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# 65: "Clay Aiken's Not Just Any Joe"


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I have given up..I have tried to inject some logic and common sense into the discussion but apparently they would much rather be miserable and unhappy..so have at it.

No wine..but I have some Gouda and a nice Cheddar.


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Kim, I saw that. You gave it a good shot, and I had to giggle when I kept seeing that particular line show up.

I love cheese...cheddar makes it better!

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I had to post at another board and I'm waiting to get trouted! I have had enough. We are not all wailing and gnashing our teeth! By far the majority of fans are just in a wait and see mood! But our voices are lost in the wind...no tornado....of negativity out there!

Tijala, I mailed your DVDs today! Enjoy!

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Sounds like I picked a good day to stay away! I ended up at the vet not once but twice yesterday. Cat with a respiratory infection, and then a dog ate two big bars of chocolate. Cat is on a variety of meds but seems to be getting better, and the dog had a rough night but is on the mend now. Did something happen or is this just more of the negative downward spiral that has been going on?

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Same old same old.

I wonder if Clay said something to those who were at the last dinner with him during the Drowsey Chaperone? The few I know who were there seem to be a little upset. Or it may be a case of my overthinking.

:thinking: Whatever his choice is , it just is. I can't change it.

We are getting a new heat and air system installed today. Sounds like ghosts in the attic. :scream:

Have a great day. I'm off to school for the first tutoring day.

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Thanks Merrieeee! I have your check ready to drop in the mail after work.

Maybe he did say something to the dinner attendees. I don't know a single one of them, so I haven't heard anything one way or the other. I agree, it is what it is.

luckiest, I hope your dog and cat are going to be ok!

The unknown is what's frightening everyone I think. I really hope it doesn't cast a negative pall over the Gala.

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I guess what bugs me is that the worry can be infectious. Things get magnified and exaggerated and people who weren't worried decide that they ought to worry too. If I were posting somewhere else, I'd say it's all good peeps. Put on some Clay Aiken music or watch a performance DVD and relax! :rainbowsmile:

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Glad your pets are back to normal luckiest. Our 16 year old cat was diabetic when I went to Maine and was worrying about his insulin injections. Now he has a normal cat glucose reading and the insulin is history. Hopefully forever.

Waiting patiently for the locations of the "Intimate Events". :soon:

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I'm just taking this roller coaster ride one day at a time.

That's such a good idea! It may be white knuckle some days, and kinda sickening. But at the end of the day, I'm like "I wanna ride again!"

Take that any way you want... :whistling-1:

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From CV:

Clay dropped the price of his house again!


For Sale: $1,699,900

Reduced by $199,300 on Sep 24

Oh my, he's really desperate to sell. Why am I not rich? That's just totally nuts! That's almost getting low enough for the fans to chip in and buy it...and I don't think for a minute that somebody hasn't thought about it lol!

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It has been for sale for years. At some point you just have to throw up your hands and move on. Even now, there just are not that many developments around here with homes that expensive, especially some of those others going for multiple millions, sheesh! The supply is exceeding the demand, and this particular gated community is having its privacy and rural charm encroached upon due to having its road become a popular shortcut, and development skyrocketing everywhere from there to the new highway. Don't know if that's the reason, but there are many homes for sale there now, and I think when Clay started listing, maybe one? other. On the other hand, there's really REALLY easy access to Raleigh now. :) But it's in Chatham County. Clay's probably not alone in his school district issues. Not that a lot of folks rich enough to own one of those houses would seek out Wake or Durham county schools either. But there are two other pretty fancy communities on golf courses very close to there that might more readily lure retirees. Closer to access to a big recreational lake, and much more private.

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I understand people being worried -- I used to be a worrier myself. However, most of my worry anymore is about my own life, not the life of a singer that I think is cute and funny.

Yeah I wish I had the time and energy to worry about Clay. That would mean everything is great in my own life. He's on his own LOL.

Hey was that our first thread title. My memory is shaky.

Ha ha..first post from July 2005. Man that was a long time ago.


To be a Clay fan is to be in a constant state of celebration!

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It has been for sale for years. At some point you just have to throw up your hands and move on. Even now, there just are not that many developments around here with homes that expensive, especially some of those others going for multiple millions, sheesh! The supply is exceeding the demand, and this particular gated community is having its privacy and rural charm encroached upon due to having its road become a popular shortcut, and development skyrocketing everywhere from there to the new highway. Don't know if that's the reason, but there are many homes for sale there now, and I think when Clay started listing, maybe one? other. On the other hand, there's really REALLY easy access to Raleigh now. :) But it's in Chatham County. Clay's probably not alone in his school district issues. Not that a lot of folks rich enough to own one of those houses would seek out Wake or Durham county schools either. But there are two other pretty fancy communities on golf courses very close to there that might more readily lure retirees. Closer to access to a big recreational lake, and much more private.

I'm glad you posted that. It makes me sad for Clay in that he's going to lose quite a bit of money on the house, but it also looks as if he just wants to cut his losses as well.

[Hey was that our first thread title. My memory is shaky.

Ha ha..first post from July 2005. Man that was a long time ago.


To be a Clay fan is to be in a constant state of celebration!

I KNEW I remembered it from somewhere! It's part of our storied history! And I still believe it to this day!

Have a great day everyone!

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It's got to be difficult to sell such a high priced home in NC. Hopefully some business exec will want a home in NC. Our low priced home went pretty fast due to the good nearby public schools. In a higher priced home that's not much of an issue. Sorry to say that the politics inNC may turn off any liberal leaning folks thinking of moving here. Our teachers' pay is 46th lowest in the nation. Wake County and nearby areas is old money except for RTP. There are great medical facilities and educational institutions there. Charlotte is where the newer money is with banking, NASCAR and Billy Graham. JMO

I promise to stop giving my opinion soon. :handshake: Have a great day.

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Seems likes some of the drama has finally settled down. It really does appear that Clay is on some sort of deadline and I do have to wonder if any of these events he is planning are going to be in other parts of the country. Maybe he won't have time to be flying all over and most things will be local. I am really hoping for some sort of online event so all the fans can participate.

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It's died down for now, but I'm sure it won't be for long. Sure wish we knew what his plans were, but I'm with you...I hope there is something for the ones who for whatever reason are always left out. I keep flip-flopping on whether I want to attend one or not. I'm concerned that the atmosphere is going to be like a wake. Maybe I'm overthinking...wouldn't be the first time.

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