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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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An ATDW ad! But...but...how does that screw Clay Aiken? I get it! They're buying ad time to suck people into stores to buy Clay's CD, but they'll suppress stock supply so that when fans go to the stores, they will be irresistably drawn to buy Daughtrey CD's. Or Fantasia CD's. Or Taylor Hick's CD's. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Of course!!

Apparently, an ATDW was also spotted on Lifetime. Could others follow? Seems to me that with December television appearances taped, there really was a multi-stage promotional plan.

Ya think? I'm hoping to see acceleration after the holidays. Taking advantage of Clay's reputation as Mr. Christmas is really smart, IMO. Could this even to radio play, what with people being accustomed to hearing him on their radios over the holidays?? He may not have one big hit, but it amazes me how many of his MCWL songs are getting airplay!! (Course that's probably a conspiracy too....play them all to keep him from getting recognition for one--that's it!)

Add me to the list of people who has always thought of Clay as an entertainer. I've long thought he should have a comedy-variety show on TV. People have shot me down for saying that, saying he has to establish himself as an International! Rock! Star! like Kelly C. first. Now that Clive has ruined that opportunity [/snerk], perhaps we'll get Clay the comedian on TV sooner. Talk show, variety show, whatever--just put him on my teevee.

Also adding my congrats to the new mods. Is this the only board where the admins and mods outnumber the other regular posters? :lol:

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I think I am the only poster who is not an admin - at least on this board

Nah, it's you and me both! :P

And ye shall know us by our edits...

Nah, me three. Course I just joined like a month or so ago. :P

Don't tempt me ya'll. I actually had a grand idea to give everybody mod status. heee. That could be quite fun.
:lol: Edited by jmh123
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Now, I'm clearly a bad fan...but is there really a story out there about Clay's red-headed love child? I thought he was just being snarky...

Apparently, yes, there is a woman claiming this from a college-era encounter? relationship? delusion? or whatnot. One of the Raleigh-area CVer's with a bit of an inside track seemed to imply she had heard the story already when the reference came up on the cellcert last night. Salt appropriately, of course, about it being in the tabloids. Clay certainly seemed to get a kick out of the idea when he brought it up last night.

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I think I am the only poster who is not an admin - at least on this board

Nah, it's you and me both! :P

And ye shall know us by our edits...

Nah, me three. Course I just joined like a month or so ago. :P

Don't tempt me ya'll. I actually had a grand idea to give everybody mod status. heee. That could be quite fun.

Me four!! So, do the mods/admins out number the members?? :lol:

New pretty from Baltimore....


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Damn stupid job...making me work when I want to do nothing but quote y'all...

Man, he's starting to look like a young Grizzlie Adams! Shave, dude!

I go back and forth on the stubble. In that picture though...man, to have him rub his cheek against mine...guh.

The only thing that I would disagree with GBB on is that I think he's always been an overall entertainer...he's just polishing up his act. And giving not only the label time to come to terms with it, but the international fanbase he's managed to acquire. Clay has already defined himself as an artist musically, IMO - he said he's a song stylist. And a pretty damn good one, I think. I know I've said it before, but honestly, Clay reminds me more of Nat King Cole than anyone else. An amazing talent that didn't quite fit into the boxes of his day, who pushed boundaries of what he was supposed to do and did his best not to be limited; who didn't let external forces stop him. Nat was more of a baritenor I think though.

Wow. That's a great analogy...and one that I can totally get behind. I'm honestly not THAT familiar with NKC, but I do know that voice. (Sorry Clay, but Nat's TCS still kicks your tail...) From what you've written here, though...I'd say that fits Clay to a T.

An ATDW ad! But...but...how does that screw Clay Aiken? I get it! They're buying ad time to suck people into stores to buy Clay's CD, but they'll suppress stock supply so that when fans go to the stores, they will be irresistably drawn to buy Daughtrey CD's. Or Fantasia CD's. Or Taylor Hick's CD's. Yeah, that's the ticket!

