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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Way too many great posts to WORD... so I'll just WORD you all!!!

LOVE "let Clay be human"... and that's not to say one shouldn't voice their opinion when it's not all rosy and full of sunshine, you should... but good grief - once probably is enough! We've got so many dead horses in this fandom that I'm surprised horses aren't on the endangered species list!! (and if they are forgive me for being so stoopid.... :rolleyes: )

Really looking forward to meeting some of you in Merrillville - wish it could be ALL of you... I may not post alot but I read here every day and I love this place... thanks for making it such a great place to hang out!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And, Scarlett, it was great meeting you in Waukegan/Kalamazoo - you are the sweetest! You're welcome for the knitting stuff (hope it can be used and actually sells... :ph34r: ) and should you want any more, let me know! I'm not a super accomplished knitter but I can hold my own and I've got a yarn stash that is embarrassingly large... but can always use a reason to hit my LYS... :whistling-1:

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ldyjocelyn Thanks for letting us know about that the video clip of that commercial. It is so cute.

It was interesting reading the various perspectives. What I liked the most was the honest discussion without all the accompanying nastiness I've seen elsewhere. I have to say that I was not sympathetic to the girl from the M&G because of how she wrote about it. Then she went to another board, CV, and made her first post to say the same thing. It all added up to something not being right about it all. And I heard separately that the lady writing the note thought the M&G incident was funny.

I am like couchie. I hope when and if it is my time to leave, I just go away and skip the drama.

One thing we all have to keep in perspective is that Clay is a stranger to all of us. I know that I have built up my expectations of what he might be like and it would be disappointed if he failed to meet those expectations. I guess it is a good thing that I don't want to meet him.

OT - I was really looking forward to the Christmas shows this year even if some were repeats. Somehow, there aren't as many as I anticipated. I don't watch much on the old networks and was expecting more holiday movies on channels like Lifetime, Hallmark, Disney, Family Channel. I'm a little disappointed.

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I forgot to tell you guys this story. I got home from work last night (my very bad day) and soon after, my husband came home. I told him pretty much everything. As I was fixing dinner, he made himself a bit scarce...nothing really odd about that. But later in the evening, I went to our bedroom...and there was an early Christmas present for me. He was quickly wrapping one of my presents, and he decided to give it to me early -- "Crooner's Christmas," with Clay singing one of my most favorite songs of his, WAYDNYE. I :::heart::: my hubby.

YSRN, I love you and admire your stance on the whole bugaboo from these past few days. You're right -- there really isn't a "bad guy," per se, but people tend to NEED someone to blame for practically anything that hurts/disappoints/saddens. (See: a lot of lawsuits over really trivial things). I see the reactions to this story as "human" too -- I just don't like the venom attached.

Practicing handling the horse for Spamalot? Whoa there, big fella!



Love these two!

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Kim...are you sure you don't mean Indianapolis? Hotter than Hades?

:wub: Yeah, he was, wasn't he? And the weather was miserable, too. I still remember the feel of his hand...it was so big and warm. :wub:

ladyj, thanks for the heads up on the Spamalot commercial. That was the cutest thing.

I want a Snuggle Up With Clay blankie!!

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Doing a quick driveby as I stop in at my sons' apartment to have dinner with them.

It's nasty out and soon all my shopping waiting in car will be frozen solid.

Nice to know I was on the right track this morning by introducing my theory that Clay Aiken is a real human being. :cryingwlaughter:

I guess I could not pass up the opportunity to win a Meet and Greet just because Clay might turn out to be a real human being. I admit, I am very fond of my "fantasies" but I much prefer real people with all their assorted foibles. I am a very human type person myself, and honesty is my best worst fault.

And Thanks for this vision, playbiller. My tundra radio woke me up this morning with an oh so wonderfully familiar Giddyup, Giddyup, that could only be our collective boyfriend. What a way to start the day. :clap:

Practicing handling the horse for Spamalot? Whoa there, big fella!


Back to my sleigh to hit some more stores!!!!!

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so hello sport fans... anybody else ready for the Mitchel Report?

Andy Pettite? Maybe it shouldn't have but that surprised me. And Clemens? This oughta be interesting!

Case by case basis = stars get a pass....unkowns, washedups & unpopulars take the fall.


OMG, the Spam commercial is so cute!!

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I just lurve my 'international superstar' boyfriend... :wub:

Woot! Couchie and I had a couple of brews and some pub grub earlier and shot the shit from here to yonder! Although it was a stretch sometimes to keep the conversation flowing since neither one of us is much of a chatterbox... :whistling-1: Those awkward silences, donchaknow... :cryingwlaughter:

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OMG...there's a great recap of a "Reader Meet n Greet" from anntherese" at CH, but this part just CMSU!

