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#16 Veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

Couch Tomato

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    • Do you ever get the idea that people who declared to love Clay unconditionally, have conditions?
    • Thing is, you can't live someone else's life for them. You only get your own.
    • Oh, the humanity!
    • being yourself is the coolest thing you can do.
    • Cool melts in the warmth of anything real.
    • Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!
    • "Harder! Harder! Faster! Faster!" "Gimmee more!"
    • It was so much more simple when it was only about love.
    • You can't legislate intelligence
    • One of the things I admire about Clay is his ability to keep on doing the backstroke while everyone else is in the 500m Freestyle
    • I hope he's counting and nibbling on his toes
    • Good Morning!! I love that Clay Aiken dude!
    • There is something excruciatingly and wonderfully manly about that man---yet all the while painfully gentle and tender.
    • I'm confused and concerned, Clay...BLOG ME!
    • Whew, it is over. That was DECON 5 averted big time.
    • Now back to the normal nuttiness. laugh.gif
    • "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."

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Ooooh, that does sound good. You could mix in some dark chocolate chips, too, or little pieces of a dark chocolate bar. Yummmm!

With Clay Aiken's package??!?!?!?!?!


Ohhhh, can we do that, really? Please!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Suddenly, even those who hates chocolate will love chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad BF is allergic.....

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Ooooh, that does sound good. You could mix in some dark chocolate chips, too, or little pieces of a dark chocolate bar. Yummmm!

With Clay Aiken's package??!?!?!?!?!


Ohhhh, can we do that, really? Please!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Suddenly, even those who hates chocolate will love chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad BF is allergic.....

Are you tryin' to kill him?

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Well, at least I can contribute something to the conversation tonight...


which is a heck of a lot better than I could do with the jello...honestly, look how sad this is...


...see the little faces of the damned in there?....doesn't that make you weep?


yeah, so I'm good with the chocolate....just got to remember not to kiss Clay. [/delusional]

(back to watching more YouTube Clay Aiken)

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First, and most importantly, my favorite "everyday" chocolate is Dove dark, in the little bite-sized pieces, but I'm gonna check out y'all's favorites too.

Second, most of you would probably not have wanted to be me today, from the unpleasant cleaning chores to the psychological hoops of parenting a parent, to the 2 1/2 hour, 30 mile drive home in the rain and flooding roads and the bumper-to-bumper traffic. However, my mom took a bath today, so it's a good day.

Well I'm in these camps...

Camp we don't know everything that has happened

Camp if I have to choose who to believe I'll most likely believe Clay

Camp I think Clay's response & tone was directed more to the fans

Camp maybe fans could butt out of Clay's business for a change

& last but not least

Camp :XmasRed:


As to why I'm here and the tone of what is said here....


For me what makes this place different and I've said it many times is the way these things are handled. Here, I am treated like the adult that I am. Allowed to discuss how I really feel but also expected to bring an adults perspective to that discussion.

Jamar is someone I've been getting to know here at FCA for the first time, although I've been aware of the board name for a long time. Have to say, I'm a fan.

Have you heard the latest? th_Bearded-Iris.jpg

Iris have beards.

BWAH--and beautiful flowers. My mom used to grow Irises and sent us off to school with flowers for the teacher. Didn't make Mrs. Allen love me any more, but generally, it was a very effective bribe.

I tried to think through this post very carefully. I think I did alright. Hope it is taken as intended.

It was by me, and I'm glad you took the time to express yourself. Stick around and you'll feel less of an outsider, I hope. And, BTW, I don't think you "started" anything at all! Thing is, getting used to there not being some kind of official smackdown from the mods, but the absence of that shouldn't encourage rampant bashing either, and it never has.

I've been thinking about this a lot in the last few days. As a collective group Clay fans have taken a lot of hits from all different forms of media. Most of the time I have felt that the descriptors of "us" as fans has been unfair, but when I take a look at what has happened in the past few days, at the shitstorm that was made out of something fairly insignificant and only rumored to be true, I'm starting to wonder what kind of other crap have some of these people spouted off about and to whom. I wonder too, if the predudice that seems to exist toward Clay may have more to do with overinvested fans that don't know where to draw the line between support and interference.

Exactly--that was pretty much my thought after the first day of the boards melting down. I think I really, really got it for the first time--how obnoxious the "fandom" as a collective entity (which means no one in particular--just the general vibe) can appear to others. It isn't pretty.

I thought I was asking a clarification of rules.

We have rules? :scream: How come nobody told me?


Seriously...a good time to mention, if you haven't already, you can always check out the handy dandy

Board Philosophy


eta...but of course...them's more like guidelines than actual rules [tm Captain Barbosa]

See--told you! Go jamar!! We try to avoid rules, as a rule, and also modding.

