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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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testing - pay this no mind, this site is just flaking me out.

ETA - OK, this is just plain weird, I seem to be in an earlier time zone than the later posts!

I think they lost Daylight savings time.

Edited by playbiller
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Playbiller..I think the system burped about 10 minutes ago..actually got an error message from invision when I refreshed a bit ago. So it's definitely something on their end but hopefully it's fixed.

and bwah...yeah the time got screwed up somewhere because this is posting before something I wrote 10 minutes ago.

And sorry after playing with it for a bit I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Ansa will have to fix in the AM.

Editing so the order of things make sense... see how technical I am?

ok wow... I've heard all the comments but just watched the prebanter WISYS from Orlando. I don't even know what to say. I'm speechless.... for once.

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I just rewatched the clip, I noticed this time that Quiana was the first to say. " We don't boo people here." Her later comment about "we see more than you think from up here" might be more telling than we realize.Muski , I think you can tell from Clay's demeaner in the clip, that he was joking with his comment. I think he knows he was more correct the first time he mentioned that some people don't like it when he gives Ethel attention. I respect him for calling Cap out. I also think by going ahead and acknowledging a few others he made it clear, he'll give attention to whomever he wants. Also, I give Ethel credit for her apology. I believe it was heartfelt. There were some pretty annoying fans in Tulsa who actually interrupted the flow of the concert. When Clay acknowledges Ethel,( or anyone else) he makes it part of the show, when fans scream out and interrupt his banter, it throws his timing off. For the most part I think he handles these situations pretty darn well.

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I just rewatched the clip, I noticed this time that Quiana was the first to say. " We don't boo people here." Her later comment about "we see more than you think from up here" might be more telling than we realize.Muski , I think you can tell from Clay's demeaner in the clip, that he was joking with his comment. I think he knows he was more correct the first time he mentioned that some people don't like it when he gives Ethel attention. I respect him for calling Cap out. I also think by going ahead and acknowledging a few others he made it clear, he'll give attention to whomever he wants. Also, I give Ethel credit for her apology. I believe it was heartfelt. There were some pretty annoying fans in Tulsa who actually interrupted the flow of the concert. When Clay acknowledges Ethel,( or anyone else) he makes it part of the show, when fans scream out and interrupt his banter, it throws his timing off. For the most part I think he handles these situations pretty darn well.

This is weird, I was actually responding to Couchie and Muski's comments but my post showed up above theirs. Cue, Outer Limits music......

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Well couchie...when you find your voice again, I'd love to hear your take on what you watched and heard. I've come to the point of being angrier at the way the fandom is pussyfooting around actually naming the fan who booed (CAP), yet seems to think it's just fine to throw Ethel's name all over the place. Why is that? It's not like CAP has tried to keep her comments to herself before (on main public threads AND via hit-and-run nasty PMs)...why is the fandom 'protecting' her about this?

Karma's a bitch, y'all. <_<

Actually, I think just about everyone, including CLay, wishes that whole episode never happened. I imagine CLay wished he could've taken back HIS hasty, ill-chosen 'quip' that basically injected a very un-funny thing---racism---into an increasingly uncomfortable situation. Of COURSE, he was 'kidding'! But man...I almost scraped my chin on the floor when I heard that come out of his mouth.

That sometimes-too-quick-for-his-own-good mouth.

A beautiful mouth, to be sure....but geeeeez :unsure:

Edited by muskifest
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omigod....look at this! Now you can really get off on your Clay tunes!

OhMiBod Vibrator

What? Only 5 1/2 inches?? Pffffbbttt!

Ooops, I got distracted by that pic I just posted, and forgot to ask a question. You know, the pic with the zipper part of the way down?

Anyway, which concert & song is that pic from? I want to go watch the video and do some research about when the zipper might have started on it's way down. And maybe do some screencaps, all for research. I might even post some of them, unless ya'll would find that too boring.


OoOOOO I was asking for some screencaps from that vid last night. (jojoct - Tampa classics) I think if you start with Yeah, you'll find what you need, and Yeah, there's a moment that gives that pic a run for its money--or several moments, in SexyBack. Just try to keep your attention on the job, because you'll find yourself all up on him screaming.

Hey, jmh, or whoever else might want to answer - what is the proper etiquette for screencaps? Should I contact jojoct for her permission before I post them, or is the video fair game since it's out there? If it's better to contact her, where's the best place to do so? I already have several - erm - interesting screencaps, from several songs, even before Yeah. Hey, I take my research seriously! The only problem is that someone got in the way of jojoct's camera during Yeah, and it looks like there would be lots of good screencaps during that section. Darn! Maybe another clack goddess got the shots that I want. And jmh, about that screaming part - you're right! Fortunately, hubby's home . . .

Hey, Thankful!! Welcome!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Something for ya'll to start the day with......



I tell you...he has such chemistry with Angela!!!!

haven't caught up from last night just checking out the times..apparently the board had a hiccup last night. They probably were doing a routine check or something.

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Hey - Help me out!! I made this wallpaper a couple of weeks ago and now I can't find the original picture so I can give the person credit....

