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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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I wish I would have started my evening reading here and stopped here. I like the way this board does things. Thanks K'Andre & Couchie & others as I enjoyed your posts. Funny isn't it how the note taker really enjoyed the M&G and thought it was amusing when the note was taken away. It was another person at the M&G who wanted to have bunny ear pictures taken (I think) who was upset.

I am not going to let the fandom angst get to me. I bought Harry Potter DVD for #13.99 at Circuit City and will take a break and watch it. Have a nice evening everyone.

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I read a little further on that other board and discovered they hate RCA because JOsh Groban is all over the place promoting his Christmas album and Clay is not and OBVIOULSY that is why Clay was in a bad mood last night which showed in his performance where he seemed like he was phoning it in because he was so mad that Josh Groban has been all over the place promoting his Christmas CD.

Um, let's see. Josh Groban JUST released his Christmas CD this year. Clay released his in 2004. Maybe that's the reason Josh Groban is all over the place?

Is there a full moon or something?

ETA: Oooo! More from that board!


It always comes back to the evil Clive, doesn't it?

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CG did you read the account of the person taking notes or only the account of the person that got upset. I also think it makes a difference what you read first.

Personally...just the fact that the person started taking notes...I already got upset for Clay. This is not an interview...they are there as guests. How would you feel if someone you invited started writing down everything that was told because she was going to report on it. Just because he knows that happens still does not excuse such rude behavior. Yes Clay was pissy but I thought he had reason to be. I also thought he asked the person to give it to Jaime...I didn't think Jaime had to confiscate it. Clay just got upset when she started taking notes AFTER he asked her not to...but in the end she kinda understood and didn't feel bad...so why are other people feeling bad for her??? Its his M&G...he does not have to justify not wanting people taking down what he says.

I have to take personalities here into consideration...I think I know Clay more than a fan I never heard of so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

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I can't believe the over-reaction I've seen today from people who weren't in the m&g, but are basing their opinions on either the girl's original recap, or more often, second or third hand stories. The girl who is upset has her reasons, whether or not I see eye to eye with them. No ones else who was there with her seems to be upset or think Clay was rude. And yet most boards have dissoved into a mess of name calling, accusations against Clay, and worse (I saw someone wishing him a poor opening day on Broadway). UGH. :cry4:

I just took a gander at the original thread at the OFC, which has now been locked, but I was horrified to read post after post asking for Clay to stop holding the 'conversational' m&g format, and go back to the old, line up, autograph, picture format, or worse, stop m&g's altogether. I'm sorry, but as someone who has never had the opportunity to experience either format, that PISSES ME OFF more than anything else today.

Is it concert time yet? The voice always make me feel better.

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Ehh. When I read the note-taking recap, I thought it was snarky Clay - that is definitely the impression left by that person's recap. Seems like the up-set person was up-set about that more than the person to whom it happened. Her prerogative. I did read her actual post (sent to me in an email) and I'd say disillusioned was more her tone. I guess I'm glad that it just isn't possible for him to disillusion me, because I have no expectations of him. He's human.

I've said many times that there really isn't anything within the realm of possibility that could be considered a torched puppy for me. Up to and including being rude to someone in a given circumstance. Even if he was being an asshole. Even if he was completely wrong. Even if that person was me. Because I can be an asshole at times (shuddup). And sometimes for no good reason other than I'm in a bad mood and/or had a bad day or just because my freaking hair sucks again! We all have bad days. We're all cut slack by people who care about us, even when we don't deserve it. I don't think this M&G'ers experience falls into that category. Nothing I read would faze me in the slightest. And if it did? Well Clay has shown himself time and again to be a kind, considerate man. He is doing a kind, considerate thing by having these meet and greets. He gets a whole lot of slack from me in the mood department, and will always get the benefit of the doubt.

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FromClaygary; I am really appalled at your experience today at the library....I just do not understand why customer service is such a hard concept to understand. I work at a library and that kind of behavior would not be tolerated...I'm sorry you didn't have time to talk to a supervisor.


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And yet most boards have dissoved into a mess of name calling, accusations against Clay, and worse (I saw someone wishing him a poor opening day on Broadway). UGH. :cry4:

I read that also, luckiest. Ugly, ugly comment. I hope they have someone just as caring commenting on their lives. Judgemental of me? Hell yeah.

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I just took a gander at the original thread at the OFC, which has now been locked, but I was horrified to read post after post asking for Clay to stop holding the 'conversational' m&g format, and go back to the old, line up, autograph, picture format, or worse, stop m&g's altogether. I'm sorry, but as someone who has never had the opportunity to experience either format, that PISSES ME OFF more than anything else today.

luckiest... OMG!!! Are these people freakin' nuts???

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what? People are beggging to go back to hihowareya? Over ONE PERSON'S REACTION? Sometimes I can't believe this fandom.

It's never just ONE person in this fandom, couchie. The cheese never stands alone. It's like a siren call, and all the people who just want to vent their spleen (or stir shit) come crawling out to join them. Makes me sick.

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To try and clarify - I only read accounts of what allegedly happened to piss him off by others who I assume read the M&G recaps. That is why I said IF it were true......

Adding to it might also be the fact that Clay doesn't know if RCA will push a single to radio -- you know on an album that's not even recorded yet.

See, this cracks me up! It amuses me that some are now beating the "evil RCA" drum again over this. If the album is not yet recorded, how could the label know if they will push anything to radio? They wouldn't even know yet what songs will be on the CD! Did this information come from that radio interview I can't download because I am still at work? Because if it did, is it not possible that Clay said he didn't know if RCA would push a single to radio because it hasn't even been discussed yet because the album hasn't been recorded in its entirety yet??

