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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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I was thinking the same thing Play. I haven't read it since it came out. I think I'll start a little thread somewhere for those that want to re-read and chat about.

Okay. I confess. I've read LTS *ahem* many times a few times more than once. :blush:


I'm looking forward to the Christmas shows. And the stories. I just have a feeling Clay will make something very special out of it. I loved his blog.

Donkey poop. :cryingwlaughter:


eta...of course I posted that while the conversation got all serious. Sorry. But I'm not changing it. Hee.

eta 2 ... Hang in there, soulsista4clay :hangin:

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So why are you going to a Christmas concert if you hate Christmas so much? And I am really not sure why Clay's faith bothers you so much...he has never denied it and it is part of who he is. And I think he is very aware of how much his faith is ingrained in him but I have never gotten the impression that he is trying to convert the "heathens of the world"...he is simply celebrating the season and encouraging good will towards men.

As far as understanding your beliefs, Clay addressed that in LTS...you might want to re-read it.

And as someone who does believe in God, I find your post rather intolerant.


Well, Kim, I thought I explained why I was going to Christmas concerts - to see Clay in tight pants.

And to listen to him sing.

But not to be preached at.

And I do remember what he said in LTS about someone who does not believe in God. That is exactly why I said I felt he pities people like me.

And to be accurate, I didn't say I didn't believe in God. I just said I didn't believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of God. The vast majority of people on earth do not share that concept of God. Doesn't make them atheists.

I also didn't say Clay's faith bothered me, but rather the feeling I have that he has an ingrained need to convert the heathens of this world bothered me. There is a difference.

I also said I respected his faith.

Therefore you could assume I respected yours.

So that begs me to ask - what did I say in that post that sounded intolerant of your belief in God?

Your statement however showed intolerance for my beliefs.

Does believing in the Judeo-Christian concept of God give someone license to be intolerant of those who think differently from them?

Oh wait. That church where Clay will be singing thinks so.

And so does a very wealthy and powerful political lobby.

And that depresses me a whole lot more than Christmas ever will.

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Catching up around here is always such a giggle! LOL

Just wanted to let you all know that we finally have a PO box in place for gift cards and books to be mailed to.

If you need a location to have them shipped to, UPS....PM me and I can give you an address for that. Though everyone seems to be pretty darn resourcful!

Anyhow....PO box:


P. O. Box 5232

Northville, MI 48167

If you want to send gift cards or books right to the Kalamazoo Ciommunities In School organization...


125 W. Exchange Place

Kalamazoo, MI 49007

And thanks for everyone who brings a book/gift card, sends a book/gift card or offers to deliver stuff for others.......it has been so much fun watching this unfold. I only hope Clay enjoys his birthday as much as we do!!


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CG ...you are of course entitled to your opinion...but when I read your post the one thing that really strikes me is that you are making a lot of assumptions about Clay and how he feels. I know he said he can't imagine not believing in anything...but I think that is probably something he was dealing with since as he explained in LTS...he kinda lacked exposure to people with different views of faith. But from what I read and how he has conducted himself with people from all walks of life...he seems to be making the effort to respect others faith and even lack of and is being very open minded.

I think as lucky said..he is looking for stories that will fit certain segues to songs he will be singing...and thus he needs certain themes. I also don't think renewed faith necessarily means renewed Christian faith but faith in others. I know I never assumed it was all about God and being Christian, but more about family and our relationships with others.

I really have a hard time accepting your view of Clay in this instance cos to me...the guy you described is not the Clay I got to know. I wouldn't like the guy you described...cos I don;t like preachy guys with superiority complex and quite intolerant. I am almost sure that he would respect you and your beliefs.

(((soulsista))) hope things get better and some Clack would make you feel good.

eta: CG...I also wouldn;t presume that the Church is intolerant of other beliefs. I did read an article on that site about Islam and they were very respectful and they didn;t think Muslims are heathens or that they should be shunned. They simply explained the difference and that they encourage people to reach and a hand of friendship to others of different faith. I am bothered that people assume that this Church is intolerant. Yes they are pro life, they probably think homosexuality is a sin...but that does not mean they are automatically intolerant of others or that they will be bigots.