Does anyone recognise this???


You can find the bitch-sized full-sized one here:


cha cha, that photo is from Sterling Heights, and was taken by CAPlet.

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OK...since the board was reset last night it went back to EST. Now if it is off by one hour ...you will have to manually adjust it for EDT on your My controls...board settings...which can be found in the left hand column.

Now the posts that went all whacky last night...can;t help you. Lets just say thats another interesting thing that happens around here.

ok off to catch up on what I missed...

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I wonder if Clay thinks he erred in bring up the race issue. Unlike moi, he was not born when segregation was a big issue and people were throwing rocks at little kids trying to go to school and threatening to kill them. It was an ugly time. Now a days, not such a big deal.

Looking at the video, I felt he was joking around and continuing the ongoing joke that he had with Quiana and Angela-- He is a very pale white guy and they are black women. They used this fact to make silly comments to each other.

Although I am sure he is just as sick to death of all the fan bickering as a lot of us are. It only takes a few bitter to people to ruin the fun.

OT, Weird, I just spent a few minutes looking for the o key on my laptop because it had a speck of dirt on it and it looked like a c. Oy! :eusa_whistle:

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It only takes a few bitter to people to ruin the fun.

Awww...like I told Ethel in her thread at the Clayboard (which is now gone?)

Don't let the soul-sucking dementors of this world steal your joy...

Why should the bitter few win?

My guess (and this is only a guess because I don't know Clay Aiken *g*) is that he's blissfully unaware that something he said in one concert last week is still being discussed and rehashed on the boards. I've never thought he followed things that closely and some of his M&G comments would lend credence to that.

Personally regret is not an emotion that I spend too much of my time with. All I can do is learn from a situation and move on.


couchie...you okay?

edited for spelling...and more spelling...I'm hopeless ya'll

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Something for ya'll to start the day with......


OMG, that is enough to bring me right out of lurkdom! :smokelots: I've been out of town a lot this summer and am settling back in to work (though I'm obviously not working, no?)

Well couchie...when you find your voice again, I'd love to hear your take on what you watched and heard. I've come to the point of being angrier at the way the fandom is pussyfooting around actually naming the fan who booed (CAP), yet seems to think it's just fine to throw Ethel's name all over the place. Why is that? It's not like CAP has tried to keep her comments to herself before (on main public threads AND via hit-and-run nasty PMs)...why is the fandom 'protecting' her about this?

Wow. I'm glad to see someone addressing something that has bothered me for some time, and it's not even specifically about CAP. Why are some fans protected and sacred and cannot be publicly called out for bad behavior but others are fair game? Why didn't I get the memo with the list of fans I am permitted to trash on the web? Why is booing at other fans and constantly being a toxic online presence somehow less obnoxious or pernicious than interacting with Clay in the manner that Ethel does? I have actually asked for guidance from official sources about why it's okay to bash some fans and not others, but have never really been given a specific answer. In my opinion, it's either okay to talk about specific fans on message boards or it isn't. I have seen the most vile things written about Ethel, and my sense is that most of the vitriol is coming from a place of jealousy. Guess what? Clay likes Ethel better than he does most fans, and people need to #$#$ deal with it and suck it up and move on. The more people complain, the more attention I hope he gives her. These days, I'm almost hoping he makes love to her on stage in front of the loudest complainers and booers. So, I can't say that Fan X was being obnoxious and rude when she booed during a concert, or that Fan Y on my message board shouldn't have tried to sneak into Clay's hotel room, etc, etc, but I can say that Ethel is an annoying famewhore? Such inequity!

Might Ethel want to tone down the antics in the middle of a concert? It's hard for me to say, as I don't remember ever being around her in a concert setting. I'd say that in general, if a fan is disrupting a concert, then perhaps she might want to be more respectful of those sitting around her. However, I can't really weigh in on this, as I've never sat near her at a concert. I think that in general, most of the complaints are really more about the fact that Clay gives her attention than they are about any specific thing she's done to disrupt a concert.

If Ethel actually reads here, I hope she sees this. Ethel, you have nothing for which to apologize. You go on with your bad-ass self and enjoy Clay and your fandom. Don't let anyone bully you or make you feel like you need to apologize or back away. I have your back, girl.

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I for one don't think he erred in bringing up the race issue - because I have occasionally felt a little nasty undercurrent - very little and by a few - but there. And as I have said elsewhere, not just toward the fans but toward Angela and Quiana as well. I admit, I was one of those who laughed as much of the audience gasped. I do think Clay knows it is still a big deal - and pretending it's not there really doesn't help. I know it's really NOT an issue in 99.9% of the fandom - really it's not, I think I've hung around enough to know that - but that 0.1% does exist. And at one point were vocal enough that I actually argued with one back on RHT about Clay's "relationship" with Angela who vocally insisted that she wasn't racist just realistic. I will lay you even odds Jerome, Clay, Angela and Quiana have seen much, much worse. From the beginning, he brought up the fact that he was the "skinny white boy". I think Clay treats it just as it should be - a fact, a descriptor, neither good nor bad, something that just is, and therefore to be discussed.

