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#16 Veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

Couch Tomato

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    • Do you ever get the idea that people who declared to love Clay unconditionally, have conditions?
    • Thing is, you can't live someone else's life for them. You only get your own.
    • Oh, the humanity!
    • being yourself is the coolest thing you can do.
    • Cool melts in the warmth of anything real.
    • Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!
    • "Harder! Harder! Faster! Faster!" "Gimmee more!"
    • It was so much more simple when it was only about love.
    • You can't legislate intelligence
    • One of the things I admire about Clay is his ability to keep on doing the backstroke while everyone else is in the 500m Freestyle
    • I hope he's counting and nibbling on his toes
    • Good Morning!! I love that Clay Aiken dude!
    • There is something excruciatingly and wonderfully manly about that man---yet all the while painfully gentle and tender.
    • I'm confused and concerned, Clay...BLOG ME!
    • Whew, it is over. That was DECON 5 averted big time.
    • Now back to the normal nuttiness. laugh.gif
    • "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."

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About that Han chocolate guy...what took you so long to compare muski, took one look and just knew where your eyes would focus. I never used to check that part of the male anatomy before Clay ...... :imgtongue:

Well., that's been sitting here for about 2 hrs. Have been walking with a friend and my dog along the American River here in Sacto. It's a gorgeous day. I have no idea what you guys are talking about right now? So here goes... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

An extra bonus...first on top!! :lilredani:

Edited by woo lovereyes
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Wow!! What a fun Saturday morning board!!! Hee! Still not dressed! I am such a slacker this morning but didn't have to get up early for the South Bend sale since scoring those KICKASS Row A (actually row 8) seats yesterday!!! Wooooop de Dooooooo!!!! Slept like a baby!!

I love chocolate but my big downfall are muffins (blueberry - I'm an connasoir, conasewer expert ) and scones!!! I'd be thin if those hadn't ever been invented! sigh Okay, now I'm hungry and there's a Starbucks down the street! :cryingwlaughter:

bottlecap :cryingwlaughter: Dontcha know that salad can kill ya?????

Gibby I'm shy too...............well, maybe not........... :DoClay:

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Lilyshines - Nice place you have there. Very pretty acreage. We have about 500 acres ... so we have the bigger tractors.

Wind... bragging is unbecoming in a FCA personage... hee hee I wanna see your bigger tractors...

I have watched how events have churned around here over the least couple of days, and as a Mod, have followed the conversations with some concern in my heart.

I have sat on my hands and tried to stay silent, because I wasn't sure it was my place to make any kind of FCA pronouncement, even as a long term member.

However, I just can't stay quiet any longer. If this is my last post here because I piss too many people off, so be it. I have to stay true to myself and my own conscience.


Hey, I just got back from the local farmers' market, so I figure I can be a little smug and santimonious... :26:

Bottlecap... BWAH... you really got me goin' there for a few seconds.

We haven't had any pics for a while, soooo....


Just cause...


Cause I love the comments that usually crop up when this pic is shown. And...


Cause a little bit a GAH never hurt anyone!

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I just got back from a spa where I had a manicure and a pedicure. They had the best pedicure chair ever. It had a jetted foot soaker and the chair itself vibrated. The vibrating options were "steady" or "wave pulse". The wave pulse induced a sort of rocking motion, but I had to stop because I kept snapping the strap on the foam divider piece they put between my toes.

Sorry about the moaning nail tech lady.

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Now I know y'all are kidding about my beloved Minnesota.

It rarely gets to below zero in December. That is saved for January when your skin freezes the instant you walk outside.

Orchestra Hall is attached by skyways to the downtown hotels and shops. Granted, you have to do a bit of walking, but you'll stay warm. Also, their parking garage is attached and you'd only have to be outside for a few seconds.

Come on up to Minnesota. We'd be glad to have ya.

Ya sure, you betcha!!!


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Oh (down evil jealousy!!) I'm wishing I could go to a Christmas concert.

I guess I have no right to complain since I AM going to Las Vegas.

Will I see some of you there?