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I apologize if my post sounded intolerant, that was not my intent...and I went back and read your post and I obviously mis-interpreted some of your points, but it did bother me when you said you hated Christmas...that could be construed as being intolerant of another belief system.

I would be the last person to be intolerant of anyone's beliefs, I may not understand certain beliefs and since I really don't know what you believe, I shouldn't comment on them.

I have had exactly one experience with the Baptist religion in my life and it was not a positive one and it did color my perceptions of Clay in the beginning until I read LTS and his thoughts on his religion. I admire his faith and I believe that faith has helped him through many hard times and continues to guide his life and I admire that he is so open about it.


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I'm pretty much with Ansa on this whole "renewed faith" thing. According to dictionary.com, the first definition of "faith" is "confidence or trust in a person or thing." Sure, the concept of faith is frequently attached to religions, but it does not have to be.

As far as if he would feel pity on you CG -- yeah, he might. He might not. My opinion is that he wants people to share the joy he feels at Christmas -- a sharing. Clay Aiken fans want to share Clay, because we think he's important, and we want the world to know. Democrats and Republicans alike feel the same way about their political beliefs, they want to share. People want to share things they are passionate about. In this instance....this is Clay's sharing.



YAY for rohdy getting the book thing set up. Off to buy a book or two!

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{{{soulsistah}}} One saying I always repeat to myself when I am down is:

" Never mind, better days ahead"

Somehow this has stuck with me over the years and I always find it comforting to know that it is



ETA: I'm off now to buy a Spyware Doctor program. Suddenly a couple of days ago I started getting some "weird" pages and adds come up whenever I tried to log in to FCA or CU! I have to get it sorted out before my kids discover these and get some extra "education"!!

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I just hope his hair looks good and his pants fit tightly so I will have something to distract me from these stories.


I'm not religious at all, I don't talk much about it just like I don't talk much about politics because they are both such inflammatory subjects. I respect everyone's beliefs and their rights to state those beliefs. Some of the trouble starts when religion breeds hate as it often does or when people question me because I don't involve myself in religion. Not a subject to debate because it can cause so many hard feelings and it really shouldn't. Differences are differences, pure and simple. I won't get mad at you because you are religious and don't get mad at me because I'm not!!

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Hating Christmas and hating Christians are two entirely different things.

I hate Christmas because it is all about money - spending money, trying to outdo the neighbors in tacky decorations and gift giving. It has for - I BELIEVE - most Americans become less about the "reason for the season" and more about getting gifts. It is so commercial its disgusting. Christmas music is played in malls before Halloween. Commercials for the Christmas shopping season start on TV soon after.

I also think it is a time when there is a lot of pressure on people to have that wonderful family and wonderful get togethers etc. For those who don't have the Norman Rockwell family or a lot of money it is a very depressing time. I don't think its a coincidence that the suicide rate always goes up this time of year.

There are other reasons I hate Christmas which I won't go into here. But I know I am not alone in hating this holiday.

One of the few things I have liked about Christmas through the years is the music. That is why I go see Clay's Christmas concerts. On the other hand, the only tour I have not liked was the vignette year. It just played into all the things I hate about Christmas.

This story idea sounds like it will do the same.

I would just prefer to have Clay up there singing,

But like I said, its Clay's show, not mine.

And ansa, I just found the part of LTS where he addresses this issue and while he said he just couldn't understand it, it has always been MY interpretation that he feels sorry for those who don't believe in God.

He also said he hopes never to offend anyone with his song choices at his concerts. Yet he had to know many were offended by YWT and he continued to do it anyway, so I am not sure Clay always means what he says. I do not mean he lies. I just think that he, like most of us, says and sees things after we run them through our own filters. What we think we mean and what others think we mean don't always jive.

Clay is a wonderful person from what I can see. I do respect his faith and even more so that he seems to walk the walk and talk the talk. But I stand by my belief that he would not respect my beliefs. He wouldn't condemn me for them. But I do believe he would pity me.

And I also stand by my belief about that church in Kansas. To me, that church is symbolic of all I do not like about SOME who call themselves Christian (and I do believe a minority) yet whose words and deeds seem to be anything but. When you use religion to promote hatred, IMO you are not acting in a christian manner.