I tended not to put specific names simply out of habit - hell, I have difficulty getting the names rights (hello Edith)!

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It only takes a few bitter to people to ruin the fun.

Awww...like I told Ethel in her thread at the Clayboard (which is now gone?)

Don't let the soul-sucking demontors of this world steal your joy...

Why should the bitter few win?

My guess (and this is only a guess because I don't know Clay Aiken *g*) is that he's blissfully unaware that something he said in one concert last week is still being discussed and rehased on the boards. I've never thought he followed things that closely and some of his M&G comments would lend credence to that.

Personally regret is not an emotion that I spend too much of my time with. All I can do is learn from a situation and move on.


couchie...you okay?

While Clay may not be following the discussions word for word on the boards, I have to wonder if the girls - more specifically Quiana - are reading and keeping tabs. Personally, I hope they're not spending their off-time trying to make sense of this all; it's not up to them to mind the behavior of fans. It's up to the individual fan to be responsible for *their own* actions.

I'm glad Ethel is giving some thought about how her actions affect those around her. While I don't want to see her deprived of the joy she feels when she sees Clay, nor do I begrudge her the interactions she's had as a result of ingratiating herself to him and his staff, I do feel some sympathy for those who are seated in her immediate area and those who've attended concerts with her in the audience. If Clay initiates the interaction with her, then more power to her and go at it, girlfriend! Clay is looking for his 'go-to' fan for a little bit o' bantering, and that's fine by me.

It's when the interaction becomes more one-sided and continues to a point where the fan is doing the initiating or pushing it above and beyond the initial question and answer (and to my mind, Ethel has sometimes done that, as have others) that I, personally, find unsettling and infringing upon my enjoyment of the concert. Any fan who spends an excessive amount of energy 'dancing' and gyrating and moving about their seat (yeah...I remember being at a concert with Ethel and thinking I was very grateful to be several rows behind her, 'cause if I were sitting next to her or directly behind her my ability to see and focus on the concert would have been even more impeded. Audience members who think nothing of calling out at impromptu and inappropriate times are just as irritating and there are times that Clay obviously finds them as such because he *ignores* them. He'll talk right over those foolish people; however if there's someone or something he wants to say, he'll respond. Clay is usually very much in control of the bantering and the audience. The incident at Orlando was another of those moments, but I don't think he felt he had the control he usually commands.

I don't know if given the same set of circumstances and the opportunity to rephrase his retort he would; I think his comment was as much a direct reflection of his response to Quiana's (and Angela's) reactions as it was to the 'booing' and the 'rolling of the eyes'. His back-up singers have become an integral part of his show and the three of them have become so comfortable with one another that their skin color is a non-issue for them to the point that they're able to kibbitz around about it. My personal feeling is that Clay was trying to take the edge off of the situation and make a light-hearted joke, much like the wonderful silliness that had gone on with the girls needing a spotlight on them because 'they're his "black-up" singers, you know'. That one worked; 'not liking black people' - not so much.

My own hope is that for future concerts audience members will limit their participation to what Clay, himself, initiates and then know when that interaction is over. Will it happen? I hope so; I don't want to see Clay feel inhibited or cautious when he reaches out to the audience, but I also don't wish to see 'An Evening with the Audience of Clay Aiken'. So, maybe everyone has learned a little bit more about themselves and it will make for a more enjoyable concert experience for everyone. I can only hope.

And couchie - are you okay?

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Wow. I'm glad to see someone addressing something that has bothered me for some time, and it's not even specifically about CAP. Why are some fans protected and sacred and cannot be publicly called out for bad behavior but others are fair game? ......... I have actually asked for guidance from official sources about why it's okay to bash some fans and not others, but have never really been given a specific answer. In my opinion, it's either okay to talk about specific fans on message boards or it isn't. .... These days, I'm almost hoping he makes love to her on stage in front of the loudest complainers and booers.

WORD! And some folks were actually starting to trash Jerome for offering her her money back. When I made a post that contained a little more of the interaction between the boo'er and Jerome than had been prevously allowed, I was edited and got a "we're not going to do the good fan/bad fan thing here" PM. Yet it was fine for people to make Ethel into the worst kind of fan. Hypocrite much? I don't know why they're protecting her, either. It totally confuzzles me.

"Toxic Online Presence" - I like that! :clap: T.O.P.

The bolded part - well that just made me laugh out loud. Wouldn't you love to see Clay pull Ethel up on stage and do a WDC-type dance with her and watch some heads explode? :cryingwlaughter:

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Why are some fans protected and sacred and cannot be publicly called out for bad behavior but others are fair game?

In many ways I believe it's more about group dynamics and human nature than anything specific to Clay or message boards.

And now...I gotta go to work where I cannot read and post on said message boards...unlike some I might mention. *g* And sometimes, the group dynamic stinks.


eta...I've been to many of the same concerts Ethel attends and she's never ever ruined a concert for me. Neither has any other fan for that matter.

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