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I hope all who are going to Las Vegas are going to the pre-party. For myself, I went to the Clay Board to the Party Central forum. The Las Vegas thread is there with directions on how to sign up. I wanna meet as many of you as possible... wanna... wanna!

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I hope all who are going to Las Vegas are going to the pre-party. For myself, I went to the Clay Board to the Party Central forum. The Las Vegas thread is there with directions on how to sign up. I wanna meet as many of you as possible... wanna... wanna!

I signed up (assuming it's the same party). I think they have about 250 people coming to the party from different boards, so it should be a lot of fun (although this summer I looked in vain for Texwriter at the huge San Diego party so maybe we will need some way to recognize each other!)

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Can't you just hear him saying "How did yours get bigger than mine"

Bottle...for your info, I just walked out to my back yard, sauntered over to my small but plentiful garden and harvested some eggplant, tomatoes, parsley, basil, thyme and other assorted things that grow in one's garden.

No, the dark chocolate isn't ready to bloom yet!


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I hope all who are going to Las Vegas are going to the pre-party. For myself, I went to the Clay Board to the Party Central forum. The Las Vegas thread is there with directions on how to sign up. I wanna meet as many of you as possible... wanna... wanna!

I signed up (assuming it's the same party). I think they have about 250 people coming to the party from different boards, so it should be a lot of fun (although this summer I looked in vain for Texwriter at the huge San Diego party so maybe we will need some way to recognize each other!)

There are a few of us going....come on over to the Las Vegas thread. I am going to the pre-party as well. I signed up at OFC but I think the info is in our thread too. And for those that have them, please wear your FCA DCAT pins or shirts (they worked wonders this summer), or maybe we'll even have a new pin by then! :)

:XmasRed: :xmas07a:

Edited by luckiest1
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Milk chocolate is the only way to go. That dark stuff is not even palatable to me.


I am pretty much a loner by choice, I think. I'm not a squeeing, double back hand flip kind of girl. I love Clay to death but I don't have every picture or every piece of clack. I don't care if he decides to tour with Kim, Ruben or Pink....I'd go. I don't care if he decides to do a country cd or a Christian cd...I'd buy both and love them. If I can get to a concert, great, if I can't, I'll have to live vicariously through those who can.

Oddly enough the people who have posted here a log time are very much funnier in person - an experience to be savored.

I still would like a hot button words discussion on a chat noight jsut because I have spent so much time going around and around with my sister about the fact that I called clay a slob jokingly once and this is an issue between us now.


–verb (used without object)

1. to chew the cud, as a ruminant.

2. to meditate or muse; ponder.

–verb (used with object)

3. to chew again or over and over.

4. to meditate on; ponder.

I think that Clay has a fine grasp of the English language, but may have regional differences

I do believe that many of us have different weights on words and what is casual to one is not to another. I cdon't mind if someone contacts me about something I write, I am fine with explainging stuff in PM and frequently go back and correct it. Sometimes I go back and realize I have read something wrong and correct it myself. I do not get offended as long a people understand that I do not write to deliberately offend. Now in speaking, I am far less cautious

SPelling errors - I have had to tolerate people I hardly know saying that I post with too many spelling errors and thinking that is a fun thing to mock me on (not tease, definitely mock). I do try and sometimes I think I fixed everything and I put in new errors (I was a good typist before I broke the fingers on both hands) ,I know the version of browser I use needs to be changed to use spell check. I have upgraded, but it did not take my 100 or so bookmarks. As soon as I can figure out how to get them all transfered over, I will be using the spellcheck function. I do not mind people pointing out spelling or grammer errors in PM, as long as it is not done with malice. I do not mind people fixing my spelling errors when they quote me, actually, that would be quiite nice as do I get embarrassed

I think I have to hunt donw the chocolate book there are some things I am eager to quote before the conversation moves on, like how chocolate makes you lose weight, etc. Too bad I put it in a safe place, I may never find it again.

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Oh (down evil jealousy!!) I'm wishing I could go to a Christmas concert.

I guess I have no right to complain since I AM going to Las Vegas.

Will I see some of you there?