Well, I've ruminated (don't you just love this word) about this considerably, and this is what I think. I, and some others, are sort of wandering refugees....and I don't know a lot of you so I have no history (well, except with many of the newbies).

And vice versa. I don't have much of a history with a lot of the newbies, but a lot of y'all seem to know each other. So yeah, a lot of getting used to each other for everyone. One of my favorite things about FCA is that there are posters from a lot of different boards, each bringing a new flavor to the table.

The thing is...we want to have a board that is about fun.. We want to have fun. We do not want to be your parents...your warden and your censors. We do not want to tell you what to think. We want to moderate as little as possible. To make this work we need everyone's cooperation. With more freedom there is more responsibility.

Can I just say this is brilliant, Ansa!!! This should go in the guidelines.

I'm glad you didn't feel trashed but on the outsider thing - at least on this board, it's not strictly up to us to make you feel not like a outsider, because there is an adjustment both for newbies and "oldies" and middle children. We'll work on it and trust you work on it as well.

Don't let Ansa and couchie fool ya - we are lazy as hell. We are the type of mods/parents/older sibs that will make everyone else work.

What she said.

Whilst making yet another link to the board philosophy thread, I read it aGAIN. The last time I was there I mentioned being struck by the words that couchie chose to bold


(hee...FCA...I just got that. I'm so sloooooooooooooow.)

This time I noticed this was also bolded.

Not another message board!

Now I know that what she probably meant at the time was ... Not ANOTHER message board...but today I read NOT another message board. Which sort of sums up my feelings. This, to me, isn't just yet one other Clay fan message board. It's different. It has it's own vibe and it's own feeling and of course it's own history. If you appreciate this place, as such, it may help to remember that things aren't always going to happen here in just the same way that they might at one of those other places. And it will take all of us, doing our adult best to maintain the atmosphere that has helped to make FCA unique. It isn't always going to be easy, but I, for one think it is more than worth the effort.

See, I tell ya, it's like a love affair I've got going here!!

God do I miss Whole Foods Market.

I'll bet you do! I live a short walk from one, and I do almost all my shopping there now. There's one near my mother's house, and I often stop by and pick up our lunch from the food bar there as well. They make eating healthy enticing, and I've grateful for that, for me--and for her, because I know if I pick up something nutritious from there, she'll eat it and enjoy it. So yeah for Whole Foods, and I feel for ya big time. (And I'm sure the Lexington-style barbeque on the hot bar today was a mistake and won't happen again.)

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JennaZ, gareem and I had a Clay talking, smutting, ooohing aaaahing, fun old dinner the other night. On topic, we shared this amazing dessert that had the word chocolate in the description four freaking times. Our kind of dessert. Sorry Clay sweetie- you are missing out big time.

Thank you for your consideration today. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Now, that's just wrong... everyone knows olives belong in martinis... I've officially been squicked out...

Oh thank goodness....they're olives! I was just getting ready to post "laughn, what the hell is in that jello mold?" those doe look a little scary, though.

Hmm....i never thoguht of olives in jello, but it's worth a try. what falavor is that laughn>?

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wonder if we'll have hangovers, and if we'll actually be able to go on the big roller coasters??

Gibby, dear...I'm more concerned that you might have already done all the riding you can handle by the time you actually get to the roller coasters... :whistling-1:

NOT that there's anything WRONG with that...(tmSeinfeld)

Okay...tell me again why I still feel the need to continue trying to make all these whiny workshop facilitators happy? <_<:wacko:

I'd have a glass of wine, but with my nose all stuffy, I doubt I'd be able to taste it. :cry4:

But....I'll give it the ole' college try.. :tongue09:

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JennaZ, gareem and I had a Clay talking, smutting, ooohing aaaahing, fun old dinner the other night. On topic, we shared this amazing dessert that had the word chocolate in the description four freaking times. Our kind of dessert. Sorry Clay sweetie- you are missing out big time.

Thank you for your consideration today. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

You folks have me so close to getting in my car and going to find some good chocolate right now!!!

Thank you for caring enough to want to work it through.


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Now, that's just wrong... everyone knows olives belong in martinis... I've officially been squicked out...

Oh thank goodness....they're olives! I was just getting ready to post "laughn, what the hell is in that jello mold?" those doe look a little scary, though.

Hmm....i never thoguht of olives in jello, but it's worth a try. what falavor is that laughn>?

Holy shit, how do I know...I'm not going near it!...didn't you see the little faces of the damned in there??!??


:imgtongue:seriously, I think it's some sort of beef flavored thingy...aspic of some sort :P

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Now, that's just wrong... everyone knows olives belong in martinis... I've officially been squicked out...

Oh thank goodness....they're olives! I was just getting ready to post "laughn, what the hell is in that jello mold?" those doe look a little scary, though.

