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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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(((((MUSKI)))) :elephanthugs:

so sorry for your loss...BUT...its not entirely your fault...your compnay should be able to provide a secure workplace. Someone out there is a criminal and don't you forget that...

Hope your company can do something about it and that criminal is caught...

take care...

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georgia Hang in there, a lot of good wishes are being sent your way. I hope your recovery will start to take a speedier path. We want you in tip top shape for this tour.

muski sorry to hear about your laptop. That stinks. Does it look like an insider doing this, or is your work space open to other passers by.

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So, is anyone going to Philly> It is getting so complicated - I really don't know what to do.

I am! Its my local concert!

:argument::what_d_fuck: :finger: :mallet::biteme::onsoapbox::abuser::givemebeer::drugsneeded::grrrr:

OK, I gotta ask....is this a reaction to the events in RL earlier today, or something else?

Yeah, I have to ask too! I have to say muski's post makes me very curious.

ETA: Saw this at the CH:

From jennysings at CV:

Clay has been confirmed for Meadowbrook, NH. It's on their site!


July 25th!

So, that's after Columbus and before San Diego? Boy, he really is going round and round!

Edited by Claygasm
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Checking in from the Wynn in Vegas. I woke up from my nap and looked out at the night sky and the glittering lights in town with all the marquees.

Looming large was a marquee with a gorgeous shot of Loverboy Aiken. I freaked.

HAHA...I am so dumb. It was the reflection of my laptop screensaver shot in the picture window juxtaposed over the vista of the city. Yikes am I dumb. Or was it a sign?

I shortly thereafter got a call from cha cha trusty about the new dates. EEEEE. Philly, Cary and Biltmore , here I come unless he gets closer to DC.

FCA meetup, I"m there. That CA three fer sounds soo great.

Musk, you WILL find out who is doing this shit and you WILL be vindicated. So sorry.

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muski - I know what it's like - someone stole my laptop about 6 months ago..... right outta my house! And a desktop computer tower..... AND 2 cameras..... and some jewelry.

...I had just gotten a new computer (which wasn't touched) and had transferred most of my files from the desktop already. Which is why it was in plain view on the dining room table! The laptop didn't have a lot on it, but it still hurts! It definitely helps to lock doors when you leave the house!

{{{{{muski}}}}} (I have a 93 page file of the Clyra for you!)

BTW - this is my first post here HELLO EVERYONE!! (muski - I am NOT stalking you!!) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I signed up a couple of weeks ago and things have been crazy so this is the first chance I've had to sign in.

:::settles down in a comfy chair to overlook the festivities:::

I think I'm gonna like it here!!

::thoughts on the summer 'tour' -- ROAD TRIP!!:: :medium-smiley-070:

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{{{Hugs}}} to muski and all who need them today. Your story about the laptop really made me sit up and take notice. I work in a "locked" environment and routinely leave my bag, iPod, etc laying around, figuring no one will take it. So far I've been lucky, but I don't think I'll be so careless in the future.

Soo.....July 25th in NH? Interesting. He does seem to be criss-crossing a bit. Perhaps he is flying rather than driving to a lot of these shows. I hope we hear something about band and back ups soon. As much as I hope Quiana comes back, I won't be heartbroken if it turns out to be just the orchestra.

Ooops, can't end this post without at least one emoticon. :rainbowsmile:

ETA: Welcome, cha cha trusty!

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:welcome:cha cha trusty! I love Claymatized, think it's a wonderful site you have. Hope you enjoy it here -- would you like drink? :drinking34:

Soo.....July 25th in NH? Interesting. He does seem to be criss-crossing a bit. Perhaps he is flying rather than driving to a lot of these shows. I hope we hear something about band and back ups soon. As much as I hope Quiana comes back, I won't be heartbroken if it turns out to be just the orchestra.

He's either going to be spending a LOT of time on that bus, or else he'll be flying. It almost looks to me that he's trying to accommodate the fans the best he can (going to some places he hasn't been in a while), no matter the dates and such. I'm just happy he's touring -- and I somehow get the feeling he will be too. IMO he gets real joy from singing to live audiences.

atinal, I'm thinking that a logical place to play after Dallas would be St. Louis (although that kinda throws my theory above out of the water). Maybe you, me, and rcknrllmom could make a ROAD TRIP!!!!!

It was 70 degrees yesterday afternoon, and I woke up this morning to a half inch of snow on the ground. What's up with that? :huh:

I KNOW! Two days ago we hit a record 78 degrees. Yesterday, I was sweating up a storm at work, just because the heat was still on in the building. Today, while no snow, it's back down to 35 degrees. It's insane.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEE Welcome cha cha trusty...glad you can join us. And yes your claymatized is a great site...I'm amazed how up to date you are and that year ender page you created was very good!!!

Speaking of sites...if you notice FCA is sadly behind in the times...its because I am busy recreating a new site...with a gorgeous new banner courtesy of our very own cindilu2. Hopefully we will be able to open by next week.

I am so excited about this because it uses content management system. This simply means we can easily update the site wherever we are and we can recruit other authors who would like to submit articles and info. This will be great when the tour starts because we can keep the site uptodate even when travelling...It will still have the usual sections...screencaps, concert pictures...discography...TV appearances...timeline...radioplay... the only thing that didn;t survive is the pin section but other boards have taken that on so we have moved on from that diversion.

Other section I will be adding is article archives...I will need help with this. I don;t really need to have every article that was written about Clay but just the major articles. When I am ready to start that section I will let y'all know.

Another section that I realize we never attempted is a Clay Bio. I am not really good writer for this but if someone would like to help us out with that just pm me.

I am feeling all pressured about this now cos I was thinking there is so much time for us to develop this cos Clay is still on vacation...but things are starting to hop along and I have a feeling Clay has more up his sleeves and we will be very busy for the rest of theyear.

I really still can't join the set list speculation game....When I listen to my ipod I hear so many songs I want Clay to sing that its impossible to choose. But I would like him to attempt another Sting cover...hee and what about some doors...and I will join in the wish for Goerge Harrison's Something....love that song.

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ldyjocelyn Yeah, keep me in mind for a road trip, I've never done a real Clay road trip. In the meantime, I hope his tour planners keep the nation's mid section in mind.

Welcome to Cha Cha Trusty[, you'll like it here.

Yes! Yes! and YES!!!!!!!!! to a road trip......

and welcome to Cha Cha Trusty!!

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Welcome cha cha trusty! Oooo. The members are catching up to the mods!!! :laola0:

And let me add my appreciation for Claymatized! Love it! I have stolen many a wallpaper from there!

Ansa - the new and improved site sounds great! Wish I could help you out on it, but I really don't think you would want that! :lol: Hope the transition goes smoothly!

Hey Diva - you'll be in Philly? I'll be there too. Maybe we can arrange to meet up. I would love to meet you in person!

Can't wait for the rest of the schedule. I so hope we'll be able to find a place to have an FCA love-fest!

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