I'll be there. DH and I are flying in on Sunday so we'll have a few days to play before the big event. We're staying at the Orleans but it has a shuttle to the strip. Maybe DH will win some more money. He won enough in Indio, the night after the concert to fund our airline tickets to Florida!

Can't wait to see you and all the other Clayfans! :xmas07a:

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Just got caught up since last night. ...clears throat... sorta slept v.v. late today, like nearly Noon, so the past couple of hours have been wake up mode, mostly spent reading!! I really do need to get up and get busy doing some work stuff, but this relaxing time is sooooooo nice!

Awesome Admin Note, Couch Tomato. Truly great.

Also, I found at CV the skating show preparty reminder said to PM eleid if you want to go but aren't signed up. That's what I did, because I wasn't (and I'm awaiting her reply). Thank you for your mention of it or I'd still be in forgot mode myself. One dear friend I'll be meeting up with there, HippoGA, sent me the info weeks ago and I still didn't get it done. ...smacks self on forehead... Oy. I hope it works out.

KAndre puts on a long blonde wig and a vacant expression in her eyes and drawls to lilyshine, "That's hot."Back, back all you expensive dark chocolate lover type people! Milk chocolate! Mass market milk chocolate even! Most of the products by Hershey and Mars - German Chocolate Cake - Red Velvet Cake - dear Lord, the Blue Bell ice cream. I walk into any convenience store in the country and I'm happy!

KAndre....I know what all of that milky chocolaty stuff is but what is Blue Bell ice cream?

First, I knew the milk chocolate lovers just hadn't checked in yet!!!

Second, and I realize it's already been answered, but Blue Bell ice cream ROCKS!!!!! I have no clue what flavor is my favorite - I try to stay away from it, but sometimes it just calls. Their website is a lot of fun to browse through as well. Take a peek! Blue Bell Ice Cream

When I think of Blue Bell ice cream I always remember a very special time with a dear, wonderful friend no longer here. I'll try to make this brief. My prior fandom is that of being a huge Brian Boitano fan. In the summer of 1995 when he was headlining the Tom Collins' summer tour, there were 5 stops in Texas. This dear, dear friend came here from NC and stayed with me in Dallas and we road-tripped it to the 5 shows. There was a little break between the Dallas and Fort Worth shows and the Houston, Austin and San Antonio shows, so she just stayed at my apartment while I worked part of the days. Anyway, when we were driving between Houston and Austin, when the mileage signs started appearing for the little town of Brenham, Blue Bell's home, I suggested maybe we could stop by and tour the creamery and maybe there would be free samples. Not the best sight-see'er in the world, my friend just quipped, "I'll buy you some Blue Bell, Alice, keep driving!" I still want to tour the creamery!

And another funny (to me) Blue Bell story, also Boitano fandom related, was waaaaay back in 1993, a whole bunchaBrian fans came to Dallas to attend a competition he was in. This was my first time to meet many of these people whom I knew through snail mail, telephone conversations and a bi-monthly fanzine which included writings of their trip experiences, and it was a regathering with a few others! No internet then! We did pretty well without it, but man, how even more awesome it would have been! Anyway, at dinner one night, the hubby of one of the ladies was intrigued by the 10-scoop Blue Bell dessert that was listed, so he ordered it. And he ordered a spoon for everyone at the table (probably 18-20), and around the table this big dish of Blue Bell went! It was great!

I never once felt weird about my Clay fandom, I got over that years ago when as a then 32 year old I joined the fan club of a then 25 year old guy I didn't know. The (still existing) BB fandom/friends experience was/is such a great experience and I NEVER expected something like it to repeat, so for Clay and all that followed to come to my life was such an unexpected blessing. I do feel so very lucky. (No, I don't like the drama!) It took me until "I Could Not Ask For More" to realize that Clay had me hook, line and sinker. I was crazy about him all along, and pulling for him, he had me from very early on, I just didn't realize it until ICNAFM! I had a very hard time with guilt feelings because Clay was creeping in where Brian had been for so long. Finally, another dear friend cleared it up instantly when she said, "Well, Alice, you weren't looking for Brian when he came into your life either." And then it was ok to love them both!!! And I do. Like, A LOT!!! Lotsa LOTS!!!

