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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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Ms. Alvarez, please don't take this the wrong way, but I can already tell from the teaser: :bananasign: Blah, Blah, crazy Claymates, Blah, Don't get it, Blah, Blah, Blah. Whatever.

In other news: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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OOh...I got my manicure and pedicure! A deep red on the toes---a more discreet pearly whitish/pinkish on the fingernails. Decadence, I tell ya! :RedGuy:

Oh, Houston person in the newspaper...you have Nooooooooooo idea what Mr. Aiken brings to 'da' house....If you had a clue, you'd know why we must.have.clay. in our lives. :Thud: That is all.

OMG! This time tomorrow I'll be at the Love Airport, waiting for Claygasm! :Tour3:

Sooooo....all you Houston people....any shopping within walking distance of the Hyatt there? :whistling-1: Maybe I'll look for a light summer-type jacket to spiff up my Jones Hall ensemble...

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Everybody packed?


So are colored flip flops okay for Jones Hall if my pedicure is fresh, my toenail polish is smooth and purdy and my anklet is discreet and classy? :medium-smiley-070: I don't HAVE any other shoes but sneakers or black shoes for long pants and I don't want to wear long pants! I want to wear a cute little skirt--no not the red one again. Geez. I have a groovy black one OR a green print one...

WIll my "BLAZE Softball" jacket do? Black with big red lettering on the back? :cryingwlaughter: I don't really have a nice jacket, either. I'm either at work---where we can dress very casually---or home, even more casually or at a softball or soccer field, so my wardrobe is appropriate for my life!

Flip flops, it is! :cryingwlaughter::allgood: :TourExcite:

I got my boarding pass, too, CG! I have a big US map on the wall in front of me and from eyeballing it, I would say we're traveling about the same distance tomorrow, wouldn't you?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :Tour3: Neither rain nor snow nor sleet or dark of night will keep me from my appointed rounds of

DOING CLAY! :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

Skirt? In all the years, have I ever seen you in a skirt?? Jones Hall is only rating pants from me. Possibly reasonably nice capris or possibly long pants. But my top is nicer than a t-shirt and my shoes, while things, will have a heel.

Back from my errands. Have a MILLION things left to do. Found the ponchos, though, and my phone charger since I promised a friend a cellcert if its not raining.

And yup, muski. I think we are traveling about the same distance. Seems like Texas must be the center of the universe!

This time tomorrow - Southwest and the weather willing - I'll have just landed at Love Field!!


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I know everbody is uber busy getting ready and even traveling but please take a moment to visit the new topic posted in the TV forum. It's regarding the Relly Award Nominations. Let's give it our best effort to get Clay one of them there Relly's! Let's show 'em the power of a nation.

K? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So hubby says to me last night at the dinner table "let's take off and go for a picnic on Wednesday". And I almost choked on my guacamole thinking I nearly got away clean. We had no plans and I thought I just might get way without having to explain why I needed to be on the computer during the holiday. Argh......MEN!

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Ms. Alvarez, please don't take this the wrong way, but I can already tell from the teaser: :bananasign: Blah, Blah, crazy Claymates, Blah, Don't get it, Blah, Blah, Blah. Whatever.
Just my POV, but I read that differently. From what is said in that blurb, there's nothing there that was anything but good to me. Most people think he has a great voice and that's fine ... they just don't get him like we do -- and many because they HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA!!!!! Also, I've run across a few "Claymates" in the past year that have kinda scared me too. I would imagine that this writer has heard from them in the past few months. Clay's concert made the news in Houston after the symphony phone lines were swarmed for first day ticket sales -- they'd never seen anything like it. So they are writing about the "phenomenon" and I think that's great. If they mention he has over the top fans, that makes it even better, IMO. If people read that Clay has rabid, devoted fans they may think, "Hmmmm, wonder what this guy's got to make these women go crazy? Maybe I should check this out."

I didn't go to the NaT in Houston because I didn't know about it -- and I would have died to go had I known! And I'm not the only one. I wasn't in the online fandom then, and there was absolutely NOTHING to indicate that Clay Aiken was having a concert here. I do read the entertainment sections and regularly check out who's coming to town ... and Clay was never mentioned. THIS time people have a chance to find out about it -- with the Chronicle story (complete with hot, full-length AMA picture) the day after tickets went on sale, and the Press got involved and did the art contest, Jones Hall has his picture up in lights ... there's an amazing difference! And now there will be interviews in both the Chronicle and the Press on Thursday? It's all good.

