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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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Happy Birthday jamar!!!

Just saw Clay on "THE BUZZ", the celebrity/gossip piece that my local Fox 6 News does... mentioned him in Mexico with Unicef... I DVR'd it but don't know how to do anything else with it to share... :( He was shaking hands with the kids and then helping a blindfolded young woman turn around in preparation for what looked like taking a whack at a pinata... they mentioned his mom and brother (a Marine on leave from Iraq) being with him and Spamalot coming up! A nice piece... looked like taken the same time as the picture we've seen today.... :clap:

Oh, wheee... a Christmas present for me.... top 'o the page!!!

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Well, the festivities have wound down here again, just relaxing with my kitty by the Christmas tree lights. :)

Had a great day, lots of presents, lots of food, lots of Clay on TV, and family & friends to share it all with. We watched both the Las Vegas Holiday On Ice & the Canadian Holiday Festival On Ice, then put the dvd of Love Actually in. Great Christmas movie, a little bit different, but I always enjoy it. cindilu2 has headed home, the rest of the family has gone up to bed.

Before it's too late, another round of Merry Christmas FCA!

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Another Christmas is almost in the books (at least here in the East). Thanks to luckiest1 and luckiestfamily, I didn't spend it eating spaghetti and talking to my cats! Thank you for letting me share your Christmas day. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Someday I'm going to get the chance to thank Mr. Clay Aiken properly for bringing such joy into my life. Beautiful music and precious friends. I hope he knows.

Merry Christmas 2007, FCA!

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I'm working desperately towards a Christmas present for my precious FCA'rs....but real life keeps pulling me away from my mission! :cry4: It's officially still Christmas Day for another 3 hours and 46 mins, though, so there's still hope!

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMAR! I wish I'd had more time to get to know you when I very briefly met you in LA this past summer....hope we cross paths again, concert-wise!

I made homemade chili for Christmas dinner and it was SCRUMPTIOUS! Hadn't made any in years but it turned out really, really good!

Okay, okay....I'm going..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Guess what I got for Christmas today! My son who lives in New Hampshire is in Texas spending the holiday with me and today he gave me the last present under the tree. He said it wasn't a real present, just a hint of one to come.

Under the red tissue I found a can of Spam and a Frommer's guidebook to New York City! Guess who's going to see Clay in Spamalot! My son and his partner are paying for tickets, airfare, hotel, etc for a weekend trip and will be meeting me there in NYC. Will get to do some sightseeing along with the most beautiful sight ever.......CLAY IN TIGHTS! hee

My first trip to NY and I get to see Clay too! Can't get much better than that!


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Guess what I got for Christmas today! My son who lives in New Hampshire is in Texas spending the holiday with me and today he gave me the last present under the tree. He said it wasn't a real present, just a hint of one to come.

Under the red tissue I found a can of Spam and a Frommer's guidebook to New York City! Guess who's going to see Clay in Spamalot! My son and his partner are paying for tickets, airfare, hotel, etc for a weekend trip and will be meeting me there in NYC. Will get to do some sightseeing along with the most beautiful sight ever.......CLAY IN TIGHTS! hee

My first trip to NY and I get to see Clay too! Can't get much better than that!


AWWWWWW, what a lovely gift!! You all will have such a great time!!

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thanks everybody for the good wishes for my mom. They didn't let her go home but my sister and her family and I went to visit her. We took her a few of her presents. We watched her eat her hearty hospital meal. Her hospital room had a DVD player so we watched Wild Hogs LOL. They kept finding reasons to keep her. When we left she was having a blood transfusion. Now everybody's at my house and we just ate and opened presents and we're chilling in front of the TV watching Full House. Yes the 8 and 5 year old are in charge of the TV.

arrrrrrgh!!!! Did somebody say food poisoning??????

After the Minneapolis concerts, my life went straight to the :toilet15:

Ah man, I'm so sorry. Looks like a another one bit the dust. It was so much fun meeting you. I'll keep reading to see if you wrote your recap. I love long recaps!