Geez, this is one poor dead horse I just wish they would stop beating!

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The comments about the CD and the single came from the M & G last night so that is why everyone is assuming he was in a pissy mood.

I listened to the radio interview; it was very good!


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The comments about the CD and the single came from the M & G last night so that is why everyone is assuming he was in a pissy mood.

I listened to the radio interview; it was very good!


Its so funny but why is it that people want to hold on to the ugly recap instead of the one where he was fine except didn't want her to take notes....

They only need to look to the person taking notes to find out why he was pissy...

this fandom is crazy...one section wants to blame Clay for everything...one section wants to blame RCA for everything...can;t they just chill??? What's to get stressed about anyway???

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Did you even read the recap from that young disappointed fan? It was not an ugly recap. She was simply disappointed. Unless you actually read that recap, I think you're being unfair. If you read it, well then, that's your opinion and that's fine. And other people have taken notes in a M&G and didn't get the same reaction from Clay. I also think it's unfair to point to her for Clay's supposed pissiness.

Sorry, I'm cranky after today... there seem to be a lot of generalities being thrown around the fandom today; I just wish people would cite their sources and speak from first-hand knowledge, not hearsay.

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Did you even read the recap from that young disappointed fan? It was not an ugly recap. She was simply disappointed. Unless you actually read that recap, I think you're being unfair. If you read it, well then, that's your opinion and that's fine. And other people have taken notes in a M&G and didn't get the same reaction from Clay. I think it's unfair to point to her.

Yes I read it and you are right I shouldn't call it ugly...I should say the bad experience. I don't really have a problem with her recap...its her experience and its her right to vent. I just find it so frustrating that fans are focusing on that one experience which was highly subjective and may be brought on by high expectations rather than being fair to Clay.

I don;t know if other people took notes in the M&G...I haven't read anybody else saying they did. But at this instance Clay said not to take notes. I also don;t blame the note taker for making the mistake of thinking he was joking. She had a good attitude about it and understood why he would be upset. BUT I also totally understand why Clay would be pissy because it would seem like she didn't take his feelings into consideration.

To me the problem is the fans that are reading these accounts and instead of just feeling bad the girl had a bad experience and having an understanding for all the participants...they go off and get angry at Clay!!! They go off and say the whole set up be trashed and create such high drama when really...it shouldn't be a big deal. Everyone is human in this situation...yes Clay got pissy, yes the note taker was rude and yes the other girl is being very sensitive...so what...it happens.

IMO...its up to Clay to set the parameters of the M&G. He does not have to justify why he didn't want the notes taken. He does not have to justify not wanting bunny ears on his head. He does not have to kowtow to the fans and if he chooses to share things with these people and ask them to keep it to themselves...that is up to him too.

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Well I agree that too much is made of this stuff, but I don't necessarily agree with this because these are your perceptions being twice removed from the situation.

yes Clay got pissy, yes the note taker was rude and yes the other girl is being very sensitive...

I don't know if anyone was rude or anyone was "pissy", really.

I just know how the two recappers felt because they said so. One alluded that she was fine and Clay was fine, and the other was disappointed and felt that Clay was being overly authoritative and it disappointed her. That's it.

Nobody's "fault".

But I totally agree with this:

To me the problem is the fans that are reading these accounts and instead of just feeling bad the girl had a bad experience and having an understanding for all the participants...<snip>

IMO...its up to Clay to set the parameters of the M&G. He does not have to justify why he didn't want the notes taken. He does not have to justify not wanting bunny ears on his head. He does not have to kowtow to the fans and if he chooses to share things with these people and ask them to keep it to themselves...that is up to him too.

And if people want to share their own experience, that's up to them and I can't imagine judging them for their genuine feelings. I guess I just plain don't see the point of being annoyed at anyone.

Thanks for answering.

Who are "some fans" wanda? Should I assume you're including me in that list?

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Have I mentioned that I think some fans should get a life and stay the hell out of Clays'?
Underlining mine...

wanda, will you marry me? I can't have your children, but then I don't want anymore anyway... 3 was more than enough!!!

YSRN... I dont' know about wanda, but I'm referring to the idjits over at OFC who were screaming at Clay to stop the M&Gs all together. What do they think they are accomplishing by this? Lots of anger needing to be released... perhaps anger at his saying no clack at Spamalot. I hope it dies a quick death!

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"Some" fans are those who pass judgment on Clay and try to run his life and criticize what they read or believe (usually based on nothing).

Just to clarify.

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Well according to the recap Clay found the note taker rude...and I agree...if someone asks you not to do something and you are sort of a guest and you did it anyway...that is being rude. Clay being pissy...well the description given by both recapper suggested that Clay was a bit upset so I call that pissy and I am making an observation about the girl with the bad experience based on the two accounts.

I haven't been reading around the boards about this. Just here and I did get the disappointed account from someone else. I assume that these recaps are somewhat accurate because they are first hand accounts. So I am basing my opinions on what these two women said. I listed the "faults" that these people are supposed to have done...to illustrate that in the scheme of things they really were not that huge...just normal things all of us have done and gone through.


I am sensing a lot of high tension coming in here now. I am wondering if this is from things we read here or from the mood thats coming out there. I am just asking because I feel that people are now snapping at each other instead of having a conversation and giving each other the benefit of the doubt.

I know I am probably guilty of that too...I am reacting to things on other boards...so I am just asking people to take a deep breath and try and not take whatever frustrations we have at each other....

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