And ldyj - I do believe some just want to share, but I also feel confident in saying that others want to convert you to their beliefs. I think at least consciously, Clay wants to share. Not sure about his subconscious, though.

But all the above is conjecture and opinion based on my filters.

And its not like I can't have a religious experience. I mean, everytime I see this, I find myself saying "Oh My God!!"



ETA: Toots - I wish I could say things as succinctly as you!

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:14: Rohdy, thanks for getting this project in place, it's going to be very successful.

I've been surprised at some reactions to the "faith renewed" because I thought it meant in family, friends, mankind, peace on earth-goodwill towards men. the spirit of Christmas type thing. I also don't particularly believe in the judeo-christian concept of God either but I don't find Clay to be preachy or intolerant. Quite the contrary really. I find him one of the few Christians that actually walks the walk and is open and accepting of others.

I'm not that crazy about the stories at the concerts either though. We'll have to see how it turns out. If it's boring, I hope he chucks the idea instead of forging on with it.

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ETA: I'm off now to buy a Spyware Doctor program. Suddenly a couple of days ago I started getting some "weird" pages and adds come up whenever I tried to log in to FCA or CU! I have to get it sorted out before my kids discover these and get some extra "education"!!

Heh, I still get a virus alert when I sign into CV, I just run the virus checker after I leave and it always finds one! I have done everything they suggested and it still happens.

CG, I am sorry you don't enjoy Christmas, I consider myself an atheist now, but I was raised in the Catholic religion and really enjoy all the rites and traditions and music, just not a lot of other things.

Which brings me to my sappy entry. Yes, I did do a sappy entry, after I got over my pique earlier this evening, I started writing abvout one thing and it sort of became another. Anyone want to read it? It probably sucks in construction and focus, but I did spell check it several times. It is called Wigilia.

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I just hope his hair looks good and his pants fit tightly so I will have something to distract me from these stories.


I'm not religious at all, I don't talk much about it just like I don't talk much about politics because they are both such inflammatory subjects. I respect everyone's beliefs and their rights to state those beliefs. Some of the trouble starts when religion breeds hate as it often does or when people question me because I don't involve myself in religion. Not a subject to debate because it can cause so many hard feelings and it really shouldn't. Differences are differences, pure and simple. I won't get mad at you because you are religious and don't get mad at me because I'm not!!

Very good attitude Toots...thats my philosophy too.

CG...I guess we just agree to disagree as you said you have your filters and I have mine. I do hope you will find a lot to enjoy and distract you with this tour.

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I have to chime in and say that I sometimes hate what Christmas has become, more and more over the years. Yeah, this is one of those "back in my day" deals, but when people talked about the commercializing of Christmas 40 year ago, and they did, they had no earthly idea what was coming. One of my fondest memories was decorating the tree with my family just a few days before Christmas after we had tramped through a muddy lot (because it had always just been raining) to pick out the perfect specimen. Daddy stood up the tree and strung the lights and mother hung the ornaments. I got to hang the icycles one by one, but always managed to spill the box on the floor! Anyway, it was always late and we'd be watching a Christmas movie on TV, like Miracle on 34th Street. After the tree was up we knew it was just three or four days until Christmas Eve! This was when Christmas began in our home. And because it was compressed in those few days, it was ALL family get-togethers and pressing the nose against the downtown department store windows looking at the toy selections, because there was no ToysRUs or Walmart or Target ... it was the department store for Santa and toys. And Santa was THERE. Yes, the real one. He was old and sweet and he loved every kid. Oh, and we didn't see him everywhere we went, he lived downtown at that store until Christmas Eve.

These days Christmas trees go up around here the Friday after Thanksgiving. Many of the houses hire a contractor to decorate the yards, and people are now having their trees designed. It's all about the stores. All about the sales. People trampling each other to be the first in Walmart on the Friday after Thanksgiving. In fact, all of the day after Thanksgiving hysteria at the mall, with people waiting in line overnight just to get some toxic toy for their kids at 70% off -- it's all starting to seriously creep me out. So many people stressed and depressed because they can't afford to buy expensive gifts, or people mad that they won't be receiving those expensive gifts. and the marketing that plays on people's fears and insecurities to sell worthless crap.