Waves to jumpingjacks!! I had the pleasure of meeting and rooming with JJ in Nashville for the JNT05. She's a wonderful lady. Would love to repeat sometime. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Good luck on the Hanna Montana/____(can't think of her name) Cyrus tickets, Windstar. Another wonderful lady. We happened to wind up in line by each other at the Tulsa busline!!! It was so great to meet you, Windstar!! She's also wonderful, y'all!!

I know there was more I wanted to say, but I forgot, and I've really got to get up and do something, but it would be soooo easy to just veg at the computer ALL DAY.

Have a great day, everyone, and thank you for the wonderful welcome to those of us new (or new-ish) to FCA. It's a wonderful place here!!

:allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I go to the page for that show and there is bold wording that says:

Alltel Arena is located in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Sales to this event will be restricted to residents of the state of Arkansas. Residency will be based on credit card billing address. Orders by residents outside of the state of Arkansas will be canceled without notice and refunds given.

Shades of some NC ticket sales of the past in Clay fandom.....is there something special about Little Rock, Arkansas? I mean, is it her home town or something? Weird.

Ooooohhhh...don't remind me of the NC ticket shut-out. It was one of only two times I've ever been mad at Clay. I pouted and didn't look at pretty pictures of him for a whole 3 days. Then he apologized and the make-up sex was fantastic!

**delusional** who? moi?

But really, it was so silly. I wasn't even planning on going to the NC Christmas concert, but just the whole concept burned my buns.

OTT is the person who was spreading vicious rumors about Clay behind the scenes and wanted ME to support her bullshit. When I said no, she told everyone I was the one who started the rumors!! WTF is that? Of course, she blames it on other things now, but the fact of the matter is, she would have willingly hung me out to dry if it had saved her place in the fandom.

No one here is OTT in my book. It appears we are level-headed, smart women who may be just a bit wary of the Clay Nation at this point.

{{jj}}. It sounds like whatever went down, went down pretty hard on you. I'm sorry for that. And I hope that the friends you make here are sincere, so you don't need to be wary anymore.

To me the OTT fans are the ones who max out their Visa and MasterCard and their husbands take them away and then they get in a big fight and he tells me I can't see Clay again for two years! :angry: I mean, I've heard of that happening. To other people.

Of course, I think Clay should come and give a concert in my back yard. I'd even let him ride my tractor!

I don't have a tractor for him to ride, but I'd sure let him rev my motor.

I think someone with a very sick sense of humor designed the restraints on that carnival ride. How could that possibly be comfortable for a guy? Especially if he wasn't very tall. Looks like it would squash the goods, to me. And we don't want no damage done to Clay's manly parts.

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To me the OTT fans are the ones who max out their Visa and MasterCard and their husbands take them away and then they get in a big fight and he tells me I can't see Clay again for two years! :angry: I mean, I've heard of that happening. To other people.

I am still processing grapes. I'm makin' jam today... Bwah! Me. Making jam. Trust me, that's funny! I'm much more this type... grape.gif I think I'm supposed to go boil some instruments or something...

play, you communicate just fine... Do whatever works for you. I tried posting somewhere once where my writing skills were analyzed and decided screw it... that's too much work for me while I'm playing. That's like ironing my t-shirt to go to the beach or something. Bah!

I had so much more... something about a sexy tractor and a whore and the change and vegetables... but I forget. Heh.


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And since jmh and Shady have brought it up, you can decide. Sexy or not?


NOT ME, The tractor!

Day-um, the tractor's mighty sexy and so's the ClayWhore riding it. And I've parked on that grassy driveway, not once, but twice! And yes, the yard is spectacular, so's the inside of the house. Books. That's all I'll say.

Speaking of ice cream, I fell in love with fat-free frozen yogurt. On Weight Watcher's it has saved my life. Turkey Hill made a Peach/Mango that was out of this world. Then they discontinued it, the fuckers. Idiots.