I'm interested that he said "It's either going to be a smash or a flop. We'll find out in Houston." That opens me up to thinking that Houston actually may be the first night of the Soft Rock and a Hard Place show. I haven't thought before that Frisco would be a different show, just less banter because of the time constraints. But now I don't know.

It hasn't rained, or even threatened rain, at my house all day so far and the chance of rain today is 60%. The chance of rain on Friday is 30%!!!!

Now if Dallas will just dry up!!!!!!

Edited by keepingfaith
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I know everbody is uber busy getting ready and even traveling but please take a moment to visit the new topic posted in the TV forum. It's regarding the Relly Award Nominations. Let's give it our best effort to get Clay one of them there Relly's! Let's show 'em the power of a nation.

K? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So hubby says to me last night at the dinner table "let's take off and go for a picnic on Wednesday". And I almost choked on my guacamole thinking I nearly got away clean. We had no plans and I thought I just might get way without having to explain why I needed to be on the computer during the holiday. Argh......MEN!

will check it out treenuts....

hee thats the disadvantage of the west coast in this instance. For me...I can have supper and put my daughter to bed and be ready for the cellcert.

I have missed all the excitement and activity surrounding a concert tour.


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Trying to figure out what to wear to the concert t omorrow night.

According to wether.com, there will be scattered thunderstorms and highs in the mid to upper 70's.

But if I know my humidity - and I do - it will feel warmer than that.

So what does one wear to slog through mud to see our boyfriend???

Oh, I forgot to say - when I was out shopping today, I was in a store, just moments after I hung up from talking to muski and what did my wondering ears did I hear???

Without You - sung by Clay Aiken!!!!!

Must have been a good omen!

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"Hmmmm, wonder what this guy's got to make these women go crazy? Maybe I should check this out."
Psst! :ph34r: Yeah...you....check out NAT Rhode Island..jojoct. :ninja:

YIPPPEEE! The plumber actually showed up and now we can use our upstairs bathroom sink, we have a new garbage disposal in the kitchen and we can finally, FINALLY use our washing machine again!


Of course, I'm blowing that pop stand early in the morning and won't be back til July 13, so what the hey, right? :allgood:

Just sat down with my boss to go over all the 'stuff' that I'm in charge of and the status of said stuff...need to make sure all is well so that HIS boss doesn't give him sh-stuff about letting me take off July 5 & 6 to feed my ClayAiken addiction....(He's very understanding because his wife has a Dave Mathews Band addiction!)...

Still trying to line up the rides from here to there and back again....hope it all works out as my street corner appeal has dimmed over the years and I dare NOT depend on it to rescue me.... :cryingwlaughter:

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jesuschristonapony, I just about had a heart attack. Opened my email to see TWO emails from clayonline. :Thud: About presales.


WTF kind of a cruel, cruel joke was that to play on me and you cindi? I literally gasped out loud and my heart almost had a stroke. I sooooo want to cry.......... :cry4::cry4::cry4::cry4::cry4:

That was just mean to the bone. :cry4::cry4::cry4::cry4:

I have both Paolo Nutini's songs on a cd. New Shoes and Jenny Don't Be Hasty. I had him pegged for pop on Promosquad way before he had a single on radio. What I like about him is his accent and he is young, easy on the eyes, and doesn't sing rap and hip hop. He will attract young teens. I try to support all young artist that might have a chance to change the make up of top 40. I miss listening to top 40 and haven't in 10 years or so.

muski stop worrying about what to wear. Just throw something on and go. Your nails sound pretty and flip flops are the rage. There will always be somebody more under dressed or over dressed than you. Count on it. I was in T.J. Maxx yesterday and Tommy Hilfiger had a whole wall of flip flops going on. I didn't buy any because I already have my one pair. Hee But, I found the best deal in there for myself. I bought a new King mattress pad. Hotel Platinum Line 370 thread count for $28.00 I am not kidding. It had a regular value of $80.00 on it. I am now the proud owner. Sleep felt wonderful last night. All my beds are in need of a new mattress pad cover. 2 down one to go. Then I can start on new pillows and work myself up to comforter sets. Mine are all old.