Clay's Christmases feel authentic to me. The real deal. I know he wrote about some of his Christmases in LTS -- like the space shuttle model he got two years in a row, and the Walmart phone in the beaten up box, or the VCR he had to save up and buy for himself -- but it's pretty clear to me that Christmas wasn't as much about the stuff for him as it was about the spirit of the Holidays. Being with family and friends, some of whom you only see at Christmas time, and sitting at Grandma's table for a feast, lots of laughter in the house and in the yard, the aunts' gossip clatch at the table, the one certain of the kids always wanted to eavesdrop on, and the tears of the children (who always get out of sorts after they've been indulged), parents singing "you better watch out" to their kids those days before Christmas -- my Christmas memories are lined with that background. Whatever Clay's is, he keeps it alive with the Joyful Noise concerts.

Anyway, I've never thought of Clay was a religious fanatic, just a kid raised in a community Baptist church in the South, where the church is a social and cultural focus as much or more so than a religious sanctuary. Now if I could tell you about some of the deacon's sons I knew! I think it's fairly obvious that Clay is a progressive where the dogma of the church is concerned. He said so in the book. Christmas is the singing season, the giving season, the caring season -- it's CLAY! I love that he spreads it around.

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Yet he had to know many were offended by YWT and he continued to do it anyway, so I am not sure Clay always means what he says.

I never understood why people were offended. What difference did it make? I always felt he sang if for himself and it was important for him. I loved that song and downloaded it after every show and like I said I'm not religious at all. He was just so passionate while singing it.

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You know, Claygasm...you know I know you. And I DO know what you are trying to communicate. What strikes me about your post are two things: One: I sense some real frustration and anger in general and GOD (heh) knows you have reason to feel such emotions these days. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Two: I remember how you reacted to the info about the 'vignettes' for JNT05---it was very similar. Yet, because you love Clay and his voice and who he is (evangelist or not :cryingwlaughter: ) (and how he looks in well-fitted pants :hubbahubba: )and because you love spending time with special friends, you put aside some very strong objections to the context in which Clay chose to perform in order to share the joy that IS seeing and listening to him, whatever the context.

And you saw him sing Celebrate Me Home and Emmanuel and DSIAFCD and...look really, really good in that long black coat. :Thud: And---even with all the sappy stuff, the amateurish acting, etc.---you were able to enjoy his talent and his heart and the friendships that loving him has brought to us.

I know that it NEVER occurred to you NOT to go to JNT05 or this holiday concert, regardless of its presentation. Well, that's not true, actually. But your protestations were all hot air---I knew it and you knew it. Because we both KNEW you WOULD go--and most likely do multiples---and you did and you're doing it again. Because you are able and eager to love the experience of Clay---regardless.

I know how strongly you DO disagree with the basic premise of "CHRISTmas", and I also know how very much you love that imperfect but amazing Clay Aiken and how much you admire him for being so true to HIS beliefs. Yeah, you could've done without YWT, but that's old news. :cryingwlaughter:

Now this year, you're going to have to go to multiples for ME, too, since it doesn't look like I'm going to make one. I know I'll hear all about the STUPID stories just like I heard about the STUPID vignettes. But I also know you'll tell me how beautiful he was--how filled with love and faith and beauty he seemed---how very CLAY he remains...and how his voice made you happy and filled with a joy that only he can bring.

Of course, it just won't be the same without me :whistling-1: , but you'll still be glad you did Clay multiple times at Christmas....I betcha!

And I love you.

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Which brings me to my sappy entry. Yes, I did do a sappy entry, after I got over my pique earlier this evening, I started writing abvout one thing and it sort of became another. Anyone want to read it? It probably sucks in construction and focus, but I did spell check it several times. It is called Wigilia.

I want to read it--bring it on!

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You know, Claygasm...you know I know you. And I DO know what you are trying to communicate. What strikes me about your post are two things: One: I sense some real frustration and anger in general and GOD (heh) knows you have reason to feel such emotions these days. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Two: I remember how you reacted to the info about the 'vignettes' for JNT05---it was very similar. Yet, because you love Clay and his voice and who he is (evangelist or not :cryingwlaughter: ) (and how he looks in well-fitted pants :hubbahubba: )and because you love spending time with special friends, you put aside some very strong objections to the context in which Clay chose to perform in order to share the joy that IS seeing and listening to him, whatever the context.

