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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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Good Morning Everyone,

27 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


49 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!


Everyone have a great day!


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Pretty? I got pretty! :hubbahubba:


Happy Monday! <- Yeah, I know, oxymoron, but I hope All Is Well with everyone! :Iluvclaysbutt:

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Ugh. I don't know if anybody remembers, but I mentioned a couple of days ago that my local radio station was playing Clay's MDYK but the yes.com widget thing they use to list the songs was crediting Kenny Rogers so I emailed them about the problem. I just got an email today where they're insisting that it actually was Kenny Rogers' version... I'm gonna email them back again. Who knows, maybe they'll believe me.

ETA: And, when it comes to the widget, they're right. It is Kenny Rogers. But the widget is supposed to be listing the songs that are playing on the radio and what they were (I haven't been listening the last couple of days) playing on the radio was Clay's. ERGH! Why does everything have to be complicated?

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oKAY, clayzycoffin.... :unsure: I'm either VERRA, VERRA worried about YOUR ears or the ears of the djs on that radio station! No WAY anybody could mistake Clay Aiken's voice for Kenny Rogers!



What an emotionally draining weekend, folks. Life ain't boring, that's for sure. Re: that hawt Clay Aiken dude and his love life...

Yeah. I hope he has one and that he's tearing up various rooms in various living quarters with another hawt dude with his sexy self. Yep. That's the ticket. :hubbahubba:

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Yeah, the dude who emailed me said that what I heard was Kenny Rogers' and sent me links to the amazon.com clips to prove it, informing me that you can hear the difference. I listened to the Kenny Rogers clip and I agree. You can definitely tell the difference. So, anyway, I just told him that I own two different versions of Clay's MDYK and I've heard concert versions and heard it on TV. I should have added the bit about the widget version being Rogers but the radio version being... not Rogers.

Anyway, if I get another email insisting it's Kenny Rogers, I think I'm just gonna let it go.

Muskifest! I'm hurt that you would even consider the possibility that I'm wrong! HURT, I SAY! :cryingwlaughter: Just kidding! I actually considered the possibility myself...

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A couple of Spam reports I pulled from CV:

Update on Victoria and Mar:

After the matinee show and learning from Jerome that Clay is not going to do SD because it's very windy and cold, I spoke to Jerome and told him about the 2 international fans from Spain and asked if there's a chance that they could see Clay and he said, not this time, but he can get him sign the items I have for them. So I asked the girls to give me the cards and gifts they have for Clay including the one from Rossy. We hurriedly put them all together on the gift bag that they brought and I wrote their names and where they're from--Victoria from Madrid, Spain and Marimar from Malloca, Spain, and then I went back inside the stage door to give them to Jerome. Afterwards, I realized I forgot to include their Playbills and MCWL CD covers for Clay's autograph. We were still outside of the Stage Door and it was sooo cold and windy that our hands were shaking so I told them let's go back to the theatre's lobby as it's warmer there. The mdse store is still open so I bought each one of them the Souvenir Program with Sir Robin's poster, the Sir Robin Button and Sir Robin Magnet and then included in the bags the Playbills and MCWL CD covers. While we were doing this, Jerome came over and saw us and he said that he came back out to give them the signed Playbills but we're gone at the SD so he thought we left already. He then talked to the girls and told them to give to me whatever they want Clay to sign and he'll take care of them and give them back to me after the evening show. The girls couldn't believe that they saw and talked to Jerome. They were giddy and very happy and that's Jerome only, what more if they see and talk to Clay and have their pictures taken with him. Victoriasaid she'll die if that would happen. I suggested to them to come back to the theatre after the show at around 10:00 pm (forgetting that it was Sunday and therefore the show finishes at a little past 9:00) to get their signed items personally from Jerome and who knows, Clay might be in the mood to show up on stage and talk to them for a bit but it's not a guarantee and they agreed. Afterwards, we went to Junior's to warm up with some hot cappuccino while waiting for their friend Virginia, not a Clay fan, who went to Central Park instead but she'll be watching Spamalot with them on Tuesday. While at Junior's, I wrote a note of thanks to Jerome for helping me make the international fans' dreams come true and that they're greatly appreciated and informed him that the 2 girls are coming back to tonight's show. After our snack, they said they will try to do some shopping but ended up going to the Rockefeller Centerto see the Xmas tree and went up the Observation Deck. They went back to the hotel at 8:30 pm and heard my messages so they went back to the theatre and Victoriaalso asked the hotel's reception desk how to use her mobile phone from Spainto call a USmobile number so she was able to call me and send messages but I didn't get a chance to retrieve. After the confetti dropped down, I left my B2 seat quickly to go to the lobby, leaving my coat behind so I have an excuse to come back and get it, and lo and behold, they were there in front of the door trying to call me again. Oh my, what a relief that was as I was worried they won't be able to make it because I told Jerome on my note that they're coming back tonight. So, they went inside the theatre with me but there were still a lot of people coming out so we waited a bit before going to the front but then I saw Jerome on the stage with 2 Spamalot bags on his hand and looking for me on my B2 seat but there were still some people in the front blocking us, so I waved and called Jerome and he saw us. He gave the 2 bags full of signed items for the 2 girls and Jerome spoke to them again for a few minutes but no Clay which they fully understand. They were very giddy and excited looking at each signed item from the bag and thanked and hugged me. They said they don't know if they will be able to sleep now, they're on Aiken fog even though they didn't see him at SD to have a picture with him.