Yet, I insisted to my DH just last week that I did not need a GPS for Christmas, because I have a great sense of direction. :cryingwlaughter: WTF was I thinking?

BWAH.... well if they just add some street lights near the exit area we wouldn't have that problem. And wait, we had two gps' in the car and still needed dear Clayton to find the hotel.

Lord help me - this show was worth the cold, the snow, someone else's food poisoning...

I shouldn't laugh at this... but...

I was so happy to meet Couch Tomato, Cindilu2, ldyJocelyn and Luckiest1 and FromClaygary. You guys are great and I am so happy to be part of this board!

Nice to meet you too and I will never pronounce your name wrong again!!

eta...my tree is up w/lights and garland. Just waiting for E to come over and help me decorate. Talk about last minute. Sheesh. :cryingwlaughter:

My tree is decorated. :cryingwlaughter:

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: you know this is extra funny since you shared your Xmas tree decorating story with us in Omaha!!

It was great to meet you too, aikim (and I said aikim as I typed that, not a - i - kim ;-).And couchie and ldyj, it is so wonderful to have faces to go with names now!! And couchie? gives great hugs, y'all! I'm sorry the rest of the FCA peeps didn't make it to Unos - maybe next year!!

Okay, I watched AIW - and, lolol, it's good we were in the 23rd row - we could've lost an eye!!

bwah... hell I sitting closer than that and I didn't notice a thing. I guess this is some clack I'll have to make sure to watch. It was good to finally meet you Cindilu.

cha cha, you're right! They're both great smiling pictures, but I prefer the lighter hair...(sorry keepingfaith.. :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

I'm with Keepingfaith in that I prefer darker hair. Not used to the blonde yet. To me it looks better on pictures than in person cuz it kinda washes him out. But he is my pasty white boyfriend so I'll deal until it's a different color. But I'm thinking it will be this color through spamalot for some reason.

Just stopping by to say hello to all of the FCAers that I met in Minneapolis.

Hey Thankful. It was good to meet you!

This was a fun trip. I met so many new people. It's always helpful to put names to faces.

Yay, finished reading the last thread!

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Guess what I got for Christmas today! My son who lives in New Hampshire is in Texas spending the holiday with me and today he gave me the last present under the tree. He said it wasn't a real present, just a hint of one to come.

Under the red tissue I found a can of Spam and a Frommer's guidebook to New York City! Guess who's going to see Clay in Spamalot! My son and his partner are paying for tickets, airfare, hotel, etc for a weekend trip and will be meeting me there in NYC. Will get to do some sightseeing along with the most beautiful sight ever.......CLAY IN TIGHTS! hee

My first trip to NY and I get to see Clay too! Can't get much better than that!


Now, THAT is what I call a well-reared righteous son!!


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and....on to new thread. But OMG I'm babysitting tomrrow and the new game of choice is Guitar Hero? It has all these rock songs from rock bands I never listened to in my life. I need earplugs.

I haven't disappeared...just taking care of medical stuff I knew was going to have to be done...

Hey hon, I hope that all is well with you. And smart girl, you made sure you saw Clay first!

Oh, Couch! I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom! But - it's really sweet that your family wanted you to enjoy your trip! My Aunt who is most like my Mom (both nurses) had a heart attack on the 19th and is to have a quadruple bypass and heart valve repair/or/replacment but they are waiting for her to stabilize. Her DH, my Uncle, died on 12/26 so they are trying to avoid that date as the surgery date, as well.

There's no good time to be in the hospital (except maybe to have a baby!), but it's truly bad at the holidays.

Thanks for the good wishes Cotton and I'll be doing the same for your aunt. Loved your cinamon god. ..so cute.

Checking in the "new tread" (hee) from time to time today looking for a couchie mom update... it's still early here.

heee the "tread" cracked me up. Ansa so cute. She always make great typos.