And you saw him sing Celebrate Me Home and Emmanuel and DSIAFCD and...look really, really good in that long black coat. :Thud: And---even with all the sappy stuff, the amateurish acting, etc.---you were able to enjoy his talent and his heart and the friendships that loving him has brought to us.

I know that it NEVER occurred to you NOT to go to JNT05 or this holiday concert, regardless of its presentation. Well, that's not true, actually. But your protestations were all hot air---I knew it and you knew it. Because we both KNEW you WOULD go--and most likely do multiples---and you did and you're doing it again. Because you are able and eager to love the experience of Clay---regardless.

I know how strongly you DO disagree with the basic premise of "CHRISTmas", and I also know how very much you love that imperfect but amazing Clay Aiken and how much you admire him for being so true to HIS beliefs. Yeah, you could've done without YWT, but that's old news. :cryingwlaughter:

Now this year, you're going to have to go to multiples for ME, too, since it doesn't look like I'm going to make one. I know I'll hear all about the STUPID stories just like I heard about the STUPID vignettes. But I also know you'll tell me how beautiful he was--how filled with love and faith and beauty he seemed---how very CLAY he remains...and how his voice made you happy and filled with a joy that only he can bring.

Of course, it just won't be the same without me :whistling-1: , but you'll still be glad you did Clay multiple times at Christmas....I betcha!

And I love you.

I hate it when someone knows you so well....... <_<

And it WON'T be the same without you!

And I still believe somehow, some way you will get to at least one concert.

And I love you too.

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KF...great post WORD...

Yeah I know Christmas can be sucky for some people...and I know it is pretty much commercialized...but as they say don;t throw the baby with the bath water...There is still a lot of good that comes from it. It may not be for everyone, but I do believe Clay is trying to capture its original spirit.

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You know, Claygasm...you know I know you. And I DO know what you are trying to communicate. What strikes me about your post are two things: One: I sense some real frustration and anger in general and GOD (heh) knows you have reason to feel such emotions these days. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Two: I remember how you reacted to the info about the 'vignettes' for JNT05---it was very similar. Yet, because you love Clay and his voice and who he is (evangelist or not :cryingwlaughter: ) (and how he looks in well-fitted pants :hubbahubba: )and because you love spending time with special friends, you put aside some very strong objections to the context in which Clay chose to perform in order to share the joy that IS seeing and listening to him, whatever the context.

And you saw him sing Celebrate Me Home and Emmanuel and DSIAFCD and...look really, really good in that long black coat. :Thud: And---even with all the sappy stuff, the amateurish acting, etc.---you were able to enjoy his talent and his heart and the friendships that loving him has brought to us.

I know that it NEVER occurred to you NOT to go to JNT05 or this holiday concert, regardless of its presentation. Well, that's not true, actually. But your protestations were all hot air---I knew it and you knew it. Because we both KNEW you WOULD go--and most likely do multiples---and you did and you're doing it again. Because you are able and eager to love the experience of Clay---regardless.

I know how strongly you DO disagree with the basic premise of "CHRISTmas", and I also know how very much you love that imperfect but amazing Clay Aiken and how much you admire him for being so true to HIS beliefs. Yeah, you could've done without YWT, but that's old news. :cryingwlaughter:

Now this year, you're going to have to go to multiples for ME, too, since it doesn't look like I'm going to make one. I know I'll hear all about the STUPID stories just like I heard about the STUPID vignettes. But I also know you'll tell me how beautiful he was--how filled with love and faith and beauty he seemed---how very CLAY he remains...and how his voice made you happy and filled with a joy that only he can bring.

Of course, it just won't be the same without me :whistling-1: , but you'll still be glad you did Clay multiple times at Christmas....I betcha!

And I love you.

I hate it when someone knows you so well....... <_<

And it WON'T be the same without you!

And I still believe somehow, some way you will get to at least one concert.

And I love you too.


Hee. Well I love you both.