The MCWL CD was the only CD that they were able to get from a music store upon arrival. Angie (sanebc) will bring her extra CDs of MOAM, ATDW and "All Is Well" and LTS book on Tuesday while I'll bring my extra OMWH CDs. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate on Tuesday so we could have SD and a chance for them to have their pictures taken with Clay.

Thanks, Robyn, for posting my cry for help and thanks, Claymelia and Angie, for calling the hotel in trying to reach Mar and Victoria. I'm very tired but very happy to see these 2 girls from Spain realized their dream of seeing Clay in person performing in Spamalot which they enjoyed very much except the French taunting part which they said they didn't understand, plus seeing and talking to Jerome who they said is very nice and very friendly and they love him.

That's all for now, folks, as I need my Sweet Clay Dreams. It's back to work, tomorrow!

Soooo. . . a funny thing happened on my way (in)to Spamalot. (Also subtitled: how I spent my crazy weekend)

Well, way back when – months ago -- I bought tickets for the December 6 & 7 matinee shows. I figured at the time I'd work out the details closer to the date, hopefully even try to make it an overnight weekend trip. However, through a series of circumstances that I didn't anticipate, it appeared that I wasn't going to be able to attend both shows. Since I had a front row ticket for Sunday, I figured I'd just go to the matinee that day (driving in to the city and right back home that night.) I was going to sell my Sat. ticket (or, more likely, see if I could give it to someone else online to use.)

Saturday morning I was at my local YMCA very early and was talking with some friends there. I told them I had been planning to go to NYC to see a show, but that it looked like I wasn't going to go, even though I had a ticket. I was pretty glum about it. Long story short, they said the heck with my circumstances, and that I should just get in the car right now and go anyway. Don't you just love enablers??!!!

So, I literally drove home from the Y, ran inside, pulled on some clothes, did a Mapquest, grabbed my bag and off I went. Mapquest will tell you it takes 3 hours to get to NYC from my house, and I left at 11:15. Hmmmm, that means I'm not going to be there in time for the 2:00 show, right? Well, let's just say I drove "rapidly." I fought my way through the downtown traffic and managed to hobble into the theatre as the orchestra was finishing its opening music and the historian was just coming out for his spiel. The usher led me down the darkened aisle (I couldn't see a thing!) only to find that there was a man in my seat (C-102). He turned to the woman seated in C-101 and said "sorry honey, I have to move" or words to that effect. I realized they were husband and wife, and that his real seat was D-101. He had moved forward to sit next to his wife when I hadn't shown up and they realized the seat was open. They looked upset that he had to move, so I said "don't worry, I'll just sit here" and I plopped down in D-101. They both turned around and said "thank you" to me, obviously pleased they could remain seated together.

As I sat there, I realized that D-101 could very well be the peasant seat, and I didn't feel comfortable not letting the gentleman know. So, at intermission, I told him there was a chance D-101 could be the peasant seat and did he want to sit there for that opportunity? He looked at me, smiled, and said he had no desire to go up on stage and told me I was definitely welcome to remain in the seat. So, I found myself seated in D-101 for the second half of the show as well.

Sure enough, the scene arrives and, yes, D-101 is the chosen seat. So, I get to be the peasant and have my name renowned. How cool is that? Of course, I have NO idea what I did up there. Lots of it is a blur. I do remember realizing I was holding the "foot" award with the caption side inward so I turned it around to the audience and I remember giggling when the knights blew in my hair as they were singing. And, I remember looking down at Sir Robin who was kneeling in front of me and thinking "OMGosh he's so close!!" EEEEEEEEEEEE!

At the end of the show the couple who got to sit together turned around and said they were glad I got to be the peasant. I thought that was so very sweet of them. I hobbled out to the stage door, and wasn't anywhere close to the front but hoped that I could maybe get my Polaroid signed. I reached my arm over the crowd (with permission from the folks in front of me) and, luckily, was able to get a signature. I got to EEEEE with Brightstar, Wink, P'Ivy, and Canuck (and thanks so much for taking my picture, Lynn!)