Hmm....i never thoguht of olives in jello, but it's worth a try. what falavor is that laughn>?

Me too, I thought they were little aliens trapped in that squicky jello. What flavor do you suppose that jello might be....Olive?

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Ooooh, that does sound good. You could mix in some dark chocolate chips, too, or little pieces of a dark chocolate bar. Yummmm!

With Clay Aiken's package??!?!?!?!?!


Ohhhh, can we do that, really? Please!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Suddenly, even those who hates chocolate will love chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad BF is allergic.....

Are you tryin' to kill him?

No, she says in a small, shy, meek voice. Let's just change the recipe from chocolate to vanilla, or buterscotch, or strawberry, or..... The rest of the plans sound grand!!

Jamar is someone I've been getting to know here at FCA for the first time, although I've been aware of the board name for a long time. Have to say, I'm a fan.

{jmh123} for your day.

Plus, JaMar IS as awesome as she seems.

Oops, I overshot clearing out the excess in quotes, but I *think* this was Couchie:

One of my favorite things about FCA is that there are posters from a lot of different boards, each bringing a new flavor to the table.

Sounds like a yummy smorgasbord to me!!

God do I miss Whole Foods Market.
I'll bet you do! I live a short walk from one, and I do almost all my shopping there now. There's one near my mother's house, and I often stop by and pick up our lunch from the food bar there as well. They make eating healthy enticing, and I've grateful for that, for me--and for her, because I know if I pick up something nutritious from there, she'll eat it and enjoy it. So yeah for Whole Foods, and I feel for ya big time. (And I'm sure the Lexington-style barbeque on the hot bar today was a mistake and won't happen again.)

Ohhh, I am so jellus!! And so pleased you have that wonderful store so close by.

We do have a sorta similar store here, but it's not WFM. Still, for the products I like to use when I'm being good, it's nice to be able to get them even out in the middle of W. TX!

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wonder if we'll have hangovers, and if we'll actually be able to go on the big roller coasters??

Gibby, dear...I'm more concerned that you might have already done all the riding you can handle by the time you actually get to the roller coasters... :whistling-1:

NOT that there's anything WRONG with that...(tmSeinfeld)

Okay...tell me again why I still feel the need to continue trying to make all these whiny workshop facilitators happy? <_<:wacko:

I'd have a glass of wine, but with my nose all stuffy, I doubt I'd be able to taste it. :cry4:

But....I'll give it the ole' college try.. :tongue09:

BWAH, Muski!

I hope you feel better soon - it sounds as if you feel miserable.


Ooooh, those pictures of jello are horrrrrible!! I need to look at something yummy and delectable. Like....chocolate! Chocolate of any sort is good, but chocolate bars and chocolate chips are the best.




And, for the Star Wars fans:


Scarlett, you might try showing this to Solo the next time she tries to hit you upside the head. :)

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Oops, I overshot clearing out the excess in quotes, but I *think* this was.....

psst - the two quotes you quoted after saying this were both from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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And, for the Star Wars fans:


Now, I love me some original Star Wars* (although my mother was the master... we've still got lots of stuff she bought that we haven't figured out how to get rid of it yet... three level chess shets, life size phasers, all kinds of shi... stuff... including a plate of 7 of 9 and funny story that goes with that one!) anyway, that looks like the Mummy to me.. the old days Mummy not that new one from a couple of years ago....

*ah shit... I'm all confused - I mean, Star Trek, she was the master of Star Trek... doh.

Who/what is it supposed to be? Besides yummy chocolate, that is....

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I'm diabetic. Ya'll know that right? :cryingwlaughter:

I'm not, but I don't tolerate sugar very well. I love finding a really good candy store that has sugar free chocolates. I always go for the peanut butter cups!

I can have sugar, but I've tried the sugar free chocolate because it doesn't have as many calories. Some brands are really good, but they can make my stomach upset. Have you found any that don't do that? 'Course, if I eat the whole box, I guess that might be the problem . . .

ETA: Spikesmom - that's a chocolate replica of Han Solo in carbonite.

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Gibby...BWAH...I keep imagining scarlett holding miniturized solo...and giving this eeeevil..BWAH HAHAHA!!!


The best thing about being a dark chocolate lover...no one else in the family likes it so I can have a whole bar to myself...oh another favorite...dark chocolate toblerone...mmmm

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ETA: Spikesmom - that's a chocolate replica of Han Solo in carbonite.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Time to pull those movies back out and have a run at them... Harrison Ford... yummy....

Hee... makes me think of one day, walking into Target with my son... he was about 8 or 9, they have an oscillating fan near the door... he walks right up to it and gets really close and says "Luke, I am your father" into it... heh. Well, it was funny at the time... try it sometime, it sounds just like Darth Vadar/Vader/whatever...

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