God... it took me three days to catch up and now that's all I got.

Oh, except Superstar... is HOT, HOT, HOT!!

:hubbahubba: And completely adorable and puppylike and awww and... :hubbahubba:



TLS, BOTW, Wildcard DLTSGDOM, blue shirts, freckles and curly hair, "fugly" clothes, sideburns, Ruben, Rickey, KLo, Vinagrettes, cheekbones, Clay Aiken singing Christmas songs, and lots of other shit

Not so good:

EL, those "disco" pants AND that silky shirt, Scraggle, DSIAFCD falsettos, commercialized Christmas', fanwars and rudeness to other Idols, and lots of other shit


Chach... I'm so sorry I missed you... and by one day too. I was flying home from Seattle where I was hangin' with a couple of my bestest Clay friends. We're all so lucky to have made so many friends, eh? Next time!!

Seattle has some seriously huge-ass honeycrisps. Delish!!

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Clay Aiken Christmas Concert Set for 12/6 in New Jersey


Aiken 'Meet and Greet' to be Auctioned at 11/18 'Night of Giving' Benefit Event, via WPLJ

Multi-Platinum recording artist Clay Aiken comes to New Jersey on December 6th for “Clay Aiken Christmas” - an evening filled with Holiday Classics, including many songs which appeared on Aiken's popular CD, “Merry Christmas with Love”. Aiken will be joined by the 45-piece Chelsea Symphony Orchestra, as he brings his family-friendly concert to the State Theatre in New Brunswick.

The New Jersey show will be one of the final opportunities for Aiken fans to see him in concert, before he joins the Broadway cast of 'Spamalot'.

Aiken's debut CD, “Measure of a Man”, went to No.1 on the Billboard Album Chart and was certified Triple Platinum. His second release, the platinum “Merry Christmas with Love”, was the best-selling holiday album of 2004, and featured such favorites as “O, Holy Night”, “The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)”, “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”, “Silent Night”, and more. Clay's third album, “A Thousand Different Ways”, features covers of ten well-known songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s, as well as four new tracks.

Prior to presenting Clay Aiken's December 6th concert, HK Entertainment and The State Theatre in New Brunswick will participate in a special evening at Menlo Park Mall, during their November 18th 'Night of Giving' event. The State Theatre will give away Clay Aiken tickets, provide additional tickets for a Silent Auction, and will invite a Grand Prize Winner to meet Clay Aiken the night of his 12/6 concert. WPLJ will be the master of ceremonies on November 18th, and will handle all giveaways throughout the event, which raises money for local charities.


Clay Aiken Christmas, with the Chelsea Symphony Orchestra

December 6th, 2007


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Keepingfaith you really said everything I feel about Xmas. I've felt blue at holiday sometimes because of the pressures to buy buy buy and spend spend spend and be happy happy happy. I hate malls on a normal day but especially around the holiday (except strangely this year as I'm obsessed with the Mall of America thanks to my boyfriend weeeeeeeee). But when it boils right down to it, on that day, when I'm surrounded by family, and you watch the kids eeeing, that's all that matters. To me Clay's Xmas reminds me of what Xmas is supposed to be about. Yeah it may be a little "it's a wonderful life" but I don't care. I prefer it that way.

I'm a preacher's kid. I know a lot about the bible. I typed my dad's sermons and his PhD. theology dissertation and his bible college class texts. I spent the first 18 years of my life in somebody's church every sunday, sunday night, tuesday night rivival, wednesday night choir practice, you get my point. Girl scout troops linked to the church, vacation bible school in the summers.... and I walk away from all those years loving gospel music, Xmas music and Clay has me liking ccm. Now I guess the people that I knew those first 18 years would say I'm a backslider. I don't go to church regularly. Oh hell, I went to church for a Xmas service 4 years ago to shut my mom up. Other than that it's been weddings and funerals and about 20 years since I went to church regularly. I have my doubts about a lot of what I was taught and flat out don't believe in a lot of the church doctrine. And many people are just like me. They go. They enjoy certain aspects and community. They believe certain things whole heartedly and reject other things. They just don't walk away because it's not 100% belief because of the fellowship and community. I just know there are good people who go to church every sunday and good people who never step inside the church doors. I still say trying to be good people is al that matters in my book.