Ansamcw, thanks for the heads up about spoilers in the main thread. I would love to stay a virgin, but I just don't know if I can. I am not going to download any clack though. That much I'm confident about. Well, hopefully anyway.

jamar, congrats to your friend Ameriaikenintexas? for her meet and greet.

Safe travels everyone.............

Did I mention that I had a wonderful day with my son today? He called this morning and took me to lunch. We bummed around. I just love my mother son days.

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Ok checked out Paolo Nutini on you tube...he is gorgeous and love his vibe and his music...His hair kinda looks like Clay. I loved his new shoes video...I can magazine Clay in a video like that. Just loads of fun personality. I think I will be downloading his music. I wonder if my girls will be interested. I actually love his voice...reminds me of sting at some parts...and he can sing live too.

thanks for the recommendation Clayzor.

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Just my POV, but I read that differently. From what is said in that blurb, there's nothing there that was anything but good to me. Most people think he has a great voice and that's fine ... they just don't get him like we do -- and many because they HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA!!!!! Also, I've run across a few "Claymates" in the past year that have kinda scared me too. I would imagine that this writer has heard from them in the past few months. Clay's concert made the news in Houston after the symphony phone lines were swarmed for first day ticket sales -- they'd never seen anything like it. So they are writing about the "phenomenon" and I think that's great. If they mention he has over the top fans, that makes it even better, IMO. If people read that Clay has rabid, devoted fans they may think, "Hmmmm, wonder what this guy's got to make these women go crazy? Maybe I should check this out."

I didn't go to the NaT in Houston because I didn't know about it -- and I would have died to go had I known! And I'm not the only one. I wasn't in the online fandom then, and there was absolutely NOTHING to indicate that Clay Aiken was having a concert here. I do read the entertainment sections and regularly check out who's coming to town ... and Clay was never mentioned. THIS time people have a chance to find out about it -- with the Chronicle story (complete with hot, full-length AMA picture) the day after tickets went on sale, and the Press got involved and did the art contest, Jones Hall has his picture up in lights ... there's an amazing difference! And now there will be interviews in both the Chronicle and the Press on Thursday? It's all good.

I'm with you. I love that he's getting lots of press and billboards and stuff. Wheeeeeeee!

I'm interested that he said "It's either going to be a smash or a flop. We'll find out in Houston." That opens me up to thinking that Houston actually may be the first night of the Soft Rock and a Hard Place show. I haven't thought before that Frisco would be a different show, just less banter because of the time constraints. But now I don't know.

Or maybe he just used "Houston" because the interview was done for a Houston paper. If it had been done for a Dallas paper, he might have used "Dallas". I guess we'll know soon enough - only 27 more hours. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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Sorry, I still think the Houston Press piece had a bit of a nasty and superior tone to it. I am bone-tired of the term "crazy" constantly being used in conjunction with "Claymate", the implication being that you'd have to be mentally impaired to be a fan of Clay. Obviously, JMO and YMMV on this one.

Anyway: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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bottlecap, I'm sorry you feel that way, and I do believe your viewpoint is valid. However, I've always, ALWAYS looked at any of my fandoms (and I've been through a LOT) as crazy -- just as I view loyal football, NASCAR, Streisand, and other fans. When I personally think about it, I totally think it can be considered INSANE that I spend oodles of money on a guy I'll never ever meet, but love to listen to anyway. It's a bit whack that I take time off to see Clay in Texas and Oklahoma via airplane rather than visit family members who would be just as happy to see me. It is kinda strange to me that I go goo-goo over his hair, or his clothes, or if Waldo is visible. Rational people don't do these things -- do they? You know what I mean? And as I said, I know I've taken that "superior" tone more than a few times when I watch a football game and see the intensity in some of the fans in the stands. I know it's unfair because it's women instead of men, and that this is in the media....but them's the breaks to me.

And then, when someone says that it IS crazy, I just tell them that this is the choice I make. Let me emphasize that one more time -- the choice I make. It may seem crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm not having fun, damn it!

I'm back home...and I'm already running around like a chicken with my head cut off. A pizza is waiting for dinner, laundry is in -- and I have no idea when I'm going to start packing!

EEEEEEE! It's almost time!

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I agree Bottle. It's tiring. And I do think it's more than because we're women...it's because it's Clay. There's not a dismissive feel when talking about boy bands and JT and such. I don't give it much thought anymore but certainly don't just shrug it off. I do note it and every tenth time.. Hopefully this person will be at the concert and they'll let themselves listen to the voice and not just stare at the fans as if enjoying a concert is some foreign concept.

