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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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I read somewhere that the pic was posted around and he probably just picked it up. Don't think he's in London.

From CC -

notacanuck, on 08 February 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:

This seems plausible from Twitter

WHAAAT Big Boi and Clay Aiken spotted our #Clemson advertising campaign & now want to take classes with the Clemson MPA program!


artquest wrote -

At The Strom Thurman Institute of Government and Public Affairs? BWAH! On the other hand, the program is offered online with live coursework and a concentration in non-profit management. Wonder if the man's thinking of going back to school? Sounds like a good deal, as long as it doesn't interfere with touring and such.

LOVE my very smart bf! :wub:

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Three new tweets:

Holy crap! THAT was a game! Wow! What say you @ArsenioOFFICIAL ?

This is about the Duke/North Carolina basketball game (where 10th rated Duke beat 5th rated NC 85-84)

And then, Clay's friend Cameron Saemonn posts a one word tweet:


Clay responds:

Finally, unrelated to basketball:

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10 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!:yahoo:

11 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall!


47 Days until Steadfast is available!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Interesting comment from Adam per Clanderson at CV:

QUOTE (Clanderson @ Feb 9 2012, 07:52 AM)

Now I am listening to Adam Carolla's podcast from today with LL. She doesn't come on till almost 55 minutes in but constant talk about CA and really great Clay mentions. Adam tells Lisa that Clay went to his show in North Carolina with his brother and his partner.

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This nosy bitch wants DETAILS demmit! :whee:

ETA - Ok n/m. I see now that Adam saw a guy other than Clay's brother with him and I guess "assumed" it was his partner?

How in the freaking hell do you leap to a conclusion like that?!


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I wish I could help with the identification stuff for this "partner," but I suck at that kind of stuff. Happy for Clay though, if it's true.

Decca has put Clay back up on their page, with a press release regarding Steadfast. Clay's page for Decca The story has now been picked up by Yahoo News: Clay Aiken to Release New Album. I'll put the full text in the News section.

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So excited about the confirmation of Dee and Clay doing the duet..can't wait!

9 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!:yahoo:

10 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall!


46 Days until Steadfast is available!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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:yeahthat: Love that aikim. I'm glad Clay can have fun despite some of his fans. I still haven't ordered Steadfast but I will order several copies as usual.

LOL..Clay didn't really send that..I found the picture and was joking that Clay sent it..guess I should have used an emoticon! :cryingwlaughter:

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:yeahthat: Love that aikim. I'm glad Clay can have fun despite some of his fans. I still haven't ordered Steadfast but I will order several copies as usual.

LOL..Clay didn't really send that..I found the picture and was joking that Clay sent it..guess I should have used an emoticon! :cryingwlaughter:

I realized that aikim but I still think he is ignoring and enjoying his life. :dancetom: It was so true by the way.

And even if he sings in an operatic voice with Dee, I'm still going to enjoy it. :cryingwlaughter:

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Arsenio interview:


Clay mention..can just hear Clay yelling that, LOL!

Q) You know, I feel that the drama sometimes takes away from the amount of hard work that the - that you guys really put in to the - you know, on these jobs. Can you tell me how - like what maybe was your most difficult task, an example of what you found to be the most difficult part of the task in accomplishing it?

Arsenio Hall: Well, you know, I feel that getting as far outside of an entertainer’s wheelhouse is what does it, and you’ve got to admit most people who are famous or relatively successful, they probably don’t do manual labor. They don’t really work hard. Hard work is - I was in the trailer waiting for more than an hour. You know, that’s hard work, right? Right? So it’s when Clay Aiken screams at somebody and says, “I said clean those bugs out of that pot now!” It’s like, that’s when the show gets hard, because first of all, a person who makes all the decisions in their life and no one tells them what to do is being told not only what to do, but to do some nasty manual labor, and it seems like the really tough things of that nature combined made the hardest, most interesting television moments, also, by the way.

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Sounds like I might need to change my siggie to that, hee!

Clay's been busy tweeting. I think he tweets in the evenings when he's bored!

You rock! RT “@dabrand5: . I'm putting $350 from tax Check n y National Inclusion Project jar. Will donate on 4/4. I do this 1 time a year.”

Only got no. 24 & no. 29 wrong. RT “@lesliej42: @clayaiken How well will you do on this President's quiz?games.toast.net/independence/

toni1991 tweeted this:

So Clay replied:

Obviously, Clay doesn't remember saying this...and toni did send him the link to the article!

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8 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!:yahoo:

9 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall!


45 Days until Steadfast is available!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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There was one more tweet from last night -- wonder where he's at?

I need better Internet out here! This@FrontierCorp crap is NOT cutting it! SOOO slow!

And why do I feel it's just me and aikim talking? Oh well, I suppose I should enjoy the quiet now, because in just over a week -- CApp!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

BTW, I'm going to Chicago to visit my nephew (and hear some blues!) tonight and tomorrow. I'm not sure if hubby and I will splurge on internet*, so I'll be mostly on my phone checking boards, and won't be able to post. Be good y'll!

*Hubby and I got a 4-star hotel via Priceline at a great price. However, parking is a bear, plus internet is not free. Why is it that cheap hotels (such as Fairfield Inn) offer internet for free, but the expensive hotels charge?

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Hey I'm out here and enjoying reading. It's been a bear of a week for me though.

So Dee Snyder is really going to do a broadway album or is this some sort of running gag. It seems a little bizarre.

I believe Dee previously did a Christmas Album. I believe the broadway album is for real. He and Clay teased about it in some of the publicity they did together for CA, but now it looks real. Broadway Album


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