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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Heh...look! A wanted element!

Says who?? *looks around warily* angdevsmiley.gif

You have got to earn mockery, chick! Post a criticism of the right half of the iris of his left eye during the second set of low notes in Sterling Heights "Listen" and I'll be all over your butt like a duck on a June bug!

That's hawt. And I will get right on that... yes ma'am... rubhands.gif

In the meantime... a then and now comparison.... AI tour... and SRHP...



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tagalong, your avie is strangely compelling. And welcome!! I've admired your posts elsewhere from afar.


Thank you, Jesus! Shamrock's Sterling Heights photobucket is like finding a pot of gold. Hee...

Preparing to offer Sean up to Ethel, who posted on Sean's myspace that he should come with BBQ sauce behind his ears. When asked for clarification, Ethel elaborated that she wanted to put Sean on a plate and slurp him up. That Ethel, she's so shy and retiring and meek...


First the right...


...then the left. Bow chick a wow wow. :hubbahubba:


Good heavens - Don't drop her!


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From fresh-faced sweetheart...


To bad-assed gansta in the blink of an eye.


OMFG - that first pic made me instantly schmoopie - he is our sweetheart, isn't he? everybody tilt their head to the right and say awwwwwwwwwww *g*

But then *whap* the 2nd came along and I am spittin' and snortin' and LMFAO!!! What a face! What a dork - LOVE HIM!

Cindilu2 - surely there's a wallpaper blend in here somewhere? (yes, I'm kidding - I think! *g*)

Welcome to Tagalong!

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I just finished downloading the SH MOAM, and bottle is right, I think that is the best live version of MOAM I've every heard him do. I really thought he nailed it in Tulsa, but I think this one is better. I loved the new little nuances he added to it. Now, has anyone ripped and MP3 of it yet? He was really in great voice in Michigan.

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Oh, YSRN! YEAY! :Tour3: PUH-LEEZE will you make sure that the intensity with which you do Clay tonight reflects my doing Clay vicariously through you? :imgtongue:

Honey, there was plenty to go around!


I love that cute little shit!


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I just finished downloading the SH MOAM, and bottle is right, I think that is the best live version of MOAM I've every heard him do. I really thought he nailed it in Tulsa, but I think this one is better. I loved the new little nuances he added to it. Now, has anyone ripped and MP3 of it yet? He was really in great voice in Michigan.

This is an mp3 from Laura Q's Sterling Heights video:



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YSRN, get your butt back in here soon and tell us EVERYTHING!!!!! :lilredani:



And GOOD MORNING TO ME too! :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

Funny spoof article about the bug situation at the show last night:

PETA Targets Bug Hating Aiken

By Kari Livingston

Published Jul 25, 2007

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals took aim at pop superstar Clay Aiken today, after Aiken viciously killed various flying insects during an outdoor concert in Gilford, NH on Wednesday. According to witnesses at the scene, Aiken swatted, slapped and smashed several bugs, with no thought for the feelings of the bugs or the crowd.

"It was the most heartless thing I've ever seen," said former fan Brenda Levy. "I thought he was just wonderful, but seeing him squash those mosquitoes changed my mind. I'm organizing a CD burning. All bug lovers need to let him know we won't stand for this."

Said a representative for PETA, "Aiken's callous disregard for other creatures continues to shock and outrage. Today it's mosquitoes, tomorrow it could be roaches. Who knows where his brutality will end? It wasn't so long ago that we called attention to his history of cat violence." Aiken has previously been the target of PETA's wrath for anti-cat sentiments. "Now his behavior has escalated to the mass murder of innocent flying insects. We will be picketing his next concert and are going to court to gain control of his dogs."

It was the latest in a series of public relations nightmares for Aiken, who has been accused of starving children, violating child labor laws and spreading athlete's foot fungus on commercial airline flights.

When contacted for comment Aiken said "Don't you people have anything better to print?"

Author's Note: This is satire. No representatives for Aiken or PETA were contacted for this spoof.

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Wheeee! The return of the rivet! Now can we hope that he will recreate that entire SH ensemble at some venue down the road? :Thud:

I got up early hoping for RHW clack but I see that we don't have it yet. So I watched dlh7777's version of Listen instead. Man! That was an awesome angle! I hope she got more stuff that just isn't up yet because she rawks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I am bringing this post over from the Gilford thread because it's more about generalities than any specific concert, and I want to comment on it.

No matter how well or deceptively CLACK represents a concert experience, it just ain't the same. That's just the truth, IMO. If a song blows you away when you're actually there, it's because not only does he sound amazing, but the buzz in the air, the nuances of things you can see and hear that might not make it in the videographer's scope, the FEELING that has already built up from previous songs, etc.---it all adds up to the unique experience that is being there with Clay and all those other people enraptured with the man.

