's, iTunes, and Visa gift cards, so I think I'm safe.

Winter Solstice today... a time to let go of stuff from the past and dream new dreams for the future.

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Happy Chanukah!

For those who celebrate it.

Solo :naughtywag:

I hope everyone has a great day today. I let some nasty person at WFI get me down for a while but won't let that happen again as most of our customers are really wonderful and many come back year after year to support the foundation. :thbighug-1:

Did we ever find out what it was that Clay recorded in December?

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Well, only about 1 1/2 in. of snow overnight....wow!....but it's snowing lightly again. :( And cold...

So much for the weather report :lol:

Thanks for bringing over yesterday's reports ldyj; I'm going to miss them so much when Spam is over! I wonder if he's counting the days yet...

Gift cards - I did a lot of gift cards this year as well (our Christmas is already over). I do have to say, I disagree personally about the specialized store GC's. Those are the ones I LOVE...as long as the giver knows it is something the user enjoys. For example, my grandson's favorite snowboard store....my son's Harley Davidson GC....my own request for online bead store GC's. Personally, I would MUCH rather have something like that, that in the normal circumstance I might feel guilty about spendig the money on~but when I've got a gift card! Eeee-hah!! :)

Santa was very, VERY good to me this year~I got the Zen X-Fi I've been pining for AND the Roomba I've wanted as well! What can I say? I'm the gadget queen....

ETA: I meant to add....the 30% unused GC's also includes those that are not redeemed because they are lost. Word to the wise: in the furor of Christmas morning, if you enclose GC's in cards, or in a package with something else, speak to the recipient and make sure they saw the GC....they CAN get tossed out in wrappings, particularly with kids. Also, keep your "activated" receipt separately; lost GC's can be replaced by the vendor if you have that. (advice from the retailer here)

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Add me to the list of those who will be missing the Spam recaps when it's over, but I'll be anxious to see what 2009 has in store for us! :Iluvclaysbutt:

The gift card I prefer are perhaps less cool, but they are the equivalent (I think) of a gift-card to say....Walmart, i.e. everyone lives close to it and the store has stuff everyone needs all the time. The gift-card of my choice can be used to buy groceries, toys, clothes, computer equipment etc etc. It may not look as cool as a gift card to an exclusive boutique but I am soooo not into throwing money away for the sake of being cool!!

I'm with you on this, claytonic! Our company this year gave us Kroger (grocery) gift cards. Some people complained that it wasn't very exciting or fun. The way I look at it, if I don't have to spend that X amount of $ on groceries, then I can spend it on something exciting or fun - like Spamming in NYC! :lol:

I also received iTunes gift cards from my boss - *love* those!

Off to finish my finals.... everyone have a good Sunday! :BlowKiss:

ETA: What an exciting & fun post for the top of the page... not! I'll fix that... :)





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Clay Aiken Reflects on a Year of Coming Out, Being a New Dad

Clay Aiken Reflects on a Year of Coming Out, Being a New Dad

By David Caplan

Originally posted Sunday December 21, 2008 10:00 AM EST

It's been a year of major developments for Clay Aiken.

In late September the American Idol favorite acknowledged in a PEOPLE cover story that he's gay – an announcement that followed the Aug. 8 birth of his first child, Parker, with his best friend, music producer Jaymes Foster, 50.

While Aiken's coming out generated significant interest on Internet blogs, it's the singer's status as a new dad that he says makes 2008 the most memorable.

"At the end of the day, Parker is the most important thing of the year, and of my life, without question," Aiken, 30, tells PEOPLE. "Having a son and that type of responsibility is obviously going to be something that I remember forever."

Still, Aiken, is mindful of the widespread support he received after coming out. "We've been very impressed and my heart has been thoroughly warmed to find people very supportive," he says.

Inspirational – and Busy

And he's also aware he may have inspired other gay men to come out. "I'm very humbled by that. I really don't know what to say about that. I think that hopefully less than inspiring people I will have an opportunity to open people's eyes to different viewpoints and different possibilities in their life."

As for his life as a new parent, Aiken will return to full-time fatherhood – joining Foster, 50, in his native North Carolina – after Jan. 4, when he finishes his run on Broadway as Sir Robin in Monty Python's Spamalot.