That's it!! That must be it because there would be no other reason to promote Clay except to use his fans to increase the sales for DAUGHTRY!, Hicks, McPhee, Fantasia, etc., etc., etc.! :lol:

Oh, and Clay got no Grammy nods. And its all RCA/Evil Clive's doing!

Can y'all hear my eyes rolling? 'Cause they are...in laughter. :P

I vote we switch to a Grand Duchy. I can be the Grand Duchess. I think you know who gets to be Duke.

Would that mean you're KAndrelicious? If you start yapping about the condition of your "London Bridge", I'm outta here. ;):P


Also adding my congrats to the new mods. Is this the only board where the admins and mods outnumber the other regular posters? :lol:

BWAH number 2!

Now, I'm clearly a bad fan...but is there really a story out there about Clay's red-headed love child? I thought he was just being snarky...

Apparently, yes, there is a woman claiming this from a college-era encounter? relationship? delusion? or whatnot. One of the Raleigh-area CVer's with a bit of an inside track seemed to imply she had heard the story already when the reference came up on the cellcert last night. Salt appropriately, of course, about it being in the tabloids. Clay certainly seemed to get a kick out of the idea when he brought it up last night.

Bolding mine. That was my take on it more than anything else...that this was a rumor he could OPENLY laugh about, and actually kind of enjoy. Adds to his new reputation as a "super stud," along with the way he was all over Tyra on her show.

And yes, I'll probably look at the tabloids this week and buy this issue if it makes it. I find this whole thing rather funny.


*taps foot impatiently*

Wasn't there supposed to be a new chapter of a story yesterday? Or did I miss it?

And I thought he was just paying child support to a cross-country trail of microphone stands... :P

BWAH number 3! Y'all are so funny!

Oh man, claygasm...I think ya done kilt me.

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OMG...I'm dying...both from the pretties...and from watching cha cha trusty's banter clips from last night. I haven't seen one for the lovechild scandal yet, but she does have the Farouche clip up (with his "Dang, I'm good!"...and yes, I think he says "dang" not "damn"), and the clip where he talks about the fans who will get names, phone numbers, etc. out of the first time concert goers. "THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE!"

The guy needs his own stand up hour. Just sayin'.

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There was supposed to be a new chapter.

KAndre adds her impatient tapping to that of ladyj's...

Let me expound a bit on my darling NKC (and yes, Nat's TCS is still the bestest version to me as well).

Nat started out being known as a great jazz pianist and didn't think of himself as good singer (which I always found hard to believe) - but his pop hits carried Capital Records for a long, long time. He also was determined to have his own television show, got it in 1956 (which was really incredibly for that era). He recorded a number of hits in Spanish, and finished a performance in Alabama where he was actually physically assaulted during a performance...he refused to play in segregated venues. He was one of those men who didn't just talk about doing, he did. I love those kinds of men!

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And I thought he was just paying child support to a cross-country trail of microphone stands...
I'm almost ready to become a minion of bottlecap's! This is Grade A snark, buddy! I LOVE it! :lol:

As for you foottapping women....


I wrote something on my story thread at EAYOR...this is it:

My apologies to you all...I really wanted to post a chapter tonight...but...I started thinking too much, dang it. I thought I was finished with the chapter but then didn't like it and went back and messed around with it and then it just went on and on, going nowhere and then I tried to fix it again and...


I think I need to put it away for a day and then look at it from a bit of distance. I just can't get behind it enough to put it out there right now...

I'm sorry...I hope you'll still hang in there....By Friday at the latest, okay?

This 'muse' thing is tempermental, y'all. B)

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Awww Kandre love those Nat stories...he was pretty hot too...

Really, the path to greatness is not easy...

Muski are you getting tips from Clay...keep them anticipating???

I can wait...

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Hartford Courant

Clay Aiken Looks Forward To Small Venues

Q: Tell me about your newest CD.

A: It's called "All is Well" and is a holiday CD released exclusively to Wal-Mart. I never thought I'd be a Wal-Mart special, but I guess I am. It includes a couple of my favorites, "Christmas Waltz" and "O Come O Come Emmanuel."

Q: Was Christmas a big holiday in your house when you were growing up?