I can certainly understand (as I said earlier) that MOAM was special in Sterling Heights.....I wish I could see a version of it that shows the whole stage---I'd like to watch Q and A and the faces of some of the orchestra members, etc....He did sound wonderful and I LOVED the pounding of the fists on the (thud) thighs... But I really think that unless I WAS there, I can't appreciate it like those who were, so I'll defer to their assessments.

Along the same reasoning, sometimes the CLACK might be viewed and received better by those not able to attend than a concertgoer actually experienced it---because of whatever filters each person might have or because certain onsite distractions or realities weren't captured on film. I think of Frisco---most of the CLACK showed Clay on stage and some of the people right up front. So much of what else was going on in the stadium didn't translate, but for some of us actually THERE, the distractions along with the lousy sound system, the less-than-stellar orchestra, the crappy jumbotron shots, etc.---all added up to really affect our enjoyment or appreciation of the actual singing.

Thanks for this. I think that someone at the venue always has the upper hand on looking at the performances as a whole, because of things you mention - feelings, atmosphere, nuances, and not taking one song out of the context of a whole concert. Clack is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but sometimes things just do not translate the same through the lens of a camera. So it can be quite disconcerting to come back from a concert on a total high, because you just witnessed what was a spectacular performance, or something totally unique that will probably never be repeated, and be hit in the face with "well I don't really think so" or "meh". Or, OTOH (as you point out) it must be equally hard to hear people raving about something that just didn't seem wonderful to you. Because of the clack that maybe offers up a closer or different perspective on the performance that you just witnessed with your own eyes. Or any other variety of reasons.

Which is why I need to win the freaking lottery QUITE SOON and become a Clay groupie who can travel from the first to the last concert on every tour. What? It could happen. My kids are old enough to fend for themselves...... [/delusional]

OK I am now late for work. Hee, damned clack. :RedGuy:

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Argh! I am soooo frustrated because my daughter has absconded with the cord I need to transfer new mp3s to my iPod, and I forgot to ask her about it again last night! I NEEDS the Listen and MOAM audio from SH. I am going to have to be bad and load it onto my work computer because I don't think I can last 8 hours without it.

ETA: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. That is so much better. :) It's good to be bad once in a while!

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Damn, that's some cheap bronzer! He looks green to me!

Is it bronzer, or is it the stage lighting and/or the camera exposure?


Heee, licky, I've been bad at work, too, with clack. I was cleaning out files on my work computer a couple of days ago, and was shocked to find a video from JNT'05. Oooops! I'm sure it was something I absolutely COULDN'T live without back then, but I sure should have gotten rid of the evidence much sooner! Oh, well, I guess no one caught me. :eusa_whistle:

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oh bloody hell.... I'm SOOOOOOO far behind. And now I have to run. Have a great day everybody.

ETA: Started this post last night but then fell asleep in my chair..

checked my google alerts for the day. And there's this whole think in the Raleigh Chronicle about how upset some fans are cuz poor widdle Clay's story got all mucked up by the Tulsa paper. I don't get it. Clay handled his own business and that article if just plane plain overkill. Unless these fans were eye witnesses they need to stay out of it. Even if they were, so far this is one person that hasn't turned her little encounter into tabloid fodder - although who knows - so leave sleeping dogs along.

But this was cute from a myspace blog:

my brother took me to columbus to see clay aiken of all people, ireally dont listen to his music but my brother invited me to go and bought the tickets... it was packed full of people around 8,000 people showed up for this thing.we all looked like sardines out in this field..... but his concert wasnt bad hes pretty funny. and he sings fine, it changed my view toward him...

Found it pretty funny that the brother dragged the sister.

Oh did Clay just add RHW or did he take something out... is ATD gone?

Yay I'll meet Ansa on Sunday whooot.

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Who is this Lynninni person and why is she sitting in my seat! WOW!!! She has been taking some fabulous photos!! :RedGuy: :Tour3:

FYI - my "Lost Epilogue" is posted! And I posted a link to it in the Harry Potter Thread. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(also an interview with JKR from this morning's Today show)


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Oh did Clay just add RHW or did he take something out... is ATD gone?

Yep, ATD is gone, but if anything had to replace it, I am tha-rilled that it was RHW! :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

So where's the clack? :eusa_whistle: I swear I am trying to be patient. ;)

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Horray lickiest1 for getting to hear RHW. You think if I wish hard enough he would take something out and put in BW, IYDKMBN, or LNM? We still have quite a few venues left. He could manage to get all the songs from ATDW sung, at least once, for our clack posterity. :eusa_whistle:

:Thud: Cry me a rivet...............The man sure tries to please us, doesn't he?

Waiting for YSRN's recap.

Anyone have a super duper, must have, the best ever, recipe for fresh strawberry pie? I want to make one today.