Anyway, having said all that I have absolutely no clue how it feels to be a non christian at Xmas time. I certainly don't think Claygasm that you hate Christians. That never entered my mind. So your experiences and feelings are uniquely yours. I may never fully understand but it doesn't matter. I don't have to.

Now, something I do believe in? Clay! And I may not like everything he does but I will always give him the benefit of every doubt because he is really good about putting on a show. He's good about changing what's not working. And he always surprises me. I also like that he is exploring his artistic side and anything he is excited about I want to check out. Even if he doesn't hit it out of the ballpark I commend him for being creativ and trying new things. And as much as I have a love/hate relationship with Clay nation- I suspect and expect that I won't die of boredom cuz they get a few minutes of show time. I haven't been bored by the stories I've read here and I think there will be more where those came from from the rest of clay nation.

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Hey - a word about the OFC site - they have some of the links screwed up. I went to another page, and clicked the Media link from there and then got the photos with no problem.

The link on the opening page just took me to the fan club membership page.

And so did a few of the others. The webmaster is not doing his/her job!!

Keep trying different pages until you find a link that takes you to the Media page.

:hugs-1: to all who need them!!

:XmasRed: :xmas07a:

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There's more of Clay in the actual episode, although they are just brief glimpses. Part one of the episode is now available for download in all of the usual sites. Gerwhisp made a lovely gif of the brief glimpse at the end:


I'm still catching up........

But when I came across this - I had to post it again!!

I just watched the UM and Superstar clips a bazillion times each.....

Can't wait to see next week's show - Hollywood Part 2!!

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Yes, I love watching Gladys Knight's reaction to Clay, especially when she said that something big was going to happen for him. I watch the AI clips of Clay's performances regularly. I just can't go too long without seeing Clay on AI and I never really had any complaints about Idol at all up until the Finale (and I threw a fit about that!). I didn't watch Idol during the times now being shown on Rewind -- not until the Wildcard Results show -- but I have to be honest and say I know that if I had been watching it then I would not have found Clay attractive. Not my type at all. It was the voice, voice, voice, in that order that sucked me into watching Idol week after week to hear him sing -- but then I started getting soft on his expressions and body language: the smile that lit up his face, his starry-eyed excitement when he finished tearing up a song and the audience screamed and cheered for him, which turned into serious concern as he faced Simon, the raised eyebrows, the lip bites, the sweet moments of humility, and the twinkling eyes eventually got to me and made me love him. But never was I attracted to this guy, although it didn't escape me that he was getting better looking week by week. Okay, I was felled when critical mass was eventually reached. It took a while for me, but it took. He's fucking gorgeous, totally hot, and waaaaaay cool. You can spread butter on this piece of toast.

These are some of my favorite moments from Idol:







(had to repost these beauties)

I think I am the only one still up and here - and I am still catching up - and I sooooooooooo LOOOOOOVE the cheekbones in these pix and LooooooVe what KF said about the whole evolution of Clay all those years ago.

I jumped out of my seat on Wildcard night to punch the record button on the VCR so I would be able to watch Clay doing DLTSGDOM over and over again. On Movie Night I was on the edge of my seat going "Pleeese hit the note on SKYYYYYYYYYY!" on SOT!! The cheekbones are particularly fetching on the caps where he's listening to the critiques..... GAHHHHH!!!!

OK - I must go to bed now! I just listened to SOT and my body is saying "Step Away From The Computer..." :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just watched the Gladys speech again - when Paula says "sexy!!" always CMSU!

And then Simon says "You're the one they've got to beat!!

And then Clay does this:


:claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt::dead-1: :bye2:

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ETA: I'm off now to buy a Spyware Doctor program. Suddenly a couple of days ago I started getting some "weird" pages and adds come up whenever I tried to log in to FCA or CU! I have to get it sorted out before my kids discover these and get some extra "education"!!

I may be too late, but a good, free spyware program is Adaware. Between that and my free virus scanner, AVG, I never spend a penny on that stuff.

I've been surprised at some reactions to the "faith renewed" because I thought it meant in family, friends, mankind, peace on earth-goodwill towards men. the spirit of Christmas type thing.