To make my story complete, I started driving home blissfully unaware that the worst case of winter driving I've ever experienced in my life awaited me. It started to sleet/snow and the roads turned into a sheet of ice. For probably 70 miles or so I didn't go faster than 35 miles an hour, and many times I was crawling along at around 10 mph. Cars were skidding off the road, landing upside down in ditches, getting stuck attempting to climb small grades, etc. It was horrible! At one point, a police car passed me in the left lane and then, just ahead of me, proceeded to fishtail across the highway 5 or 6 times and then do about four 360 degree turns before finally stopping facing the wrong direction -- luckily for me -- in the other lane. I was sure he was going to hit me, and I couldn't stop, but I was able to sneak past him somehow. That got my heart beating, to say the least.

Eventually things started to get a bit better as the salt trucks started to come out and the last 50 miles of my trip improved significantly. I made it home safely, but it was a very long and harrowing journey. I knew I wouldn't be relishing another road trip for a long while. Enough is enough and repeating the trip on Sunday would be just plain nuts. After all, one must be practical, right?

So . . . Sunday's matinee was just great! What? Hey, I had a front row seat, remember? The lure of the Aiken is quite powerful, y'all!!!! Kind of shoves that practicality argument right out the window! Anyway, got to meet Newmie and Claym8 on Sunday too – totally icing on the cake!

Anyhooo, to review:

Saturday -- drive 3 hours to NYC; get there late; because I'm late, gentleman sits in my seat and gives me his seat; be the peasant; EEEEEE with CVers; drive home on sheet of ice; vow to not drive to NYC again for a long, long time.

Sunday – wake up; think "who am I kidding?"; drive 3 hours to NYC; sit in front row; EEEEEE with CVers again; drive 3 hours back home.

Morals of the story:

(1) The early bird may get the worm but this late bird got lucky and got filet mignon

(2) Subaru's make great cars for Clay fans.

Oh, and seriously, if any of you guys who were there on Saturday can tell me what I did up there on stage, would you please let me know. Honestly, did I even acknowledge Clay at all? Look at him vacantly? Help – I'd love to know!!!

ETA: EEEEEEEEEE! In less than 72 hours, I'll be there too! :dancingpickle:

And this, from CH, is cool: Spamalot's Clay Aiken Makes A Fan's Birthday Extra Special

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Evening all,

Got the cutest Christmas card from my sister in Pennsylvania...it is one of those cards where you can insert a picture and she included a picture of me and her from 1959...I was 2 and she was 3.

We were living in Florida at the time (why my parents decided to move back to Illinois and the cold weather, I will never know!). My kids got a real kick out of it..if I can figure out how to scan the picture; I will post it.

Going to frost my gingerbread cookies tonight; I made them yesterday and discovered I was out of powdered sugar...so had to make a trip to the store.

Thanks for all the pretties today!

Just watching Paula Deen on the Food Network; I swear that woman will fry anything...she was frying a whole ham today! A few weeks ago, I caught her show and she was deep frying cheesecake...yuck!

Cookies await, back later!


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Help! I need a encylopedic Claymate type! Does anybody remember Nigel Lythgoe talking about how they knew (during AI2) Clay was a star. I seem to recall it being video, but I'm not sure. It's been bugging me all day and I neeeeeeeed to know!

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Help! I need a encylopedic Claymate type! Does anybody remember Nigel Lythgoe talking about how they knew (during AI2) Clay was a star. I seem to recall it being video, but I'm not sure. It's been bugging me all day and I neeeeeeeed to know!

That's on the AI Phenomenon special -- Nigel says that about watching Clay sing DLTSGDOM during the Wild Card -- something like "you knew you were watching a star."

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Help! I need a encylopedic Claymate type! Does anybody remember Nigel Lythgoe talking about how they knew (during AI2) Clay was a star. I seem to recall it being video, but I'm not sure. It's been bugging me all day and I neeeeeeeed to know!

That's on the AI Phenomenon special -- Nigel says that about watching Clay sing DLTSGDOM during the Wild Card -- something like "you knew you were watching a star."

Thank you!!! *bows down*

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That quote from Nigel and another---either from him or Ken Warwick, the other producer of AI--that was during a radio interview at WRAL, I think...are my favorite.

The radio one was to the effect that EVERY week, Clay had so many more votes than the other contestants that they (the producers, et al) couldn't dare let the public know or everyone would just stop voting, assuming that Clay would win hands down. Hearing that after the fact has always just made me smirk...for me, it explains a lot of the show's "behavior" toward Clay.

But not to dig that shit up again...

Congratulate me! I'm going home exactly 8 hours and 4 minutes after getting to the office! That's pretty much unheard of! :yess:

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A certain CUTE little guy is 4 months old today... :crib: :connie_42:


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Heh, luckiest, I realized after I outed myself as a fic writer that I wasn’t sure if I still had the stories. I’m sure I have them somewhere. They are XF fan fiction – I have more het fic than slash, but even in the het fic I had a strong tendency toward slashing Mulder with an original character while he pined for Scully. I tried to have it both ways, pardon the expression. <g> Anyway, they’re all novel length and rated a serious R.

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