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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Muski... I loved your dream. Yah... I want that for him, too. Someone he is sooo comfortable with and is soooo comfortable with him and all parts of his life that they can just casually walk hand-in-hand with the group and not care who sees them, especially ok with a loving kiss. Sigh!

And, I loved the name!

BWAH! about your new boss! Sage clears negative energy from a space, by the way. <g>

KAndre... interesting article. I think many things are on the verge of changing. Hopefully, the way cds are created and shared with the public is one of them. She's right in that the cd is a way to get people to go to concerts and buy other stuff, so why not make them cheaper to create and share and buy? From the label's pov, it's bad, cause that's a lot of people looking for new jobs and losing some of their "control/power". But for the artists and the consumer it would be totally awesome! We'll see!

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It's quite interesting... I may not be online but still spent a bit of time planning my trip..well staring at my budget, looking at air fares to make sure they haven't gone up yet, and well, looking at my budget again. heh. Well at least I have my plane ticket going...it's the coming home I still need to work out. But my mantra is "i'm going dammit."

Great dream Muski. I never remember mine.

As for paying whatever for CDs..hmmm that works for me. But I doubt the record company cares how that builds the fan base for concerts and merchandise and stuff unless they start getting a bigger bite of it. Seems to me they would have to come up with an entirely new paradigm to justify their existance.

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I think that's the point - can the record companies justify their expenses? If the wave of the future of music distribution is the internet, and distribution was the labels raison d'être and the labels don't have a flying flip of a chance controlling that channel (their little attempt at gaining more customers by suing them isn't exactly working), why keep them? And I don't think "marketing" justifies their existence either.

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Well, someone at the labels must have figured that out, cause I swear I read somewhere that they were trying to move toward getting a percentage of concert profits. I hope they don't get it! The artist gets so little of the cd sale price now, so the label should keep their greedy little hands out of the artists concert profits. Geesh!

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Back from taking my kid for an appt at the hospital. Three hours and two anxiety attacks later, and I think we all survived. That was fun (NOT).

I was flipping through a Chatelaine magazine for Sept. 2007 in the waiting room, and Clay's name jumped off the page at me. It said "If you like CLAY AIKEN, you will love Kalan Porter" and went on to talk about Kalan's new album. Ooookay. No, thanks.

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Hey gang! We're here in a room in Minnesota -- thankfully with wireless internet!

{{{{{{{luckiest1}}}}}}}} Hope everything is OK for you.

Reading Time magazine in the car today, I read an article about the Radiohead deal as well. I also read in the same article that Prince's stunt with putting the free CD with the newspaper in England was ridiculed until he sold out 21 shows in London. Anyway, the whole recording industry is changing, and I don't think ANYONE knows how this will all shake out.

And as for this....

Well, someone at the labels must have figured that out, cause I swear I read somewhere that they were trying to move toward getting a percentage of concert profits. I hope they don't get it! The artist gets so little of the cd sale price now, so the label should keep their greedy little hands out of the artists concert profits. Geesh!

Heard this little tidbit on the radio this morning:

Madonna to leave Warner, sign with Live Nation

So....the concert industries are getting their fingers in the recording industry. In other words, it's all going to get a lot more confusing in the coming months and years. The lines are blurring more and more every day.

Honestly, when I was reading the Radiohead article in the car this morning, I was actually a bit fearful for Clay. It's such a cutthroat businss, and since no one really knows how anything will shake out, I just think it's got to be a tough road to be a recording artist at the moment. I know I wouldn't want to do it -- I just hope Clay loves music (and his fans) enough to fight for a position.

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Warner Bros and Ticketmaster... do they know what they are doing??? :scream:

I have complete faith in Clay's ability to ride the waves... oh, maybe that's not a good analogy, since he is afraid of water... :cryingwlaughter:

He has proven he is a very smart man and used some of those smarts to get himself a top notch lawyer, so...

I'm just going to enjoy the man and cross my fingers till the dust settles. :hubbahubba:

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I am not worried about Clay because he was able to establish a fanbase that is pretty loyal and big enough to let him tour and have a gold record with very little promotions. He also is enough of a celebrity that TV spots is not difficult to get for him. He also has a very versatile talent. He can sing all kinds of genre and he has had enough success that he is financially stable.

This kind of business model is actually ideal for Clay because the demographic he attracts are not the ones that tend to do illegal downloads. We also love to throw money at him so this kind of set up will work for him. What this will hurt are people that are just starting out. There are so much stuff out there in the net...how will a new artist attract people's attention???

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Back from taking my kid for an appt at the hospital. Three hours and two anxiety attacks later, and I think we all survived. That was fun (NOT).

I was flipping through a Chatelaine magazine for Sept. 2007 in the waiting room, and Clay's name jumped off the page at me. It said "If you like CLAY AIKEN, you will love Kalan Porter" and went on to talk about Kalan's new album. Ooookay. No, thanks.