"I want to spend time with Parker. He's still uber-dependent," Aiken says, laughing. "I'm ready for him to start talking. I'm ready for a little action!"

But Claymates need not worry: Aiken will return to his singing roots: "We'll take a little bit of time, we're not quitting or anything, we're just gonna take it slow for a month or so and recollect once I get back," he says. "I may never have any free time once Parker starts walking and talking!"

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Awww, I love that little interview. I can sooooo see him saying 'ready for a little action'. *schmoopie* I am just so thrilled for him, that he can experience this with his own child.

A month or so, huh? Hee - wonder how long that 'or so' is in Aiken-time? :cryingwlaughter: I think springtime is going to be extra-wonderful this year!

"I'm very humbled by that. I really don't know what to say about that. I think that hopefully less than inspiring people I will have an opportunity to open people's eyes to different viewpoints and different possibilities in their life."

Uhh, Clay honey? That's part of what inspiring people is! And he was doing that long before coming out. This is just one more facet on the diamond.

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Just interrupting the convo to post my latest creation for BAF...and a reminder that if anyone is looking for BAF fundraiser items (only), please get in touch and I will donate items for you.


Scarlett, I've been meaning to ask, I'm guessing the Striped Sock Sirens did not do their etsy site sale this year? I have been waiting with open purse but heard nothing. :(

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Oooh, love the new little People interview. I will miss him, but I hope he takes as much time as he needs with Parker. And I'm glad that they mentioned that not only he, but Jaymes as well, would be heading back to NC. On Friday, I had a lady stop by my desk, who knows about my Clay love (well, doesn't everybody?) and who is a casual fan. She told me she saw the E! Hollywood story show, and asked if I'd seen it as well. I said no, I was in NYC, never did, but I heard it was pretty positive. She said yes, she liked it, and then she said something about Jaymes, the "surrogate mother". Um, no, I corrected her about that. She was quite surprised to hear that they are actually raising Parker together, and said isn't it a shame that tabloids and entertainment shows always skew things. Hee, yes it is.

I stuck mainly to Chapters/Indigo gift cards this year, except for one for son #1 to a specific little sports card store that he frequents. It's something he loves to spend money on, but he doesn't always have it. Son #2 had his presents in NYC, and luckiestdaughter had hers in Raleigh in October. So it's been pretty easy Christmas shopping this year!

FromClaygary, sounds like we got more snow than you overnight. I'd say 5 or 6 inches anyways, and it's whipping around out there like crazy. Good day to stay in and get some baking, cleaning & the never-ending laundry done.

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luckiest1, I'd bet your friend more than likely confused her stories between Clay and Ricky Martin - they use the 'surrogate' word a lot with him. Haven't ever heard the word use in conjuction with Clay and Jaymes.

Claygary, that bracelet is beautimous!!! and it's very generous of you to donate them for BAF fundraising. MUAHHHHH!

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Ah, that could be. But I was still glad I could correct her misunderstanding about it.

Wheeeeeee! I thought I had lost my BAF CFC wristband, but I found it in the washing machine! LOL, one of the good things about doing laundry.

Argh I have done 9 hours of work-from-home overtime already this weekend and it shows no signs of stopping. Every time I think I am done something else pops up. I may never get to the baking. And definitely not the cleaning! ;)

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ETOnline has picked up the People story.

FromClaygary, very nice bracelet...

So...the eHP teases us with coconuts. No other reports?

It's freakin' cold here! Minus 2 degrees farenheit -- and the winds are blowing. Add to this that the trees and power lines are still covered with about a half inch of ice, and it could be an interesting evening...

I really love that brief interview I posted earlier. I love reading that People thinks his coming out has helped others in a similar situation...and Clay being humble about his role in that. And him wanting to spend time with Parker? Schmoopie to the extreme. I'm more than willing to cut him some slack for some time off in 2009. I have confidence in the man -- and his talent.

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Mmmmmm, and ET used three yummy (sorry merrieeee) photos of him. They may not be everybody's favorite look, but at least they are giving the Jenna Bush photos a rest, and they are newer than 2003 Idol pics, lolol! Baby steps!!!

ETA: I wonder if Jaymes grits her teeth every time she reads her name as Jaymes Foster, 50 - as if her age is part of her title. Sheesh. Give it a rest!

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