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Having read the Houston Press, a free paper available in news stands downtown and in many stores and restaurants, the fact that they are mentioning Clay Aiken at all has blown my mind. This is absolutely an alternative paper and was once pretty radical. Musically they have always liked the avant garde, underground type of artists. For the past few years they have pulled back a lot, but occasionally have a burst of investigative journalism that is impressive.

Just the fact that the Press is interested in talking to him tells me that they think he is big enough to either try to understand or try to humiliate. But that wouldn't be confined to Clay Aiken. Clay is, at the very very least, on a sufficiently high level in the public consciousness to be controversial and to have entered into the media dialogue even if the background noise is unfair. It hurts our feelings, I know it pisses me off when I hear even the subtle negative connotations. But if Clay is trying to grow his career, the fact that he has so much recognition, albeit not always the image we prefer, is a huge opportunity for him. I see him capitalizing on it and it thrills my soul!!! I have faith in the fact that he's smart, that he knows what he's doing, and of course that he's mad-talented, charismatic, witty, empathetic, angelic, sexy gorgeous -- and that thousands and thousands of people, especially women, already know it.

I'm assuming the woman writing the Press article is sufficiently interested to attend the concert. That's the key, if we can just get all these critics to a Clay Aiken concert! Listen to me, I haven't been to one yet. HA! But I'm on the sunny side of the street today!!!

The Chronicle story on Thursday is what really has my interest. I'll want to read that one before the Press. The Chronicle has a circulation of 500,000 - 600,000 and it's the 7th largest paper in the country. That one can do him some good.

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But if Clay is trying to grow his career, the fact that he has so much recognition, albeit not always the image we prefer, is a huge opportunity for him. I see him capitalizing on it and it thrills my soul!!! I have faith in the fact that he's smart, that he knows what he's doing, and of course that he's mad-talented, charismatic, witty, empathetic, angelic, sexy gorgeous -- and that thousands and thousands of people, especially women, already know it.

I'm assuming the woman writing the Press article is sufficiently interested to attend the concert. That's the key, if we can just get all these critics to a Clay Aiken concert! Listen to me, I haven't been to one yet. HA! But I'm on the sunny side of the street today!!!

The Chronicle story on Thursday is what really has my interest. I'll want to read that one before the Press. The Chronicle has a circulation of 500,000 - 600,000 and it's the 7th largest paper in the country. That one can do him some good.

Good post,keepingfaith. And from your lips to gods ears!!!

I'm anxious to read the Chronicle article and listen to the podcast too. Speaking of which.....wth is it?

Hey, has anybody there in the great state of Texas noticed anything different? Like...a tingling sensation or a heady fog....anything to indicate HE'S SHARING YOUR AIR? Come on, You know you'd know if he was there.

Good god ya'll I'm startin' to get butterflies in ma tummy. I'm getting nervous for him and I know I don't need to, but I am. Anyone else feeling this way? I'm rambling.....yikes.


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Good god ya'll I'm startin' to get butterflies in ma tummy. I'm getting nervous for him and I know I don't need to, but I am. Anyone else feeling this way? I'm rambling.....yikes.

Ah yes, the pre-concert jitters. For me, the nerves are jangling even more than for the Christmas concerts. The JNT06 was a fairly known quantity beforehand - Christmas songs with an orchestra - I was prepared for it to be a little yawnworthy, frankly.... And then the banter kicked in.

I think the biggest deal before the December concerts was trying to figure out if Clay was going to be able to get into the Chicagoland area before the big snow hit. Then the snarkmeister popped into the OFC chatroom while he was sitting in the Raleigh airport waiting for his flight. I wonder if we'll hear from him tonight - maybe a nice little iBlog.


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Ah yes, the pre-concert jitters. For me, the nerves are jangling even more than for the Christmas concerts. The JNT06 was a fairly known quantity beforehand - Christmas songs with an orchestra - I was prepared for it to be a little yawnworthy, frankly.... And then the banter kicked in.

I think the biggest deal before the December concerts was trying to figure out if Clay was going to be able to get into the Chicagoland area before the big snow hit. Then the snarkmeister popped into the OFC chatroom while he was sitting in the Raleigh airport waiting for his flight. I wonder if we'll hear from him tonight - maybe a nice little iBlog.