Just got a note from my friend Momof3boys; FromClaygary's flight was cancelled last night and as of 4:00 a.m. she was still in O'Hare Airport...I hope she is on her way home now; the weather here is fine, but it may have to do with the weather she will be landing in.

Hope we hear from her soon!

oh no..... OK hope she's home by the time I catch up.

Waves to xxx4Clay, Lucky, Meesa, PuddinsJoy

Hugs to wandacleo and Linney

Now, BW, I take exception to your post. I mean, really, I DISAGREE!!!!! You do not have a fat ass. So stop cutting your lovely self down, okay? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

yep wish my ass was as fat as hers :cryingwlaughter: once you meet people they get away with a whole let less don't they hee.

and on that note..I think I'll put the pie away and go to bed.

Oooh Muski is writing..yay.

And I see birthday greetings are going out to Jamar!! Happy Birthday!

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WHew! I made it! and with an hour and four minutes to spare!

liney? You still around? I hinted that I would have a special present for you guys for Christmas Day...and I do!

ALL IS SWELL (at Clayversity)

Remember my post yesterday where I gave my silly scenario about why Clay was so danged happy there at the end of All Is Well? I decided to build a little story around it and I want to offer it to you for your reading jollies. And those of you who don't like the real down-n-dirty smut? Fear not...although this short story suggests a lot, it doesn't require any major SMUT warnings at all...It's silly more than sexy, I think. :outtagutter:

In any case...hope you enjoy!

MWAH! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And thanks again to all of you here at FCA...you really do add wonderful things to my world. :wub:

ETA: I FINALLY write again and there's no NEW! smilie to use anymore! :lmaosmiley-1:

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Guess what I got for Christmas today! My son who lives in New Hampshire is in Texas spending the holiday with me and today he gave me the last present under the tree. He said it wasn't a real present, just a hint of one to come.

Under the red tissue I found a can of Spam and a Frommer's guidebook to New York City! Guess who's going to see Clay in Spamalot! My son and his partner are paying for tickets, airfare, hotel, etc for a weekend trip and will be meeting me there in NYC. Will get to do some sightseeing along with the most beautiful sight ever.......CLAY IN TIGHTS! hee

My first trip to NY and I get to see Clay too! Can't get much better than that!

Wow, what a great gift! I love it when kids do things to surprise you. When I went to Merrillville last weekend with my daughter, my daughter's partner & my two sons completely gutted and redecorated my downstairs bathroom as an early Christmas present. It was so cool to come home to!

Today, all my kids are heading to their dad's, and my mom is heading home. I plan to spend the day eating left overs & chocolate, and catching up on my clack. Maybe rewatch the skating show a second time. YAY for no work! :clap:

couchie, sorry to hear you mom wasn't released from the hospital yesterday, but it sounds like you made the best of the situation. How did she like the earrings?

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone here at FCA. I love this place, and I love that beautiful blond guy who brought us all here. BTW I'd also like to know if that Spamalot billboard is real or a PS? Cuz I think I would drive off the road if I saw it!

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Under the red tissue I found a can of Spam and a Frommer's guidebook to New York City! Guess who's going to see Clay in Spamalot! My son and his partner are paying for tickets, airfare, hotel, etc for a weekend trip and will be meeting me there in NYC. Will get to do some sightseeing along with the most beautiful sight ever.......CLAY IN TIGHTS! hee

Sweeeeeeet! What a thoughtful gift and wonderful surprise.


Remembered to tape the special and watched it last night. It was really nicely done, I thought. But who was that dark haired, full-faced guy? Hee. He sure sang purty.



Again...thanks for all my birthday wishes. Really had a lovely, simple day .... right up until I got on the board shortly after the boys left and read JJ's post about the weather in NP. Yikes. Called to make sure they checked road conditions and was on peeens & needles [tm Heidi Klum] until I got a text message at about 10 pm that the eagle had landed. All is well.