I also don't think renewed faith necessarily means renewed Christian faith but faith in others. I know I never assumed it was all about God and being Christian, but more about family and our relationships with others.

Exactly. I described my story as a type of "faith renewed" but it had nothing to do with God or any brand of religion. It had to to with renewed faith in the human spirit, which often happens at Christmas time. Heck, I heard a couple of DJs talking about it on the radio yesterday, and I remember shouting "then play DSIAFCD!" at them. OK, thank goodness I was in my car and not in a public place. Hee.

Which brings me to my sappy entry. Yes, I did do a sappy entry, after I got over my pique earlier this evening, I started writing abvout one thing and it sort of became another. Anyone want to read it? It probably sucks in construction and focus, but I did spell check it several times. It is called Wigilia.

Sure, play, I'd love to read it.

Now this year, you're going to have to go to multiples for ME, too, since it doesn't look like I'm going to make one. I know I'll hear all about the STUPID stories just like I heard about the STUPID vignettes. But I also know you'll tell me how beautiful he was--how filled with love and faith and beauty he seemed---how very CLAY he remains...and how his voice made you happy and filled with a joy that only he can bring.

I sure hope the boards in general don't dissolve into a mess of people ranting about how "stupid" the stories are. The crap that was flung in Clay's direction during the JNT05 almost drove me off the boards. If people don't like the stories or the vignettes, fine. But what's the point in making a big deal of it? And this time, we'll have the feelings of the writers of the stories to consider. No one is going to change Clay's mind, he's stubborn. He obviously loves the idea and is putting a lot of time and effort into it. So I figure give him the benefit of the doubt. I love that he is showing us that much of himself. Or what couchie says, quoted below. ;)

I'm a preacher's kid. I know a lot about the bible. I typed my dad's sermons and his PhD. theology dissertation and his bible college class texts. I spent the first 18 years of my life in somebody's church every sunday, sunday night, tuesday night rivival, wednesday night choir practice, you get my point. Girl scout troops linked to the church, vacation bible school in the summers.... and I walk away from all those years loving gospel music, Xmas music and Clay has me liking ccm. Now I guess the people that I knew those first 18 years would say I'm a backslider. I don't go to church regularly. Oh hell, I went to church for a Xmas service 4 years ago to shut my mom up. Other than that it's been weddings and funerals and about 20 years since I went to church regularly. I have my doubts about a lot of what I was taught and flat out don't believe in a lot of the church doctrine. And many people are just like me. They go. They enjoy certain aspects and community. They believe certain things whole heartedly and reject other things. They just don't walk away because it's not 100% belief because of the fellowship and community. I just know there are good people who go to church every sunday and good people who never step inside the church doors. I still say trying to be good people is al that matters in my book.

Wow, except for the preacher's kid part, your upbringing sounds a lot like mine. My grandmother was a born again Christian, and I spent every Sunday in church or Sunday school, I attended Pioneer Girls instead of Brownies like most of my friends, and in the summer I went to Vacation Bible School. When I was 14 I became a bit of a rebel and decided I wasn't going anymore, and I was an atheist. Hee, I remember some of the arguments I had with my grandmother about evolution when I got to high school! They were doozies. I never stepped foot into a church after that except for weddings and funerals. Until about 3 years ago, on a trip to NC, when I was introduced to church like I'd never experienced it before. Inclusive, tolerant, gospel singing, wonderful. I fell in love with it, and everytime I go back, I look forward to attending so much. Still haven't found anything like it around these parts, though.

Now, something I do believe in? Clay! And I may not like everything he does but I will always give him the benefit of every doubt because he is really good about putting on a show. He's good about changing what's not working. And he always surprises me. I also like that he is exploring his artistic side and anything he is excited about I want to check out. Even if he doesn't hit it out of the ballpark I commend him for being creativ and trying new things. And as much as I have a love/hate relationship with Clay nation- I suspect and expect that I won't die of boredom cuz they get a few minutes of show time. I haven't been bored by the stories I've read here and I think there will be more where those came from from the rest of clay nation.

I couldn't have said it better myself, couchie. WORD!

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