KeepingFaith said:

Now girl, I KNOW you. You'd be throwing his skinny ass DOWN, be all up on him screaming Yeah! Yeah! - and then you'd eat the chocolate

I think that describes 99% of, if not the fandom, at least this board :cryingwlaughter::DoClay: Oh, yeah, baby!

About feeling left out or 'on the outside'. I have friendships, good friendships, with a few posters on this board and I know a lot of you from other boards, but I can see how some people might feel 'on the outside'. I think we've all felt 'on the outside' at one time or another in our posting lives.

Lilyshine said:

For the NaT, Shady opened her house again and a dozen or so of us piled in, sleeping on floors, in hallways, in the kitchen even.

What a freaking weekend that was. Four of the west coasters coordinated their schedules so they all flew into Newark within two hours of each other and I picked them up. After we got back to my town, we made a bagel stop and a booze stop. Heh. We bought the booze store out! On the way back to my house, we saw the bus and did a two-wheeler into the parking lot, circled the bus laughing our asses off, then drove two blocks to my house.

The ages of the fans at my house ranged from 20 to either the 50's or 60's, I don't remember, but we had a blast. One of the California girls father passed away on Saturday and we drove frantically around trying to get her home, but airlines don't do bearevement flights anymore, at least not the small one by my house, but it was all good, she had the support of her friends and got home the next day, on schedule. She recently got married.

Bottlecap's talking about veggies...are you on Weight Watchers? I've been eating so many freaking veggies, I'm starting to look like an ear of corn.

Booksmart, I'd love to get a pedicure. Problem is, I won't let anyone touch my feet. Guess that leaves me out, huh?

Playbiller, yes, you do have spelling errors, or just putting the letters in the wrong order, but your posts are so interesting, I don't even notice them anymore.

AnAmeraikenInTX said:

it would be soooo easy to just veg at the computer ALL DAY.

You rang?

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OMG, you guys are still talking food and I'm trying to diet.

However, it did remind me of my first trip to Texas. It was hot as....well, Texas...and I kept seeing signs for "frozen custard" and I wondered, "What is THAT?" I envisioned some sort of frozen elegant creme brulee (I know, I know, I forgot where I was) and so I could hardly wait to get some.

Oh, what a shock!!!!

It was just plain old soft ice cream, right out of the machine.

One of the major disappointments of my life.

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OMG wanda, frozen custard is my favorite thing in the world! I love the smell of it, and to me it's nothing like ice cream. It's so thick and smooth and rich. Sometimes when I really want to treat myself I go get a frozen custard at Sheridan's. But then again, I don't know what creme brulee is, so maybe I don't know what I'm missing. :)

And yes, y'all are making me very, very hungry. I must, must stay away from all the bad for you clog your arteries stuff like custard and chocolate. Think I'll go have a smoke, instead. :cryingwlaughter:

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"two pounds of flesh"
(I think this was jazzgirl who said this?)

Two pounds, huh? :lilredani:

Hmmm.....funny, I've never really thought about how much it WEIGHS..

:whistling-1: <snip>

Wow! I never dreamed that when I made a high falutin' Shakespearean reference about "The Merchant of Venice" that I would be sucked into this morass of smut by association! I kind of like it; I can appreciate the workings of an agile mind independent of its wanderings (I was going to say that I was a straight man for muski but then I discerned where that statement could go, so I thought better of it). I see I must keep my smut shields here on red alert. This result never occurred to me when I high-fived someone for wanting to know the parameters of giving up chocolate for Clay. I am truly in awe! This place is going to be very interesting!

Muski, you are baddddd. :DoClay:

Someone else noticed?


Muski, so many of your posts CMSU. Do you immediately look at the crotch area in every pic you see? What about in real life, with men you meet? Because that's obviously where you looked when you saw the chocolate Han pic. And then, you found a DTTL pic of Clay to match the Han pic. You're too much, girl!!!


I do know what DTTL and DTTR means, but what does CMSU mean? Have pity on a newbie.

Hee. I have two words for you....Cuddle Duds.

Cuddle Duds rock, so do layers!