Lucky, so sorry for your troubles. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :cry4:

Also saw the article on Madonna leaving Warner Bros to sign with LiveNation. Wonder who LiveNation is? Justin T. started his own label so it seems the movement to establish new labels has gained momentum. Maybe Clay will partner with some friends and start some indie label. I'm sure just moving to another established label will result in the same old crap he has to go thru now. BUT, it may be he really doesn't care enough to put up a fuss because he's interested in doing so many other things. I don't see how the label can take profits from their artists concerts unless they had some agreement to do so when the artist signed or the artist otherwise agrees. It's pretty obvious that the music business is moving in one direction and the big labels are not in step with what people want.

Don't know Clive Davis and don't presume to judge his abilities but he does seem to be a man who must have iron clad control and that may be his eventual downfall if he's not in step with the buying public.

It would be a criminal act to silence that beautiful voice!

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Ha! One of the staff here just emailed me and asked if there would be a hot tub in her room at our conference hotel (joking). I responded, "Hell. You'll be lucky to get a bed. ME? I'll be in my Presidential Suite waiting for Clay. Don't call me." :cryingwlaughter:

This particular staff member is a friend who knows all about my Clay love and lust and who has actually seen videos in which she, too, has been impressed with his instrument.


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I'm glad to hear that so many of you enjoy the Open Studio tours. My local Arts Center (I'm on the Board) runs one of them. It's a lot of work to organize and put on. We didn't do it this year because I couldn't get enough volunteers to pull it off. We usually do it around the time of the grape harvest and some people enjoy going to the wineries at the same time. I hope we can do it next year.

Here's the url for the Yates County Arts Center if you are interested.

Thanks for the link! I hope you can do it next year too, because I could (and would...) go! I'm just up here up topaya! :lol:

If you don't mind my asking, what are volunteers used for? In my experience, the vendors all have their own "staff" (friends and family) who deal with sales at the studio etc.

Oh I must be sane after all because I won't be cashing in my ticket and changing the date to Cleveland. Hey FromClaygary, it's me that is obsessed with the mail. I get into Minneapolis early on the 18th so will definitely go that day..and then it hit me if I don't finish..I'll be in town for two more days and one cute little boyfriend only needs my attention in the evening. heee

Hee, me neither, but the scary thing is I did think about going! Good God, I'm nuts! ...and it'll be you and me, babe, at that mall! MN Clayfans is putting together a shuttle from the Hilton (details yet to come) which will apparently run all day at least on the 19th. I think you're very organized, and am going to copy your plan toute suite if it's all right? Obsessed? Hail, no!

Off to go see Fifth Grader...latah...

ETA: OK, that's enough with the being on top now...

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I know I wouldn't want to do it -- I just hope Clay loves music (and his fans) enough to fight for a position.

I agree about the current state of the music industry - it's scary! But with Clay's fanbase, he does have a 'leg up' on the competition, especially new artists. And I think that he's smart to try to diversify, so that he's not only a recording artist, but has other things going for him, too. In the long run it's probably the best way to ride out the problems of the recording and music industries.

As to fighting for a position? I know what position I want him to fight for - with meeeeee!! :PickMe-1:

I love all of those pics, Stargazer, but this one does me in. The soft, gorgeous eyes, masculine facial hair, kissable lips - yummmmmm!!!


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They just promo'd Clay's 5th Grader appearance at the very end of tonight's show. They introduced Pickler as 'American Idol Star'. and Clay as 'singing sensation'!!!!!

He looks awesome!!!

They just said 'upcoming episodes' or something like that - no specific date.

He was shaking his head and saying 'I'm gonna be sooo mad at myself' (I think anyway - I was too busy eeeeeing)

I'm on a roll this week - heard ATD (for the very first time in public) in McDonald's, and last night I heard IWTKWLI in Walmart.

ETA: Heheh, CG that guy really can work magic :tongue09:

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Just saw a promo for Clay's 5th grader!!

While they called Kelli Pickler "American Idol's Kelli Pickler" the called Clay "SINGING SUPERSTAR (or was it sensation??) CLAY AIKEN"!!

He's a superstar!! And/or a sensation!!

And he's cute too!

ETA: Hee. Cindilu2 and I were in a mind meld - for a change!

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EEEEEEEEEEEE! for the promo! So where is the screencap...it's been like 30 seconds already!


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EEEEEEEEEEEE! for the promo! So where is the screencap...it's been like 30 seconds already!


Is it really bad that I'm hoping it's a long time before a screencap? Right now he's Singing! Sensation! Clay Aiken!! After a few screencaps, he'll be the guy with the bad hair again. [/whine]

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I caught his eye just as he leaned over to her and kissed her. His lips opened just a little and he tilted his head and fit his mouth over hers. I remember thinking that I could almost FEEL how perfectly their two mouths fit together, just watching him kiss her. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but it was more than a peck---I could see his eyes close and his lashes flutter against his cheek---and that sweet kiss seemed somehow proprietary and....normal. He didn't hold her except that their hands remained clasped together. But for some reason that simple, familiar gesture of the kiss while they walked told me they were very much in love with each other.

They kept walking then and someone in the entourage was laughing and then called out, "Sage!"

and the woman turned! Her name was Sage! BWAH!

:Thud: I'll be at the courthouse...changing my name to Sage. :Thud:

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