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# 64: A super smart, caring, determined, classy, easy-going, and genuinely good, likeable guy


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And in other news...

He blogged!

If I'm reading him right, as well, this blog can be posted here...

Another Happy Anniversary

02/22/13 at 10:14 AM By: Clay Aiken

I know it's sort of taboo to discuss such things on this site, but I felt

it important to break one of our social customs today to make mention of

a special milestone.

First let me state that the OFC survives and based on you guys and your

loyalty. The dues you pay to be members here don't line anyone's pockets.

They simply go to fund the upkeep and maintenance of the site. Without

the membership dues that you pay, www.clayaiken.com would probably go

stagnant and not be around for NJU (I know your terms icon_e_wink.gif ) to check

out when they want to see what is up with me. You've seen websites for

people who haven't been updated since 2001! You guys are the reason that

hasn't happened to my site yet!.

Of course, we try to make it worth your while with tiny little

incentives, like video chats and meet and greet opportunities. We'll

continue to do that when we can, and hopefully be able to come up with

other special incentives in the future. But the support of you all is

what has kept this very valuable social media marketing tool alive for

me. So I thank you and I hope you'll continue to stay members, and

encourage others to join as well. (Think of it as a tiny "campaign

donation" to the Clay Aiken marketing arm)

Our strong need to maintain the basic income for this site so it can stay

alive is one of the reasons that we ask that you not share information

from here with the numerous other message boards. It's why I blog here

and ask that the blogs stay here and why i use this site to communicate

and no others. If folks didn't come here as members, there would be no


But... for today... for this moment... I am suspending that rule.... in

honor of another of another touchstone in this year of celebration.

When I began on Idol, I remember going downstairs to the business office

of the Le Meridian hotel in Los Angeles where they placed us during the

first several weeks of the TV show. There was but one computer in this

hotel and it was in a room just off the lobby.

(Amazing to think that ten years ago there was no high speed internet

access in the hotel rooms and, even if there had been, almost none of us

contestants had computers!! Wow how society has changed!) That single

computer in that room was always occupied by a contestant from the

show!!! Someone had discovered that, within the American Idol website

(what was then idolsonfox.com! ha ha) were message boards where some

savvy computer users had the opportunity to log on and discuss the Idol

contestant performances online! (Who knew of such an invention!!???)

Every night several of us could be found in the business office poring

over the message boards to try to gauge how well or how poorly we had

done and whether or not we thought we would be kicked off (one contestant

did it WAY more than the others, and I am willing to bet you would not be

able to guess who!).

These message boards (Bolt Boards, if I recall) were a phenomenon for

Idol fandom, a focus group for us contestants, and would become an

initial breeding ground for an INCREDIBLE group of fans for me!!

But apparently, not long after the season began, one enterprising group

decided that they wanted to set up a message board dedicated entirely to

one contestant. When I first learned about The Clayboard, I must admit I

was shocked and humbled! I was apprehensive about going on to it from

that tiny computer in the Idol house because I was worried about what

folks might be saying on there and I didn't want to be psyched out during

the competition. But I found myself pointing my browser to

www.claytonaiken.com (Idol had already bought clayaiken.com) several

times during my run on Idol. Every time it brought me encouragement and

made me feel better about myself. The ladies who began that message board

probably never knew that I was peeking in from time to time. But they,

and the many who have joined them there for the past ten years, instilled

a lot of confidence in me during my run on Idol and for many years

afterwards. And for that I am thankful.

MANY MANY message boards have sprung up (and some have shuttered) in the

past ten years. I've snooped around on a few... though I tend to keep my

eyes on this one now.... and they all have become really strong

communities of friends. Friendships have been built across thousands of

miles because if these internet havens. Each separate message board

community is special and valuable (Though, let me repeat... please come

to this one!! icon_e_wink.gif) and I am eternally grateful to all of them.

But The Clayboard was the first to set out on their own to support me...

and ten years later they are still there... 9though i wish they would

join here!! icon_e_wink.gif)

Happy 10th Birthday Clayboard!



Happy anniversary to the Clayboard!

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Now I feel bad that i have never joined the Clayboard. I've only been a member of the Clackhouse, FCA, OFC and CV. If it wasn't for playbiller , I probably wouldn't be a member of any board. Nevertheless, it was awfully nice of Clay to write a blog about it.