A: Interestingly, we did not have any phenomenal traditions. We actually had a very traditional Christmas, spending Christmas Eve with one side of the family and Christmas Day with the other. I think Christmas is one of the times of year when people connect emotionally with a season. There's a warm spirit that shows when I go on the road this time of year. It shows in the audience response.

Q: You'll be performing in a relatively small venue when you sing at the Convention Center Tuesday and with an orchestra rather than with a band. How do you like the change?

A: Both of those are good things. I don't want to sound like a politician, but having a smaller venue is exciting to me because there is not the pressure to sing to the back of the rafters. It's always hard to be a small speck onstage. You can't connect with the audience. With an orchestra and a smaller venue, you can just feel the music. You don't need ear monitors. You can feel the music because it shakes you and rattles you. Most of the venues in this tour are comparably sized, and it's been done intentionally. I like the shows to be intimate.

Q: It's been a few years now since your "American Idol" fame. Are you still a fan of the program?

A: I think contestants on the show are more savvy because they know what they are getting into. We didn't know. It's disappointing to me in some ways. The newer crop of contestants are the types of people who made fun of us at the time.

Q: You know I have to ask you about the Kelly Ripa-Rosie O'Donnell-Clay Aiken feud. Was it just a misunderstanding?

A: Lord, this certainly turned into something huge. I'm tired of it and actually didn't have anything to do with what the two of them said to each other. I think a number of people talked before they thought, and I feel bad about the drama that resulted. I've talked to both Kelly and Rosie and would go back on the show. I take no offense.

Q: So what do you want for Christmas?

A: There's nothing I want. Wait a minute, hold on, the dog threw up on the carpet. (After a few seconds, Aiken returns to the phone.) Change that, I could use some carpet cleaner.

Clay Aiken performs with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd. Tickets are $85 and $50. Information: 860-525-4500.

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Congrats to Lady J and Bottle. Go women. It is your turn to shine, being MODS and everything.

Okay, MODS, tell me what to do with those witches on their brooms at work. They are still at me even after I told them to go online, wrote down the web site, told them HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN. I am SO tired of the situation at work with their TUDES going on. I just told them tonight, just leave me alone. I will listen to the music I like and I don't drive them crazy on the music that they like.

I need an intervention at work. These people are driving me insane with their "Clay is gay, Clay is a geek, Clay is? is? is? is?!!!!! Driving me up the fricken wall.

Okay, congrats again Bottle and Lady J. I would not have that power for a million dollars. Well may be a million dollars and a love child :).

Check on ya'll tomorrow. And bytheway, it is COLD as snot down here.


Edited by georgiaclay
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Bullies attack when they get a reaction. There are two tacts to take - one is to complain to personnel the otehr is to smack them back - if a guy says Clay is gay, ask if he is interested because he wants to sleep with him, if a woman says it, say well just because he wouldn't be interested in someone like you doesn't mean he is gay.

There are more clever peopletahn me here who can give you good shut up lines. For some reason I intimidate some people so they don't harass me very much. It must have been all those years of riding the subway and perfecting the look of death. I was being bothered on the subway this one time and looked up with the look of death and took a minute or so to realize it was a friend of mine giving me a hard time by bumping into me - he actually fell back and was quite upset, heh. A woman has to protect herself on the subway.

Edited by playbiller
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Thank you for all the suggestions. I am just going to let them think what they want, because a bigot is a bigot in my book as is an idiot is an idiot. I am certainly glad that I don't have to work one on one with these witches and their broom sticks. Just on the way out the door. I told them that I am giving them all keychains with THE AIKEN on them for Christmas. LOL. Don't care what they do with them. I just want to see their reactions when they get their little "gift boxes" LOL. I really don't care about them. Just thinking, maybe I will add some MP3 clack from these concerts. That will get their goat. I have stood my ground and I am just going to make their lives more miserable, just for the HELL of it. I guess I am goading them on, but hey, I cannot help myself and I don't have the evil eye of death down pat yet.

Take care.

Congrats again Bottle and Lady J.


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