Really? Yawnworthy? Clay? As in Clay Aiken? I can honestly say that in four+ years, probably the one thing Clay has never made me do is yawn (except when I've stayed up til the wee hours waiting that first precious piece of Clack.) It just dosen't compute for me.

I can totally relate to the butterflies though. As a matter of fact, I just typed nearly the identical thing in a email. *waves to Caro* I get opening night jitters for him way more than is probably normal (or healthy). I don't think I could wish harder for success and all that is due him for myself than I do for Clay. Crazy? Perhaps. True? Beyond a doubt. I simply love him.

God speed Clay & Co., and I wish you the very best tour yet.

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I have a huge pit in my stomach -- two days now. Lost my appetite completely and totally. I'm distracted. I can't concentrate to watch TV and I can't sit in one place for long. I feel like there's something I need to be doing, but I don't know what. When I imagine him walking on the stage, my pulse races. Am I okay?

Here's something from the Frisco website:

As of Tuesday, July 3, all Frisco Freedom Fest activities are still planned for Wednesday, July 4. Due to the continuing wet weather, the fields around City Hall are saturated and are not available for parking.

Remote parking and shuttle service are available at three Frisco ISD schools:

Frisco High School

6401 Parkwood Dr

(Parkwood @ Stonebrook Pkwy)

Wakeland High School

10700 Legacy Dr

(Legacy, south of Eldorado Pkwy)

Staley Middle School

6927 Stadium Ln

(Stadium @ North County Rd


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There are still people on the CB Meet & Greet thread insisting that only people from the state the concert is in have one meet & greets this time around. Is that true, or just coincidence, or sh*t disturbing, or what? I realize that the higher concentration of fans would be from the state, but I can't believe they would exclude others (what about Canadians, for example). The only thing it said on the entry is that you must have a ticket.

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I can totally relate to the butterflies though. As a matter of fact, I just typed nearly the identical thing in a email. *waves to Caro* I get opening night jitters for him way more than is probably normal (or healthy). I don't think I could wish harder for success and all that is due him for myself than I do for Clay. Crazy? Perhaps. True? Beyond a doubt. I simply love him.

God speed Clay & Co., and I wish you the very best tour yet.

Yup, just answered you. Btw, did you get a PM from me at the OFCMB this week? Of course, you can't be signed in as Cindilu2. :lol:

I have a feeling Clay is the least worried about the concert of anyone around. He always knows his stuff so well that there is no need to be nervous. **She says while trying to chill.** :eusa_whistle:

ETA: I just got the email. :lmaosmiley-1:


Edited by Carolina Clay
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I have a huge pit in my stomach -- two days now. Lost my appetite completely and totally. I'm distracted. I can't concentrate to watch TV and I can't sit in one place for long. I feel like there's something I need to be doing, but I don't know what. When I imagine him walking on the stage, my pulse races. Am I okay?

Completely normal!! :lol: I never eat before seeing Clay. I don't understand how people can sit at a pre-concert anything... Just start the show already.

Hee. Foreplay, baby. Almost as good as the real thing. Almost.


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Just got home from work, and I'm catching up with all of the chatter. Here's what I think.

I like hot dogs. Of all sorts. Take that in every way you can think of. Heeeee!

I don't care if people think that Clayfans are obsessive or stupid. Every superstar out there has casual fans, invested fans, and obsessive fans, just like Clay. Maybe people don't understand Clay having all of these fans, 'cuz they don't think he's cool. I don't care. They can make fun of me all they want, and I'll still go on having fun being a Clay fan. And if I don't give them a reaction or care about what they say, sooner or later they'll move on to a more interesting target that will give more of a flip about what they say.

Muski, the most important thing to wear to the concert is a smile. A smile of joy about seeing boyfriend again, and being surrounded by like-minded fans. The rest is just frosting on the cake. You'll look FAB in your red, white & blue! And to prove it to us, how about a pic, with that happy smile? :)

It's sooooo fun to come here and read about the concert excitement! I'm not partaking this time around, but it's wonderful to live vicariously through ya'll.

YAY!!!!! New clack tomorrow night!!!!!!

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

(this little smiley's gonna be pretty darn tired of dancing by the end of the dancing by the end of the tour!)

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