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3 Days until the Radio Pilot :yahoo:

73 Days until Clay is on stage in NC! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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2 Days until the Radio Pilot :yahoo:

72 Days until Clay is on stage in NC! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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1 Days until the Radio Pilot :yahoo:

71 Days until Clay is on stage in NC! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I went to an Oscar party last night, and I'm feeling it this morning. I wish I didn't have to go to work today... However, it was really fun, and I'd do it again.

OTOH, we might not have work tomorrow, if this snow storm develops as they say. I can hope, anyway.

I can only listen to the end of the radio show tomorrow night. I hope that the clack goddesses record it for posterity!

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70 Days until Clay is on stage in NC! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Went to work in blizzard like conditions at 7:15 a.m. The college closed at 9:00 a.m. Driving home was actually easier, it's just slush at the moment. Still frustrating, though, as I basically got up for nothing! I still have to work tonight though (a virtual library instruction session scheduled before I knew about the OFC thing). Sigh. But at least I can read -- I've got to read "The Handmaid's Tale" by the end of next week. I should be able to a bunch of it done today...

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The Handmaid's Tale is a good book. :) Read it several years back now. Hope you enjoy it!

We're just starting to get the dreaded blizzard here... it's lightly raining with some sleet thrown in. We're expected to get between 6-8" where I live. Ugh! I'm ready for spring!

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Aw, ldyj, it's so unfair!!

I decided to get on an old laptop so I could put this on the speakers and use my other computer, but I've been updating for an hour. Duh--why do I never remember that? My virus software had expired so I downloaded Security Essentials which has been working great on my current computer. Windows hadn't been updated in forever. Ah well. It's almost ready and so am I!

EEEEE it's almost time!

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I thought it was great fun. Quiana is very funny and as Clay says, she's a poet. She has a great radio voice. I like the feisty advice she gives.

I missed a little, but not a lot. I was doing various things during the show and missed a bit here and there. I could have used longer breaks to get the laundry folded, so that's great for a real show as it would have longer breaks.

I laughed aloud also, several times. Quiana surprised me, and I can see some of what Clay has been trying to get her to let us see. He always said Quiana was the wild one (compared to Angela). That outfit she was wearing in Durham was something else, very, well Clay said you look like you've been over on XX street (where the hookers are)--so maybe she's developing a personna for this. She's a good sidekick. Sometimes when they were talking to each other, they sort of forgot us. She is less experienced, makes some rookie mistakes, like not talking loud enough and into the mike; she needs more experience speaking outwards towards "us" and to feel more comfortable dishing with us. But wow, she is something else. There is such a contrast between them.

It was a lot of fun, and I think this is an interesting direction for him. He's always been terrific in radio interviews, and a number of the Apprentice peeps had radio stuff going on. It's ambitious to go for the airwaves with this, rather than podcasts and/or satellite. Would love to know who these "producers" are.

And wow, the music - so rarely get to hear Clay's music "on the radio." It was fantastic, better sound quality through my external speakers than I get with my CD player.

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I thought the show was good but I was having sound issues most of the night and missed quite a bit..very frustrating! There were some callers I was surprised were allowed through because they did not fit the demographic; one that did not get the memo about not being "fangirly" and one that I thought went on way too long. But I think Clay and Quiana did a great job and there should be enough to edit the show down to 15 minutes and get a good sample for the producers. I did try calling in..kept getting a busy signal..was having flashbacks to AI2 finale night, LOL! I finally did get through in the last 15 minutes but they said they already had work related calls, took my number and said they would call back if they could fit me in..I thought it was a nice way of saying they didn't think my call would work, LOL! I do hope the show gets picked up..I think Clay is very good at this and it was such fun hearing his music although I don't imagine we will here that much on the real show.

69 Days until Clay is on stage in NC! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Yesterday, one of the dogs had surgery, so we had to pick her up in the evening, and I ended up with a bunch of people staying for dinner. We did customs pizzas. So I started out listening at 7 pm, but I had so many things go on around me, and the sound (might just have been my laptop) was poor. The audio kept cutting in and out, and without headphones I wasn't really hearing it clearly. Because I had a houseful of people and stuff going on I eventually just shut it off. I am hoping that there will be a stream or a download so I can listen to it after-the-fact in a quieter time.

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The OFC is down right now so I hope that means they are working on getting the stream up!


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