It was about "objectifying" Clay, made in jest, of course. Lord knows I do it all the time, but sometimes it really bugs me in myself. Typically it's after I've had some sort of close contact with the man - definitely after my M&G a couple of years ago, but even at the bus line this summer. In LA, we were lined up at a curb and near me, "up line", was a parked car. Clay went around the car to connect with the line and again, and as he was coming around he sighed deep and heavy, then he went back into "public" mode again. Seeing that made me appreciate - even more - the effort that goes into "walking the line". Recently I've thought about what it must feel like to be watched in binoculars. Last tour I was into eyelashes, this summer tour, freckles, and always, those hands (!). I do my fair share of :hubbahubba: . I'm not criticizing. Today I'm just feeling a bit like I have an angel (guess I need that smilie after all) on one shoulder and the devil (my usual) on the other.

I'm really okay with all the ogling, objectifying and general enjoyment of Clay's many and marvelous physical attributes when he's in "public" mode; in my mind that's what fuels some of his celebrity. But my angel side really does admire his character. In many ways he's a role model for me - very human, perfectly imperfect. As my DH has said, "He's just a good guy."

Was that all just rumination?? :cryingwlaughter:

I like this observation about how well Clay handles his public "mode". I admire the fearlessness that goes into bantering with his audience and how he handles the occasional wandering into some double entendres. I got a kick of how well he used the zipper banter at Verona last year during the Xmas tour. He turned what could have been a very embarrassing episode of being told his zipper was unzipped into a very funny one of telling the woman's husband to be careful because his wife liked him before launching into "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire".

I do think he wandered into "be proud of your instrument" also, but he could appreciate the moment. The one time I have seen him ignore the audience was when he said Angela was going to "give it to him later" at Sterling Heights this year, but he was very purposeful in letting the audience know he was going to ignore any ulterior meanings. He really does have very good comedic timing skills that are wonderful to watch.

Can anyone else come up with some memorable Clay double entendres?


Hey, I just got back from the local farmers' market, so I figure I can be a little smug and sanctimonious... :26:


Frozen custard stands are wonderful, too!

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I do know what DTTL and DTTR means, but what does CMSU mean? Have pity on a newbie.

I usually don't know what half of those initials means. I always have to ask.

I do believe CMSU=crack my shit up.

a l.o.n.g time ago (during the idol tour I think) a reporter, commenting on a photo of Clay in his cut offs, wrote that Clay had lily white knees. I posted something about his lily white ass as well and then started using LMLWAO. I remember getting a bunch of PMs asking me what that meant...LOL

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However, I just can't stay quiet any longer. If this is my last post here because I piss too many people off, so be it. I have to stay true to myself and my own conscience.


Hey, I just got back from the local farmers' market, so I figure I can be a little smug and santimonious... :26:

I just bought some candy corn, that counts doesn't it?

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You know, mods (hee), I didn't even think about maybe toning down the smut references until the newbies had a chance to settle in...hope I didn't drive anyone away :unsure: ...I really don't do much thinking before I post some smutty reference---People have asked me how I come up with all these crotch and package and whatnot kind of ditties and I can't answer...sorta like when they ask me where I get my ideas for writing stories...they just...are..

Oooh! I have a con.neck.shun. with Clay! We.Just.ARE. (tm GladysKnight)

But from the very beginning of my online identity, I've been considered a smutter. Funny thing is, though, I can't really remember having that association before my Clay fan status. I was no angel but I honestly can't remember if I was always commenting on men's packages before becoming attracted to Clay's. I guess you could say his many wonderful qualities brought out my creativity. heh.

And one of the very funniest things about this online 'reputation' is how people react when they meet me in person for the first time. I'll be at some pre or post party and get introduced and somebody will EEEE! because of a story they've been secretly reading and maybe not posting at (I'm sure none of you know what I mean, but believe it or not SOME people are embarrassed/ashamed to have people think they read such stuff. :whistling-1: ) Somebody in Houston (can't remember who now) met me and then I could feel her sorta staring at me for a while afterwards in a crowd and then she said in a voice of wonder and incomprehension, "But she's so NORMAL looking!"


Maybe I need to dress with more bling? Less fabric? Higher heels? More makeup? Carry a whip?

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

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