At that point, one of the readers (the woman who read the story about being Jewish and getting her wish to finally meet Santa) asked Clay if he was going to tell us why he picked our stories. Clay stopped in his tracks and turned to her and asked her what she meant. She said something like, "you know...did you think it was funny or touching...". (I knew where she was going with her question. In other reader recaps, Clay had apparently spoken to each reader and said a few personal words about why he had chosen their stories. I think because of the time crunch, that did not happen with our group. ) Clay said he picked the stories because they went with the songs. He said they only had a few Hanukkah stories and they had picked one the other night. Then, in the same breath he said, "I picked your story because it reminded me of when I was a little Jewish boy". He said it with such deadpan seriousness. His wit is so razor sharp. His comment reminded me of when he auditioned for AI and Clay told Randy the comment about his voice coming from "this little white boy".

BWAH! and BWAHBWAH! :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter::lol2: :laught31: :funny::hahaha:

God, that is so freakin' funny to me! He's so damned sharp. :DoClay:

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I want a Snuggle Up With Clay blankie!!

I just want to snuggle up with Clay!

I just lurve my 'international superstar' boyfriend... :wub:

Woot! Couchie and I had a couple of brews and some pub grub earlier and shot the shit from here to yonder! Although it was a stretch sometimes to keep the conversation flowing since neither one of us is much of a chatterbox... :whistling-1: Those awkward silences, donchaknow... :cryingwlaughter:

Yeah, you two are just the strong silent types for sure!! :cryingwlaughter:

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Spamalot commercial!!! Cannot wait!!

Just saw the weather. Looks like getting to Williamsport may not be any problem. Getting out may be another story all together.....

Ok, I rarely ever bring my personal life to this board. I tend to keep things pretty close to the vest. But I need the power of FCA here, so I am making an exception.

Some of you may remember a few months ago I mentioned my father had been diagnosed with cancer. Well, after losing many pounds, lots of delay, delay, delay - and a fair amount of procrastination on my father's part - he is finally set to have surgery tomorrow morning. As it has been diagnosed as pancreatic cancer, the really long term prognosis is not great, but the best case scenario would be they would remove all the cancer they can see (which would hopefully be all) and do some kind of intestinal bypass so he could again eat solid food (he has had a stent in since August - one reason he has lost so much weight). Unfortunately they really won't know how far the cancer has progressed until they get in there. If it is really a mess in there, they may just do the bypass.

His pre-operative tests have all come out surprisingly well. I mean if it weren't for the cancer and his weight loss, he would be very healthy! But, he is still 87, weak from the weight loss and he does have cancer. So surgery is a risk. Really the only choice, but a risk nonetheless.

So, whether you love or hate me or just tolerate me, could you please send whatever good vibes, good karma, positive energy or whatever his way? This heathen would even gladly accept prayers! I do not believe it his time to leave this earth. He has left too many things undone. But this is all very scary so I figured with the power of FCA behind him, everything would surely turn out ok.

Thanks. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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could you please send whatever good vibes, good karma, positive energy or whatever his way? This heathen would even gladly accept prayers!

Prayers coming your way. I think any father who raised a daughter who calls herself Claygasm must be quite the guy! I hope the surgery goes as well as can be expected and please keep us posted with any news. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I just lurve my 'international superstar' boyfriend... :wub:

Woot! Couchie and I had a couple of brews and some pub grub earlier and shot the shit from here to yonder! Although it was a stretch sometimes to keep the conversation flowing since neither one of us is much of a chatterbox... :whistling-1: Those awkward silences, donchaknow... :cryingwlaughter:

blah blah blah blah blah blah blab heee. Well it had been so damn long since I've seen you.

did you remember that smart, funny, witty, thing you were supposed to tell the board. Both of our memories are going. And don't forget to tell them about Alex.

CG :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm sending all sorts of good thoughts your way..for you and your family. I'm glad you shared with the board.

Night all.

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CG, I'm sending good thoughts, visions of white light, and prayers for your Dad. I hope everything goes well. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

If you don't expect anything, you are never disappointed.

This must be the Zen board. First, Wherever you go, there you are, and now, If you don't expect anything, you are never disappointed.

I want to play! There is nowhere to go; there is nothing to do; there is no one to become.

I have a preference for that Great Zen Master Oscar Wilde:

When people agree with me I always feel that I must be wrong.

One's real life is often the life that one does not lead.

Picture Time! I thought somebody wrote that Jamie said he didn't like the bangs? Looks like she's had her scissors out.





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