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Off to the airport... recap later, but for now....

Where's the I'm tired as hell but happily stoopid emoticon??

I took some pictures, but not many; the lighting there sucks... and I only took a couple snippet of video, but I don't know how much there is out there.

Wah. Sacto IT all over again...

Anyway, this one I couldn't resist taking is highly amusing! :lol:


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Because I just looked over the bank account, the bills and the bare concrete floor and drywall repair downstairs that make it look like we're either moving in or out at home, I've decided that I'm going to make some fucking tasty lemonade today of out lemons and be upbeat and optimistic. The alternative is too not-fun to consider. heh.

So....applying that outlook to the DCAT aught 7, I will assert that Clay is going to SLAY us all at the LAST concert (Orlando, where I WILL be) with the most awe-inspiring, seatslide-inducing, drool-worthy rendition of IYDKMBN.

That is my prognostication, friends. You read it here first.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to turn my attention to preparing for asking for a raise. Thank you.


And while I was writing this post, I see that YSRN posted something to help me along the way to a cheery Thursday! CMSU! Thank you, YSRN! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I am bringing this post over from the Gilford thread because it's more about generalities than any specific concert, and I want to comment on it.

No matter how well or deceptively CLACK represents a concert experience, it just ain't the same. That's just the truth, IMO. If a song blows you away when you're actually there, it's because not only does he sound amazing, but the buzz in the air, the nuances of things you can see and hear that might not make it in the videographer's scope, the FEELING that has already built up from previous songs, etc.---it all adds up to the unique experience that is being there with Clay and all those other people enraptured with the man.

I can certainly understand (as I said earlier) that MOAM was special in Sterling Heights.....I wish I could see a version of it that shows the whole stage---I'd like to watch Q and A and the faces of some of the orchestra members, etc....He did sound wonderful and I LOVED the pounding of the fists on the (thud) thighs... But I really think that unless I WAS there, I can't appreciate it like those who were, so I'll defer to their assessments.

Along the same reasoning, sometimes the CLACK might be viewed and received better by those not able to attend than a concertgoer actually experienced it---because of whatever filters each person might have or because certain onsite distractions or realities weren't captured on film. I think of Frisco---most of the CLACK showed Clay on stage and some of the people right up front. So much of what else was going on in the stadium didn't translate, but for some of us actually THERE, the distractions along with the lousy sound system, the less-than-stellar orchestra, the crappy jumbotron shots, etc.---all added up to really affect our enjoyment or appreciation of the actual singing.

Thanks for this. I think that someone at the venue always has the upper hand on looking at the performances as a whole, because of things you mention - feelings, atmosphere, nuances, and not taking one song out of the context of a whole concert. Clack is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but sometimes things just do not translate the same through the lens of a camera. So it can be quite disconcerting to come back from a concert on a total high, because you just witnessed what was a spectacular performance, or something totally unique that will probably never be repeated, and be hit in the face with "well I don't really think so" or "meh". Or, OTOH (as you point out) it must be equally hard to hear people raving about something that just didn't seem wonderful to you. Because of the clack that maybe offers up a closer or different perspective on the performance that you just witnessed with your own eyes. Or any other variety of reasons.

Which is why I need to win the freaking lottery QUITE SOON and become a Clay groupie who can travel from the first to the last concert on every tour. What? It could happen. My kids are old enough to fend for themselves...... [/delusional]

I think the bottom line here is that we will always have differences of opinion about performances, and should feel absolutely free to express them without reservation. Sure, seeing something live with a view of the whole stage can be very different from experiencing it via a scratchy cellcert or even tightly-focused Clack after the fact. That doesn't mean I'm afraid to post my thoughts - even if they aren't as informed as others. And that doesn't mean my thoughts aren't subject to change. I didn't get the TV medley after the first few cellcerts, and only came to appreciate the level of energy it lends to the set a few shows into the tour, when I had a better feel for the bit in context. I feel very confident that nobody at this board is trying to shove their opinions down the throats of every other poster as the gospel truth. On the other hand, this is a fan board, and it's only natural, I think, to get a little defensive at times about criticisms of Clay's performances.

Unlike some other places I've read, I don't read posts here that make me wonder why the poster is still in the fandom, because their writings seem so full of disapproval and in some cases, active dislike. I'm probably overgeneralizing, but I've always felt like the regular posters at this board have a pretty high level of affection for Clay, in all his goofy glory and sometimes cheesy goodness. An occasional less-than-stellar review or difference of opinion won't change that vibe for me. As always, YMMV and whatnot.


So, is YSRN going to get her butt over here and post a recap of last night's show, or is she still tied up with packing and upacking?

ETA: While I was typing, I see YSRN dropped off a little bit of video. Lawd Jesus, the Holy Spirit was moving that boy last night!


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