Back to the saltmine :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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YAY for no work! :clap:

:breakpc1:Sniff. Wish I could say the same. Instead, I have a mailbox full of e-mails I need to tackle....

BTW I'd also like to know if that Spamalot billboard is real or a PS? Cuz I think I would drive off the road if I saw it!

Just playing around on a fun graphics site - imagechef.com.


Pssst, muski! It's there - ya just gotta scroll, bay-bee: :new7:

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Good morning , all. I hope everyone is feeling blessed in some special way today. The New Year is just around the corner and I'm going to try to make a list. I love lists. I make lists and than I forget to go read them and mark things off. Clay Aiken is getting better looking every minute. LOL!!! Spamalot... Praying for good opening night reviews. I put that on my list to pray about that. *g* Have a great day.

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Good Morning All,

I really hate having to go to work the day after Christmas; but I only have to work two days this week and then five days off...so I can manage.

12 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

23 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Today, all my kids are heading to their dad's, and my mom is heading home. I plan to spend the day eating left overs & chocolate, and catching up on my clack. Maybe rewatch the skating show a second time. YAY for no work! :clap:

Now that's the way to spend the day....eating leftovers & chocolate and watching clack. LOL I loved my Spamalot trip surprise, but you got a great surprise too! That was such a fantastic gift from your family for them to redo your bathroom. What a thoughtful gift!

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Good morning , all. I hope everyone is feeling blessed in some special way today. The New Year is just around the corner and I'm going to try to make a list. I love lists. I make lists and than I forget to go read them and mark things off. Clay Aiken is getting better looking every minute. LOL!!! Spamalot... Praying for good opening night reviews. I put that on my list to pray about that. *g* Have a great day.

Aww, merryclay, I hope you don't set yourself up too high in wishing/hoping for 'good reviews' for Clay's debut. I think the actual broadway reviewers will at least be fair, and the ones who kick Clay simply because he is Clay - they will never change. If you ask me, the biggest thing you'll have to fear come January 19th is the fans. *I* 'pray' that those who are there will at least consider their 'power' before posting their reviews. There are a relatively few of us, and clack or no, we will set the tone, at least on the boards. Don't agree? Think the opening night of DCAT. Think the opening night of CITH. And those were Clay's shows. I think that a portion of the people going to see Spamalot have no real idea what they'll be seeing. (Psssst: Clay doesn't sing Solitaire.) And even more scary are those who will judge him not having seen it, but based on a few negative reactions from those in attendance. Again: CITH

Listening to the last few cellcerts only drove these thoughts home to me. It was like watching NASCAR. Nobody asked how wonderfully they drove, how skillful was the maneuver in turn 3, how beautiful the shine on the hood. Nope. How many crashes were there, and was there any blood?????

I'm not proposing *gasp* censorship, merely that we consider how much impact our words will have. Is our right/need to express every thought that ever enters our head more important to us? Given how many times that the very people posting their initial disdain came around (of course, after their damage had been done), could those who hate it at least wait a day or two? Yes, I did get a lovely new pair of rose coloured glasses for Christmas. Why do you ask? *g*

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cindi, I agree that Spamalot fan reviews on opening night are a concern. Fans can be brutally critical! I was shocked to read the horrible reviews after attending the first CITH concert, especially since I enjoyed it so much. Most people changed their tunes once they viewed clack, but we likely won't have much clack of Spamalot. Maybe I'll just stick around FCA, where I know we can be a bit more even-handed.

lucky, what a wonderful Christmas surprise from your kids! You wouldn't happen to have before and after pictures, would you?

I just had a chance to watch boyfriend sing at Capitol One. That's the show I attended, but wow, is it ever nice to see it done up so professionally! I really like how they edited it and put it all together. It really features Clay, but manages to show the skaters a lot, too. I realized after watching WAYDNE that I had that silly grin on my face that I get when I watch Clay. Great way to start the day!

And now, off to the salt mines. Groan. I'd rather stay home and watch clack!

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